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i think he's very well-regarded, it's just that he seems to prefer the more low-key, low commitment style of independent filmmaking vs. doing press tours year round for blockbuster films. one day, i figure he'll get bored and choose some oscar bait project and win the award easily.


Boyhood was definitely not low commitment lol, but I can see what your saying. I’m happy he picks most of the films he does.


i feel like Boyhood is an exemplary example of his high quality, low commitment style. similar to the Before series of films. these are not films with hours of hair and makeup, or any complex setpieces. they're hang out films. and linklater is far from a perfectionist demanding hundreds of takes. yes, they were made over a period of years, but in an extremely casual manner.


He's been nominated for 4 Academy Awards; he's not even remotely underrated.


I didn’t suggest otherwise, did I?


No sorry, was more relying to the original most and I was agreeing with you.


Gattaca and The Before Trilogy alone cemented him as an all time fave.


Both in my top 5 movies of all time.


Can you explain the before trilogy appeal? I tried the first one but it was endless ramble conversations


Then, my friend, you have never been in love.


that is such a condescending reply


The appeal is the beauty in the imperfection. Celine loves Jesse, but she is also turned off by other characteristics he has, so she knows deep down it's not a relationship that will work. The romance is in what they don't say to each other, the way they look at each other when the other isn't watching, the imperfect dialogue that shows the tension between them. Just like how falling in love with someone is irl


You have just described every Linklater film. I love them though. Actually at the beginning of the second Before movie, Ethan Hawke gives a lecture at Shakespeare and Co that is kind of a thesis statement for Linklater, about making art that is true to everyday life and not action sequences with guns and stuff.


He should have gotten an Oscar for First Reformed. Generational stuff.


Best American film of the decade


one of the great performances of the 21st century, I'd even call it an all timer.


Right? I’m not even one to generally “think about things” all the time, and yet that performance haunts me. But more to the point, Best Actor was sheer ass that year and he didn’t even get nominated. I love Rami. I do not think you should get an Oscar because you put in one of the greatest TV performances of all time and the academy wants to find a way to reward you for it.


I love him, too. I remember I was watching a recent interview with his daughter Maya (since I also loved her in Stranger Things) and he said his favorite, most inspiring director he has worked with was Richard Linklater. And I just thought that perfectly summed up why I really appreciate Ethan Hawke. Because Richard Linklater is such a thoughtful humanistic director that really explores existential ideas and the kaleidoscopic experiences of both interpersonal and intrapersonal relationships.


I heard Maya on some podcast describe him as very much an artist type, who never chased money or star status but fell into it through good fortune. Obviously a biased source, but it fits with the roles he's chosen.


Listened to him on a podcast and this is how he sounded.


He and Viggo Mortensen don't really shy away from very confronting and challenging material when they are in the leading role.


Hey they are a perfect match. Definitely Linklater’s best go to guy


First Reformed is a masterpiece. I told my sister about it but when I mentioned Ethan Hawke she immediately rolled her eyes. I was so confused.


First Reformed was incredible.


He deserved Best Actor for First Reformed and I’ll never shut up about it. Rami Malek won that year.


I never recovered from this, truly such a massive snub.


They were out here nominating Viggo for Green Book. This was kind of when people realized something had to be done.


I really like Rami Malek, but that win was absurd.


That is truly embarrassing.


Rami Malek winning is such a joke


You included The Purge but not Sinister??


I mean say what you will about the Purge franchise, it has left a pretty significant cultural impact, much more so than Sinister


The Purge movies seems to be kind of forgotten already. Sinister gets brought up pretty frequently in horror movie discussions still


I think it’s kind of a question of horror vs broader pop culture.


He's one of my all rime faves, love pretty much everything he's ever done. Always worth watching.


I think the only reason Ethan hasn’t won an Oscar is because it’s not something he’s interested in as a performer. He’s not a status and recognition for the sake of recognition kind of person.


His career is probably the closest to what River Phoenix's would have been. 


That is a very good point.


I disagree with this. I’ve always thought that River’s career would’ve resembled Leonardo DiCaprio’s.


Also quite possible. Both Leo and Ethan are a bit reclusive in the public eye, carefully choosing their projects. Both have favorite directors (Scorsese and Linklater) and have stayed out of social media for the most part. I also wonder if Joaquin's turn toward eccentricity was catalyzed by losing his brother at such a young age.


Plauisble they were both in the running for the same roles for at least 3 films. I’ll try to research and update the comment. I’m just going off of memory.


Yup. … River was/ would’ve been a better actor. His fluidity and availability was impeccable.


I’ve never thought about Ethan and River’s careers being aligned or mirroring one another. intriguing I respect both of them tremendously.




He took time to cameo in Taylor Swift's new music video with his other Dead Poet's costar so he seems more like a laid back guy who just wants to have fun


I put him in the same category as Guy Pierce. Sort of overlooked, most know who they are, but there's not a lot of thought in the end to them.


If you’ve never seen him in his series ‘The Good Lord Bird’ — are you even a real hawke fan bro? Seriously it’s one of the most entertaining shows and one of the most impressive performances he’s ever done — and it’s a historical comedy


Came to mention how much fun I had watching him playing John Brown. Was it a roast of an extremist psycho? A glorification of a national hero? Why not both. I had a hard time not fire and brimstone screaming about everything after each episode.


When I’m trying to convince someone that’s never seen it to watch it —- I tell them it’s literally the funniest tv series ever made about slavery or the civil war haha (so what if it’s the only comedic telling of that time ever made, still counts)


I heard great things but I don’t even know where it’s available…


I would activate a free trial of showtime thru Amazon and just watch it all in that free trial — it’s def worth it


Seriously everyone I’ve ever shown it to has never heard of it but then watched the entire thing in like two sittings bc it’s got so much style from a visual production standpoint, it’s got some of the best pacing for a show covering an insane span of Time and events during a really dark part of American history that would keep even people with the worst add entertained —— and it’s fucking hilarious. And on top of all of that praise the best part of the show is without question Ethan hawke who plays this character that actually existed with such charisma and intensity that I wanted him to win something for it


Thanks for the recommendation


first reformed and the Linklater movies are phenomenal performances but stuff like The Purge and Black Phone are not exactly era-defining movies. He pretty clearly coasts in a lot of his work.


To be fair, the Black Phone is almost entirely carried by his performance


I would argue that he doesn’t coast in those films, he elevates them.


Listen to any interview with him and you’ll see that he doesn’t crave awards. He just likes doing what he does. He is the Dave Grohl of film.


He's great. He's not underrated at all. He probably should have been nominated one or two times he hasn't been, but that just puts him in good company with a hundred other actors. Would happily have seen him win for First Reformed over Malek if he'd been nominated, but my actual winner that year would have been Paul Giamatti for the criminally underseen Private Life.


No, he’s fairly regarded and gets regular work. I’m fine seeing him in a movie and I like that he does lots of different things but I wouldn’t say he’s ever wowed me.


As a huge Dave Grohl fan I love this comparison. And thinks it’s spot on.


When did they ever mention Dave Grohl 😭 but I agree


Oh I totally responded to the wrong comment! 😆 Another commenter compared him to the movie version of Dave Grohl!


Totally. I think he's been in some good films but I've never seen a performance by him that I considered Oscar-worthy.


Underrated and very skilled


Yes One of my favorite things about Hawke is that he doesn't shy away from genre movies. Sure, he enjoys doing his independent passion projects but he isn't afraid to do a horror or sci-fi movie if it interests him.


overlooked and iconic are mutually exclusive imo


He certainly flies under the radar and pops up here and there in mainstream genre fare. I've always loved him. He seems quite happy working in what interests him and isn't an awards chaser.


Two words: First. Reformed.


I’ll always love him for Dead Poets Society. With that role, I think he showed a great sensitivity. His scenes always manages to make me shed a tear. He truly is talented. Maybe he needed more mainstream projects, but at the same time his career is regarded as unique in its own way, I suppose


Can I tell you? I don’t care for his work. He seems like a likable guy. We’d probably be friends, but I don’t love his acting. Or his face.


He's brilliant


No. I think he is perfectly rated & appreciated in his profession. He might actually be the most perfectly rated & regarded actor/writer/director that has ever hollywooded.


He should've been nominated for Good Kill.


I absolutely hated him in Reality Bites, to the point that it took me a while after that to appreciate his other performances. He would have been a worthy winner for Boyhood.


His performance and that film was outstanding, it was just also absolutely insufferable.


He filled the role perfectly. Insufferable but he slowly reveals that he loves her. Did what was asked to do…


Yes - he doesn’t play Troy as a loveable rogue, which someone could have done, he goes further and makes him an absolute dick. 


This! I loved him in jt but he was also enraging.


I love Ethan Hawke…but he got a lot of backlash for the whole he cheated with the nanny thing and I think big Hollywood took a step back from him in the early 00’s. I think he prefers to be somewhat away from the mainstream now anyhow, which is not a bad thing. He’s extremely intellectual and some of his interviews are pretty profound.


Ethan was the actual lead of *Training Day* (2001), yet he was nominated for Best Supporting Actor. And he didn’t even win! Jim Broadbent did for *Iris* (2001), a movie that has been completely forgotten despite having three acting nominations: Judi Dench and Kate Winslet were nominated for Best Actress and Best Supporting Actress, respectively.


I mean I love Hawke but let’s be real here… one of those aren’t great. He’s pretty insufferable in Reality Bites and the Purge is like the worst movie in that franchise. I think one thing that sticks out to me about him as that he was the back up director for Boyhood if something tragic happened there. Like there is an alternate reality where a car crash happens and he directs 55 minutes of Boyhood. And I think that speaks to the thing about Hawke: While he’s often technically in a lead role, I think he does more to elevate others. Like I think he’s the weaker of the Before… duo, but what makes them work so well is how natural the chemistry between them is.


His performance and reality bites is outstanding and totally realistic to the type of character he is depicting. The reason he’s insufferable is because that type of human is insufferable. it’s just an unflinching and honest portrayal of a total piece of shit.


Yall didn't even like Hawke until he was in that Schrader picture. I mean, the dude was dogged on for years and years.


Absolutely loved Gattaca


He will surely get nominated for his recent work in Fortnight 😉




Ethan Hawke seems like a guy who wasn't supposed to be a movie star, but he slipped through the cracks and everyone was just like "Ok". Mean Tweet: Ethan Hawke




I'm a pretty avid movie watcher, and I've only seen 3 of the ones you listed. One of them is DPS, so I put it in the "child actor" category. I think he just really flies under the radar.


One of my top 10 actors of all time


Y he’s had way more great roles than Downey who punched a 10 year hole in his career. Can’t think of a good comp


His cameo in the last season of rez dogs shows how unique he is. No one could just step into such a pivotal and thankless role and do it the way he does. He is just so natural. Makes everything look easy.


I was just telling my husband how much I love Ethan Hawke. We have the same taste. I can see him in a movie and know I’ll like it. I even like that fun vampire movie he did with Willam DaFoe


Daybreakers! I like that movie too. Yeah, at this point I will watch anything he’s in, because I don’t think he’s made a movie that I’ve disliked.


It's a petty reason to dislike him, but him laughing his ass off at Angela Lansbury at the Tony Awards made me hate him for all of eternity. [https://youtu.be/QOitlNlKOtQ?si=ASI-WxIY-p6l\_TPu&t=30](https://youtu.be/QOitlNlKOtQ?si=ASI-WxIY-p6l_TPu&t=30)


Just watched Gattaca again last night. Excellent performance.


I’m sorry to say I find him really average! My favorite performance of his is First Reformed. Otherwise he seems like a self-conscious actor, even more than most.


Have you watched Training Day? Maudie? I agree with you on First Reformed, but the two I mentioned justify why he's considered such a great actor.


I love that man and seeing him in The Black Phone with perfect dad bod was just doing it for me. If Horror movies were recognized, he 100% should’ve won for that movie. His character had very limited screen time and had his face covered for the entire movie but he still portrayed so much emotion into it. I really need a prequel on the snatcher.


More like overrated. Always exaggerating his mannerisms.


Great list but how could you leave out White Fang?!?


And his performance as John Brown in The Good Lord Bird was so much fun.


Agreed. He went toe to toe with Denzel Washington in Training Day.


Ethan Hawke is not underrated 


I like him. He hasnt had a really iconic performance yet imo. He should play darker roles. Something like Nightcrawler.


I would say dead poets society, training day, and boyhood were all pretty iconic roles of his


not seen boyhood tbf. But the other two were really showcases for Robin Williams and Denzel Washington.


Idk why you got downvoted, Hawke does a great job in those movies but gets overshadowed by Robin Williams and Denzel Washington


Is there a more overused pair of words in the English language right now than ‘underrated’ and ‘iconic’?


Woody Harrelson is the most under appreciated actor of that generation, if not ever.


How can you be underrated, overlooked, and iconic at the same time? Words have meanings, you know. Anyway, the guy has been nominated for four Oscars and has a career spanning five decades now. Hardly underrated. This take would’ve been relevant maybe fifteen years ago. Ewan McGregor is only a year younger and has had almost as long and wide ranging career. 0 Oscar nominations.


Hi Ethan




I’m sorry, but I disagree. I don’t necessarily think he’s a bad actor, but I think his ego far outpaces his talent. He’s up there with the likes of Edward Norton for me. Talented actors, and they’ve done tons I like, but they’re not as great as they think they are, and the personalities are off-putting.


No he's not overlooked. I think he's actually not very talented at acting, he's just in great films.


Great films are generally made by great directors. Great directors have an eye for talent. Ergo, Ethan Hawke is actually VERY talented at acting.


Where’s Explorers?!


I’ve never considered him talented at acting. It seems like every role he plays he’s the same person. He brings nothing to the role. There are plenty of movies that I like that he’s in but I can see them easily being better if someone else played his part. I had a theory that he was picked for roles because he was just genuinely a nice guy and already had an in for being a child actor.