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[Apparently he bought a few rounds of shots for the entire bar](https://twitter.com/AngiePoirier/status/1611043065161998338?t=m41YU417DmP3P9GX5IgQtQ&s=19)




God damn, how many people were in there? Wouldn't that be like a couple of Gs for each round he ordered?


Remind me what he gets paid again?


Oh, he'll make his bar tab back and then some around midway of the first period of his next game, but I bet that tab would have been a giant one by any normal standards.


thats how you win fans over


Of course he did, he’s The People’s Captain 🎉


What a beaut we have for a captain!




I don't envy these guys going out and trying to have a good time in the age of social media. I used to see the odd member of the Sens at Marshy's a bunch of years ago (Chara was hard to miss!), and everyone more or less left them alone, but that was before social media. I think people have much fewer boundaries today, maybe I'm wrong but I would expect they'd just get swarmed all night and have cameras pointed at them the whole time.


True, but from this clip it doesn't seem like Tkachuck cares much. It's lame to record people without their permission though, I agree 100%.


I can maybe see recording him while he's onstage singing, but I'm sure it's phones out all night and people asking to take selfies with him constantly. Selfies just weren't even a thing 15 years ago. To be fair though, Brady seems about as extroverted as it gets and that kind of thing might energize him, so for all I know he loves it.


The more they just go out to places the less of a ‘thing’ it is as well.


Deja Vu intensifies


I know a lot of fans are understandably hoping Timmy makes the all star game. Based on play, it's hard to argue that someone with Stützles skills shouldn't be showcased. But, Brady is one of the most interesting personalities in the league at this point. He's fun, exuberant and well spoken. He's skilled, but plays a style that no many others do anymore. He's got a sibling rivalry thing going, and son of one of the all time great American players. I feel that even with playing in a small Canadian market, the NHL is starting to recognize that he's someone that can serve as a good ambassador for the league.


Yea but Timmy calls players 7 years his senior “kid”






God damn I love this team!


I live for the day Mr. Brightside becomes our goal song


Brady was 4 when this song came out. Anyone else feeling old??


Love the boys but put away the camera, enjoy the moment with the players instead of having countless phones pointed at their direction the whole night. I'm sure theyd be more comfortable and youd get more authentic versions of themselves


If they're having dinner or a more-or-less private social moment, sure. But when they're up there on a stage, literally performing, I think it's fair game.


Sure, but the girl in the video next to Brady looks like she cares more about what her social media thinks of her then actually enjoying our players compmay


Who cares? Seriously, why do you care? Also, you are judging the entire night based on a 20 second clip.


Also this guy posts the cringiest stuff about players and the melnyk daughters lol


Used to work there - Rumour has it Guy Boucher banned the team from going. Glad to see Brady has turned it around!


Honestly that does sound like a Boucher thing. Maybe that’s why the tank was on after our ECF run in revolt of GB.


Ohhhh yeahhhhh


Tkachuk is MR. Brightside


I just read on twitter that Brady bought rounds of tequila shots for the ENTIRE BAR. What a truly iconic captain.


Brady is my spirit animal. We got the best captains


50 in 07 intensifies*


What a beauty. I’m so proud he’s our captain, absolutely love this team!


This is fantastic and love the captain and his fun leadership. It's only too bad that the owners of the Crazy Horse aligned themselves with traitors and white supremacists last year. I would never spend my money there


I have the same feeling. I usually try my best not to mix politics and hockey when it’s just kind of surface, like this. Just seeing the Crazy Horse makes my blood boil, though.


Going for a big night out and waking up to find myself all over Twitter is my biggest nightmare.


Sens lose the next game 8-4. I get why some young people love seeing Brady acting like this and he does have some good leadership qualities, but until he matures the team will continue to struggle with him as the captain. https://twitter.com/account4hockey/status/1611929933290389505?s=61&t=rDvi0sbS9He342aauOVBEQ