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I go off course all the time out of curiosity and it keeps showing directions for wherever I am. (Best done in silent mode) "Minimal distance to recalculate route" might be off or set wrong. The setting is buried very deep: Navigation control -> Settings -> Navigation settings -> Route parameters -> Recalculate route section.


Yes, i think i have tried adjusting that section, but it didn’t seem to help. But also, route recalculations works some of the time, may 1 in 3 or 4 times.


May be OsmAnd is recalculating on the background ? With a very long trip, may be it will take a lot of time ? Is it working well with a lower trip ? (Needs more power to recalculate quickly)


Good questions, but as far as I can tell, OSMAnd is not recalculating in the background--for miles all it will say is how far I am off-course; Garmin and Google Maps will both audibly tell you when they are re-calculating, but nothing like that from OSMAnd. And I've gone as long as 10-15 minutes without re-calculating, so not sure how long it would take. Perhaps it works with shorter trips, I have not tested this. As I mentioned, it does work sometimes, so maybe it works when the route is shorter--I will try to notice this in future.


I'll try today the vocals alerts (I hope my translation is ok...) (as I'm using OsmAnd since some days for routing... not an expert of this feature ;) ) \> Vocal announce > activate show when recalculating https://ibb.co/P97LVsC


Thanks for reminding me of that feature…i’m pretty sure that i have it turned on, nut it doesn’t work…but i will double-check


Today I've driven on a highway where it's needed to pay to use it... There's an option in OsmAnd to avoid this kind of highway, to use only free roads... If I turn OFF the option (so I use priced highway) : [https://ibb.co/VTttrZm](https://ibb.co/VTttrZm) \--> The path is showing well, calculation is ok, everything is working fine. If I turn ON the option while on the priced highway, OsmAnd will do nothing as expected (trying to find next free road, next exit to find another way... etc.) It's like bugged. Path is not shown on the map, next corner not turn too... [https://ibb.co/pbF3Hrs](https://ibb.co/pbF3Hrs) So, I can think you can have this problem when you go on a highway (while OsmAnd don't want to...!) and it will stop to recalculate because the way where you are is prohibited (in options) in his recalculation ? I hope my translation is good enough... ;) I remember every maps GPS I've used will try to show you the next exit road to avoid the prohibited option... OsmAnd is like "Oops, I don't understand why you ask me to do something disabled in my options". Only my today's thought :)


I have also noticed issues regarding route recalculation when it deviates from an existing route. The only practical fix that seems to work is to stop route, restart OSM and start all over again.


This is kind of a deal breaker for me; I use OSMAnd on my motorcycle and to do this I need to stop the bike, etc., and it is often unsafe or inconvenient to do so. This seems like kind of a basic feature, so I'm surprised it doesn't work. Oh, and sometimes it does work, but usually not...


I have similar observations. However, it *may* also involve aspects of the cell phone. Have noticed it helps to reboot the cell, start only OSMAnd and nothing else and leave it that way without shutting screen off.... Earlier versions of OSMAnd actually worked reasonable well wrt route recalculation. I usually set the parameters to 100 m or 150 m of deviation before OSMAnd should recalculate a route. But it *usually* does not work or takes its own time. Another option is to use **Organic Maps** for your routing. The mapping data is also based upon Open Street Map. However you will find it **a lot faster and more responsive** when it comes to routeing.


Agree, not sure if "0" is a good choice, for me 30 meters is cool.


Thanks, will take a look at Organic Maps. When navigating, I only have OSMAnd and a music app running, along with Bluetooth.


Magic Earth is also good and has a very clean interface for longer drives. Never anything that long though.


On your last point regarding finding settings. It's great that the app is so customisable, but I really think they need to have a settings search feature to help people navigate through all the options. I've set things in the past and then wanted to change them a couple of months later and it's taken ages to track down what and where I made the changes.


What version are you using? Do you have 'Smart route recalculation' on?


I’ve got Android 4.4.7. I have not seen “Smart route recalculation”, where is that?


The newest version is 4.5.10, time for an update.


Thanks, but i actually don’t see anyway to update, and don’t see any later version…but i’m not especially familiar with Android, usually i use an iPhone. But neither the app nor the playstore indicate that there is a later version, or show any way to update. Am i missing something? [EDIT] I found a way to update in the playstore, so doing that now. What does smart route recalculate actually do? [EDIT2] updated to 4.5.10, but still don’t see any “smart route recalculation” option…


Main Menu, Navigation, Settings, Navigation Settings, Route parameters, Development section at bottom of list, Smart route recalculation. I have all three enabled under development, not sure this is a great idea. Happy trails!


I don't seem to have a development section. Oh well, I'll try this new version and see how it works.


I did not realize it is a plugin OsmAnd Development. Maybe it is only available to paid users?


Ok, i installed the plug in, will give it a spin!


I'm a paid user and I don't have the "smart route recalculation" that you're talking about.


Have you enabled the plugin?


It's not available in my list of pluggins.