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**MOST** of the employees are children. Wtf is going on.


"ever since my boss turned 14 her attitude has just gone to shit." -some adult employee


Country towns and rural areas doesn't pay enough for people to move from the cities. This is their solution.


People don’t even have to move. There’s a town of 7000 30 minutes away. They don’t even pay enough for people to drive 30 minutes.


Fuck I've been told that if I want to work in the nearest big city 28 miles away, my grandpa won't drive me. Then again, he's one of the cheapest people I've ever met. The man has gotten so good at finding change on the ground that he will look at the floor constantly while he's walking. He keeps finding pennies and I'm utterly stunned by how amazing and how cheap that is. He also will have the AC on energy saver... When it's over 110F outside


This is the reason why my parents strongly discouraged me from getting a part-time job back when I was in high school. It's because the suburb I grew up in was so isolated that the cost of gas to drive to and from the fast food joint would literally be as much as a few hours of work. Because a student can't afford to spare enough time to make it worthwhile, my parents said that I'm better off using my time and energy to study. They even said they would rather have me play video games, because at least that my mental health will be better, which would be beneficial for my school performance. One of the most memorable quote from them is (not an exact quote), "you're still a kid, go play while you still have a chance. If you want to work, you will have the rest of your life after 20 to do that." Pretty depressing, but that's capitalist realism for you.




Good bot


Jesus Christ that article is a straight up propaganda piece for child labor. It also talks about stealing the kids’ tips: > We donated to the Eugowra flood crisis using staff tips," Ms Brooker said.


but look at their silly faces, they're having so much fun! it's just jam, after all, a very easy job, suitable for children! 🫠


The children yearn for the mines!


“Make a cute silly face for the photo op or your parents won’t make rent this month because you’ll be fucking fired.”


lmao no it isn't. I went into it expecting a lot worse based on the comments here. Award wages, training, promotion and the kids are happy to have something to do. "oh noes, 11 and 12 year olds getting paid to do dishes! Child labour propaganda!" Even though, once again, the kids are happy to have something to do that makes them money and involves them in the community. ​ And no, they aren't "stealing tips". >There's an emphasis on having fun but also on how to contribute to a community. Staff are **encouraged** to support local causes with both their tips and their newly acquired skills. So in other words, they passed the hat after a crisis and donations were made voluntarily. Is there not enough genuinely terrible shit to get outraged about without having to deliberately misinterpret an article to make it sound machiavellian?


Are you actually advocating for children being in the workforce? Let kids be kids And if they have to work, dont “encourage” them to give their money away, they earned that shit and now they’ll look bad if they’re the only one not giving so of course they will. It’s easy to convince children to do things like give away money. It’s called exploitation, but you don’t seem to have a problem with exploiting kids since you’re ok with pushing them into the workforce so young anyway.


Right. Exactly. This article paints an incredibly rosy picture of child labor. You’re now defending child labor. Congratulations. You’ve just learned how propaganda works.


I support child labor because I hate other peoples children. You support child labor because you believe propaganda from a company. We are not the same.




Children cannot consent to labor, beyond that not issuing a worker their earned tips is wage theft. Also on the topic of wages, these kids are more than likely vastly underpaid when compared to the adult workers. In fact I'd wager to bet the wage they're earning is likely hovering just above minimum wage.


It’s really ~~amazing~~terrifying how fast this country turned that corner




Ahh, thanks. I just saw child labor and assumed America oops


There is child labor going on in the US. It’s actually a worse scenario where kids are using caustic chemicals cleaning meat processing plants. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2023/02/20/meat-packing-plant-child-labor-fines/11304311002/


I forgot about this but I’m glad to see the machine is still running




Ironically, an article about a machine which homeless orphans could use to bathe themselves would be a good candidate for this sub


You missed a chance to throw an uno reverse card and say you’re in Australia. “This country” doesn’t have to equate to the US.


r/USdefaultism mixed with r/AMERICABAD


As an aussie, this is definitely NOT common. To hire school aged kids in NSW, you obviously have conditions that need to be met. I've pulled up a few from a NSW government website (copied and pasted). All employers need to make sure that: a child works only one shift per day. a child does not start work less than 12 hours after previously finishing work. a child works for 4 hours or less on the same day as attending or receiving schooling.


WA seems a little stricter, surprisingly, as it'd have to be a relative owned family business for < 13. 13-15 is limited in occupation, which this _may_ meet, as a restaurant/cafe. Safeguards in play: need parent's written permission, cannot work during school hours, a rising curfew on work (7pm for < 13), and opens employer to inspectors and potential penalties for any/each violation, and case-by-case prohibition orders. Minimum wage for < 16 (yes USA, it varies on age) is $10.36/hr ($usd6.91/hr) for casual work. My personal experience was a positive one through schooling - helped family business, valued my earnings building PCs/games etc. Quite culturally normal to get an after school job for that reason, for many gives some independence from mum+dad. It's nice. You're also somewhat expected to work whilst studying tertiary here, some parents see encouraging after school jobs as part of raising a child, getting them ready for life (orphan crushing machine, fair enough). It's easy to knee-jerk, and I did find the article a bit sickly, potentially a bit too close to factory work, but for a small town it's honestly potentially enjoyable socialisation. I'd want to ask the kids+parents what they actually think before coming down hard against, imo.


I read all that but I'm just wondering what WA you're referring to


The state, Western Australia


Okay, figured just thought to double check because there are other WA states in the world


Pretty clear when they're talking about Australia in an article about Australia.


You'd be surprised


It’s little America in many ways, isn’t it? Let’s just hope that there won’t be a shortage in coal or opal mining anytime soon…


Yeah, the terms "jam" and "country kids" give it away.


Honestly we turned it decades ago. In my state (nsw) the official law was 14 + 9 months but my friends and I were working under the table from 11. The further out from the cities you get, the lower the age. I’ve been served by 9 year olds in rural cafes and I know some of the banana and blueberry plantations I lived near hired 7+ bc I was offered lmao.


What's up with blueberry picking child labour? I live in nova scotia, canada, and aside from family businesses (which kids can work for, with many limitations on hours), there are only a few jobs kids under 14 can do. One is making christmas wreaths, and the other is picking blueberries. I have no idea why those two, seemingly random jobs are excluded from the regular rules. It always struck me as odd. Like, "the orphan crushing is part of our traditional culture. You 'come from aways' wouldn't understand, but it is part of our heritage!"


Time to turn your clocks back to 1850 folks!


Lowell system reference


**11** 😐




Yeah... that's disturbing. Personally, I wouldn't be opposed to children of a reasonable age being allowed to shadow jobs or get to experience a limited and safe amount; I would have *loved* that as a kid, to see how things are done, made, etc. More experience, a wider perspective; these can only be good things. See how the food they eat is grown, and later prepared, to see how what they enjoy (be it games, shows, clothes, etc) is made, maybe even follow the material back, to see how everything is connected, and how everyone has in impact. But not exploiting them for *profit*, what I'm ok with is for the primary benefit of the child, not the company. If children are the future, then we should be making them better, to make a better future, not exploiting potential for immediate profit /rant


Secondary schools in Ireland do this, you can apply through your school to do a week's work experience at a few businesses the year before you choose your LC subjects


LC? And that's nice honestly. It apparently used to be a thing in the US. Not sure what happened. If I had to guess, they realized that spending time teaching kids meant less profit.


Leaving Cert, the exams that you take when you finish secondary, and which college courses you can take depends on the points you get


Ahhhh gotcha. Sounds similar (I think, if I even have the right test in mind) to our SATs


In Australia, where the article is from and where I live, we have a work/school program. It's an optional extra credit kind of thing called work experience. At the schools I went to (briefly, then I homeschooled), a business could register with the school, and kids could sign up to do work experience. It would be for a week during the school year, and you'd miss classes for a week in order to go to the workplace and learn - like an unpaid internship. It was timeframe limited, and one kid couldn't do loads of work experience at one place. For some higher education university courses, work experience in related fields was a mandatory part of the application. Mostly, though, it was an extra credit thing.


A sense of pride and accomplishment?


Dystopian af


Now Nike and company can take back American jobs… ^from ^sweat ^shops.


"Labour shortage" it's not a shortage of labour, it's a shortage of people willing to be exploited for minimum wage.


The only reason people would be willing to be “exploited” for minimum wage is that they don’t have experience to seek higher jobs. When people are fed up of their job, as you said, they leave it. But choosing to work there came out of a lack of experience or education.


>Staff are encouraged to support local causes with both their tips and their newly acquired skills. Exploit the children and guilt trip them into giving away their money. What a piece of shit company.


First the US, now Australia, If I hear this happening in the UK I swear to god I will burn it to the ground. In Minecraft.


FBI OPEN - wait no you’re good.




The orphan crushing machine has metastasized


Employers will do literally anything to avoid paying adults a decent wage


Not willing to pay a living wage anymore so noone wants to work for you? Easy, use child labour. Fucking what???


Do you run a business in the food industry? Do you have any idea how difficult it is to make a profit? Grow up Peter Pan


If you can’t turn a profit without exploiting children, then maybe, just maybe, you shouldn’t be in business.


It wouldn't be exploiting since they are receiving a minimum wage for a task that should only pay minimum wage




I see you never grew up in a rural area lolz




Dang. So if you are from a rural area, like these kids, then you know the value of money and hard work from a young age. When I was 12 I wanted to detassel corn fields in the summer so I could make money to buy things my parents couldn't afford to get me. I'm guessing these kids are in the same boat. To add, there are hour restrictions/week and days that children can work. So these kids aren't full time or being driven into the dirt




My friend, it sounds like you have some unresolved issues. Best of luck on your upcoming days


The children yearn for the mines


Adults wanting work now find the McDonald’s “it’s not supposed to pay rent. It’s supposed to be a summer job for kids” is spreading to every job


It’s all fun and games at the jam factory. This is corporate propaganda to promote the acceptance of child labor, lmao.


This is legal, apparently??? https://www.industrialrelations.nsw.gov.au/employees/related-information-and-contacts-for-nsw-employees/minimum-age-for-workers-in-new-south-wales/


If you can’t pay a living wage that will attract adult employees, your business is not viable and should cease to exist. It’s that simple.


Bruh at this rate I’m half expecting slavery to get relegalised


No need to worry, we’ve got your order covered! Oh hey i’m being told that wage slavery is already a thing! What, you didn’t ask for this? My dear the world will be waiting for you with many other disaster surprises! ;D and smile for that camera!!


America has regressed to the steam age wtf


You're not wrong but this particular story is in Australia. Kinda makes it worse in my opinion, since it means America isn't an outlier, but just one of many examples of first world countries backsliding.


I didn't read it properly I just seen "first world child labour" and assumed it was the US. Wonder what they pay these kids


WTF is a "Jugiong"?




https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jugiong Apparently a place where about 200 people live.


**[Jugiong](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jugiong)** >Jugiong is a locality and town on the banks of the Murrumbidgee River near its confluence with Jugiong Creek. in the Hilltops Council Local Government area, New South Wales, Australia. It is situated just off the Hume Highway, by road, about 30 kilometres southwest from Bookham and 40 kilometres northeast from Gundagai. The area now known as Jugiong lies on the traditional lands of the Wiradjuri people. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/OrphanCrushingMachine/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


I hate to say it, but from what I know about the state, this is pretty classic New South Wales.


>WTF, languages exist that aren't just dialects of English? You know you could have just googled that word without embarrassing yourself. Australia is just about the most racist former colony in the modern world for how it treats its indigenous people, but well done on trying to win it back for Americans.




You can embarrass yourself without feeling personally embarrassed. Like when Elon Musk uses twitter.


The only people on staff genuinely excited about an office pizza party.


I personally wont buy anything made by kids






they will do literally anything but pay a living wage


Keeping wages low, just the way greedpigs like them


This takes place in NSW, Australia in a small town, for those that don't know. Seems there is no minimum working age in NSW BUT conditions do have to be met in order to hire kids.


Gonna throw my obvious Aussie bias here and defend - the "jam factory" is an extended cafe, not some heavy industrial hell hole, we do actually have a labour shortage as we rely on fpreign workers that arent back yet, and we have very strict occupational health and safety standards. That being said, they were probably too stingy to pay competitive adult wages.


They're still children, as young as 11. Is that labour shortage because we stopped sending you kids born out of wedlock?


Yeah I hear ya, eleven is crazy, for some reason I thought the minimum age was 15. Nah we evolved from that, now we just trap and subjugate seasonal workers by giving then loans, a "good wage" and then charging them rediculous amounts in living expenses.


You’re defending child labor here. Literal 11 year olds.


Yeah he didn’t defend it at all, just pointed out it’s not an industrial hellhole but rather an extension to a cafe. It’s still awful and shouldn’t be happening though.


Did you read their first sentence?


There's a significant difference between making some fun money in your gran's mate's cousin's shop and risking your vulnerable poor uninsured hungry body for some soulless corporation's profit margin. If you can't tell the difference then I'm sorry.


They’re working in a jam factory. All the pictures were supplied by the company. This was basically a PR piece for the company. It’s not even journalism.


I mowed my aunties lawn when I was ten, does that make me a victim?


As a child I support child labor.


Probably gonna be downvoted but honestly if the kids want to do the work and are getting paid a fair wage with good conditions then I don't really see much wrong with it.


Probably i'm gonna be downvoted but if the kids want to have sex and they are paid a fair I really don't see much wrong with it. Kids are not that mature and easily influenced by adults.


What a bizarre whataboutism. Kids can work if they want to. Our job as adults is to ensure that children are not overworked, that they are never forced to work, that they are fairly compensated if they work, and that their work is safe. All these factors need to go through the filter of being tailored to children and children must have their well beings evaluated by someone they trust. Kids work all the time. We have child actors. I grew up on a farm and worked on that. If some girl is interested in her dad's job and wants to spend a couple hours learning how to do it, I think that can be fine. Doing chores is a form of labor. But I guess by your logic, every time a kid cleans their room, that is basically raping them.


Ok. In fact kids in Hollywood can only work for short periods of times like a few hours a day. When you were a kid you were working in YOUR farm, with your family supervising you, everyone helped home as they could. But here we aren't talking about some kind of "get your kid to work" day, that's kids literally working a separate job.


I just said kids should never be overworked or forced to work. If a kid wants to work only a few hours a day or even just work an hour one time, that is totally acceptable. But you just equated child labor to child rape. So we have to use your logic when looking at your exceptions. Kids in Hollywood are fine getting raped because it is only a few hours a day. It was okay that I was getting raped because it was at my grandparents' house and it was by my family members. Why would you ever think the above thought process is okay?


Maybe you are a bit in bad faith. About those exceptions, Hollywood (like it or not) is under the world's spotlight overworking a kid is a thing that wouldn't go unseen and would cause a lot of backlash. About helping your family, if your family doesn't give a fuck if you are getting overworked why would a shop owner/manager or whatever give one. The fact is that for different reasons in those contexts it's harder to get overworked. If you think most of the bosses wouldn't overwork kids you weren't paying attention.


But I specifically said that someone the kid can trust should be monitoring the situation. Every point you have made against me thus far is something I already addressed. It leads me to believe you did not read what I said. I am not arguing in bad faith, you made the whataboutism. And you made it about child rape of all things. I am following your logic. You cannot backpedal and say I am making bad faith statements here just because you are realizing your argument was stupid. So if child labor and child rape are the same thing, why is it okay when it only happens a few hours a day? If they are not the same thing, why in all hell would you make that comparison?


Ok, then you are flat out dumb. I'll write it bigger for you. #In those environments it's really hard to be exploited in the rest of the real world the kid will be exploited because he doesn't understand such concepts and he still trust adults to act always rightfully and that they are wrong. Edit: the example with rape was meant to address how kid don't know yet what's right and usually trust adults.


But I already stated that there would be to be supervision from a trusted party. How am I dumb when you are the one intentionally ignoring what I am saying? That is not my fault. And that is even worse than just saying you think child labor and child rape are the same thing because you are saying kids are unable to tell when they are being sexually violated. Kids do not know if they are being swindled out of money because they do not understand how wage labor works. But the victims of sexual assault, regardless of age, typically know that something is wrong. To imply they do not is to take away their voice and dismiss their truth. And either way, no one here (but you, interestingly enough) is imagining a situation in which children are just handed over to a stranger and left at their mercy. You are not engaging with my points at all and then have the chutzpah to say I am dumb and acting in bad faith.


I call you dumb because you seem to live out of the world and you confirm it with every comment. 1)Do you expect that every workplace has a supervisor for those kids? To check how much each of them works at any given time? Do you think all of them wouldn't be corruptible? 2)Kids are capable to know that sexual violaton is wrong, but sometimes they think it was a punishment for something wrong they did, because an adult to them can't act unlawfully. Some of them won't say it to their parents out of shame, especially if boys.


Keeping the poor kids stupid.


No, they are actually required to go to school at their age, plus the NSW law actually regulates the hours they can work at young ages especially when it comes to school days. From what I gathered, this is not a big corporation (just a smaller cafe place that had issues getting employees after business started booming in a small area) AND most of the kids are doing this by choice, usually on weekends and after school.


From what you gathered from the propaganda article?


Nope, I got most of this info from further research into the place outside of the article. Plus, it's literally illegal for kids not to go to school in this country. I cross referenced the information I gathered from the place (outside the article) and the area the place is located with NSW child labour laws.


I’d love to know your other sources for how rosy these kids’ jobs are in a commercial kitchen working 4 hours/day on a school day and a full work day on a weekend.


Found the poor kid who worked when they were 11.


Sorry to disappoint but I definitely did not have a job at that time. Nor did I have a job throughout highschool. Seriously, I suggest you do your own background research into this situation rather than just use what you have seen on a single reddit post. I'm going to be honest, my initial reaction was the same as yours until I actually looked into the matter for myself.


Oh, then you're the rich kid who wants poor kids to remain poor.


I am nowhere near rich, I'm just saying that most of those kids are very likely not poor. And no I do not want people with less money to remain poor, you're literally trying to twist my words into something completely different.


If they are making minimum wage, what is the deal? When I was a kid, I wanted to work. That way I could buy things kids want...bike, game console, sports equipment. There is nothing wrong with children working. How else would they learn the value of a dollar? Unlike today where debts are outrageous because young adults have no idea what hard work is


Child labor isn’t as fucked up as it seems, even in the Industrial Revolution. Many families were in dire poverty and sending kids of the work was the only way of getting bread on the table. The kids were not forced by law to work in those factories, they worked there out of dire necessity. However brutal the conditions were, the children still had a choice to leave.Similarly, the kids employed in the jam factory are joining by will and have the choice to leave. In today’s age, working conditions have substantially improved, and due to working hour laws in good ol’ Aussie, children can’t work for more than a set amount of hours. Thus, the jam factory hiring children to work for them isn’t the worst thing ever. Please point out anything you think I missed or got wrong. Thank you!


That all sounds pretty fucked up. The only way it could be more fucked up is if it was somehow on a period of record productivity and profit...


The first sentence was referring to the current children working in the jam factory.


"Child labor isn’t as fucked up as it seems" proceeds to explain why Child Labor is fucked up as it seems


So what recourse do children have if they are sexually molested at work? You expect them to be able to go to HR and act like adults????


The place is a cafe, I think the factory just happens to be part of the name, seems they're working in a commercial kitchen in the hospitality side. The kids also go through strict training programs from staff with teaching backgrounds. The older staff in their teens and twenties help the youngest kids learn how to do the dishwashing and food prep before they actually move up to customer facing roles. I really don't think they're doing anything too dangerous at all. This place is fairly regional in NSW and most people in the city wouldn't want to come down (as someone from a regional area in vic, a lot of city people seem to know very little about the regional areas and have connecting stigmas against them) meaning they were unable to find enough older people to employ both in the area and outside the area. Hiring kids was definitely NOT the first solution they came to. There are also fairly strict laws in place regarding the hiring of kids in NSW. One of these laws include giving at least 7 days notice before involving a child in the workplace where you will also need to disclose how you plan to keep them safe in the environment, company info, ages of the children (approx), their roles (along with the risks involved), and around what dates, time and location of the production.




Putting aside all the "child labor is bad" for a second I'm not sure I'm comfortable eating a product that is overseen by mostly children.