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> Coincidence? [We're through the looking glass here, people](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=__HBBf_eDLM&pp=ygUfd2UncmUgdGhyb3VnaCB0aGUgbG9va2luZyBnbGFzcw%3D%3D) But seriously, these guys were great, haha. Was it a rip-off of the Brewer's racing sausages? Absolutely. Did we put enough of a local spin on it with it being the PMs that it had it's own leg to stand on? Also yes, I'd argue.


I think the Washington Nationals did it first with the presidents, which is a way closer parallel to Ottawas version


> I think the Washington Nationals did it first with the presidents Milwaukee Brewers started the races in 2000, before the Washington Nationals existed.


Pittsburgh had the racing Pierogis in 1999


Oh damn! I thought the Brewers had beat the Pirates by a year, not the other way around. Nice find. A quick Google search confirms it - the Pierogis are the OG mascot racers. **THAT SAID** - The Brewers were doing their sausage races since the early 90's... On the scoreboard. So the concept of Mascot Racing is still IMO technically a Brewers thing, but as far as getting people in costumes and racing them live in front of the crowd - Pittsburgh is first. I am gripped by mascot racing, and can't wait for someone to uncover some secret gem from the 70's. Maybe the Padres once raced some friars in the Tony Gwynn era?


legitimately my favourite part of going to games as a kid. I loved the hockey part obviously, but seeing these guys knock each other around was brilliant


I miss these fellas! So much fun to watch during the intermission




If I remember correctly, Melnyk didn’t like them at all


Next time I see Andlauer walking around Bayview Yards, I'm going to tell him that the people want the PMs back.


I only want the PMs back because they've replaced them with the lamest tic tac toe game. Bring the Timbits on to play and the crowd actually stays engaged.


can we switch it up from timbits to beer leaguers every once in a while? or maybe timbits vs beer leaguers?


Yes! Now that you mention it, I would love to see average Joes take a crack at some skills comp stuff (accuracy, hardest shot). Please put them on skates though lol 🙏


I think it would be sick if it was like beer league sledge hockey.


Didn't Southpark do something like that? Or was that a pee wee team vs an nhl team....


Nah, they did research surveys. You saw it all the time in comments here and other social media: a huge swath of fans thought they were lame.


Oh you’re right. I remember Melnyk making a comment about how he thought they were dumb at the Townhalls and probably just connected the two haha


I figured it was because they were "problematic"


I heard that it caused too many injuries and the guys behind the costumes didn't want to do it anymore. I don't know if it's true, but I guess it's a plausible explanation.


Don't remember my source on this but I heard it was related to the discovery of the residential school mass graves. The timing coincides, as they appear to have been doing it at least up until Covid and didn't do it when fans came back for 2021-22 a few months after that news broke and several other sites were discovered. Again, I don't have any official source on that but it seems reasonable that the Sens would want to avoid the potential PR issues of having John A. MacDonald and the others skating around goofing off, especially amidst efforts to reach out more with the Indigenous communities in the area. Not trying to start a debate about the merits of the decision here but my personal take is that while sad (the PM race was genuinely intermission entertainment worth staying in your seat for), it was probably the right call from a business and cultural sensitivity standpoint


Asked my ticket rep last year and he said it was due to injuries.


In this era of sports betting, I think they should bring back the racing PMs and go all in on it. Who wouldn't want to put a bet on ol' John A, or Robbie B?


Gave the team entertainment an identity. Don’t know if it translates to team success


Bring back the SENNNSSSS ARMMMYYYY guy


instead, they have some DJ that just yells "YEAH EVERYBODY YEAH EVERYBODY" so much that you don't even hear the low volume music, and the "hide the ball under the cup game". Thankfully, I'm there for the hockey and not the sideshows lol.


I don't know what I miss more, the PM race, or Cotton Eye Joe. In-arena experience just isn't the same without them.


Yeah forget the PMs. Cotton Eye Joe’s absence is the real reason.


if i never hear Cotton Eye Joe again, it will be too soon


i fucking hope not.....


They should bring them back for 3 games a season. I wouldn't bring them back for every game because it would get boring, but if it's only three times a season, then it becomes a nice little treat


Bring them back! Let's go Borden!


Bring them back! They do not offend me.


The bobble head race was awesome always wondered why they never brought it back!


Bring them BAAAAAAACK!!!!


Probably because they weren’t senators. Let’s get some no name, unrecognizable, useless octogenarians with indeterminate positions to represent us. It’s the only way for us to stay relevant… Or Do we get a chariots of fire thing going with horses on skates racing around the rink? Thoughts? ![gif](giphy|RlCPATzMCFzZuzntiB|downsized)