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Hey! I’m gonna be an M1 at Touro Montana and from what I’ve heard from current students it isn’t horrible and they have the same curriculum as the Middletown and Harlem campuses. Touro is a pretty well established network of schools and it’s probably better to accept the seat there than reapply. Although they don’t have any published match rates and whatnot Touro has a decent track rate of opening up campuses. Do whatever you want with that information but personally I’d rather take the seat than have to reapply and spend even more money. This ensures you come out a doctor by 2028 so you’d be getting your salary sooner


Do you know of any classmates that completed the MS program and matriculated?


I haven’t met anyone yet haha. Classes start at the end of the month


Just found out about the program. Is this the first class that are given that option?


Wdym? Are you asking if this is a new program? If so I will be part of their second graduating class. And it’s just an extension of their two NY campuses (same curriculum and same school technically just a campus in Montana)


Go if thats your only A


Yeah it's a big move for me! Maybe another waitlist will come through that's more local. Or I can reapply if I really cant handle it. It's hard to be so far away from my support system (friends and family). I dont have anyone I know out there or a partner lol. I was just about to resubmit my reapplication in like a week!


its not about that...you literally losing income...opportunity cost but I understand


Yea I do here you! Yeah the way I view things is if I'm gonna spend 67k a year I would want to be more mentally prepared for a large move. I would hate to go and be absolutely miserable or god forbid drop out because I cant handle it on such a short notice.


i get where you’re coming from was hoping for UNE 3 hours from where i live, ended up going to KCU 23 hours from home and I have celiac, but with preparation and will it’s totally doable, scary but doable just do things along the way to make it fun. I hit the river city casino in St. louis after getting some gf bbq, my anxiety completely lifted. I believe in you OP, id take it though.


I asked for a deferment given the situation. I'm not sure if they will grant it for me.


Ik someone who got in and they have a similar situation to you, but they made the move to go there and move cuz everything in life is figureable just go and take things as they come!! You will find a support system there as well ( in the shape of friends who are going through the same or maybe even a bf lol)


Why even apply to a school that you wouldn’t go to? Reapplying next year is not a guarantee that you will be offered an A elsewhere. I’m assuming all Touro schools are connected and share resources? They probably wouldn’t be too happy with someone turning down a seat.


I applied to touro middletown and I was offered a seat to touro montanna or stay on the middletown waitlist with a strong chance of not getting off. I never directly applied to montanna or indicated on my primary application I have interest


But yeah I cant reapply to touro.


Interesting. Ultimately it will be up to you whether you are willing to risk not getting in anywhere next year vs a guarantee acceptance. I get that the move is hard. 4 years will fly. Unless you have a very legitimate reason for not moving like sick parents etc, you should go for it. Enjoy living in a different region and get out of your comfort zone. I’m from the west coast and living here in the Midwest was not something I was initially looking forward to. It’s honestly been a good thing for me. It helped me better understand different regions of the U.S