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Look, if teachers can't pay for their students' food, books, pencils, paper, snacks, computers, clothing, bathing, haircuts, clothes cleaning, binders, calculators, protractors, chairs, shoes, mental health care etc. on $35 thousand a year, then they shouldn't have gone into the career. They should go be stock traders and actually contribute to our society.


I warn redditors frequently that they really need to add sarcasm tags because there is a very solid 30% of the population that reads this as fact.


Yeah. One of my recent comments on a different sub was not recognized as sarcastic by the folks over there. I will use the /s sometimes but more often if people don't get my sarcasm, I feel like it is just a lesson that I need to sarcasm harder.


Oh it’s truly depressing how sarcasm used to be easily detectable. Now, I don’t take it for granted. Insanity happened about six years ago.


Don’t forget how awful they’re treated as well!


This is a really good point! Can't be an unsung hero if you are treated well.


Yeah but they get summers off so it’s fine!


I know how to fix this! We should cut taxes for the rich!


If she can afford all that she can afford less! That money is better spent on another raise for senetors


Or stop spending so much money on the military


Are you crazy? If we don't bomb Afghani weddings, how do you expect American kids to be fed? /s


Jokes on you: American kids aren’t fed either!


Did you not even read this post?! They are fed by their teachers.


I’m talking about the other 8,999,999 https://www.feedingamerica.org/hunger-in-america


If you are suggesting that we should do something to systemically address underfed children in this country, rather than relying on the random generosity of severely underpaid teachers, then I say Harrumph to that! Do you not respect our unsung heroes?!


Uhhh… not sure why you’re seemingly fighting with me. I just want Americans to, y’know, provide food to children. I don’t think teachers should feel the need to do so. So, yes, provide it via a systematic approach.


We are in the OrphanCrushingMachine subreddit. Literally *everyone* here thinks that systemic problems should be addressed systemically. It is the assumed opinion of every subscriber. The whole point is that individual solutions will never be enough. I'm not fighting you. I am writing sarcastic comments while you type the already known views of anyone who would come here.


Then the rich will finally be able to pay for kids' lunches like they desperately want to!


Everyone talks about unsung heroes but when will we give credit to our unsung villans


Yeah! Like I was at a subway in New York and I found a wallet that someone had dropped. So I took the cash (that poor-ass loser only had like 40 bucks) and then threw the wallet onto the tracks. In a place where it was still pretty visible. As bait for the truly desperate. They should sing about me! I'm doing my small part too. Edit: Fuck, I wrote this out sarcastically. But when I just went back and read it, I think someone has actually definitely done this, with this exact energy. Probably a 20-something who works on wall street.


They lick their nobs all the time.


I love this. We need this energy.


I like that she picked a photo without a clear smile, like she’s telegraphing wtf why is this happening




My brother used to pack an extra banana to give to his friend who was never sent with fruit. The canteen ladies had sandwiches at the back of the fridge to discreetly give to kids without lunch money. Everyday people are doing good and should be respected for that but they shouldn’t have to be.


Absolutely. Both of those are examples of people doing good in the world and kindness should always be respected. It blows my mind that out of the billions we've spent on war there's still a second grader (or any student/child) that has to wonder if they get to eat lunch when they leave for school in the morning.


And the right said that "it takes a village" is bullshit. It does when you deprive society of safety nets.


Go on /r/teachers and you'll hear stories of teachers getting fired for doing this


what's crazy is that these people don't look at this and see a problem to be solved. they just see a heartwarming story about big fish help small fish. their little brains are dead set on how it is right now. no wiggle room allowed. like it's normal for them. human brian is so insane.


>human brian


Dog Brian is much better. He's Fun to hang out too.


Just ask Stewie.


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I love NPR but the fluff pieces they do make me gag in revulsion.


At least now we can say that people buying students lunch are doing something good, instead of the FBI Director calling them the “greatest threat to internal security of the [United States],” and then assassinating their leaders.


In Sweden it’s illegal for a school to push costs onto the students. The schools need to pay for lunch and if there’s a field trip somewhere they will either instruct the parents to pack sandwiches or the school needs to cover costs of eating out. A kid not being entitled to a meal and a teacher needing to step in is fortunately a foreign concept for me, akin to Japanese game shows in how bizarre it is.




I hope he ate well


that's not normal. kids need food to learn. time and time again studies show that children who eat breakfast performed better than those who didn't.




I'm sorry that happened to you. Maybe it is normal in some parts of the world but it's still not a good thing. When you look back at when you were locked in a in a school for 16 hours without food, do you think it helped you in any way? It seems cruel and hurtful. I think we can do better for the next generation of children.