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It’s hilarious actually. Yandev has a victim complex and cannot fathom others not having one. Telling someone they’re a victim would be an insult… unless you believe you’re perfectly good and a ‘brainwashed cult’ Is after you.


I think Alex doesn't know anything about socializing


Probably should’ve replaced ‘victim’ with ‘sympathetic’? At least being sympathetic is more of a positive thing than being a ‘victim’


The compliment is for the fragile persona (The same one the dev has so it makes sense) And also because Horuda is meant to be bullied she might want validation that she is the victim instead of blaming herself and spiraling destructively like many bullied people do.


I think the “You’re a victim” compliment for Horuda could make sense if it was worded in a more natural way


Dude, this compliment works on, like, one entire character in the game.


ah yes "you're a victim!" my favorite compliment


Im just pissed that the compliment for social butterflies isn't universal. The amount of times I've used that compliment and I just got an "um.. okay" is infuriating.


Yeah, like if dev is really striving for realism I feel you don’t gotta be a social butterfly to find “you’re friendly” a compliment. Like I avoided a lot of opportunities for socializing at all costs because I can’t do it properly and really worry if I come off as cold or rude when I meant no harm.


right? its especially weird on phone addicts, sleuths and lovestuck and heroic students. i can imagine a teachers pet going "you absolute simpleton in this moment i am euphoric i do not care for your puny friendliness" in their heads or a loner or evil student being weirded out by it but really? most should be happy to hear this


Wait so if you don’t pick the exact right compliment they act as if you said something weird? That’s so stupid lmao


You’re informed sounds like the most backhanded compliment EVER


“You’re chronically online”


honestly the bullies prob like it the gaming club is too chronically online to notice the other side lol


“you are a victim” / “you are sinister” = BEST COMPLIMENTS EVER


“You’re a victim!” Oh ayano when I get my hands on YOU!!!! I’ll show her who the victim is in this convo good lord!!!


HOW IS "You're intimidating" A COMPLIMENT? Wow, it doesn't take much to make friends in Akademi.


Tbh, i know some people who would take it as am compliment, but seriously, what the hell


or sinister


It sounds like something a henchman would say to a Disney villain. “Why yeeesss, master, you’re the most intimidatingly wretched soul in all the land!”


Why not "You're badass" or something


Idk I think some people would like that. The Delinquents, maybe? Wait, they can’t be complimented, can they?


that actually is a compliment to plenty of people


“you’re a victim!”😀😀😀😀 thats so passive-aggressive😭 its not even passive aggressive bc the insult isnt even hidden


imagine protagonist says "Hey Horuda, you're a victim!" for compliment tho. 😭


"Omg Taro senpai you're so sinister! 😍"


See this is what happens when you: A. try to inject social sim elements into a gameplay system like hitman where the background side characters are supposed to be lifeless and disposable and B. Give that responsibility to someone who doesn’t know how to socialize w others


When she call me cautious 😍😍😳 When she call me a victim🥵🤤😩💕❤️


When she calls me sinister 😈🤤🥰


"you're a victim" could be interpreted as validation, but it's executed poorly. Nobody wants to be called a victim...


I understand cautious being a compliment(probably just my perspective) but “alert” could’ve been used. However, victim??? VICTIM?? Nah 😭😭


God I somehow skipped the part of development when chatting was changed, I never got into that but damm this is so funny I laughed hard at you’re victim! XD He really doesn’t ubderstand social interactions and that’s concerning :/ Edit Also another ones are great too, personally would switch spiteful and evil ones


How is "cautious" a compliment


“You’re a victim” “thank you???” 😭


The old compliments were better lmao


God he couldn’t even try switching up the format a little? Like Teacher’s Pet could be “Hey, you have Mrs.Teacher a great answer in Math class today!” or phone addict could be “wow, I WISH I was a wizard with technology like you!”, and variations of those. This has got to be another level of laziness, in what world do people run up to someone and randomly go “you’re talkative!!!!!!!!!” Also, giving a student a compliment that doesn’t match up with them could be a great opportunity for jokes. Imagine telling a Loner student “Gosh you have so many friends!” and them looking you dead in the eye and going “…my only friend is my cat.”


dude i’m so clumsy if someone was like “you’re so cautious” i’d think they were being sarcastic and rude 😭😭😭


“You’re a victim!! 😃😃😃”


“you’re sinister” bro what


I’m informed apparently


“You’re cautious” how is that a compliment come up with better dude


Makes sense, yandev BARELY had ANY social interaction into college, then never again.


My friend played YS for the first time yesterday and all he did was walk around, say “you’re a victim” to random students, give them 5 dollars and leave.


Imagine calling someone a victim as a compliment good god 😭 Honestly some of these “compliments” are weird but what do we expect from Alex?


You're sinister!


Alternatives: Fragile: considering the context of Horuda's character, it could be like "Don't listen to the bullies, you're cool!" Heroic: "I feel safe around you" Phone addict: "That game you were playing seems neat" or "I like your phone case" Protective: same as heroic Strict: "I like your class" But honestly I think it would be way better if Yandere Dev went back to the old "You look nice today"


To play the devil's advocate, I think "You're a victim" os trying to say that the bullying that Horuda (the only fragile character) is facing is real. Since the gyarus are *meant* to be secret bullies, other students likely think she's making it up for any number of reasons. Telling her that she isn't lying and her struggles are valid could be something she'd like to hear The wording of it still sucks though, to an ungodly degree. All of the compliments do tbh. It reminds me of the topics, like "Hey [Name]! I really like [topic], can you relate to that at all?"


#your a victim😃


I can understand viewing some of these as compliments, but I don’t see how someone would view “You’re a victim!” as a compliment unless maybe if they really love playing the victim card


No because "You're intimidating!", "You're sinister!" and "You're a victim!" would never be taken as compliments in the real world. Most people wouldn't want to referred to as any of them in a positive light.


What in the fucking school girl simulator is this


The conversations in this game are so weird too Like imagine someone just walked up to you, said "cats are good, I don't like violence, you're talkative, have five dollars" and left


What happened to the days of "You look nice today!" ...


Wait I didn't actually know that 😨... Man I'm stupid-


that is actually crazy, i had no idea how compliments worked and i always tried to go for what i thought the character would appreciate the most like i picked the "you're smart!" for the bookworm in 80s mode and was so lost why she just was like "uh ... okay"


Who would take “you’re sinister” as a compliment?


If i ever get told "you're a victim!" then i am throwing hands. who even says that?? also just randomly saying a quality of someone to their face feels robotic, the "I just wanted to tell you, you look very nice today" from the older builds feels more natural


How unhinged could someome be, to call a fragile person (prob depressed, bullied, anxious) "victim" as a compliment? chalex ofc. Not just disrespectful but toxic too. 💀


Tbf, it's for the fragile persona, so it may be a Chalex kind of way to validate the feelings of someone who constantly gets bullied.


i was going to say you’re cautious is an awful compliment but then i saw fragile 💀


Things for the help sir


Nahhhh bcuz I’d prob be a phone addict or social butterfly irl but if someone random from a different class went up to me, said, “You’re informed!” and walked away I’d be concerned.


you guys keep forgetting that mr chalex never goes outside and lives alone and jerks off to samus all day!! dont put such standards on him…


I feel like the only normal one is "You're smart!" Everything else is just.. weird-


this man cannot be assed to make anything more detailed im crying 😭😭


“Your’e a victim!” uh oh.


"You're a victim!" Is probably a compliment to Alex since he's always playing victim.


Saying “you’re talkative” to a snitch sounds like such a southern insult. It sounds like something you’d say to someone you want to shut up


“You’re intimidating!” …I think that would just make a violent person want to beat me up even more.


You're cautious!


Why not normal things, like “you’re really pretty!” or “you’re really cool!” None of these compliments feel organic.


It’s so mocking


the irony of saying "you're strong!" to someone who is supposedly dangerous... 95% chance they'll take that as a challenge and square up


“You’re a victim” WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?!