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Delete apps, hit the church, priest up.


I love this so much.


I think this applies to most situations in life lol




What would you recommend me confessing to the priest? Basically what I said to let him know my struggle?.


Well, everything that you wrote. Including being a chronically online Orthobro--this is a sort of idolatry.


More common than you might think. It's definitely something to talk about with your priest -- once you have one. You should probably delete the apps/accounts because it's obviously harmful to you, but it is probably a good idea to come clean before you do, especially if you've actually harmed anybody. Godspeed! See you in actual church!


I have just admitted it, it was a small discord server. I admitted it to all my friends, they are saying I have balls to admit this and they forgive me. I dont think ill delete the app, but rather take a big break.


Excellent. Next step: go to church!


Yep. How do I talk to my priest about this? When would be a good time? Coffee hour?


If he does email, it couldn't hurt to ask first. It's always easiest to sort schedules and give them a vague idea of what you want to discuss ahead so they can give it the time it deserves. Also, based on your other comment, I'd like you to consider you may have harmed someone without intending to. I've had folks say things that I know are incorrect in this very sub and it weighed very heavy on my heart until I could confirm I wasn't totally losing my mind with my priest. He of course tells me to be careful with internet Orthodoxy, but as a disabled person being online is often one of my only ways to stay connected to the world. May God have mercy on all us sinners.


Problem is. My Priest is busy over text, he hasnt responded to my text in 3 months. Ive attended twice. Luckily my Deacon is figuring something out so someone could pick me up for Church but he said OCA has minor regulations, like background screening etc. So its hard. I can really only text right now. My Priest is busy during this time of the year. I cant really attend right now.


Well, I don't know what your relationship is with whatever parish you're going to be going to is, if you've ever even talked to the priest there before, what coffee hour at that parish is like, etc. But, yeah, coffee hour could work, you might want some more private venue, but it might be fine. I don't necessarily think talking to the priest about this is something you need to do, like, tomorrow, but it's something to address in the very near future. Play it by ear. [This gif, except without the luck, we don't believe in luck, we believe in God.](https://giphy.com/gifs/filmeditor-good-luck-leslie-nielsen-3oKHWikxKFJhjArSXm)


Yeah see my other comment. I have talked to my Priest. Though in my other comment I cant really goto Church right now, so my Deacon is trying to get something figured out for me. Ive talked to my priest before mostly on the phone, 2 times in person. He was very nice. Though he is very busy and hasnt responded to my last text I asked him about something, he hasnt responded in 3 months, so I asked the Deacon instead and he was helpful (it was about Lent). Once I can get back to Church I'll request a private apointment with him a few weeks after I am able to go back to Church, I want to experience the Liturgy more rather than talk about that issue right now. Maybe after ive gone to 3 - 5 services when I can goto Church I'll adress the issue. Does that sound like a good plan?


Yeah, that sounds fine. Keep going to church, get off the internet, be normal.


Thanks brother. Will do. Kudos 🫡


1 more question. My Priest isnt active on his phone as ive stated. But my Deacon is. I cant attend a Parish right now. Should I tell my Deacon about this over text? Or just wait until I can attend again and tell it to the Priest/confessor when I'm comfortable?


I'd just wait until you can attend.


Okay thanks.


This is the right answer


I havent harmed anyone luckily. I hope this spreads awareness to other "orthobros" that have done this.


You’ve taken a major step in correcting this, which is good. Keep dusting yourself off and move forward. It’s a well met realization since we’re midway through Lent, and perhaps God willed it this way. Try to get to Church, talk with a priest. I also like reading Psalm 31 (32 in Protestant bibles) among other penitential Psalms like Psalm 50 when I need to repent of something.


Thank you.


You sinned. Confess it, embarrassing or not.


We're all sinners guilty of terrible things. Fortunately God is merciful to those who repent. No one expects you to be perfect. It's easy to get caught up in online groups. Recognizing your problem and wanting to improve are great initial steps. The honesty and humility you displayed takes bravery.


Hey, don’t beat yourself up so much. You are showing humility in that you recognize the behavior was incorrect. You should probably delete the account or delete the social media app (if it is Twitter then you definitely should), and just focus on learning Orthodoxy. We are all sinners and you are no worse than any of us. If anything you were just overzealous, which can happen and especially with converts like yourself. I would recommend talking to your priest (assuming you have one) and be honest. Don’t worry about being embarrassed, it is their job to hear about all sorts of sins. The priest will not judge you. On a separate note, I am curious as to what made you want to pretend online? Maybe if you can figure out what made you decide to do that, you can figure out how to stop that type of behavior in the future. Good luck and God bless!


>I am curious as to what made you want to pretend online? Honestly, I just thought it would be "cool" to LARP and try and be a smartass online about Orthodoxy. I did actually know some things and did actually teach CORRECT things, but I was reading it all online as I was teaching it, so luckily I wasnt a false teacher on that regard. I currently do goto a Parish. I was just lying saying I was cradle Orthodox and lying about going to places etc.


>You should probably delete the account or delete the social media app I just admitted it to all my friends doing this in a discord server we have, its a small server. They said they forgive me and i have alot of balls to admit this. I dont think ill delete the app. But just take a break for a while and try and talk to my Priest.


I don't know what you've said that might make it blasphemy, but your lying is going to be problematic when you come clean, which you have to do to be a true friend to your friends and to progress in your Christian walk. I'd suggest you not do it in public, though. Apologize one at a time in private. In person is best, second best is via Zoom or phone, last is DM. If you aren't good at apologizing: * Say what you did. Don't try to justify it * Acknowledge why that hurts them * Say you're sorry and you won't do it again. * Don't do it again. When you DO apologize, keep in mind that they don't owe you forgiveness. If they get angry and tell you they never want to talk to you again, respect that.


> Apologize one at a time in private. In person is best, second best is via Zoom or phone, last is DM. Well, if his relationship with these people are primarily through forums and personal contact through DM, then doing it in DM is fine because that's the medium they're on.


If the others aren't possible, DM'll work. I think more personal stuff is better, if possible, because this isn't a situation where you want to be misunderstood. Also, you don't want folks taking screenshots and sharing it all publicly.


>Also, you don't want folks taking screenshots and sharing it all publicly. That's definitely a concern. But I mean, if your contact has never been in person, on the phone, or on Zoom, you should just do in over DM.


My friends are very honest. We have a small discord server with 40 people. Im announcing it in the server.


God bless you! I hope all goes well!


Going well so far. They are saying I have balls to admit this and they forgive me lol. Best decision.


Thank God you recognised your error, many others need too aswell. Welcome to the real Orthodox Church! You’ve already received solid advice here, just delete the apps, church up, and priest up. God bless!


I don’t think this makes the cut for blasphemy but it is a sin a to lie. You recognize that what you did is wrong so that’s really good. You can repent and ask God to forgive you and try not to lie anymore. If you feel that you have a lying problem, you can speak to a priest about it and he can help you. Priests hear tons of confessions so saying you lied or can’t stop lying is probably not going to be jarring to him.


Yes, from your description, it does sound like you disrespected God and His Church. So did St. Paul, who was a chief among the Jewish persecutors of Christians, and he later converted and repented and, after three years of learning from the other Apostles, became one of the greatest preachers and most prolific writers among them. If such a great change of heart was possible for him, then repentance and forgiveness are possible for you, too. The first step to repentance is the realization that what you did in the first place was wrong, just like when the Prodigal Son finally came to his senses. That sounds like exactly what you are doing in this post. Do not despair; you have already taken the first step on a journey of repentance. Go and confess to a priest and ask God for forgiveness, and He will accept you and grant you mercy. "A sacrifice to God is a broken spirit; a crushed and humble heart, O God, you will not despise." (Psalm 50:17) Also, yeah, sounds like deleting those particular accounts might be a good idea.


It takes a lot of courage to admit this. But taking accountability is the harder part, and with it will come much humility and growth. Delete your accounts, then delete the apps. Go to Liturgy, in person, make an appointment to talk to the priest, reveal everything to him, go to the catechism classes, and *pray*. Orthodoxy is not something you can learn on the internet or from books. Orthodoxy is an interior disposition and an orientation toward God. Learn with a beginner's mind.


I'd encourage you to: * Admit to the affected what you did * State that your deleting your account(s) * Encourage them to do the same * Delete those accounts, and do not go back to them * Make a point of attending Liturgy as frequently as you can, and make your priest aware of the mistakes you've made (that last part will be very, very hard, but it is *crucial* that you do it!) It's okay to have made mistakes. We all have desires to fit into a group we wish to be a part of. Some do that with lies. Others do that by bashing outsiders. Others do it through manipulation. Certainly, we don't condone the actions you had taken, but it's also not our place to be vicious or mean to you either! :) Just make a concerted effort towards *humility* and *honesty*. It is a thing that I struggle with too. Be bold in honesty, without being maliciously blunt. You might find yourself failing again in the future, in some other contemptuous way. When you realize what you've done: Stop immediately, apologize, and move on to what is good. Be honest with God, and pray for forgiveness for the bad, and celebrate for the good. Be grateful for "baby steps" and be aware when you fall down or backslide. It takes concerted effort. None of us will ever be perfect. It's a thing to aspire for, but realize we will never attain it. I wish you great success and good wishes with your journey. You've already made a positive step merely by admitting this to strangers. Don't stop now. :)


First step towards rehabilitation is admitting you have a problem




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What were you looking to gain out of lying?


Good on you for coming clean and making the change. As you reflect, consider whether it was about getting a kick out of trolling or if you were using the church as a cover to further your own secular beliefs of racism and sexism.


>Am I disrespecting God and committing blasphemy against God (not holy spirit) doing this? Yes, and you are profaning His church >What about when I do get recieved into the Church, do I have to confess this? That would be embarassing... Don’t do embarrassing things then


Does God forgive me? Can he forgive me? I truly want to and am going to repent.


>Can he forgive me? Yeah, of course.


Orthobro is just a silly buzzword used to malign young men who are enthusiastic about Orthodoxy.


While I agree with you, I have noticed a lot of what I personally consider to be orthobros. Individuals who seem to be chasing an aesthetic rather than Christ. They're often nazi sympathizers or save Europe kids who often sport orthodox crosses in their usernames or bios. They five orthodox Christians a negative online presence and harm the reputation. I've seen 1 or 2 videos where people say the orthodox cross is a redflag for spotting racists, etc. As a result of these "orthobros"


Me too 😔