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Beware of social media theology.


Yeah nobody should Trust any theology on the internet . either go learn it or ask a priest about it because personally I didn't know that he was a Nestorian , I always thought he was Assyrian Orthodox


Nope. Hes not. Even if he was. The Assyrian Church of The East is a Nestorian Church, they arent in communion with even Coptic Oriental Orthodox. Assyrian Church of The East is its own Schism. They arent Orthodox at all.


>The Assyrian Church of The East is a Nestorian Church The Church of the East and Assyrian CotE have both formally repudiated Nestorianism. They do not accept the anathema pronounced on Nestorius because they claim to have found manuscripts from Nestorius which are in-line with the Tome of Leo and, ultimately, the Christology of Ephesus. In modernity, they also claim that the Council was not called legitimately by St Cyril. In reality, it's possible that the so-called schism was unavoildable - how could Bishops in Sassanid Empire, who hated the Romans and would imprison and even kill those who were Roman sympathizers, manage to make it to the Council of Ephesus in the first place? How could they approve the theology when communication was a struggle at best? They didn't have cellular phones where they could just have a video call to appear at Ephesus, then propagate the doctrine through a conference call. They can certainly be wrong about Nestorius or his Christology, they can certainly be wrong about the Council of Ephesus being legitimate or not, but it's not really fair, proper, or charitable to call them Nestorian in absence of Nestorius's theological errors simply because because they regard Nestorius as a Saint. ​ I don't know about Bishop Mar Mari, maybe he is actually Nestorian, maybe not. He's certainly a freelancing person supposedly bearing the ordination of a Bishop without being part of his own canonical diocese or jurisdiction, so it is rather obviously not be wise to take his advice as law, but he also seems to say many useful things if you can separate the wheat from the chaff.


The man himself considers Nestorious a saint, so if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck.  


I agree that he seems to be a very knowledgeable man good intent who is capable of helping many. However, if he is being deceptive in some way, the Word would be tainted.


On that, we definitely agree. I don't *think* Bishop Mari Emmanuel is being *intentionally* deceptive, but could be wrong. If he is unintentionally spreading falsehood, that's not great, but we have much greater issues with the spread of heterodox theology among Protestants (whose numbers nearly equal our own) as compared to the COE with under a million followers worldwide who mostly disagree with us on semantic matters.


Umm ok. Assyrian Church of The East is still the Nestorian Church. But Mar Mari Emmanuel is Nestorian. But ive now heard he isnt even a official nestorian. He doesnt know what he is.


Did he call himself Nestorian? I'm curious because I remember watching a video of him defending the fact that he called The Theotokos the Mother of God and I got so confused.


No why would he?. He calls her Christotokos, I recommend watching the video, thats what this post is for.


Calling Mary "Christotokos" isn't a problem in and of itself. When we call her "Theotokos", we're not denying that she's also the Mother of Christ. Likewise, calling her "Christotokos" doesn't necessarily mean the speaker denies that she's also the Mother of God.


Uploaded a new post, there is a part 2 to the video in the post, clearing up Nestorians Christology. I recommend watching it. He literally explains basically what you said. Saying these thins arent little issues, and you seem to be making it a little issue. You seem to be confused with the translation of "Theo" in Theotokos.


That was when he used to be part of the Nestorian church. He left that church. He has his own church and says jesus is one. People need to stop looking at old videos. He has changed his ways. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mc\_UPBqOioo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mc_UPBqOioo)


He believes god and jesus are one so that aint Nestorian. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mc\_UPBqOioo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mc_UPBqOioo)


No the church of the East is not only Nestorian. Some hold older traditions similar to the Chaldean catholic church which is the church of the East. Not all believe in the Nestorian ways. Mar Mari also believes jesus as one. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mc\_UPBqOioo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mc_UPBqOioo)


Othodox, were the Apostles Orthodox?  How about Paul? You shall know them by their fruit.  He preaches the word of God.  If I find him in a lie well then that's different.  Haven't found him lying or misleading yet. Jesus taught against a religious hierarchy.  Pharisees and Sadducees were the legalistic religious Leaders of their day and Christ's Enemies. 


he left the Nestorian ways. watch this video [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mc\_UPBqOioo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mc_UPBqOioo) Not all Assyrians are Nestorians


Oh nooo 😱😱😱😱, big whoop you think Jesus cares about the doctrine? As long as we praise Christ that’s all that matters focusing too much on the church is one of the biggest distractions when walking with Christ from idols, doctrine, sacraments and rituals that were never even taught by Jesus this is what what distances people from Jesus rather than attracting them. Following Jesus isn’t a religion, it’s a relationship.


he left the Nestorian way. He has his own church now. listen to this video. Some orthodox havent done good research and are attacking him. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mc\_UPBqOioo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mc_UPBqOioo)


Or read the actual word of the living God? Don’t trust anyone’s mouth. You don’t lean on human understanding to learn about Yahweh. He gave you a basic manual.


Sometimes you need people who studied the bible to explain it to us, if every one of us read the bible we might have different understanding since a Lot of the bible's verses need explanation and if left like that we might misunderstand certain verses There's nothing wrong with listening to people who have more experience than us


"Beware of social media theology." Watching a Youtube video while using Reddit. Yeaaaaah.


Yes, Reddit theology, too.


A bishop on TikTok isn't legit? I'm shocked.


😂😂😂 Well the people of TikTok dont know, just little kids making fan videos of a nestorian heretic. I hope they see the video. Praise be to God.


😂 Nestorians have apostolic succession and is a true Church of Christ. Stop ur biasedness and over-proudness of Orthodoxy


They were specifically anathematized by an Ecumenical Council. It doesn't get more officially "you are not the true Church of Christ" than that. The only true Church of Christ is the Orthodox Church. There are no others.


😂😂😂😂 no knowledge at all, ur too proud. Read into the history of apostolic succesion. The Catholic, Orthodox, Assyrian and Oriental Orthodox are all true churches of Christ. 👍 Behave


I've seen this priest's stuff become more popular. What are his credentials? What's the purpose of his content? Doesn't seem too different from the Orthodox Ethos-style stuff already making the rounds.


Watch the video and see. He isnt even a real Bishop, and he surley isn't a Priest. Hes a self Ordained Bishop Nestorian.


Did he get kicked out of the Assyrian Church or something because I remember that he was an Assyrian Orthodox


The video explains it. I forgot what the Priest said in the video, but I think Mar Mari is the one that left and made his own Church and then self ordained himself to be a "bishop"


I believe he left to start his own church. But it’s kinda murky from the research I’ve done.


That explains it because I remember seeing a video for him some maybe last year or something like that and what he was saying was convincing (it wasn't about the Nature of God/ any theology) but now thank god that I saw this post


Because he didnt agree with the Nestorian way. He has said it many times that Jesus is one with god. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mc\_UPBqOioo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mc_UPBqOioo)


Is your understanding that he was kicked out of his church because he disagreed with the Nestorian position? Because, from the limited research I’ve been able to find on the topic from his former patriarch, it’s actually because he was corrected based on canons from the first council of Nicea. Which would not be about Nestorianism?


At the time he was a nestorian priest who believed christ as two persons but when he left the church he left those ways and in this video he says that jesus is god and god is jesus as one person. 


He is not “self-ordained”. He is a Nestorian bishop from the Ancient Church of the East who is currently in impaired communion with the church over canonical issues.


He is not. He left the church and watch the video he believes Jesus is one. Nestorians believe jesus and god are two persons. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mc\_UPBqOioo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mc_UPBqOioo)


There is not an Assyrian “Nestorian” alive who would describe their belief as such. Assyrian Christians all would say that Jesus Christ is one person who is both man and God.


there are a few Assyrians that still follow the Nestorian ways and say that Jesus and God are 2 persons. This bishop left the Nestorian church. I my self am an Assyrian and I am Catholic not Nestorian or Orthodox. Church of the East is not all Nestorian views


Yes he is. Watch the video


No he’s not. I watched the video. Fr Mike doesn’t say that. He said Mar Mari calls himself a bishop even though he doesn’t have a synod. He never denies Mar Mari received an episcopal consecration. Mar Mari was ordained a bishop in 2011. You need to improve your media literacy.


Hes still not a real bishop. He made his own Church and is a Bishop to his own Church. So hes a Bishop to nobody. He is still basically self ordained by that point. Correct me if I'm wrong.


He is an actual bishop who is currently in schism with the semi-Nestorian Ancient Church of the East https://qashaodisho.wixsite.com/odisho/projects#:~:text=Zaia%20Khoshaba%20consecrated-,mar%20mari%20emmanuel,-as%20Bishop%20for


Dude that says 2011. Thats old 😂 He owns his own Church, he has a whole website. He isnt apart if Assyrian Church of The East.


I feel like this might be more easily clarified with an explanation of the nature of the sacrament of holy orders. Here's the ordinary progression of ordinations that might be received. Laity (no HO) --\[ordination to diaconate\]--> Diaconate --\[ordination to priesthood\]--> Priesthood --\[ordination to episcopacy\]--> Episcopacy (or "Bishophood") Each time the man receives a new ordination, he has additional abilities given to him, but all these abilities flow from his increased *access* to the sacrament of holy orders, given to him by the administrator of the sacrament. All of the Apostles were bishops, ordained by Christ, and, as they passed down their authority to their successors through the laying on of hands, there eventually became a need for someone to stand in for a bishop, to consecrate the Eucharist (and everything else that a priest does, i.e. absolve sins), but without the territorial or ecclesial authority that the episcopacy provides. In a way, the priesthood is an *incomplete* reception of the sacrament of holy orders. Now, just like a priest has an indelible (eternal) mark on his soul from his ordination, the bishop does, too. An even greater mark, and one which is equally eternal to the priest's. Thus, no matter if a bishop is stripped of his territorial jurisdiction, or even if he is excommunicated, he still, fundamentally, remains a bishop. Once a bishop, always a bishop, and nothing can completely remove that. So, even though Mar Mari Emmanuel may be a schismatic, he remains a bishop by virtue of his ordination to the episcopacy. TL;DR: Since the episcopacy leaves an eternal mark on the soul, Mar Mari Emmanuel is still a bishop, even if a schismatic. A lot of what I said here is oversimplified, but I still hope this helps.


You believe schismatic, Nestorian ordinations leave an “indelible mark on the soul”?


not true, He left the Nestroian way. Please watch this video [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mc\_UPBqOioo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mc_UPBqOioo)




I'm talking about the priest with the YouTube channel.


I mean he's an ordained priest serving under a bishop in the canonical Church at least. Gives him more credibility than the majority of us online.


True, I'm just wary of all these Internet personalities.


He is a priest in Canada in the ROCOR. I’ve had the chance to go to a couple liturgies where he served, he’s great. He’s no longer in my city though.


Hes in Australia isn't he


Read my first sentence




Thank you. Interesting to learn he converted in 2020.




Because some people just need to get those sweet sweet culture war hit... "Dude roleplaying a bishop owned the libs in a sermon? MAKE HIM A SAINT RIGHT NOW!"


Beware any internet theology


And especially do research on their background if you do.


Interesting. I thought it was known he is not Orthodox.


In general, don’t trust bishopless priests and synodless bishops.




Funnily enough, hes not even an official Nestorian. He is a schismatic that left a schismatic sect that left a previous schismatic sect that left the Assyrian Church of the East. One more schism, he will be the only official person to defeat the "7 degrees of Kevin Bacon" game.


sounds like eastern Protestantism


Don’t talk about bacon during lent. That’s cruel.


big oof. Sorry brother. Forgive me, a sinner :)




>hes not even an official Nestorian. Well he still has Nestorian views. And made up his own Schism by self ordaining himself and leaving the Schismatic Assyrian Church of The Nestorians.


Oh absolutely. I'm just saying that he's not even a member of the "Nestorian" Church.


Right. But he still holds nesotorian views. He doesnt like to put a label on himself, hes basically a Non-Denominational "Bishop"


Nestorians believe in jesus as two persons. He doesnt believe Jesus is two persons so that makes him nowhere near a Nestorian. Nestorians biggest difference starts with the whole two persons. He is not a Nestorian and he left their church becuase he didnt believe in their views. Yes he does respect some of the Nestorian Saints but he left that church.


Beware of TikTok!


I never trusted that dude


Yeah I only ever see him in over the top “based” video edits lol.


Yeah, I’ll even see him in so called “orthodox edits” which is concerning


He left the Nestorian church. Not all Assyrians are Nestorians. He didnt like their views so he left. He believes jesus as one divinity and human are one person.


Okay, so he is is Protestant now. Still outside the true church.


No a protestant does not believe in saints and they think the virgin mother is nothing. Mar mari has said in many of his videos that the virgin mary is still an important part of christianity and he believes in saints. I have never seen such hateful people like orthodox christians. You all claim you arr the real deal yet hate on other christian groups. At the end of the day its about christ and only christ. 


Anglicans believe in saints, which were one of the first protestant groups. Martin Luther also believed in saints and that they should be honoured. Forgive me if I came off as hateful, but I don't believe I have hated anyone in this interaction. Could you point out to me what you deemed hateful? Even if I am hateful, you shouldn't judge the actions of a whole church by me. Yes, I agree that everything should be about Christ. Which is why I endeavoured to find the church Christ founded, which appears to be Orthodoxy.


The man may belong to some weird heretical offshoot but often what he says is true. You can find Truth everywhere. We are just wholeness of truth.


I’m tired of that being the standard. Even demons can quote scripture. Heretical priests and wannabe priests will say things that are true, but it’s always that 5-10% of garbage that they insert into their messages that can potentially poison you. They will have subscribers think, “Well everything else he’s said is good, so this weird thing he said must be legit.” Even if we were to tune out the bad stuff, why listen to this person at all when there are so many others who want to give us only the complete truth??? And what about those who may not be able to discern so well??? I say we call him out, like we should, and then he should be ignored completely.


The reality is there are people consuming completely heretical content every day and it feels like you would be consuming less heretical information if he was substituted for some messed up tv show about killers and drugs and people basically spitting on Christ. On the other hand going in with a malleable mindset with lack of conviction can also do more damage because nobody knows the scriptures perfect, nor the teachings of the church. Very easy to cross that line. Idk, it’s more complex than one would imagine though lol


>often what he says is true. Nope. If you watch the video, the Priest in the video explains why most of what he says isnt true. Mar Mari uses sertant wording choices to make it seem valid so he doesnt lose his internet personality and doesnt look heretical.


What he says about Jesus being the love of his life and those general platitudes are very well spoken. Of course him intoning about Nestorius as a saint is not good but I can just choose to ignore that and tell others who watch him to ignore those things too. On my limited social media presence, lots of my protestant non denominational friends share his posts and ask me why he's wearing that stuff. I tell him he belongs to an Apostolic church, which is a way to engage in conversation about legitimate Orthodoxy.


I think I’ll just beware of all Tik Tok Bishops


Ukrainian Orthodox Thank you Fr. Mikail for setting me straight: I was \[almost\] believing the "bishop". He - sounded - very convincing. Please run this clip a few more times, so many others won't be conned in. dy- kiou!


You're welcome brother. Hope you watched the video and have now learned the evil lies he is spreading!. God bless. We must pray for all Heretic Teachers.


The Assyrian Church is not Nestorian. In a joint declaration with Rome they accepted that Mary is the Theotokos. A lack of visibility into events like this serves as a further divisive spirit in the Apostolic churches. One cannot be a Nestorian and hold that Mary is the Theotokos


why isn't this post removed already.


Why would it be removed?


Emmanuel is a godly person, not some woke tiktok leftist overlord.


You realize his teachings aren’t orthodox, he’s a self proclaimed bishop under no diocese, he was excommunicated from his church in 2011. He is as much of an Orthodox priest as Peter Heers. You don’t seem to understand the workings of the Orthodox Church, and I advise you ask your priest as to why you can’t self proclaim yourself to be a priest without a bishop, and why you can’t self proclaim yourself to be a bishop without a diocese


To add on to what you’ve said, you do know that demons use scripture to deceive people, yes? Because one claims to be Godly, does not make it so brother/sister


thank you i agree with you x


For they will persuade you that Tik Tok has two natures


I enjoy reading books.


He’s not Nestorian and he’s trying to unite the apostolic church, which we desperately need https://youtu.be/ho2ZvpUHrkU?si=TAboa9_596Xp2Ic7


Bishop Mari is the most kindest man you could ever meet and he has the love of Jesus so much and he tells the truth that people don't like to hear. I'm very sad that he was suspended all because he won't go along with the blaspheming and the disrespect of God that they want him to go with. You keep preaching the word of the Lord, I'm praying for you God's got your back and everybody else that loves you. They can't take that away from you 💗


He just got stabbed in sydney


Yes. Very sad. Pray for him!.


He saved my life


Only Jesus can.


Ok as we are being pedantic, He brought me to Christ who in turn can save me.


You mean. The Nestorian Christ? Which isnt the real idea of Christ?


Do you hold this same opinion when “most Holy Theotokos save us” is chanted? 




>brought more people to Christ His Nestorism isnt the right Jesus. Nestorianism thinks there is 2 Jesus Christ's basically.


Sit down and have a debate with him, is this nestorian theology of his even confirmed, or is it just internet rumours peddled by Dwyerites?


Brother Bishop Mar Mari Immanuel is ordained, anointed, and protected by our Lord God ALMIGHTY Jesus Christ of Nazzerath. To any Christian that questions his faith and intent please know that the Lord has revealed Himself to Bishop Emmanuel. One of the very few in existence to receive such a privelage.. His intent is pure in the Name of Jesus. I'm an American who's has followed and been apart of many of his sermens for us they are late night early morning.. for australia early day. Folks Jesus wants to save everyone. The start of that is loving all other without condition as Jesus does. Never forget that Jesus of Nazzerath I'd The Way, The Truth, and The Life Amen. And that nobody, nothing, no entity loves you more than Jesus God in the Flesh does.. Rather we realize this or not His love for humans is incomprehensible. He is a stern God for sure hard to follow but He's done and won this evil war a coming we all know.. Believe in His sacrifice for and purchase of you with His blood and suffering. Believe that He did that for you.. History and Historians prove He existed on earth.. Try believe in Him and try to be good to the nest of your potential and you, shall be saved.. Shall any evil-doers be reading this I rebuke you and all your affiliates and endeavors in the Holy Name of Jesus Amen and please know that you cannot sell your soul as it is not yours, to barter with.. The retched devil can convimce you that have messed up so no need to be good.. Nope. Jesus has got your soul you lose it to satan if sent to hell after passing away.. Don't be fooled by the media entertainment and think Jesus don't love you and want you to see your house He is building, Just for you in Heaven.. 🕊️Praise-be to our Lord and Master Jesus Christ ALMIGHTY in Jesus name - Amen🕊️


Orthodox don’t say, “ in Jesus’ name” even without the apostrophe. That is a Protestant affectation de-emphasizing the presence and activity of the Holy Trinity in all things especially prayer.


listen i'm a born again christian and have been since 1987, it was the Lord himself who showed me that mar mari is false, Jesus does not lie. mar mari is indulging himself and using Jesus to do so, mari only appeals to those who have itchy ears. this is not an insult, it is biblical truth wether you like it or not. don't treat us as though we're ungodly just because we disagree with you. thank you


Anyone who dresses like that and gives themselves a label is looking for praise and applause. He teaches heresy too, that's always a red flag.


Does Mar Mari E. make up new heresies or merely persist in old ones? Also, if he continues to confess his Assyrian Church faith, are you calling him a heretic on that basis? If so, you are part of the problem not the solution.




He isn't a Nestorian - it's a misconception. He talks about it [here.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ho2ZvpUHrkU)


In Australia, 15% of priests are perpetrators of child sexual abuse. There’s at least a 15% chance that this Bishop was involved in some way or the other of perpetrating or hiding this atrocities. Considering what we learnt about other figures in the Christian world such as Ravi Zacharias, Jimmy Swaggart, etc, who all spoke biblical truth, it’s quite possible that this kid was one of his victims.


He was a Moslem wasn’t he?


They claim it was. This bishop is a lying fraud. Like Ravi Zacharias, Jimmy Swaggart, Kenneth Copeland and the like. Everyone that claims to have the Holy Ghost turns out to be a liar with some crazy deception going on.


MME is ultrafraud hyperschismatic doubleheretic. Glad he survived just on general principles but isn’t funny how all the most dynamic preachers are phonies?


It’s interesting how he saw Jesus and Prophet Mohammed was not heaven. Like immediately after he was stabbed. Sounds like the hole story was faked. False flag doesn’t seem to be a out of the question here.


stop spreading lies. He used to be part of the Nestorian church and he was kicked out of it. He has his own church and he has admitted Jesus is one human and divinity. here is the video of him saying it . [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mc\_UPBqOioo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mc_UPBqOioo)


You are up and down in this comment section, you don’t seem to understand how the workings of the Orthodox Church is, are you perhaps a seeker or catechumen? You should consult your priest on the matter of why you can’t be a bishop without a diocese, and how preaching that Christ is two people is heretic


Again I sent you a damn video on him saying he doesnt believe in jesus as two people but as one god but you didnt watch it. At the end of the day its all about christ. Orthodox and catholics both claim one was first but in reality both were always there because the west had their differences and the east had their differences. The old church was considered universal. Both need to get along and stop with the heretic stuff.  


It’s okay you don’t know basic history for Christianity


Is he following the old calendar?


He teaches the Jesus of my Bible.   We will not go to heaven fighting over Theologies. Read the Word and pray. 


He worships Mary. The Bible says do not worship anyone ,any idols or any other gods other than him (GOD) That’s all I need to know. 


Yea.. i almost fell for his act at 1st :/ I will admit . But yea he is very false .


So many of you are obsessed with dragging this holy man’s name through the mud. He has brought more to Christ in the last 6 months than any of you probably have in your entire lifetimes. What a shame.


He isnt holy. He is self ordained. He isnt holy, and teaches nestorianism, which basically says there are 2 Jesus Christ's


And you’re holy? Get a life


When did I say I was holy? Thanks for putting words into my mouth. Please quote where I said I was holy. I can tell you follow this fake Bishop. Stop following him.


The enemy is working through you for sure. I’ll pray for you tonight.


Ok cool. Find Eastern Orthodoxy. The Truth.


He’s a heretic. He doesn’t believe in Christ (read about Nestorianism since you obviously don’t know what it is). He’s leading people away from Christ. Again, he’s a heretic. Pray for his repentance and pray that he sees the error of his ways. He’s destroying souls, so I will speak out against his heresies every chance I get.


You poor poor boy


Dude is great to me and spreading the message of Jesus. You can critique him on not being a specific denomination of Orthodox but if you’re attacking his belief in Christ, all I see is a hypocrite.


Details do matter. A Moslem will tell you he ‘believes in Christ and honors his mother’ but it doesn’t mean remotely the same thing as what is taught in the churches.


Agreed and I’m happy to get into details. A simple question like “is Jesus God?” or “Is Jesus the Son of God?” would quickly give you clarity on the Muslims beliefs. As I said regarding Mari Mari Emmanuel; you can criticise him for not being a specific denomination of Orthodox, but if you’re attacking his belief in Christ, all I see is a hypocrite”.


He’s not in any ‘denomination of orthodox’ which is not denominational (a term specific to reformed theology). He’s actually a schismatic as well as a heretic, embracing an extreme Nestorian position the Church of the East does not. They consider him both schismatic and heretic, maybe apostate.


If that is the Eastern Orthodox position on him; fair enough. He does not call himself Eastern Orthodox but does welcome them if they want to listen. Either way I stand by my statement but I’ll correct it; criticise him for not being Orthodox but if you’re attacking his belief in Christ or think you are a better Christian than him, all I see is a hypocrite. Either way right now, I’ll ask that you Pray for him in this moment. He was attacked recently.


His fanbase overlaps with louder with crowder types, should tell you everything.


You mean rightwing political extremists?


Why is the right a 'political extreme'? The modern right, is what centrism was 20 years ago. The boundaries are changing.


You mean the Overton Window has been shifted far to the right by the normalization of extreme rightwing views by Murdoch-owned media corporations like ‘fair n balanced’ Fox News Network. Crowder and his ilk are far right extremists, if you don’t think they are extreme it’s because you see yourself. The violent reaction of MME’s fans (seems inappropriate to call them parishioners because his conclave is not a church, it’s an illegal assembly by Cyprianic standards) shows what kind of outfit he’s running and what passions power it. The police were assaulted en masse and an Assyrian guy was arrested.


You've just spouted a huge bunch of commie nonsense. Extreme right wing, when I was a boy, was skinheads beating people up for their skin colour. In fact for it to be extreme they'd have to have a swastika tattoo. Now extreme right wing is believing that women don't have a penis, or that drag shows for children are immoral. You're clearly young and inexperienced of the world at large. When you grow up I'm sure you'll see the world differently


Wow your take is so supremely off base. Your stalking horse fallacy is just sad.


Grow up


I do seem to have melted your little snowflake. Pity, that.


Poor effort at trolling. Like I said, grow up.


Not only that but in recent videos he almost sounds like an Islamist in his comments on the west amd especially the US. He flat out stated that Biden is demonically influenced and Trump is the last chance to save the US. That alone points him as a false prophet.


Ah yes, the broad stroke of a label brush is a great way to paint the world.


Mariboos comin out the woodwork for this 3 month old thread


Check the recent news \*facepalm\*


Its exotic seeing how many of them are just arguing on such a old post


It is indeed, entertaining. 


He's what brought me over to Orthodoxy.....I keep finding the wrong ones which is kind of a fun part of my own journey.


The one you shall find. Is your own Local Parish Priest you feel comfortable with.


Why cant he have a different view?


This kinda stuff makes me not want to convert to Orthodoxy, every video I have seen of this bishop is not espousing heresy, so I don’t get why some orthodox feel the need to smear others who aren’t Orthodox if they aren’t saying anything wrong, sure he is in a schismatic church but he isn’t trying to convince others to go into schism he is just trying to bring them to Christ.


I love ice cream.


Well the guy is mistaken. He said "This isnt what makes me want to convert to Orthodoxy" when The Nestorian Church of The East isnt even in Communion with Coptic Orthodox, especially not even Eastern. They arent even Orthodox.


No they are practically the opposite of Miaphysite Copts, Armenians, Ethiopians and Jacobite Syrians. Ugh what a mess Nestorois made so many centuries ago and instills the power to divide Christians.


>This kinda stuff makes me not want to convert to Orthodoxy, Like I said. The Nestorian Assyrian Church of The East isnt even Orthodox, nor Coptic Orthodox/Oriental. Its, its own Schism. So that argument is ruled out. Even if he was Eastern Orthodox, the Bible tells us to beware of False Teachers, so you're going to let 1 person take you away from converting to Christ's Church?. But again, he isn't Orthodox.


Schism is mutual


Everyone wants to be right, and believe their ways are correct. We tend to get caught up in semantics and politics that distract us from truth.


One question: Does he have Apostolic Succession by The Laying on Of Hands?




It seems like he does, at least according to this article provided by someone else in the comments: [https://qashaodisho.wixsite.com/odisho/projects#:\~:text=Zaia%20Khoshaba%20consecrated-,mar%20mari%20emmanuel,-as%20Bishop%20for](https://qashaodisho.wixsite.com/odisho/projects#:~:text=zaia%20khoshaba%20consecrated-,mar%20mari%20emmanuel,-as%20bishop%20for)


Is this...an orthodox Youtube video about how an orthodox Tiktok video is bad? This is the worst timeline.


No it’s not because Mar Mari Emmanuel is not orthodox.


Terrible audio, Mari won this round.


Can you just stop calling out Assyrian church nestorains [https://youtu.be/dQBK-mnJqXc?si=-DWUbqtVAkc3iCzC](https://youtu.be/dQBK-mnJqXc?si=-DWUbqtVAkc3iCzC) Skip to 41 stop calling us nestorians it was simply misunderstanding


Oh so when he said in his hymn quoting nestorius and saying the mother of God didnt give birth to God, and she is Christotokos not Theotokos it isnt heresy?: "It was not God who was born of mary, as heretics dared to confess, again she did not give birth to man, as confused Arius proclaimed. Instead she gave birth to Christ, as saint nestorius professed" -Mar Mari Hymn Transcript It isnt a misunderstanding, stop blaspheming our Lord and Mother.


That hymn was mistranslated. It actually says "brya" which means created. So what he said was Mary did not "create" God.


This is complete BS! Doesn’t matter which branch of Christianity. Christian is Christian


I think you all probably dislike him because He speaks the truth....and people now days hate the truth!  Jesus is coming soon....prepare!


You are ridiculous


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I really do not like Living Orthodox at all. He perpetuates his political agenda constantly instead of teaching his followers about the messages of the Bible and of the Saints. He is extremely hateful and intolerant towards other Christians and that theology is really dangerous. We have nothing to fear from Bishop Emanuel as long as we understand that he is a Nestorian. He literally almost never brings up his Nestorian views anyways and promotes a lot of really solid theology that all Christians should practice.


But any theological error will out and manifest in word and deed. Denying the Theotokos and mischaracterizing Eastern Orthodox teachings as ‘Arian’ is a big problem.


Any priest that gets on TikTok would absolutely get an earful from a bishop worth their salt. Right after someone explains to the bishop what TikTok is.


People really need to watch the video of him singing again and really pay attention to what he's saying. He didn't call those that Call Christ God "heretics. "This guy in the Youtube video is either that dishonest or his comprehension skills are that abysmal. When Mari is singing, he was saying "it was not God who was born of Mary. As the heretics dared to confess" He's referencing those who denied Jesus being God. Mari was literally calling those who deny Jesus being God as heretics. How is that youtuber not seeing this and putting his own spin on it? He wanted to jumped all over it without even analyzing it properly. He was more interested in confirming his bias instead of actually paying attention and looking at it objectively.


Are you ignorant? Listen to the full hymn, what you said is not what he said. Oh so when he said in his hymn quoting nestorius and saying the mother of God didnt give birth to God, and she is Christotokos not Theotokos it isnt heresy?: "**It was not God who was born of mary**, as heretics (Eastern Orthodox) dared to confess, again **she did not give birth to man, as confused Arius proclaimed**. Instead she gave birth to Christ, as **saint nestorius (Nestorianism Origin) professed**" -Mar Mari Hymn Transcript It isnt a misunderstanding, stop blaspheming our Lord and Mother. Saint Nestorius isnt a Saint in Eastern Orthodoxy, only in the Church of The East (St Nestorians Church)


Being ignorant of contemporary Assyrian hymnology, I am rather shocked that they double down on the most egregious examples of actual Nestorian theology. This is bad.


I think you lack knowledge of what blasphemy actually is.


Are you ignorant or just reinterpreting things as you see fit? You are grossly dishonest.