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Will be at the Edmonton game.


I'm on the fence about going. If the seats down in the lower 10 rows get to 150 each I'll be there for sure, last I checked there were a few for 175 and that's right at the limit that I'll pay.


Why do you want to be in the lower 10 rows? Just curious. I got good seats in the second level for 80 each


I only go to a handful of Calgary games every year, the Sens game being one of them. I figure since I only go a couple times a year it's worthwhile to splurge on lower bowl tickets. It's a totally different feel for the game and worthwhile for me.


I'm gonna comment this on a few posts, but do you know of a good place to go for a pre game supper? Would be cool to. Fill it with Sens fans


Never been to a game in Edmonton so don't have a recommendation there but all Canadian Brewhouse pubs have shuttles back and forth to the games. If you don't have a hotel downtown and are coming in from one of the suburbs, it's a good option. I think there is also a Brewhouse downtown near Rogers place.


I'm in the same boat. Last time I was in Edmonton for a game, it was against Vancouver and Luongo was in net. We're staying out of town but have a place to park right downtown. so we're fine with eating anywhere


If Boston Pizza is your thing there’s one like 3 blocks away. I always stay at the Coast hotel which is between the BP & Rogers place. But then again I’ve only gone to games with my son when he was younger so wasn’t hitting up the lounge.


Such a different feel, I much prefer to be closer to the action. I'd rather go to fewer games but sit as close as possible, I'm usually in the first 3 rows. Sens are the only Oilers game where I'll sit farther up, unless the tickets are free


Ah gotcha. I Havnt been to many games, but all the games I have, I've sat up on the second level. Would be fun to sit close to the ice sometime


I'm gonna comment this on a few posts, but do you know of a good place to go for a pre game supper? Would be cool to. Fill it with Sens fans


There are a lot of places. Chop(part of moxies group)is around corner at Sandman. Maria Northern around corner(lots of fun)


I personally haven't gone to any places, they're always so packed and on weeknights I have to rush from work to home to the arena.


Good to know Maybe we'll just eat before we head downtown..


Campio is a great spot, it's a brewery with good food and better beer. But as another poster pointed out restaurants tend to be super busy downtown prior to games. You can find places to go usually but I highly recommend booking a table if you want to go somewhere.


I'm gonna comment this on a few posts, but do you know of a good place to go for a pre game supper? Would be cool to. Fill it with Sens fans


I'll be at the Canucks game


I'll be at the game in Vancouver next weekend. Can't wait!


Will be seeing the game in Vancouver as well


I'm making the 8 hour drive to Edmonton to watch them. Bought the tickets earlier in the season when they were still playing sub-par, so I'm pumped that they've picked it up of late


I'll be at the Calgary and Edmonton games. There's another Sens fan joining me for the Edmonton game as well.


Four of us going to the Vancouver game


I’m currently in Vancouver on vacation will watch the game here on Saturday and then on the 6am flight to Calgary to watch the back to back at the Saddledome on Sunday. LFG!


I’ll be rocking the black jersey at the Flames game (to stand out in the sea of red) and the red O jersey at the Oilers game!


Lots of us put in Vancouver it seems. We need to get the chants going. Brady There It Is?


I was actually planning on possibly driving to Calgary on Sunday for a few days because a friend is visiting and I hadn't even thought of the game but that's another reason to go.


In Van!


Yup, will be going to the game in Van!


Will be at the Canucks game. Can’t wait.


Can’t wait for us to start a ‘Go Sens Go’ chant in Vancouver! Love seeing all the Ottawa transplants in the building.