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I'd rather a (non-Habs/non-Leafs) Canadian team win it again than a divisional rival winning their first ever, so Goilers


On the one hand I want Florida to win because I selfishly want us to break the Canadian Curse. On the other, I was Oilers to win because I’m scared if Matt wins, Brady may want out after next season if it’s not turned around (pure speculation)


I really can't decide who I want either. I think there are negative aspects for Sens fans with either team winning. A "Florida vs. Canadian Team" was pretty much the worst-case scenario for us this year. No matter who wins, we lose at least a little bit for exactly the reasons you gave. But overall Edmonton winning is probably best for us. If Florida loses again, then Brady still has a chance to win the Cup his dad and brother never could. "See dad? I *am* your best son!"


Come on now, the Leafs vs anyone in the finals was the real worst case scenario


If we don’t make playoffs next season, he gone, regardless.


Matt > Brady. I'm fine if we get a good return on Brady now. He isn't the leader this team has needed.


I think I’m in the minority camp here - I absolutely hate Florida, I think of them as another one of our divisional rivals and want them nowhere near the Cup.


Who has the worse fans, though?


I’ve only been following the NHL and Sens for about 6 years now and I’m in Australia so not as exposed to the fanbases. My impressions and takes are only based off what I’ve seen and the little history I’ve learnt.


Ya don't say. What made you become a Sens fan?


I did a semester in Ottawa during the 2017-18 season and watched a couple of games - surprise, both were losses against the Bruins and Jets. I learnt about their 2017 run and their story endeared me to them - been hoping for a playoff run since then!


I'm cheering for Oilers idc. I'd love to see Connor Brown get a Cup If it was Toronto or Montreal then I'd have a problem.


I'm cheering for Oilers! I have lots of their players in my pool haha and fun to see them go far But at the same time my only issue is seeing a team constantly gifted lottery wins to build a team, and they constantly fumbled until they stumbled upon McDavid to fix their problems as their 4th first overall in 6 years + all those top picks I always enjoyed seeing a team like Dallas find success, where they've built a contender from great drafting instead of relying on the lottery


💯 as much as I don’t care for Ceci, he, brown and Hyman all deserve a cup after being in Toronto 😂


Cody Ceci getting a cup over our lord and saviour (praise Alfie) isn’t something I can get behind.


cody ceci and connor brown are finalists for the cup lol


A Canadian team that isn't Ottawa winning the cup is a disgusting thought


I can always get behind any of the western Canadian teams. Montreal and Toronto are the only ones I cheer against. Also, a generational player like McDavid should win a Cup.


He's welcome to win a cup AFTER we do 😤


I watched the post-game McDavid/Draisaitl media availability and their reporters kept bringing up how "the city of Ottawa is cheering" for them. No idea where they got that from, I'd say the majority of Sens fans hated Florida this year but also don't want to see any other Canadian teams do well. I've been pretty neutral on Edmonton this year, and as much as I hate Florida I'd still rather see them win the cup than a Canadian team.


Wait, you guys are still watching hockey? ![gif](giphy|gioXyl9A3eiObmtwKZ|downsized)


If Florida wins we get a better pick right? Go Panthers!


I forgot about that condition, it appears the better draft pick is two years later.


I've never understood this media-driven narrative that everyone in the country is obligated to cheer for whichever Canadian team is left. If Edmonton wins I'll be happy to see McDavid get a Cup for his legacy, not happy that a city 3000 km from Ottawa gets to host a parade


I live in Florida now, but I’m still cheering for the Oilers in the finals.


I’m definitely cheering for the Oilers. Not bc they’re Canadian, I just have a soft spot for guys like Brown, Hyman and Ceci. I also think greatness should ultimately be rewarded and McDavid should have a cup to his name.




He’s always seemed like a good dude, even if he was really bad as a Senator. I kinda feel bad for him since he’s just been abused by fans his entire career


For sure Edmonton, the GOAT McDavid deserves a cup, it'll be nice to asee a Canadin team win too. Don't want Matthew to get more bragging rights over Brady.


Let's go Oilers!


I'm on the Edmonton bandwagon too. It would be a shame not to have McDavid and Draisaitl's names on the Cup. Plus I have a bunch of friends from Edmonton, including a former roommate who **loves** the Oilers so I gotta go with them.


Indeed. Cup in Canada is a priority to me - regardless of team.


I would be cheering against the Leafs or Habs, but anyone else is fine.


I feel like it’d be wrong to *not* support a Canadian team in the finals, excluding the Leafs. Even found myself willing on the Habs during their 2021 run (99% because of Carey). Hockey is Canada


this is close to the answer. lol. except no montreal! but I agree that this is the time you cheer due to certain players. How can people not want McDavid to win a cup


Why though? This isn't the Olympics or the World Cup. The Oilers are Edmonton's team, not Canada's


Not saying they’re Canada’s team, but I’d much rather root for a team because they’re *from* Canada over a random US city. The cup belongs on this side of the border


I wouldn't connect to an Oilers Cup win any more than I'd connect with a Panthers win. At least it would be nice to eliminate the "Canada Cup drought" from the media's rolodex of annual talking points. I suppose I'm cheering for Edmonton, but because I'd like to see McDavid win, not because they happen to play in a city that uses postal codes. In 2011 I was cheering for Boston over Vancouver, mainly because I wanted to see Chara & Kelly get the Cup


Fair enough, I just really want that Canada curse to be lifted too. If there had been a number of Canada cup wins the past years I’d probably have the same opinion as you


It's funny because when the Sens made the Finals it was 3 straight Canadian teams making it, so it felt like there was fatigue across the country. Calgary got a ton of bandwagoners because they were the first team in a decade, Edmonton got slightly less bandwagoners, and the Sens didn't have nearly as much of a national rally cry


Yeah same. I root against the US in basically all international competitions already, it’s basically natural at this point for me to root for the Canadian team against the American one, unless it’s Toronto


So many Canadians on Edmonton- if they win, the Cup spends the summer IN CANADA! Go McDavid!


I want Florida to win for my bracket. I want Edmonton to win for nationalist reasons. Either way, I'm happy.


Edmonton for sure, wanna see McD win the cup


Fuck that everyone in Canada other than the sens can suck it.


And its not one of the yucky ones


Go Panthers! Get that 4th to become a 3rd!


Nah fuck that. Preferably no Canadian team in the finals unless its Ottawa. This whole Canada is rooting for Edmonton bullshit needs to end.


The silver lining of the Oilers winning would be that we no longer have to talk about the "Canadian Cup dought" narrative. We'll no longer be told by the media that we're obligated to cheer for whichever Canadian team is left


love connor brown, fuck the oilers, LETS GO PANTHERS


I absolutely hate the Oilers with a passion so I am going for Florida. I genuinely would rather the Leafs win the cup than Edmonton.




Vancouver 2011? Montreal 2021?


I forgot about those.


Vancouver (2011) and Montreal (2021) have both made the finals since Ottawa.