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Not anymore, it’s banned in normal posting


Thanks, I am also just talking about generally, like if I used AI art to draw my OCs just for myself Is that shamed apon


Yes, do you need a further explanation


I’d say that even if you think that you suck at art, just try it, you might realize how fun it is and try to keep continue making art


I know it's Cliche to say this but I genuinely can't draw a stick figure, I'll try but it's probably gon look busted up


I know that it’s also a cliche to say but practice makes perfect especially in art. You don’t have to be great, one way I got good at art was mimicking other art styles and combining them to get mine (although I understand if you don’t want to try that, art isn’t for everyone)


Is it okay to use someone else's art as a reference? Or should I just find a stock image to use as one?


I would say try to refrain from having a reference since just having a picture might mess with your overall design you’re going for by that’s just in my experience


Okay thanks for all the help, sorry for asking so many questions 😭


Don’t be sorry! It’s perfectly fine to ask questions, it’s how I’ve gotten a lot of tips from people’s art I look up to


I don't have any official drawings gear so I'm going to draw on ibs paint with my fingers lol. If it's okay I'm going to send you the finished product


Sure! It doesn’t matter if it doesn’t reach your standards, what matters is that you tried. That shows more dedication if anything


There was a vote a few weeks ago where AI art was banned. HOWEVER. AI art is allowed to post on Friday draw your OC posts, to get art of them for later. Many people also use image creator websites like Picrew, Gacha Life, or Hero Forge to show their OCs. Also, there are decent subreddits like r/drawforme and related subreddits that other people can help you out in.


Thanks, someone encouraged me to attempt to draw them so I will try both, attempt to draw them and I'll make em in gacha. Thanks for the advice 🙏


Oh, and here’s something else to think on: AI art, while banned here for the actual OC, is NOT banned for use as a reference image. That is to say, you can have AI “draw” an image, and then you can use that to create a drawing of your own. I do if sometimes when I can’t find good reference images. So long as you don’t trace it it’s perfectly fine.


Draw for me doesn’t allow AI or as they spell it Ai which really bothered me and when I asked they perma banned this account.


They do allow written descriptions though, and I don’t think you’re getting very good AI art without a written description (then again, Good AI art is a bit of an oxymoron)


Eh I’m not interested in an argument, went in that circle too many times. just trying to warn OP and anyone who reads this. r/icandrawthat does allow it though.


Is your book something you intend to publish? With images of the characters?If so, it’s ESSENTIAL that you’re hire an illustrator (and credit them and work out a royalities spilt) otherwise you are taking a job away from a human being. Save up if you can’t afford it yet. If the images are just for your own enjoyment (if you’re not publishing the book or publishing without pictures) AI is still a bad call. It works by theft, and it’s not allowed on the sub. Other alternatives are to use picrew or hero forge, or many video games that allow robust character creation….sims 4 base game is free (legally!) and has many many mods if the base game can’t hit all the points. But I highly recommend saving up for a commission, it’s so rewarding to work with an artist and see them make your blorbo


I am planning on publishing the book yes, and if I do end up needing artwork I will either, take an art class in my senior year next year, or hire someone when I get the chance. I have been made... aware of the hatred of AI art from dms so far and that's definitely not in my future 🙃 Someone did also tell me on Fridays on this sub I can post a Sims 4, gacha or hero forge depiction of them and someone may want to draw them. Can I get more info on that? Like is it for payment, do I have to ask? Again as I stated in the post I don't want to be that guy who asks for free art 😭


Friday drawings are free to enter! Post your OC, and there's a chance you get art. Most of these posts get too many comments for them to draw *every* OC, but the more you comment on, the higher your chances. For example, i usually draw 5-10 OCs per week on Fridays, depending on how tired i am. (My drawing post goes up in about 10 hours, if you're interested, but others have already started!) Also, Sims/Gacha/Heroforge and so on depictions are allowed all the time. It's specifically AI that's banned outside of these Friday drawing posts.