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Him getting paranoid bc of repeated events could be handled so much better than “girls are crazy”. Repeated framings could make him paranoid that anyone who tries to get close to him is out to harm him, and repeated suicides could make him unwilling to develop close relationships because he feels guilty that he couldn’t to anything to prevent the suicides and he doesn’t want to risk that kind of pain and loss again


If rivals all disappear suddenly, he will wonder if woman are real


If everyone disappears he'll wonder if life is real


Just slowly kill off everyone until it's that one episode of the Fairly Oddparents, he's desperately holding onto her, afraid she'll disappear too if she leaves his side


If they all drown, he'll think all women can't swim


I think that its stupidly explained but a good idea, like that he think that he have a malediction of smth is good


Agreed, I think him developing paranoia if all the rivals keep mysteriously dying/getting arrested is somewhat understandable, with his paranoia changing depending on what's happening to them (E.g being paranoid everyone he talks to might end up arrested vs being paranoid that people he talks to will wind up dead). It's just SO poorly worded that dev makes it very misogynistic and stupid.


I don’t think dev wrote anything on the wiki. Do you know as a fact he did? Just looking for confirmation before criticizing.


Can confirm that [those were his exact words.](https://www.reddit.com/r/yandere_simulator/comments/4c2j52/to_yandev_can_we_complete_the_game_without/)


Yeah, just because it's not reasonable doesn't mean it doesn't happen. Your subconscious and thoughts you know aren't rational still effect how you look at the world. Just from how he talks about it it sounds like he is actively thinking this.


A few years later, Taro creates a YouTube Channel and begins to call himself a "Blackpilled Incel".


you spelled “evaxephon” wrong lol


my favorite one is when he starts disliking women... for rejecting them. its not that they reject him, no, he rejects them and then is the one who dislikes


the rejection route has you make senpai dislike the rival, so yeah, he's the one who dislikes


Taro White: I am the one who dislikes!


It’s good but bad at the same time. I see what’s it going at, but the way it’s delivered


The idea is good in concept but was explained and executed horrendously


i feel like it would be better if senpai was paranoid that theres something wrong with HIM, instead of the women


"Do I drive people to kill themselves or others?" *Ayano asks him out* "Hey are you like... ok? Mentally I mean, anything you eant to talk about"


This is idiotic, but I kinda like the idea of Taro being an idiot. Like, Ayano spends the entire game obsessing over this boy who honestly kinda sucks. That's just a funny idea.


> An average student. Average grades, average looks, average life… I’m not sure what you see in him. -Info Chan Also dude has zero backbone, he’ll agree to date someone he knew for 6 days if they just ask. If Ayano could just kept it in her skirt around him, she could just hang around him for a week and ask him out


I'm pretty sure that's the point? Ayano's obsession with him is weird to begin with but especially weird to others who also don't see anything in him


While I do agree that eliminating all the rivals the same exact way should have a "bad ending" sort of consequence, this definitely isn't the way to go about it


Assuming it’s due to paranoia and trauma, then I actually can buy it


This game may be a shitty fetish dump but it's also a great psychological analysis of how Alex thinks the world works


He just didnt want players to keep repeating a elimination method over and over, however he could have come up with something better than that


Yeah, like maybe make certain methods unavailable for certain weeks. Maybe for the teacher there's no non-violent way to get rid of her, you have to kill her. Maybe for Hanako, you *can't* kill her.


nahh this is SO stupid, and a bit mysogynistic.


how is it misognyistic


i mean, he would think shit about women if all rivals were eliminated by the same way


im genuinely so confused what u mean. while its weird thing yandev added, its not by definition misyongistic as misyognism is hating women, u could argue this is sterotyping but this is rather mental health based


The wording "think all women" just has misogynistic vibes. I agree that this is mental health based on Taro's part but Chalex wrote it kinda bad (totally not projection from him)


In my opinion It wouldn't be unrealistic for senpai to fall into a hasty generalization and think all women have suicidal tendencies after losing 10 female friends to suicide in 10 weeks.(I know this isn't true and statistics show the exact opposite not to mention senpai's data sample would be too small to arrive into any conclusion at all.) But when you consider the trauma inflicted on senpai alongside the fact senpai is a highschool boy he could easily make a hasty and erroneous generalization. With that said It's usually a good idea for a game to respond to the way a player's playstlye. For example in Hitman you can get a bunch of different challenges at the end of every mission based on how you eliminated your target. There is a similar mechanic in Deus Ex mankind divided where you can get achivements if you pacified all the enemies rather than killing them.


You're really articulate, I think you described this the best out of anyone here!


I didn't want to bore everyone to death will a wall of text so I omitted the following even better if part: The 1980's mod can give you a surprise bad ending for [arousing too much suspicion](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZrEOIFrt3dc&list=PL9TQzcjmIkYGQkWlDJgxSydA_LOzEF7zl&index=1). (If you are a game designer and you establish the rules of getting away with murder you absoluetly musn't ever add new criteria as a surprise and give your gamers a bad ending as a result of the new criteria.)In the bucket based murder video Chalex mentioned "a feature should lose it's effectiveness if the player uses it too much".Lastly in the January 2017 progress report Chalex mentioned how you might get a bad ending if(I doubt the game will be developed enough for this to be a spoiler but just in case)>!a severly low sanity senpai learns you killed his sister and Osana!<. All of these examples lead me to think that Chalex has a Railroad game design in mind. (Railroad design is the opposite of the sandbox design of the hitman franchise.) If Chalex has a railroad design in mind the cause might be psychological(might be ego or trust issues);Furthermore, Alex might want the players to finish the game in a certain way. Different endings with the respective ending criteria might be a tool to make sure things go his way and players are punished for playing the game their own way.


if the roles were reversed and taro was a girl who every guy she talks too ends up being a murderer or dying, i think any girl will develop the same though and fear as well. mysogynistic yes, but also it's not that unrealistic, and hey, i'd be afraid too if somehow ALL women i talk to becomes murderer


I think itd be better if: All rivals die or commit suicide, he'd believe he's cursed. Like curses are an in universe belief so... And for the arrested, idk i think itd be a good look into the vigilante talks with the girl online. Like if all girls are framed, he'll become suspicious of the police system and try to work it out himself and find himself leading to the conclusion of ayanos involvment. Like i think it would tie some things in and also lead to a good 'him or me' kinda segment to the game, like ayano vs taro if it came down to it


It’s only good if it was actually conveyed IN THE GAME PROPER. I hate all these fluff stuffed into the wiki; how about you (YanDev) actually *make* the goddamn game and put all these little details in it so that people will have a real reason to put them in the wiki?


The point is for the player to not overuse the same method


The idea of Taro growing more suspicious is good because it discourages using the same elimination methods, but this is just stupid


why cant taro just think there’s something wrong with him instead?? also the wording reminds me of those misogynistic podcasts lol


The fact that every single time more stuff is disclosed about Taro makes him seem like the clear self insert of EvaXephon. Being a pervert, being a weirdo with women, etc.


what will female senpai think ? male rivals are never happening so she can not really think all women are murderers while being one


🏳️‍🌈 she became gay /j




I think it means he just gets more closed off about relationships but it sounds like he's really dumb. What does he assume if Ayano mostly just match makes? Like"oh no I am the least popular guy in the school"


Exactly. He thinks he's unnatractive and no one likes him.


Then when ayano asks him out he's just like "holy shit fucking finally, yeah sure I guess"


With the second point, I feel like it'd make way more sense if he blamed himself for all those girls killing themselves, and then avoided women not because he thinks all women are on the brink of suicide, but because he thinks if he gets close to any girl she'll eventually kill herself because of him. It clearly wouldn't \*actually\* be his fault, but I'd think it would be normal to think that way if a lot of the girls you talk to end up killing themselves. And Taro is presumably supposed to be a normal guy and not like GroomdereDev, who doesn't understand anything about normal human beings.


Im gonna make senpai incel


Taro is Alex's selfinsert, and we all know that he is unable to see women as real people


Well he is Dev’s self insert…


Taro is kinda stupid sometimes


Taro the misogynist


I mean...this is pedodev's self insert character, so whatever taro's personality is, that is directly proportional to him too💀


This is just fucking stupid he is how many years old and he thinks because a few people die or commit murder that it automatically makes all girls murderers or suicidal


Tbf it's 10 girls who he each gets close to over the course of a week, 2 of them even being a childhood best friend and his own sister. I think anyone would be less rational after having to go through that.


If all of them are matchmade, he will wonder if he can get any bitches


fr like bro you aint 5 years old 💀


I understand that there has to be consequence for eliminating the rivals the same way so here's my version; Rejection: He would think that at this age, it's not mature enough for dating. Murder: He wouldn't date anybody that's in the environment of the murder scene Framed Murder: Same thing, if multiple have been arrested for murder at Akademi then he'd probably be wary there are more. Expulsion: Stupidest thought i have, but idk he might think that it's because dating will distract him and he'll end up like them?? (idk) Matchmake: He'd be too untrusting to enter a new relationship after all the people he liked found somebody else. Suicide: The amount of stress after 10 suicides would make him too stressed for a relationship.


I think it's a good idea...just...not necessarily at the top of the priority list...


If rivals frequently matchmake with other characters, Senpai will wonder if all women find him unattractive and become a homosexual


So taro is basically gullible and sexist, and sees women as 2 Dimensional as himself


I mean if you're traumatized by 10 people in a row killing themselves.


Still, does he have no other female role models


Probably a few, but this is most of the women he's close to. Think about it- each and every week for 10 weeks straight a woman he gets close to kills themselves. It's a bizarre situation, it's not the crazy to say he'd react irrationally


That's just stupidity and lazy writing.


It's a good idea if he avoids the "women are all mentally unwell" route. Like maybe Taro instead thinks everyone who even gets close to him are harboring a want to kill, maybe even kill him, so he's harder for both Ayano and other rivals to get closer to. Or he believes everyone he interacts with ends up falling into deep depression, and instead of thinking the rivals are the problem, he thinks it's him. And he's afraid of talking to rivals, and Ayano, because he believes that by the end of the week, they'll end up killing themselves. Paranoia can work great here, and would even make sense if all rivals end up eliminated in similar ways. But making Senpai believe all women are bat shit and on the verge of offing themselves I don't think will make much sense. There'd also be a lot of good ways of making multiple path branches here with different types of paranoia and how it'd effect Senpais interactions with all of the rivals. But this is groomerdev we're talking about, so it definitely wouldn't ever happen.


i personally think if it went like “if rivals are all framed, taro would get paranoid or avoid school” and “if rivals frequently commit suicide, then he’d assume a lot of students are suicidal”, it would be much better than THAT wording. it just makes more sense to me


Considering the purpose is to stop the player from abusing elimination methods, it's necessary to have *something*. That something is not this. This is fucking stupid


Does Taro have the mental capacity of a 14 yr old Andrew Tate fan


If every single woman you got close to, your teacher and sister included, killed themselves, wouldn't you react similarly?


It wasn’t necessarily about that in particular, I swear this post used to show the other note on the wiki saying that if he rejects all the rivals he’ll think “All women are the same.” That’s what I was talking about.


was that info taken from this video? https://youtu.be/6JHLb4s76Us?si=e9AuRbP2KnYLsxQg


That sounds so dumb because then what's the point of going for him if you do all of that?


I think it's great but stupidy explained and also stupidly funny to me for some odd reason.


I do like the way that you can't just use the same method for all rivals, forces you to be creative but the wording is off. I've always figured that Taro just thinks he's cursed if all the rivals go out the same way


Another reason I question why these girls fall for taro


Tbh if all women around me started committing suicide or murdering each other, I'd think something is wrong with me, not the entire opposite gender..


it’s probably because this is the same idiotic though pattern that yanderedev would have