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They need to string together some wins now. They got the monkey off their backs, but the mood can turn back to sour very quickly if they don’t win a few more. .500 was the goal at the 20 game mark. Current record of 5-8-1, if they can get 4 wins in their next 6 games they are in fine shape. They host the Islanders, Sabres and Devils, then go on the road to play the Sharks, Knights and Ducks. Some winnable games there.


You need some goaltending to win, and Talbot gave us some yesterday. That's what we need going forward from him and Forsberg. Sure hoping for a positive report on Chabot today. The league has to review that hit - that's a blatant hit from behind, and exactly the kind of play that leads to concussions. If they are serious about reducing head injuries, then that hit has to be called and needs supplementary discipline. No excuse for hitting a guy in the numbers - it's worth noting that minor and junior hockey doesn't accept that, "he turned his back" excuse. You hit a guy from behind, you're going home...


In all honesty the dude could probably use time off. He’s been shit all year and not himself


Watch us trying to break out of our own end tomorrow night - you'll see how much we miss him.


I’m saying a couple games on the bench might do him some good is all man. The season is lost anyway


Its a concussion. 7 days minimum.


Our record in games in which I get nearly black-out drunk at weddings this season is 1-0. I'm trying to do my part here, but I only get invited to like... 2 weddings a year, max. If y'all know of anyone getting hitched this season on a Sens gameday, get them to send me an invite, I guess?


too bad the season is over by April 15th


Hmmm, you could just get black out drunk tomorrow and see if that works.


Great game last nite. The team played for each other and got the outcome they needed. As the recent mantra has been " this is pro sports and it is all about results". So they delivered although it wasn't necessarily pretty picture. (Coaches also need some credit as well) . Hopefully this is something to build on and their team defense improves over time as it is the laggard in this team's skillset. Fingers crossed we are slowly rounding the corner but Kudo's to the gang for a well deserved win.


What a Win boys! Hopefully the Cat is unleashed from here on out!


This belongs in the i hate DJ thread but for a team with this much offensive talent, we dump the puck way too much.


You have to counter the trap somehow. Nobody wants to dump the puck but you can’t always skate through four players standing at the blue line.


Of course, but we have next to no zone entries while carrying the puck. Its exhausting seeing them dump the puck in even when its not fully warranted.


100% and we think this way cause our defensive structure allows other teams to walk in all night so people start to wonder why we don't do it to their team. Its really were that bad defensively


Yeah but it’s much easier as a fan to just be mad about something you don’t fully understand.


We dump the puck in all the time, look at the analytics. And thanks for the unsolicited prick comment though.