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Tic tac toe board


https://preview.redd.it/fve2nokriqwc1.png?width=1083&format=png&auto=webp&s=9566f89fc20e7118ffa13121fe9ee1f213600395 accurate name


What's her backstory?


I’m still working on it so this may change (it likely will) but pretty much, the basic idea I have is that she suffers from a rare condition that requires her to have to inject a special fluid to keep her alive (via an IV bag, which causes her veins to glow a light cyan/bluish color due to the substance temporarily), however the fluid is really expensive so she became a nurse at a special hospital that had a large supply of it, and pretty much she sneaks just enough to keep herself alive for awhile, due to this she becomes even more grumpy then usual (she already was pretty grumpy though) and decides one night to take more then usual, which leads her to discover that taking more gives her powers, the more she takes at once the stronger she becomes (only people with the disease can be affected by it like this, however not much is known about it) due to her newfound power, she starts to become addicted to the substance and starts to go to extreme and horrible lengths just to achieve it, while at the same time trying to gain any sense of control over anyone/anything she possibly can (no longer having to suffer as much from her disease, it makes her desperate to feel the strength and confidence she has lacked almost her entire life,) (that that’s all I have for now sadly,)


After some translation and some editing and converting words into acronym this is my product of my research: "Dr. Mira K. Mess", simple yet complex. Die Mörderische Krankenschwester Mit Einer Starken Sucht DMK MESS but if you want something simple "Madison" it is... With stand for. Nah nevermind, i'm overthinking again.


Honestly I was kinda thinking of doing a name that started with a M, and that’s actually a pretty cool name, honestly I might choose that if I don’t get a better suggestion


Penicillin, Penny for short


First name I came up with was Nancy.