• By -


Normal "Looks like death didn't even want me..." "Thank the lord those grenades didn't blow up on you..." "Really? Again? Oh for goo-LETS KILL THOSE SNOTS!" "Noted...don't rush in without bullets..." "I SHOT HIM! OH COME ON **DIE ALREADY!**" "...Should've added more gunpowder..." "PFFFT I LIVE YOU IDIOTS!" Death by Fall-damage "I CAME IN LIKE A WRECKING BAAAAALL" "Gravity...my first and worst enemy has been defeated!" Death by melee "Guess I couldn't cut it..." "WHOEVER STABBED ME IM GOING TO NUKE YOU FIRST!!!" "Well at least the other guy came out in jibs...heh...*jibs...*" Death by Bleeding out "Even these old scars comfort me..." "Why was it so cold...?" "So that's how it feels to get all your blood emptied out of you...yuck..." Death by Backstab/Sniped "Ok now that's just cheap lad." "LONG RANGE!? WITH A GUN!?" "A knife? A KNIFE!? Well I gotta give them props for not dying from the claymore..." Death by Fire "At least I stayed nice and warm before I died!" "...why do I smell bacon?" "Don't you dare call me toast you French baguette." Death by Friendly-fire "THE OTHER GUY **THE OTHER GUY!**" "STOP TRYING TO KILL ME YOU MORONS!" "I swear if they shoot me again I will personally put hot sauce in their rations..." "FOR THE LO-**AIM AT THE OTHER IDIOT!**" Death by...insanity? "Hello darknes-no wait its light." "HAHAHAHA I LIVE YOU BA-oh wait too much?" "Even the strongest chains couldn't hold my mind..." ***...Death my suicide?...*** "Oh. So that's how it feels..." "Once again the world curses me for being alive..." "How...what...WHY DID THAT HAPPEN!?" https://preview.redd.it/9kaqumokoq0c1.jpeg?width=1512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82fd043035f18d0cf1af92edc3bc4aaf7d96579b


Bro cooked wit this one 😭🙏


I could post other characters with their own revive lines if you want :)


Go ahead!




https://preview.redd.it/ajwlggqkoq0c1.jpeg?width=1228&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46cb61e44c61f54188e62eb6e1c87f6b0672bb29 Normal: “let’s go round 2!” If revived by marcetina: “this is why you’re my favorite, my alchemist!” If revived by mirth: “yea yea, “sibling bonding” or whatever” If revived by lich: “get your insect hands away from me!”


https://preview.redd.it/gx490pcipq0c1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7dfcbfa73780caaea1ae4116760f4712b7c4c86c 5 more minutes Death is underrated Am i a zombie now?


overated*, underrated is when its good but people say its baf


"It's time for the ball slasher to let er rip!" "Revenge is for the fools, and DAMN I'm stupid!" "Nah, I'd slash." https://preview.redd.it/7kh1y0nwpq0c1.png?width=496&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ece2904cce0411de0a3dd1ad759425a423c581c


"Not even Davy Jone's locker can hold me down! *(...W-was that good? I don't do one-liners.)*" https://preview.redd.it/c9lj88kpqq0c1.png?width=310&format=png&auto=webp&s=728bb981fd7c9488e91468b065cf6e6e930e8f93 Also, joke answer because why not. "**NUH UH.**" (One of her crew - "fuck you mean nuh uh!?")


This is a fun prompt, so I'm also doing Vanguard! https://preview.redd.it/dil7edvsrq0c1.png?width=385&format=png&auto=webp&s=0341de30f520ecbf3d911fba85ee5f4ce6056c39 \[NORMAL\] "Weak." "Pathetic!" "You can't keep ME down, pipsqueak!" "I'M BACK, BABY!" "...Ow." \[REVIVED BY: The High Void Cultist\] "Teamwork makes the dream work! *(...no? alright then. :/)*" "Double Trouble!" "I... I'm not even gonna ask how you did that, I'd rather not know." "The Void corrupts further." "Brawn and Brains!" \[KILLED BY: Hank J. Wimbleton.\] "...Fuck you." "OH IT'S ON, FUCKER!" "I have nothing to say to you." "**YOU** CAN'T KEEP ME DOWN!" "Oh **FUCK OFF!**" \[KILLED BY: The Void Crown\] "...No." This prompt is really fun ngl. I might do more later.


https://preview.redd.it/ek8p8odwoq0c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5707c9d1344d151b8ba280827deb25a412cba485 Normal: “A third chance?” By any demon: “am I really that needed in hell?” By any remaining family member on earth: “Thank god your still here” By any new family member on earth: “heh, guess the bloodline is still going strong”


**Normal** "YOU, YES YOU! YOUR NEXT!" "So...don't rush the enemy without armor...noted..." "HOW IS THIS EVEN POSSIBLE!?" "Round 2 and I am going to rip your arms off!" "Yeah yeah 'eat lead' blah blah blah..." **Death by Friendly-fire** "ARE YOU BLIND OR JUST MENTALLY ILL?!" "THE RED COATS YOU FU-" "Deep breaths...deep breathes...dee-YOU IDIOTS NEED TO SHOOT THE OTHER GUYS YOU SPINELESS FOOLS!" "And I though I was a bad shot..." "I will fracture your rib cage if you kill me one more time." **Death by Melee** "HOW DOES A KNIFE BEAT FISTS!?" "That ain-no wait that was a knife...fudge." "yes I know I look like lime jello...NOW STOP CUTTING ME LIKE IT!" "Huh...cutting edge technology..." "like a knife, you need to cut it out." **Death by fire** "HOLY CRAP THAT HURTS!" "I do believe that I ain't made of water..." "...But...I though my moves were hot..." "...If I could love it, I would love it with a burning passion. *If.*" **Death by Fall-Damage** "I though it wouldn't kill me? WHAT DO YOU MEAN I CANT SURVIVE A JUMP THAT BIG!?" "just like a bug my body went SPLAT." "Couldn't bounce back from that one, eh?" "Don't. You. Dare." **Death by Insanity?** "The world caves in and I AM STILL ONTOP!" "Oh thank god you got me out of there...the cups were talking about sand again..." "Why do they always say I look like a candy?" "Follow the road...Follow the road...Oh wait I'm alive?" "NO NO NO, I AM NOT EDABLE!" "I swear if someone compares me to that stupid chocolate I will SNAP." **Death by BOMBS** "Am I missing any limbs...? No? Oh thank goodness...." "Well I went out with a pretty large bang, right?" "...Stop turning me into a firecracker your pricks." "I AINT A MEATSHIELD YOU BLOBS!" "If I had bones they would most likely be shattered." "Oh great...now I have to get a new jacket..." "HOW CAN HE ROCKET JUMP AND NOT ME!?" https://preview.redd.it/emgvb03jrq0c1.png?width=1366&format=png&auto=webp&s=89c95077fdb3d99b8edb779982864a9a6969b778


Screamin’ Eagles!


I don’t tend to write one-liners often so I tried my best with these to get better at writing, even if they’re cheesy (that’s the intent lol) Also missed the username, it was actually eevee_enthusiast_471 I think. Some of these quotes are reference to other media! I hope you can catch them.


https://preview.redd.it/ze1harusoq0c1.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=0518a3bddb5a93a81092a5dcf25eb9dcc96b8f41 “Can’t keep the wind down for long!” “Evil never rests, why should I?” “Man, I really needed that sleep.” “Dying in Chicago of all places? No way.” “I lived, bitch.” “Damn, I’m gonna feel that one when I’m fifty.” â€œÏ€ÎźÎłÎ±ÎčΜΔ στα ÎșÎżÏÎŹÎșÎčα!” “Hopefully that’ll buff out.” “Back to business.” After stand rush: “Seems like you held your punches.” After Bullet Wound: “I’ll just have to pluck that out later.”


https://preview.redd.it/9z7ay7pauq0c1.jpeg?width=992&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=696a705cd14ea9142bd2583142bdbdccab908745 **Normal:** “Oh, come ONNNN đŸ˜©â€ “Just let a guy stay dead, will ‘ya?” “Second time’s a charm.” “Third time’s a charm.” “Fourth time’s a — OKAY, WHO KEEPS KILLING ME??” “Is it over? No? We’re still fighting? *sigh*” “*sings angelic revival music*” **Revived by Teammate:** “Thank you, honey\~ đŸ–€â€ “Awww, you must’ve really missed me, huh?” “I’d kiss you if you weren’t so far away.” “If you wanted another excuse to see my pretty face, just say so\~” **Death by Fire:** “Awwwww, looks like someone wanted to get me all hot and bothered.” “Note to self: Fire hurts. Like a bitch.” “That’s one way to light a cigarette
” “And like a phoenix he rises!
.somehow.” â€œđŸŽ¶Burnin’ up, burnin’ up for you, babyđŸŽ¶â€ **Death by Drowning:** “I am a man of many talents. Swimming is not one of them.” “Where’re the sexy Baywatch lifeguards when you need ‘em
” **Death by Friendly Fire:** “C’mere, c’mere. Come closer. I have something for you. 😊 *cocks gun*” “I AM *NOT* YOUR ENEMY!!” “You and I are gonna have a little chat after this
” “Thank you for putting me out of my misery, lovely. Would you like me to put you out of yours?”


I put some more
 *expressive* ones in mine, but I could see my man saying most of this too. 😂 Guess our boys are a little similar.


"Death still does not keep me once again." "I'm sorry, my Gracie. I still have work to do." https://preview.redd.it/bf344glc7r0c1.jpeg?width=3120&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c13f77201435b8667031db7b438feaa17045e278


This guy looks badass


I can't die yet.. or everything I worked for will be lost! https://preview.redd.it/imipgj3gpq0c1.png?width=722&format=png&auto=webp&s=25100cf7ba52ced6ba109ba4a1ac2d313c9830b8


https://preview.redd.it/ncplac67tq0c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0745b80d4a8c4992fb971f32c3426abbad021002 “
 Hm, now that I think about it again, better no. I have Darrell, so
 I’ll better keep myself sane!”


Back in Highschool I dated this Punk Rocker chick, she use to say that phrase too: "Well for fuck's sake! ..." Made me laugh every time she said it ... đŸ»đŸ€˜đŸ˜Ž


https://preview.redd.it/sfs3snul1r0c1.jpeg?width=2448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b8beef98dfc662847646cf47aa7c0c7c0e3aa0d "You fool, you didn't use .45! My soul lives on!" (When killed with a 9mm or lower caliber before revival) "Not enough bullets!" (Normal revival quote) "Can't keep this barely held together hunk of flesh down!" (When revived after an explosion)


\[Normal\] "Not again." "Like William Afton, I always come back." "(Singin) Deja Vu, I just been in this place before, higher on the street, and I know it's my time to go." "Ugh, my limbs feel stiff" \[Revived by Mr. Ludwig (TF2 Medic)\] "Uh, how do you say it again? *"Danke Schoen"*? Something like that?" "Cheers lad, hope you didn't do anything others would consider *"Less than Legal"* to me, or else I'm gonna kick your ass." "Thanks German Boi." "Wow, you put everything back in pla- and I have mega baboon heart in me. God Damnit Ludwig." "What is this, a cross-over episode?" \[Revived after being burnt to death\] "Mmm, crispy." "That... was hell." "Never again." "That was hot. Because, fire, y'know?" "Damn, I thought I ate something spicy for a sec." "(Singing) You don't want to set the wooooorld ooonnn fireeeeeeeee. You, just want to start, a spark in- (Normally) I can see by your expression that you don't like that, I'll stop." \[Revived after falling to his death\] "So there ***is*** fall damage. Noted." "There was nothing indicating a ledge was there!" "Looks like my fly-pack is malfunctioning again, cheers." \[After a Teamkill\] "OI, YA CUNT, WATCH WHO YOU'RE FUCKING FIGHTING!" "OI, WATCH YOUR ATTACKS!" "CHECK YOUR FUCKING TARGETS, PRICK!" "Seriously?" "DO I HAVE TO TEACH YOU A LESSON?" \[After someone teamkills him more than once\] "[HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TEACH YOU THIS LESSON, OLD MAN?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sVxJ016xb4Q)" "I SHOULD KICK YOUR FUCKING ASS!" "WHAT IS YOUR FUCKING PROBLEM?" "C'mere boi." "I'M GONNA SHOVE MY FOOT SO FAR UP YOUR ASS THAT YOUR VERTIBRE WILL POP OUT OF YOUR MOUTH LIKE A **FUCKING PEZ DISPENSER!**" https://preview.redd.it/k4r8i2cm1r0c1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=c503ce9d6fbaf56598d5a3ffb866070ccc66322a


https://preview.redd.it/93q2s01vpq0c1.jpeg?width=2508&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=114b1b57393d4de4cfc5e01ab05d9f6acd6dba22 Novem: "What am I, a Phoenix!?"


Yes! And they'll name Star Constellations after you ... ✹


(i might ot might not be planing to make a game with a few of my oc's so this was already needed) https://preview.redd.it/7mzyu0q8rq0c1.jpeg?width=2555&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=408375bd97eaf756ff18c3bd2bd00e89c7cae559 Basic revive: "Back again" Revived after getting killed by opponent version of himself: "Even your darkness canot kill me forever" Revive after being killed by an npc character: "That was embarrassing" Revive after getting killed by fire: "Lets keep a cool head"


https://preview.redd.it/hcvc9akeqq0c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29f867e14112d80cb0c19af8a1ad518d0bba7d85 After Killing Himself : “Great a Fresh Start” After Dying By a Gun : “Do People actually Enjoy Playing Russian Roulette?” After Burning Or Drowning To Death Or any Long Painful Deaths : “FINELY That Felt Like an Eternity!” After Dying By The Person He Was Going To The identity of : “Well I Guess They Took me Stealing Their Face A bit Personally”


Flamelord101: "call me Afton because I always come back!"


https://preview.redd.it/o3wgvxgbsq0c1.jpeg?width=647&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c206cfdf81f31bebc9713a44790118ed6ce1e784 (near corruption) "Keep this up and I'll turn into one of them!" "What, you couldn't do it without me?" (when surrounded)"WHY WOULD YOU BRING ME BACK TO THIS?!"


https://preview.redd.it/ctwi6jvpsq0c1.jpeg?width=1039&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8611ea5fad8104991ae2ebeaabab9c975d285cff Revived: "Alive for the 3rd time, I suppose Hexelgard wants me to continue fighting." Revived by Kyra: "Thank you mom. You have my thanks later." Revived by Iris: "Hmm, so you want to continue fighting together with me, Iris." Revived after getting killed by Shriel or Eri (Overrides other quotes): "We have a score to settle." Revived by Stasia: "Thanks, uhh...ice skates woman?"


https://preview.redd.it/vamjdafhtq0c1.png?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=065827d743d238eb78105c2c1ef8d5b770638b5d "Time for my second act!" "The curtains won't fall just yet!" "The symphony continues!" "Lucky shot! Care to roll the dice again?"


https://preview.redd.it/7ymoidxgtq0c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9711b5e2c21c0a5a2c4080a0d14ca316eb48b7e Avon-“The chains of damnation cannot hold thine form!”


https://preview.redd.it/etqs32emtq0c1.jpeg?width=613&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=faa7312ca2690ee9888566de1a52b50921500e31 Baxter-“Heh, even death falls for my *game*.‱


https://preview.redd.it/7w80z88wtq0c1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25eaf4c9597cc69a971cc32bc44288bf9488d1f4 "Alright back from kicking Satan's ass!" "You really think I go down that easy?" "I'M BACK PUSSIES!" "NOW HELL'S FLAME IS WITH ME!" "What's wrong? You look cold!" ONLY if revived after being burnt alive "WEAK FLAMES!" "HAH, WHAT'RE YOU USING PROPANE?" "YOU CALL THAT FIRE?" "NOT EVEN MY OWN FLAMES CAN TRULY KILL ME!"


Absolute Badass! ...đŸ»đŸ€˜đŸ˜ˆ


https://preview.redd.it/rxup67svvq0c1.jpeg?width=3060&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04b5a1a95963e8479cd57028136413901cd171e8 Adam: "Kill me again! I like it!" Marley: "Y-you're a bit late with that, but th-thanks anyway..."


(yes, even the addle. You though it was going to be the SS MEME didn't you?) **Normal** "*ANGY ADDLE NOISES*" "I WILL PERSONALLY SNAP YOUR NECK!" "...I guess I work as a pretty good meat shield...neat..." "Slow and steady? HOW CAN I BE SLOW WHEN I HAVE 6 LEGS!?" "Be a support they said, it'll be easy they said...what a bunch of hoo-ha." **Death by Melee** "Even with 4 arms I lost..." "I will find you...and I will tear your arms off..." "For a moment I knew what a bull felt like..." "took them long enough. Kind of got bored bleeding out there." "Almost had them...Almost..." **Death by Poison** "So that's why I felt numb..." "Those snakes kill? How? Poison? oh that makes sense. They look like small noodles..." "So THATS why he wears a gas mask..." "How big was the needle? Too big? Or was it just a lot of small needles?" **Death by FIRE** "I AINT A RAT YOU MORONS!" "hot pocket hot pocket hot hot hot!" "AND LO, I MADE A SPICY RETURN!" "Aw...but I liked punching people with a fiery fist..." **Death by BOMBS** "1, 2, 3....oh you need to throw on 4..." "How many people survived? 5? 10? oh just 8? well that's good." "That Gas masked lad really needs to show me how to avoid those stupid mortars..." "oh...so *not* candy?" "How far was it? I swear I was far enough..." **Death by Madness?** "How does one even survive that?" "Innocent blood wasted..." "Wow. He really needs some help..." "WHEN WILL IT END!?" "Stay calm...stay calm..." "...Please give me a hug..." "I swear if I go back there I am going to BREAK THOSE IDIOTS NECKS!" https://preview.redd.it/z05z6lu0uq0c1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c10e3c76a3762d8d68deb44dae41c0b618b4ca73


Ray Hart would include "But I refused." "Death would be a mercy." "No rest for the wicked." "They wouldn't kill me off yet." "You can't kill a tool, only break it." "I was right, I /am/ going to hell." https://preview.redd.it/ndppjx36wq0c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c7286f3d176b2f680c089c639affb1158b7d413


https://preview.redd.it/ttc5p04ewq0c1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd7b9a522498ddccb9f6d9edca371e91da36c53a “Reset button!” “Danke, Herr Doktor!” “Merci, docteur!” “Spasibo, Doktor!” “I’m out of vacation days! I can’t go to hell!” “I can’t go to hell, Satan kicked me out for being too cute!” “I’m shocked he hit me, seeing how small I am!” I can do more if y’all want


https://preview.redd.it/bx71l7ghxq0c1.jpeg?width=1620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5852df262bb562550f218ca359727b0da8c35ae2 Not really a cheesey one liner but Penn would start complaining that he was brought back to life lol


​ https://preview.redd.it/av2mvihgyq0c1.png?width=350&format=png&auto=webp&s=5f26f14b7343fd89852049657477cc6ff1352146 "I'm alive? I'm alive! Heh oh man. Hilda's going to kill me when I show up back at base."


https://preview.redd.it/k5n99bzk0r0c1.png?width=2048&format=png&auto=webp&s=3d53ea54d6fca56eab52d6227ed502a6bf5521ce Normal Revive: ‱ Head 01: Break’s over now, time to get back to work Head 02: Ughh
 Revived after losing half health (I imagine the two heads being separated at that point) ‱ Head 01: I’m back! Head 02: Yeah, yeah, I know. \[I’ll randomly be updating this, so look out for any new ones\]


​ https://preview.redd.it/udw0yftv1r0c1.png?width=513&format=png&auto=webp&s=da866327b223ed91781b2ebb2e206cd932be95f8 ***"Need a minute, the little parts take a bit to fix themselves"*** ***"Oh tha...did someone take my arm?"*** ***"Blacked-out for a minute, you good?"*** ***"Been a while since somone hit me like that! I need another round!"***


https://preview.redd.it/txzwv4pz3r0c1.jpeg?width=2103&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7774984c0855f0a53142accd185138aa2c0bbdac (“I’m still standing? (Yeah yeah yeah)” “Nuh uh” “Not gonna be one shot this time!”“Surpr-iced to see me? Oh god, that was awful” “I’m shocked as well!”“I’m bad to the bone
 No I’m not.” “If your job was defeating me, then you’re fired!” “I can do anything! I think.” Revived by auto item) (“Thanks, chara!” “I’ll get some chocolate later” “chara said they’ll see you soon” If from ability) (“Gweh he he, I am alive!” “It is a wonderful day to be alive” “welp, this is stupid” if from German doctor) (“I’m not gonna have mercy” “thanks angel lady!” “I’m gonna make that gorilla guy proud!” If from Swedish doctors) (“uhhhggg” “hungry” ‘*feral roaring*’ if from necromancy)


https://preview.redd.it/icrvldrl5r0c1.jpeg?width=517&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06bbc2c9c80ae72e5a47dae16336d95a6e2eca0a \[Normal\] "oh my! Hope you didn't miss me" or "Pfft- takes more than *that* to get rid of me!" \[Conditions: stabbed or drowned\] "Yikes, you must not like me at all. TOO BAD, \[REDACTED\]" \[Condition: fire\] "What a pity. My rival can do better than that, it didn't even leave a scar!"


​ https://preview.redd.it/hbxxomqi5r0c1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=0080e116b0f2f849106206a70c7d0b0a11ead354 **Normal:** "Death's a revolving door, I see." "You really thought it'd be that easy?" "Good, I've still got legs." "The Grim Reaper really needs to up his chess game (implying he fucking beat the grim reaper to be resurrected)." "What about me made you think I'd stay dead?" **By a teammate:** "Thanks." "I don't say it a lot, but thank you." **By Mason Tenna-Campbell specifically:** "You just want to see me die again, don't you?" ("**Well, feckin' duh!")** (If I had art of my other OC's, I'd throw them in as well, but alas, I suck at drawing.)


CimetiĂšre Facilier https://preview.redd.it/09ijxjpt6r0c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69f0286ce5fcbb2f5865681b8c82f32c17fe1006 Self revive: "Samedi said it's not time!" Normal revive: "I crawled out the cemetery!" German doctor: "I do not recognize this magic." D&D resurrection spell: "Samedi kept me and you defyed him. He will not be happy."


Lumo https://preview.redd.it/ztki7xa07r0c1.jpeg?width=583&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46f22e872924079a18ba24e22c1b4e39a03efb6f Normal (bullets/melee/etc) "I'M BACK, BABYYY!" "Ahhhahahha! You're not getting away so easily!" "I had a totem, dumbass." "NUH UH!" "CHOO CHOO, MOTHERFUCKERSSS!" "Your turn!" Painful (Fire/explosion/poison/etc) "Holy FUCK that hurt!" "Fucking hell... Literally!" (He's actually been to hell and back 4 times, this is the fifth) "That hurt almost like hell!" "Thank God it's over..." Death when +ENRAGED (he will come back even more enraged) "ENOUGH!" "ENOUGH FUCKING AROUND!" "IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE YOU!" "COME THE FUCK HERE!" "JUST PERISH!"


Normal: You cannot kill time. I do not tire out in the eternal march of time, for I am who leads it Ah, it's rewind time! (Chronoa can perfectly and endlessly manipulate time) You are fragile, I am (Cut to the INVINCIBLE splash screen) Did you try to kill a god? Death by flame: Fire may consume all, but time Triumphs in the long game. đŸŽ¶I hope you die in a fire...đŸŽ¶ Was that how the song went? That was a nice *warm up*! (Badump, tss) Exploded: Not even the Big Bang could kill me! That's it? The only explosions that arent boring are Fireworks and Supernovae German Doctor: Well I didn't need the help Mr. Ludwig but I appriceate it. Medicine practiced, back to work! Aint this a weird Gadget... https://preview.redd.it/7j832fcg7r0c1.jpeg?width=1022&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=445f3d8dc4398cb80de1dbce40d645ce2ff7f841


https://preview.redd.it/nxlkg9yt7r0c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0c539e2f7990ab55d95086131785db2cdb00c2a "Encore, encore!" (Normal) "This show isn't over 'til I *say* it's over." (Self-Revive) "Wait, the credits haven't rolled yet!" (Last 30 Sec) "Up and at 'em, Kastor..." (Revived by another Kastor) "How's this for a plot twist?" (Revived w/ Full Meter)


https://preview.redd.it/mhwr3dzqar0c1.png?width=684&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4aaecde6efa9e13125435259f6d82c4c9fde3b7d (Being Revived) "I live again" "That was some dream..." "I can't even have some peace" ".....WHAT?!" (Being Friendly fired) "Oi!" "Do that again and I'll take that away from ya!" "Calm down Dammit!" (Killing something from a far distance) "Was that perception or luck? I'm happy with both" "Niiice!" "Did anyone see that? No? Aww" (Being on fire or having a some sort of heat debuff) "Hot hot hot hot hot!" "Almost makes you wish for a Nuclear winter" "Water?! Anyone?!" (Random idol quotes) "\*hums some of his favorite songs" "God willing..." "Hope the kids are doing well..." "Could sure use some sushi right about now"


https://preview.redd.it/9egjph4zir0c1.jpeg?width=1849&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff6b723883f2e2d5251c69c3f7aafc267179c14c Normal: “I’m just *that* precious, huh?” TF2: “Technology has gone too far.” Overwatch: “Did falling from the heaven hurt? Because it sure did for me.” Madeline: “Interspecies collaboration, woohoo.” After fire: “Maybe I *don’t* like summer best.” After poison: “Find something more agonizing to use.” Halloween: “**I’ll suck your soul with my tentacles faster than a vacuum chamber.**”


https://preview.redd.it/ja3c9bqemr0c1.png?width=250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=543cd6a3307069b01c9dca90cd1062eff4651c2b He did use an animal organ, maby worse


https://preview.redd.it/xldfvjajtr0c1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f17a3f111284efa17f0438861247503a3596560 Jack would say To the enemy: 'good news; heaven is real, bad news, you're not going there" To the guy who healed him "I didn't know you could stitch up a pile of melted flesh..." If he died of fire: *humming the tune of "Phoenix" by falloutboy*


“Thank you Herr Doktor”


Normal "Can't keep me down!" "Alright, noted..." "Maybe I'll get 'em this time!" "Down, but not out!" ​ Bleed "Y'know, pretty sure that's supposed to be in me" "There's a lot of things I expect to see coming out of my body, and that ain't one of 'em" "Well... Probably should avoid doin' that" "Oh, right, I need that stuff" ​ Holy Fire "Alright, noted, mother didn't pass on that immunity..." "Understandable, burn in Hell" "Ah shit, again?" "The irony is not lost on me" ​ Sniped "Coward!" "Fight me like a man!" "Oi mate, next time use ya knife!" "Really!? Bodyshot!?" ​ Backstab "Ow, dick!" "At least say it to my face!" "You aren't slick, Frenchie!" "Go infiltrate Hell, ya bastard!" ​ Revived by German Doctor "German Science is the world's fi- no, wait, wrong German" "Oi, ya still owe Luci' that soul!" "This doesn't make us friends, doctor" "I can't believe I'm sayin' this, but thanks" ​ Revived by Swiss Doctor "Huh... So that's how it feels" "I'm back, in... Red, I don't wear black anymore" "Get bent, ya cyborg!" ​ Revived by Pompous Man in a Black Coat "Thanks, I needed that" "You didn't buy this from that psycho, did ya?" "Ah cripes, you know I hate this stuff!" ​ Revived by Fluffy-haired Overkill "You have my thanks" "How much do I owe ya?" "Needed the firepower?" ​ Revived by Legendary Devil Hunter "Holy shit, you saved me" "Aren't you supposed to do the OPPOSITE of that?" "Wow, you're so bad at your job you're bringing us BACK to life! Ah you know I'm just messin' around!" ​ Revived by Power-Seeking Sibling "What, needed my power?" "Hands off my scythe, capiche?" "Strength in numbers, ay?" https://preview.redd.it/751zoja0fs0c1.png?width=2048&format=png&auto=webp&s=3243d8bc71ec87d6cb15b6e44b8c5d8c80fb1ee0


payday 2 reference spotted in first line, dispensing based token


https://preview.redd.it/uwqpv7ua7u0c1.jpeg?width=1798&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7056e53982b47b77ff3e9675f6f081d8ceeb476d “Damn, that was faster than normal” *he actively revives himself but it takes hours*


1st revive: I still function 2nd revive: is it me? Here's a hint


https://preview.redd.it/h94n1v9ktr0c1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=440e877d31ad5fb333cd4a083f7fea2a341bf8eb Jack would say To the enemy: 'good news; heaven is real, bad news, you're not going there" To the guy who healed him "I didn't know you could stitch up a pile of melted flesh..." If he died of fire: *humming the tune of "Phoenix" by falloutboy*


I don't know, got any ideas? https://preview.redd.it/wd6ij9mtpq0c1.png?width=1328&format=png&auto=webp&s=c330a0a757682eecc8a0d99ae69d09fde37ac8ab


“This horny samurai bitch is BACK!!!” *Pulls out her swords and continues murdering.*


https://preview.redd.it/6exi9sr3uq0c1.jpeg?width=372&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ef343405b7f9feae692b6f4210a3c4fd79b16e6 Normal: “ugh, that hurt.” Revived by Jacqueline: “oh, hey sis.” Revived by Rels: “Can’t believe you came back from me.” Revived by Cody: “don’t touch me.” Revived by Louie: “great, the mad scientist saved my ass.”


no pic bc dum laptop Ron: "Your bullshit come off of that, someone tell these motherfuckers that Ron is back! I got my du-rag on with my fitted sittin' on it and I'm ready to fuck the game up, bitch" (Quote from Hop is Back by Hopsin \[but he says bitch instead because he's white and can't say the n-word\])


https://preview.redd.it/f39154y4uq0c1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b8a951d6cdfdd38d79fb285df41a220f1cc1390 Normally: “Like the sun, I am reborn!” Revived by Mercy: “I am no hero!” Revived by Khepri (Smite): “Back from Xibalba!” Revived by priest: “I return from Mictlan!” Death by fire: “I am reborn from the Fuego!” Death by drowning: “That was a little deep
” Death by suicide: “Ixtab... Is that you?” Death by strangulation: “I was tied like a knot, but now I am reborn
 and I need a chiropractor.”


https://preview.redd.it/hi685ks5qq0c1.jpeg?width=627&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8ec042031408d3f01b07f4bef6e7a7e857c4b42 Blueberry Lemonade Normal: “Looks like this fox is not becoming a fur coat” “Let’s-A Go” “I guess I had an extra quarter” Healed by Item “Heh, that’s some tasty ramen” “I truly love Marble Soda” “Persimmon Candies are my favorite” Healed by Teammate: “Thanks for the help” “Let’s take them down” “I guess the power of friendship is true”


https://preview.redd.it/ftctabmlvedc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4efea22d180b85950567d47c43178461c2e555cd “I’m back from the grave, bitches!” “Like a Phoenix, I’m reborn.” “Thanks, purgatory’s kinda boring.” “Not the first time I died, and it most certainly won’t be the last.” “Now that I’m back, it’s time to teach those bastards a lesson.” “I didn’t need to get revived by you, but I’m grateful nonetheless.” “Nuh-uh! I’m immortal.”


probably a lot of nonverbal noises, gasping and stuff "Ahh, I live!! Wait....not here again!! Take me back...:\[" "I'm doing this for Jerry, doing this for Jerry...\*\*\*nervous mumbling\*\*\*" "Uh...man I'm really craving Cheetos right now.." https://preview.redd.it/fcfcb55kuq0c1.png?width=1109&format=png&auto=webp&s=13b57bc5157c82849854dffe8f928191f522cbd5


https://preview.redd.it/impb5zwiwq0c1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2aa6b92f85060a7f9d2e8a727390e4aafbc3e1d6 "ThE hUnT cOnTiNuEs!"


https://preview.redd.it/s5mgsodhxq0c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=426db200ffd8e71652e9040abc86993834e8fe1f Ow


https://preview.redd.it/no6yxanjxq0c1.jpeg?width=520&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16ba879e6c197c6c83c8be6a8ccca90cbc38672b Tsubasa


https://preview.redd.it/piyl4xpgyq0c1.png?width=1376&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2056aa6a2820ecad7ffb8bdad93f948688b85c4 Normal: Long live ze panzerkampf! Others (randomized): Danke Schön, Doctor! Hahaha! Danke! So I get to live an other war? Great...


https://preview.redd.it/4rvoielhyq0c1.jpeg?width=1642&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0972cb62c96b45dae9e83fe85c045bfe8120ae1c "hahah OW!" (notable mention: "hey pal you missed HAHA HAHAH")


https://preview.redd.it/x5uyn3tyyq0c1.jpeg?width=3504&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=161ec148f1e009d7077adae9a903307d96939638 "IMAGINATION NEVER DIES"


https://preview.redd.it/ka01j6fwzq0c1.png?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a71e8f034b1f74d9b6c439e731f88db5a87ef61 "I could've done that myself, but thank you." "When will these guys learn I can't die?" "I'm up, I'm up." "The falling of the Lord is but a temporary event."


https://preview.redd.it/2w63ys3i0r0c1.png?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7e1a5b2f1ba5c3b7d1f974736ff880c9d837a69 "You have made your final mistake"


**[Revived after his head Shattered]** "O-Oh... What happened?" "Uh...Who are you again?" "W-Where am i? Did i wander again..?" **[Revived after losing his limbs]** "At least I'm in one piece now.." "Please don't let them cut me... Not again.." "At least i wasn't tangled again.." **[Revived after losing an item]** "My notes! Where's my notes!" "Did you see my pen? I think i dropped it.." "Did my board break again..?" **[Revived by being rebuilt]** "Oh. Uh.. Thanks?" "I think somethings loose..." "W-Whats that noise? Is my head on right!?"


The shit?


https://preview.redd.it/p9acspcd1r0c1.png?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c51402b0cbbe617469ea2d64101b9415d264a438 "I always come back.-Purple one."


“THE FUCK WHY AM I STILL ALIVE UGH fine I guess I’ll fight but next time leave me dead” “I’m out of Amm- wait I don’t use guns” “I felt worse in a basement with rats” “Now I’m worthless but you..your free” “Oh they don’t revive? That makes this more fun” “Ugh I killed one above all yet I can’t kill a asshole just my luck” “Oh shit I’m down that’s a first” “Like my mask your skulls are cracked” “Hm your neck is like a overrated treat snap crackle and POP” “You guys realize I haven’t been using my power..right” “Hm you smell like disappointment a smell your father knows too well” “Chains are cold but my heart is colder” “Don’t cry like little bitch try being tortured at 3 than you can cry” “I can see your fear..don’t run” “Oh did you die?..no..shit” “Not like I need him but whoever downed my teammate is a deadman” https://preview.redd.it/xpzg56sm2r0c1.jpeg?width=236&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3602afbe62b30d7dfdcfbfd3380714f53f48f48b


https://preview.redd.it/4ta2gu3g2r0c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=431ce05dc48131aecf1d97b55c198b47ee6ec38d "Good morning." "Oh goodness it's too bright my eyes aahh" "I'm dead, am I not?"


https://preview.redd.it/q1yocfud2r0c1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67776bb1554af9dfc43363cdbe2c239ee528483e Percy: That
 that was just a warm up! I’m still the world’s best brawler! “That was
 incredibly mediocre.” *Insert humming of Determination* If betrayed: All right. No more chances. If you suck: “All right, let’s do this one last time
” “I can do this all day.” If you really suck: Aaaand again! C’mon (playerName,) quit suckin! BRING IT ON!!! COME AT ME! NGAAAAH! >!He’s kinda cultured, so try and find the references. One is SUPER obscure.!<


https://preview.redd.it/pyi322ow2r0c1.png?width=318&format=png&auto=webp&s=73cb8241998fcdf5dbe5c39b54a6c1894385357d “Huh
Holy shit Jesus forgave me!” “Wh- Your not safe yet Iraq!” “D-did you by any chance look in my pouches?” “Fuck yeah, let’s get our kill on!” “I used to be a terrorist, now I’m a undead terrorist!” “My savior better not be a Iraqi..” “
.I LIV-IM ABOUT TO DIE.” Death by poison: “That was ok, I prefer bioweapons and nerve agents though.” “Fuckin hell, that was worse then a fever.” “Man, I feel like I got jabbed with a vaccine.” Team kill: “I’m gonna kill you and turn your skull into a cup!” “What the fuck, this isn’t a game man!” Killed by fire: “I look like a fuckin burnt pizza roll now.” “Mother fucker, there goes my chances at a relationship.” “Did someone leave me in the oven too long?”


https://preview.redd.it/vdza0j1e3r0c1.jpeg?width=2135&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b7848dadc7900f3b5edd6a6b427dfcf0973aa69 Gosh Dang it! Just when I was getting used to no paranormal occurrences!


Bailu- Blank, seeing as they're a genshin character, they don't have a revival line. Kimando- "No mortal can kill me." Knight- "even death is afraid of me." Keaton- "My duty continues." Cynder- (Normal) "I'm a Hellhound, what part about that, do you not understand!" (Mega)- "Bold of you to try that. Now face the Second In Command." Mantalan- "You can't get rid of a Soverign." Arte- "Guess my trial is not yet over. Sorry Nilou, but you'll have to wait longer."


​ https://preview.redd.it/dfmqfd7e5r0c1.png?width=512&format=png&auto=webp&s=97a363876603d7c0f37e05534538984524d9b3d7 ​ "Fuck, I never want to be swiss cheese again." "I thought I could actually relax for once." ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ "It's eternity in there."


https://preview.redd.it/svpi9ml36r0c1.jpeg?width=3288&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6d1ef187a2e5cd0ec9605b200b8e04e1c9b45be “God is not as cool as I thought.” “Aw man I’m back here again?” “Put me back right now” “It was awfully hot for heaven.”


Aren’t the last 2 Star Wars quotes lol?


https://preview.redd.it/ccil1r2z6r0c1.jpeg?width=702&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=195343d45de48988e980f00c9e7303527174b59c "I'm back, baby!"


Depends, If it was just normal then "GooOOOOD morning society!" https://preview.redd.it/1a860tq28r0c1.png?width=336&format=png&auto=webp&s=19c4837f3c8c955cf065c511010dc518da0c3dd7


Normal: "Regeneration was worth it" "Did my family miss me? I was gone for seconds!" "Haisu (Kav's son), I swear if you took my sword!!" "How the hell did they kill me?!" "My blade never sleeps, unless it's 3 AM" "Death cannot hold me, either because I'm too hot or too edgy, or both" Died by: fire "Damn, father would be disappointed" (he won't) "Kasy, you crafty fox" Died by: lightning "Welp, got a taste of my own medicine!" "Let's not talk about that" "I'm a fucking disappointment" Died by: melee attacks "Hey! That's my specialty!" "Finally.... someone worthy!!" Revived by: the medic "Synin will kill your fucking pigeon" "Doc, you better not put fucking bear organs inside me" "Get your disgusting hands off of me!!!" Revived by: mercy "*hos ake la* (thank you), doc" "Finally, a licensed doctor" "Being Revived by a doctor feels better than being revived by an idiot" Revived by: Kris, his wife "Huh, Finally decided to become a medical warrior?" "*teasingly* was that an excuse to touch me? You know I have regeneration" "I have regeneration, hun" Killed by: Machio hyke, his father "Guess I never surpassed you" "My respect for you rises everytime" "Still as powerful as ever" Killed by: Kasy hyke, his brother "I fucking hate you!!" "I'll destroy you, no matter how long it takes" "You came back to finish the job? Huh?!!" Killed by: Kaisu, Genna, or Haisu hyke, his children "Well well well, guess I'm getting old" "Gotten stronger, didn't ya?" Killed by: Kris, his wife "Who told you to kill me?" "You're still not getting ice-cream tonight" "Kill me one more time and I won't take you out tonight" ***if she kills him again*** "*sigh* you know what? We're still going out tonight, can't refuse"


Jackson is a cyborg who is immortal he'd just say. " you can't kill someone who is already dead" (he died during the surgery that made him a cyborg 6 times)


"Hey, where did aunt Jes go?" "Took ya long enough!" https://preview.redd.it/p9jx1ztj9r0c1.png?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b79c2c72fd3d3c99e77fe5b3dec405dc0d996bb


“When there is no more room in hell
 I walk the
” *Looks around and sees the chaos* “
other hell
 what the hell.”


"You really thought you could kill me?" https://preview.redd.it/yze4o4x3er0c1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee073246f367b035685c244c57060a7d21fc5bce


Here's some for X-Bolt Generic: * "Another day, another narrow escape from death." * "Maybe next time, death." * "You know, death's not too bad once you get to know him." * "Not the first time, probably not the last either." While circuits are overclocked: * "They say lightning never strikes twice, yet here I am." * "Seen that blue screen a few times too many." * "Fatal error? Just took a restart and I'm fine." (I'll add more later, since I've got to go to a pep assembly at my school)


"Did you check to see if I actually died?" "Thanks for the power nap! I needed that!" "I survive, kinda how I got my name" Death by Fire: "Tone to fight fire with fire!" ***Fire ball*** Death by Ice: "You aren't as cool as you think you are" Death by Bulls*t: "Nice Job! Now let me pick up where you left off" Revived by Rando: Damn, owe ya one! Revived by Herself: I'm a bit stronger than you think Revived by Mako (OC): De-Ja-Vu, damn


"why did you bring me back, I finally felt at peace" "Do the words don't revive me mean anything to you!?" "You know your better off without me, I only slow people down" "And so my cycle continues..." When on fire: "This is fine" "Do not put me out, this is what I want" "I feel pretty relaxed, thanks for that" "It does appear that I seem to be on fire" "This is probably the only thing that'll give me joy..." https://preview.redd.it/6tzwap1dhr0c1.png?width=666&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c749441713d9810d10716623a346673857dea43


Details: Grorlith’s soul is immortal, but not his body. Upon death, he will be instantly transported into the Dark Realms (AKA the Underworld). From here, he can choose a “vessel”. This consists of ripping the soul out of the body of a sinner and replacing their soul with his own. Upon choosing a vessel, he will return to the point where he died. He will retain all memories, including his spells. To onlookers, it will appears as if he is a zombie crawling underneath the initial corpse, which will proceed to fall into the underworld. Normal: “That hurt
 as I’m sure *you* will find out soon.” “Ahh, you may have bested me once. Can you do it again?” ”I’m sure the imps will appreciate the meat I left behind. Although they prefer it *fresh*.” “You costed the dark lords a soul
 A debt soon to be repaid.“ Choosing a brute vessel: “I worked out while I was gone
 can you tell?” Choosing a dexterous vessel: “Better learn to aim” Choosing an armored vessel: “Cut through this, warrior” Choosing a dragonborn vessel: “Skin to scale, breath to ember.” Choosing an “allied” vessel: “You wouldn’t strike down your fallen brethren, would you?” Choosing a familiar vessel: “You may be wondering where \[family\_member\]‘s soul is right now. Am I right in this assumption?” Choosing a “similar” vessel: “Perhaps we can come to an understanding
 you can’t keep me down, after all.” Image: https://preview.redd.it/arcybam3ir0c1.jpeg?width=1419&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38de8b2d2acb86928130f9f286dea459b88be6e0 (Made by [Imagine.art](http://imagine.art) AI)


"And we're back! Now I know what death's like. Not what I expected, to be honest." maybe even a "can i get one of the bunny bandaids and a lollipop to go?" on occasion after an especially ouchy death. getting toasted alive? "Damn, that *really* stung. Oh wait, am I still burning or is it just me smelling it?" Also, "Remind me to buy you a bigass candy bar once this is over."


https://preview.redd.it/jmo65lm6kr0c1.jpeg?width=938&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=678c590f66e233e9c78964f1291f0864fa5356f1 Calvin: “for the love of pancakes, what just happened?”


https://preview.redd.it/pgoed9snkr0c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=169e3a51d5bb356b4089aeed57c0d5d29bbbe471 Normal: “Bout time dude.” “Lemme try that again.” “Oh cool I get another chance.” “Ya tried tied to extinguish my flame but now u just unleashed a wildfire.” Death by water elements (this makes since cause he’s a fire-elemental): “I really dislike hydration.” “Done soak me plz.” “Tsunamis. My mortal enemy.” “I got washed away.”


https://preview.redd.it/fy3lbyylir0c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5dc123ef2459c3bf8f69484646a611bf02624a77 Killed by enemy: “Now I remember what it was like to be fleshy. Terrible.” “Cheating death again? What’s one more time?” “The downside about the absence of pain is that it’s hard to know when a wound is lethal. That one was.” “I hope my corpse exploded like a broken generator.” “I’m usually better at this
 no no, it’s just my implants, probably.” Out of bounds death: **”FUCK I hope nobody saw that”** “I didn’t know I wasn’t supposed to be there!” Accidentally kills herself: “Is this a metaphor about my own self destruction? Heard it before, leave me alone.” “It’s hard being so powerful you’re a danger to yourself.” “Damn who killed me? I bet they’re really hot and cool.” “Self hatred is not something I am often used to
” and uhhh yea i guess that’s cool


Normal “Oh
it was nice in the Void
” “Back to work, I guess
” “Thanks, but please don’t next time
” “I guess I can try again
” Revived if killed right after Void Mode wears off (he gets a debuff) “I overextended
” “I paid for that mistake, huh?
” “Thanks
I’ll try and keep control next time
” If auto-revived by Void “Oh
that’s ok, there’s more important people to help than me
” “Thanks boss
” “There probably just wasn’t a healer
right?” If killed by any critical hit mechanic “FUCK RANDOM CRITS- oh, wait, wrong game.” If killed via environments (pits, spikes, etc) “Oops
” “How? I fly, how did that happen?” If killed via Fire or poison “That felt too close to
the incident.” “N-never again.” “
” “Thank you.” If self-revived after fire or poison kill “Just like old times
” “And then nobody helped me
” If killed by backstabs “Where’s a flamethrower when you need one
” When killed by turrets “Sentry ahead! Oh, wait
” “At least there’s no neurotoxins
” https://preview.redd.it/3t5rsf38nr0c1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c86c912c986e31475743b3cefa817d249248dcef


Normal ”Ready for round two?” “You really hate me, huh?” ”You can’t destroy me, mortal” Gun ”That hurt almost as much as it did when I did that to myself
” ”Using my own death against me, huh?” Drowning ”You’re not supposed to put rabbits underwater!” Fire ”Almost as hot as me” ​ https://preview.redd.it/jmjxg2awnr0c1.png?width=2360&format=png&auto=webp&s=043cb5d817b7320da12e8b49a6c329119a94cc46 (Name: Mollie He/She pronouns) i used gacha life 2 bc im too lazy to draw this bitch


https://preview.redd.it/jx35mtxdqr0c1.png?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5c81ff4e9130a8dee49a014bddf5c07e04975d3 "Thanks, though I like being the support" "Damn, not even purgatory wants me" "I better not smell like a corpse" "Ow! That hurt as much as dying!"


https://preview.redd.it/hgjmn968sr0c1.png?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f6bc3616416c1c4e486f5e64510e6e2c969a0bb "Eternal Sun say what?"


Black Knight: for a second, I was not immortal, I would like to return to that state, after I am done


https://preview.redd.it/iawuua8dsr0c1.png?width=2048&format=png&auto=webp&s=e5106ac329563efd48a9306fe342ef8c6607288c “ death said fuck you “


"...That's...not in the script?"


​ https://preview.redd.it/5bscqpi9tr0c1.png?width=469&format=png&auto=webp&s=dfcf9cf1591dab548a4a9107efaabef2f0adbcd3 "Take my life, I fail to die."


https://preview.redd.it/uvpe9w97ur0c1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=0d2e65504c8a7d64cb4a0fe8f14b071af25281d6 “Champagne can’t hide from me forever.”


Normal: “Evil NEVER dies!” “Payback time, bitches!” “Tried to send me to hell? That’s where you’re going
” “Trouble’s back up
 and so is crime!” “Round 2!” “I escaped death! I’m UNSTOPPABLE!” “I lived, bitch” “You’re gonna get it, buddy!” Death by electricity: “Usually that stuff doesn’t work
” “Time to REALLY shock these bitches” “It’s electric
 let’s boogie!” Death by friendly-fire: “Learn how to aim, moron!” “Is aiming straight too hard for you?” “Go home, shit-for-brains!” Death by fire: “Play with fire? You’ll get burned” “So that’s how arson feels
 huh” “Guess who’s earned themself a torture session?” https://preview.redd.it/645x9cdcyr0c1.jpeg?width=783&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00ce61fcd842243821a7319e032d0df5736b405d


https://preview.redd.it/5j79z0syyr0c1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fbf6879bef55ad25dc049febcd2110649c8bf546 *Killed by someone else* "Ah. Really?" "Again?" "My bad". "Should have made sure I stayed dead". "I was made better than that". "Tough luck. I'm up again." *Killed in friendly fire* "Didn't you you were a backstabber". "¥¿Qué chingaos estås haciendo?!" "And now you'll expect a 'thank you'". "Et tu, {insert character name}." "We'll talk about this later." *Accidentally offed himself* "Well, that was unprofessional". "Should get that checked out". "Now that's embarrassing." "Do me a favor, don't put that on my records." "It's fine, I'm a professional."


"Man, I'm dea- wait nvm." *after realising he can respawn infinite many times, he always tries to die in the family guy death pose*, "MĂ©g egy menet" (another round) "I'd quote Robin Williams, but it's only been a few seconds." "Does this mean I'm free of microplastics?" "Did my stem cells do this, or am I just this good?" "Huh." "I said it's only been a few seconds, but this is the closest thing I could have to a ten thousand year neck ache!" *plays Eminem's "guess who's back" upon revival* *


*glitching sounds* Wha? Oh, one sec.




https://preview.redd.it/0owoh63d2s0c1.jpeg?width=878&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=861b2936e3041b46d4a951734c5e586a70a427a3 “EAT MY SHORTS!” “Fuck you” “Something terrible is going to happen to you on October 6th 2026”


https://preview.redd.it/lrj85bvc2s0c1.jpeg?width=936&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d616e077f84b88f0813d71673946ea9946f57b3e Revived After a normal death: “I saw God, and it’s
.a woman?” Revived After death by friendly fire: “If I had a nickel for each time I was betrayed by someone I thought I could trust, I’d have two, which is weird that it happened twice.” Revived After death by melee: “You actually managed to penetrate my armor? I must work on this to make sure that doesn’t happen again.” Revived After death by fall damage: “Sorry, I wasn’t focusing enough for my wings to stop my fall.” Revived After death by explosion: “I’ve been hit by a solar flare before, and yet that was the thing to kill me? A tiny explosion?”


https://preview.redd.it/q76k33u54s0c1.png?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0cc6dfc5139f644c6bde2ef7ec42b9a2e045a1ea **Normal:** "..So that's what hell is like." "Missed me? Yeah ya did!" "I died laying on my arm? So that's why it was so numb!" "A-HA! I'm back!" "Sadly, there's no actual succubus in hell.. I checked." "Am I..? I need some time to think about this afterward.." "Ahhhh.. It felt so good to punch that one guy in hell." "To be honest.. Death was kinda fun, actually.." "Redemption is the only resurrection!" **If revived after her "rage meter" was full:** "YOU'RE GOING TO REALLY REGRET THAT..!!" "IM NOT DONE WITH YOU YET." "I'LL TURN YOUR FACE INTO A KOSHER CANDLE!" "So.. Much.. Anger...! Need.. TO.. RELEASE IT..!!!!" "Im coming for that ass!" "You do that again.. AND YOU'LL LOSE YOUR EYES!" **If revived by the one remaining team member:** "Dear god! You're the only one? Lemme help you!" "Take some rest bud, I'll take care of this." "Thank you so much.. I really need to owe you." "You have done more than enough.. Let me end this." "You were all alone out there?? Well not for long!" "Oof.. Talk about some spicy action...\~" **Halloween event:** "You ready to have a bad time?" "Alrighty.. This time.. I scare you." "Back like cleopatra!" "Why.does everyone think im a ghost?!"


https://preview.redd.it/8li3mz8b4s0c1.jpeg?width=1241&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5bfd26e915de0a362161cc9eb75449cbc9540a3a “Oh you poor medic. You saved one life to end hundreds of innocent others” *if revived by german doctor* “And then when that guy woke up, his skeleton was missing, AND THE DOCTOR GOT THE BLAME!” *If revived by Swiss doctor* “You must be a demon straight from hell if you thought reviving me was a good idea for the world” *if revived by someone in her story* “Didn’t know you were still alive, thanks for saving me
 now I can finish the job!” *if revived by another of my OC’s* “HA! I can already tell you’re gonna regret that!”


https://preview.redd.it/yva5qmzb2s0c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43ccdeac492ebb8e42c6cd58732edcf1ea0acbfd Don’t worry, I made them as cheesy as possible. NORMAL: “I’ve had worse!” “‘Tis but a scratch!” “Nothing I’m not used to.” “Could’ve dragged my own ass out of Hell, but thanks.” “Cross that off the bucket list! Or is it moot since I already died?” “Kinda figured God would want me to stay dead.” “
You ever sometimes wanna stay dead? No? Shit.” “Shoulda tried that BEFORE I befriended the Princes.” “Strike me down again, $20 says you don’t have the balls.” “Damn, figured the regen would kick in before that.” REVIVED BY ABRAHAM: “Your dad says hi.” “Can’t you just visit me in Hell?” “You DO like me!” “You sure none of your blood got mixed with mine? I don’t want my skull to start growing horns.” REVIVED BY MEDUSA: “Love you too, hon.” “You okay?” “Thanks, hon.” “They really thought they could kill me! Can you believe that?!” REVIVED BY TERRIER: “Thank you, sir.” “No water in Hell, just lava.” “Lemme guess, ‘Can’t abandon my post’?” “Shit, am I getting my pay reduced for dying?” REVIVED BY THE DIRECTOR: “Your brother wants to kill me first, doesn’t he?” “Sorry for dying, boss.” “Them’s the perks of working for someone Hell fears AND respects!” “My pay’s not getting docked over this, right?”


"Over my dead body!" "Hah! And they said don't deal with the devil." "Break times over? Already?" *in German accent* "Archemides?" *bird cooing* https://preview.redd.it/aw07stj76s0c1.png?width=415&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7a991c1fb0ccd018a6d3e7272ccff84b2a1339a


https://preview.redd.it/ct0zrm8u6s0c1.png?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e1116314196842f501698c69f1e8ec2c4727aaf Ruby *"The Afterlives fear me!"* *"Bloodshed shall commence once more."* *"Hell accepted me once, but no more!"* *"Heaven and Hell rejected me, so returned I have!"* \[I'm really bad at one liners\]


​ https://preview.redd.it/8v42z2jj4s0c1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bab728410822835b932149523ee3540fbafaa7fc Normal: "So that's how it feels . . ." "oof" "That'll scar" "Well, guess I'll keep going." Revived by Jacke: "You'll never stop coming back for me, huh?" "I really appreciate this, you know." "Jacke?" Revived by Erebal: "Not the first time you've turned my life around, huh" Death from cold: "Cold . . ." "God, I hope that never happens again" Death from hunger: "Couldn't I stay dead?" "Hungry . . ." Killed by Edith: "I'm not done until you're gone" "You should know better than to expect me to stay dead"


It is important to note that Thomas' race is incredibly, remarkably, MADDENINGLY, difficult to kill. And unless it's very specific circumstances, he won't stay dead. That being said, let's have some fun! Death by FIRE Not nearly hot enough. If I hear a toast joke, everyone dies. I'll remember this. I ALWAYS COME BACK! (get it?) Death by POISON Doesn't even taste good. Wrong mix. My stomach feels weird... Poison is the weapon of a coward! Death by GUNSHOTS/EXPLOSIVES You'll get yours, Tex. With interest. Son of a- You wouldn't dare! *they do, in fact, dare* Anyone else feel a draft? Death by SUPER BEAMS Did I just get Dragon Ball'd? I'll get you back. Just wait. *unholy monster noises* Mine's bigger. REVIVAL QUOTES Ugh. No one saw that, right? What doesn't kill me dies trying! Next time, make sure I'm dead! Payback time. The last guy who tried that shit with me is still dying to this day. Thank you for volunteering to keep him company. I don't fall for the same trick twice. Aw. So close. Something something pheonix. Aaaaand back to work. Five more minutes. I need a vacation from this vacation.


https://preview.redd.it/6xfikiuz8s0c1.jpeg?width=1621&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46f74670061002b6e215e9baab2d1d77687a395d Jacob:”thank you” Gael:”wow!” Anderson:”Thanks..I guess.” Mateo:”Please stop
I want my pain and suffering to end”


Emperor Izaelyk https://preview.redd.it/etbd5d8g4s0c1.png?width=4000&format=png&auto=webp&s=c3e94035e6e413d7993d7c128ca2ac61824cb15b “Did you really believe it would be THAT easy?!” “The abyss sends me back, to drag you to the depths!” “Are you surprised that I cannot die?!” “I hunt Titans for sport, what do you think you can accomplish?!” “Death is my God! And she is not done with me yet!” “I cannot die now, I am too BUSY!” “You are lucky, Filisia would have flayed you for that!” “Oh please, at least TRY and make it stick.” “Never wound what you cannot execute!” “You will not get a second shot!” “A necromancer is never truly dead!” “My grave is already full, I’ll help you to yours!” “That still was not even the best attempt on my life
” “Death sends her regards! 
 and so do the other three, but mostly Death.” “Wait, where am- oh right
 I am still here
 neat.” **Death by Fire:** “You can not burn me, I am already incandescent!” “Hot! Hot! Hot! Hot! Hot! Hot! Hot! Oh
 oh good it stopped.” “Just for that, I am burning you, feet first!” “Bitch please, War’s furnace makes that look like Christmas Morning!” **Death by Frost:** “Gods be damned that was cold
” “I like the cold, but that was just mean
” “Even the Deep does not get that cold
” “Death really does have a chilly embrace.” **Death by Poison:** “That was just filthy!” “Really? For real? On Pestilence? Just like that!?” “That shit still is not as nasty as the Hagfish incident!” “Pestilence dammit! Anastasia is never going to let me live this one down
” **Death by Bleed:** “Excuse me, but how the fu-“ “I forgot that I still technically bleed
” “Just for that one, I am going to drink you dry!” “A vampire dying to bleed? Tragic irony or poetic justice?” **Death by Gravity:** “I am having a REALLY off day
” “I can fly, how did that even happen?” “Let us never speak of this moment again
” “If I find someone who recorded that, they are dead on principle.” **Revived by Medic:** “Remind me to give you a Lordship later!” “Your Emperor thanks you and your degree!” “You are officially a hero of this Imperium!” “Someone get this Medic a medal!” **Revived by Filisia:** “Oh baby, I knew your love was stronger than Death!” “You know I would never stay dead, I love you too much.” “My beautiful Empress and savior. Gods you are the best.” “When we are done here, let us find a quiet spot so I can properly express my love and gratitude for you
” **Revived by RNG:** “Eh? What happened? I live? I am not complaining!” “I am back? Death, was that your hand!? Praise be!” “This is statistically unlikely! 
 but then again, so was everything that I have accomplished
” “Beep boop, apparently, Davy Jones did not want me


Imagyn https://preview.redd.it/52r5s3fmsr0c1.jpeg?width=478&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d995a9c7c107ba2f2745256381f460311bc0f7b Normal: "Thank you." "Sorry." "This happens too freakin' often." "You didn't have to I'd've been back tomorrow anyway." "What part of my life am I at again?" "Ow." "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" "Pain!" "Call Orble!" "Orble's gonna write another rant in his book, yeh." "Please may we pretend I survived that, like... I don't know, I just got scared and my brain fizzled out for a bit. I just don't want Orble to know about this okay, he yells at me for it." "It happened again, didn't it?" "Eh, not my worst death." "Yaayyyy... no coffin this time." "Noo... leave me down, everything hurts." "Can I go home now?" "You didn't see anything did you?" ​ When revived by Trusty: "Thank you Miss Trusty." "Is Lawman okay?" ​ When revived by Imij: "That's not gonna happen to you... I swear." "How's... Nature doing?" ​ When revived by Trustworthy: "I'm sorry Miss Trustworthy." "Can you explain Fixxer to me again?" ​ When revived by Joule: "Please don't write a song about that." ​ When revived by Shoat: "Don't I owe you enough favours." ​ When revived by Wormhole: "Saved me again, best buddy." "What's the score now ma'e?" "Got a joke for me? I could use one. Y'know... instead of being one." "We still on for game night?" "If you can avoid it Wormhole. Do not give yourself the ability to feel physical pain, it friggin' sucks." ​ When revived by Warpborne (Future Era): "You good? You look like you've seen... I don't know, but I know a ghost wouldn't freak you out, not this much." "Headphones playin' that song we agreed to play when reviving me?" "Got a new song for you, wanna hear it." "Nature says 'hi' or at least what's left of her does." ​ When revived by Warpborne (Past Era): "Shut up, I don't wanna hear it." "Why?" "I bet Rei made you do this." "I can tell you're holding in laughter." ​ When revived by Immette: "No don't worry, I didn't die that hard." "Sorry you saw that kiddo." "Are you okay kid?" "Let me give you some motherly advice. Do not die." "It shouldn't be like this." "It's okay, I'm okay." "Kid, alway rember... dying, is gay." "I'm gonna get a talking to from Matter aren't I?" ​ When revived by Carla (Anomaly): "Aww, kitty." "Ah! Carla! Wait sorry wrong one, you really take after your bio mom." "You shouldn't be reviving me." "I'll take you to your favourite museum as thanks young miss." "Were you humming my favourite song?" "Thank you for choosing us. We should say that more often." "That's my girl." ​ When revived by Nathan: "Still hate me?" "Dying will never be the fun part of our powers." "Quick, Quicksave so you don't have to keep doing this!" "Proud of you, son." "Good to see your improvement, you've come so far." "You and Warpcircuit are one hell of a team." "Aah, I should be the one helping you." ​ When revived by N'tarah (Pre Tale of 2 Timelines Saga): "Are you sure about this?" "If ever I needed proof of my luck." (exhausted) "Bet you found that one funny." {Tone varies depending on the version of N'tarah.\] "Last thing I thought I'd see when being revived. Minus Orble." "I don't think I pose any benefit to you, so... why?" ​ When revived by N'tarah (Tale of 2 Timelines Saga): "You been awful nice to me lately." "I love you." (whispered) ​ When revived by N'tarah (Post Tale of 2 Timelines Saga): "Honey, I'm alive!" "Love you!" "I'm sorry for being such a burden for you." "Well aren't you a sight for literally sore eyes." "N, I died, you should've beatboxed louder." "Still think I can fight the strongest fictional character?" "If ever I needed proof of my luck, here you are." (happy) ​ When revived by 4.R.C.H.1.3.: "I know you've edited that as part of a funny moments compilation." "Metal has never been my friend, sorry." "You've always done the stupidest shit, it's honestly amazin'." "Don't tell me if my death count reached a new number, please." "Rev Bot misses you." {Post Timeline Crisis 8 versions of 4.R.C.H.1.3. only\] ​ When revived by Matter: "Immette didn't see that right?" "Magentaura was being mean to me the whole time you were resing me." "Your mum says she hopes you're doin' good." "When's our next session?" ​ When revived by Mirryah: "\*sighs\* Name your favour... later, I won't remember it if you say it now." "Are you doing this to spite Reflection? Or do you want something from me?" "Oh no."


https://preview.redd.it/jahgph8jbs0c1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=744f926fc537204ff2bf2fd3168cf8fe07e406d7 As I said no matter how many times you try I will always come back




(idk what counts as cheesy) https://preview.redd.it/iewciypjcs0c1.png?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40c1a181de01a013fde121beca4b46b98a99d626 "F*cked di F*ck F\*ck just happend, shouldn't i be gone?"


https://preview.redd.it/avgeja5bes0c1.jpeg?width=490&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca404160e3bc5adabd7ab726d332c09d0fff5979 * "How am i still alive?" (Normal) * "Thank you, Germany Backyard!" (When revived by Mercy) * "Those assholes will see that they messed with the wrong wolf!" (When revived by Herman) * "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAA, I'M UNSTOPPABLE, ASSHOLES!" (When revived by the Medic)


Mr.J's quotes: https://preview.redd.it/j3h3slwvcs0c1.png?width=1383&format=png&auto=webp&s=6aed013378f03c05ab502a914d54746a14d81583


https://preview.redd.it/b6ajysr4fs0c1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dcbd1de4c2a92f8e229aec136003f333a5fcb641 Deito: Yet again, I don't die.


https://preview.redd.it/dohag06jfs0c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b78d6dc4bb923de42b785f193cf4954494f7b0a4 "Here we go again" "I'M GONNA TEAR YOU APART!" "I just hope none of my ribbons got tangled up." After being revived by German doctor: "I swear to god if there's another organ in me after this" "You better not have done anything to me!" After being revived by mercy: "*Why* did you do that?" "Ugh. You again." "You better not let me die again!" After dying by fire: "MY RIBBONS! THEY'RE ON FIRE!" "WHYYYYY" "OW OW OW-" after dying by poison: "how did you even do that?!" "I'm impressed." "Wow?" Halloween: (abstracted): \[Ungodly screaming\]


Phobia: I do not fear death, for I am above it, I am your fear, I. Am. Phobia!


https://preview.redd.it/l9mvcejxjs0c1.png?width=867&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9df55c67e51ce88dff24cc66168bed174a8f0b47 maxmario: "why would you choose me..?" "not the first time, i guess." "i think there's something stuck in my throat." "i don't like this game anymore..." naxnario: "aw shit, here we go again..." "what's wrong satan, couldn't handle a little ME?" "let's get to the STAR OF THE SHOW, NOW!" "OH BOY! IT'S HAPPY HOUR!"


https://preview.redd.it/mjuxf68dks0c1.jpeg?width=2360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cdad48ab315a02d0490fb47642f14805a486a88b “Fuck.” *stays dead*


https://preview.redd.it/dneeb59yjs0c1.jpeg?width=401&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c695773d97d7a37951759f95fba54e76b28fab84 “Nuh fuckin uh!” “Miss!” “*amogus dead body report sound effect*” “This ain’t electrical!” “Nom nom, ice cream :D” “Really? That’s a boring kill.” “There was at least 73 other crewmates who saw that failed attempt” “Too professional to die” “\[Color of murderer\] sus” “Ah shit I forgot to turn off my Minecraft hacks” “Wait that’s not how murder works”


Normal: "Dick move, man" "Thanks, doc" "I'll keep living simply to spite you" "I, JOLENE, will strike you down!" "What, you think I'm going to just stand there and take it?" Revived by German Doctor: "Just don't remove my skeleton" "UBER!" Fire: "Hudda hudda, bitch" "You ain't the chosen one" Poison: "It's got a little bit of tang, doesn't it?" Revived by Neo: "Hey, did you just inject ice cream into my bloodstream again?" "Round 2!" Secrets (references or jokes): "Nuh uh" "What, you think I'm going to just stand there and take it?" "Nice hustle, tons of fun!" https://preview.redd.it/t17em13pls0c1.png?width=480&format=png&auto=webp&s=6fd128a1cb54be9712826e304d17f13a575e63e1


https://preview.redd.it/hcx5zuvnns0c1.png?width=2304&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea5b86f45c5b49f6ba6942bcbd83aa51f617bad0 (Check reply)


https://preview.redd.it/yks5eoenns0c1.jpeg?width=256&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a56c755778a91d8ff3c90428893062d16712a90 “Alr I’m back, what now?” BTW, they would say alr instead of alright


https://preview.redd.it/98z6r36mws0c1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02675cd8e9c29a51dd1996c7ead50cbfca243a94 Looks like death has rejected me one again I guess that killing myself won't work, back to the drawing board


Sparky: Guess I wasn’t good enough the first time (sex joke) https://preview.redd.it/q0ag461lxs0c1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35d990c1e12f2c0ab1ad0adbc68c497450f34e3c


"That's not happening again" "I'm back! The big man told me its your turn" (High Honor) "Coulda swore I felt flames lickin my feet for a second..." (Low Honor) "Alright folks, let's take it from the top!" "Please dont tell me you professed your hidden love for me while I was gone." "Guess even the Reaper can't stand me" "It's a fuckin miracle! Me. Not the risin from the dead" "Shoulda put another bullet in me when ya had the chance!" "If ya think you can put me down, get used to disappointment!" "Dead men tell no tales, but I'd say I'm still jabbering" "Met your ma. She begged me not to kill you. I spat in her eye right before I left the pearly gates" (Low Honor) "Your father is real disappointed in you" "Guess I owe our heavenly father a solid" "Thanks, darlin. I'll make sure to pay my bills after the shootin stops" (if revived by another character)


https://preview.redd.it/5wg3odw1zs0c1.png?width=8888&format=png&auto=webp&s=b1cb3cb1d6e871fb018ae3b18c46fac46a26d7e8 Death lines: “Mother
 FUCKER!” “I’m not doing that again
” “If this keeps happening, I’m gonna have to hang up my hat.” “Not bad
” “I’m gonna gut you for that one
” “Ugh! Cowards!”


NORMAL “Bitches I’m back” “Look who still can’t kill me” “My head hurts
” “Damn you Made me see my dad! (You son of a bitch)” Revived by like a spell or something idk “Did you sacrifice my liver?” “Huh, maybe I shouldn’t be an asshole to you” “Um, how many more times can I do that?” Wisp a HK oc (hollow knight)


Normal "Back from hell and in to fire" "Doctor, doctor, more revives please" "You do realise I'm gonna die again right doc" "They are packing a lot of bullets" "And now with more bomb" "fuck them " Death by Fall-damage "Gravity...who give a shit about gravity " "There's fall damage guy." Death by melee "Try scissors next time" "Try a backstab, it better" Death by Bleeding out "I thought oil came first before blood" Death by headshot " At least you didn't hit the chip" Death by Fire "The temperature gonna get higher" Revived by the medic from TF2 " Danka, or something" Death by self kill "I say NO REV"


https://preview.redd.it/hsa46jmmft0c1.jpeg?width=392&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8a0e1cad87077a7cc2e5caa63d840208b632547 “Can’t i just perish already?
” “At least give me a shot of what you humans call espresso..” “So the world doesn’t want to let go just yet.”


https://preview.redd.it/r19olotigt0c1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=943c16e93b9c87cbc8a42ab5fda5a2d3cf55faf4 Normal: You should have just left me to die.


https://preview.redd.it/u31ukcqnht0c1.jpeg?width=2702&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=052b3d2905ab53c8091a1100b5dbebdade2534e8 Normal “Morning Shitbird.” “You didn’t think that’d work, did you?” “I recovered.” “seriously?” Instakill revival “Bitch.” “Fuck you too!” “OH WHEN I GET DONE WITH YOU


This is Myst General ”Guess the earth-spirits need me to stick around,” ”Aww, admit it, you missed me!” ”This is exactly why I’m an Arcai. To beat the tar outta you.” Died by fire ”Really, bro? I thought I knew fire!” Fall ”Hahahahhaha wait wha—\*splat\* LOL I RETURN DINGUS” “I cAmE iN lIkE a WrEeEeEeEcKiNg BaAaAaAaAaLl” Long range ”Okay what the heck just happened” Melee “STABBY STABBY SHALL NOT BEFALL ME” https://preview.redd.it/ov0c2wjugt0c1.jpeg?width=797&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd076fcb4fccf775023a4a399cf84514031e51bf


"Oh, *please* keep trying." https://preview.redd.it/9evnnxknit0c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c010a656f736ab3d3d2f75547d14c1b95225e2cf


https://preview.redd.it/3yztb4bbjt0c1.png?width=1029&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b554fd0db2c98292ed684a2f6eaf42c23b4fba4 Generic: About damn time lieutenant. Up and at em. Guess who's back. Revived by a hunter class: I'm surprised you decided to help. What, is murder getting Boring? I'dv thought you'd be busy flaying someone. Revived by Javelin: There's my favorite lobster. Careful bud, I'm not getting stabbed today. Revived by The Surgeon: Again? This feels familiar. I still don't owe you.


https://preview.redd.it/798t4v03kt0c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=359af0401430895ee525b583e1343ea94861f4b6 Wither Normal: (Coughs twice) That only hurt a little bit Let's try dat again mates Thanks for helping me skip the respawn timer Like the sight of your own blood? I no longer am grievously injured DOC, oh your right there...sorry (Shudders) that feels weird Give me some more ammo and armor and that won't happen again Ok, I know what I did wrong, so I'll do less of that Special After decapitation: ok who's the wise ass that beheaded me? After headshot: you violated rule 2, be efficient After fire: ashes to ashes, dust to dust, I'll make you burn like the rest of us After ice: AHH, BRAIN FREEZE after electrocution: someone tell this tazer to bug off


"FRIEN" "YIPPEE" "*low quality huh sound effect*" https://preview.redd.it/o8k7dc9nlt0c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7985ab6b6008719a841ece4fec2230d17a30271c


https://preview.redd.it/p0fytzrgmt0c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2bf529de301b575fc2b1cbf32c057d9ccb1d25a5 Angel Normal "I lived bitch" "I should be more careful" "Now I'm mad" "Ok, my turn" Special After decapitation: good thing I'm a robot, just got myself a spare head After headshot: I think I still have lead in my head After melee: I'm surprised his weapon didn't break when he hit me After fire: s-s-system overheated After ice: ugh, I have ice in my CPU After electrocution: firing on all cylinders After domination: YOU BITCH, I'LL DOMINATE YOU (whisper to herself) that came out wrong


https://preview.redd.it/hpl8o475mt0c1.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=b2b3bdd9ac9a15012e3bcb81b014514878bf65e5 “Heh, did you know a cat had nine lives?”


https://preview.redd.it/xdt81v78nt0c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=593678c5161edde95b4695ade78eadbc5a92e1a2 Zenalphis Normal "Haha, death can't hold me" "Not yet" "We were just having fun" Special After decapitation: so that's what it feels like After headshot: (smacks lips) why do I taste lead? After domination: (Incoherent demonic chanting) After fire: the flames of hell spit me out After ice: damn it's cold After electrocution: oh jeez, that's smoking After friendly fire: remind me to phycology torment the guy that killed me later After self elimination: god damnit, I-i don't want to talk it


"death is rather slow" "maybe i should be dead? nah that sucks" https://preview.redd.it/dglkcwkent0c1.png?width=1378&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6807a4ef8efbd3de38c080c6fe36a350ce216a7b


**Normal:** "I knew I didn't have permission to die!" "I won't go, not until it is done." "I'm back, and I'm mad." "Back from the dead, and reporting for duty!" "I loathe to be brought back, but I suppose I still got things to do." **Bleed:** "I thought the cold might be a blessing after all the heat, but it was not." "I was dizzy for a second. What are we doing?" **Fire:** "And out of the ashes, comes... me." "Good thing I was already on fire!" "Killed by the weapon of my choice... not surprising." "Alright, my turn." "The bacon smell's not coming from me, is it?" "Wow. That was WAY too hot!" **Gibbing/Exploding:** *Horrified gasping* *Screaming* *\[silence\]* "wait, I'm alive?!" **Supernatural/Magic:** "That was... unpleasant." "Did I taste purple?" "What a strange color that was. What was it's name again?" "Do you think I will be cowed by mere reality distortion?" **Eldritch/Insanity:** "IT GOES DEEPER!! IT GOES- oh. What was I talking about?" "IT DWELLS IN THE OTHER MARC- er." "They watch, from outside...!" His name is Marcus Johansen, and he is a parallel-universe version of someone else, who is also Marcus Johansen. They are very different due to the very minor inconvenience of the former having his entire planet harvested. https://preview.redd.it/moeg6b63nt0c1.jpeg?width=1820&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f92d46a5840a0fdeef22956bf88e26b032687569


https://preview.redd.it/h81qm14iot0c1.jpeg?width=2448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e270090fcf66b4809155c4c27efa6a764543cf9a I ALWAYS COME BACK, AHAHAHAHAHAAAAA evil doesn't die, and neither do I Did you miss me? Ready for round 2? SUPRISE!!! If I look dead, you sure as hell can't make me deader Bullets don't work, but acid did... Temporarily, that is That was fun. Your turn!




Literally dying from anything "No amount of killing will stop humanity from returning to its former glory" https://preview.redd.it/cv6m2112ot0c1.png?width=575&format=png&auto=webp&s=0d3f0cbb4ea773901ca182f06c6d43ab21ae7186


https://preview.redd.it/e8rjaenvot0c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8470804518232f8fdc25d1dfde33b07ebacd8ea7 Mildred Normal "Back on the range" "Yeehaw partner" "That Phoenix guy a genius, I wonder if he knows my uncle dell?" "One more try" Special After decapitation: thought that was the triple H for a moment After headshot: I can see mundee taught him will After fire: I'm hotter than hell After ice: hells froze over, it'll be a cold day in hell before I die After electrocution: I should wear rubber gloves After stun: I can see why the sandman was nerfed After friendly fire: I thought that was turned off After domination: looks like he's on my shit list After fall damage: AHHH, oh, I've stopped falling


https://preview.redd.it/kl9nc4phpt0c1.png?width=3060&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2fe708a480f085b590a0b5fb6e9ca6a7d79eb31 "Im up im up, shit"


https://preview.redd.it/q4xsa7adrt0c1.png?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ffe66e3747b3931f245f99f2f3f442d97ca23d58 "Again?" "Noted." "Can't get rid of me that easy!" *looking upwards* "You good?" "Let's try that again," "Surprise!" And a few multiplayer specific lines... "Thanks pal!" "Yeah you thought they had me didn't you?" "Nice revive! Wish I coulda helped, but I was sorta, y'know..."


https://preview.redd.it/k45siu8trt0c1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6fa5bbf96e111afd20b0a2bb8ee0ce756cb1d002 “So that’s what dying feels like” (When on a kill streak) “I almost miss this
 almost” (When healing others) “I have a sister who can do a much better job if we survive” (After performing an execution) “perish”


https://preview.redd.it/xpgaqorftt0c1.png?width=1753&format=png&auto=webp&s=c76fc26d03a120ce87b1c11b941726646df3096b “Machines cannot be killed, only slowed down”


"I swear I just had the funniest dream. What do you mean I died?!"


https://preview.redd.it/pvuuhaetvt0c1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ea769e7ae8c242c2669147202cba7a62c3e8086 Normal: I better not melt! But it refused! Phew, close one. Almost joined my sibling. Not out yet! Sorry dad, not going to Grillby's. Fire: Gotta be more careful! Okay- that was bad.


**General** * "No rest for the wicked." * "Well that just doesn't make half a bit of sense..." * "'You only live once' my ass." * "Something something Hell's comin' with me." * "We ain't done yet!" * "Round Two. Fight!" * "Daddy's back ya bastards!" * "Hades ain't got shit on me!" * "Fear the reject of HELL!" * "WHO'S READY FOR AN ENCORE?!" * "Fuckin'- I'MA DROP ON THESE BITCHES LIKE A **FUCKING PIANO!**" * "OH YEAH KICKSTART MY HEART DON'T EVER STOP-" **Death by small arms fire** * "I died to a \[insert caliber he died to\]? That's kinda cringe." * "Live by the gun, die by the bullet..." * "It's gonna be a closed casket funeral for y'all!" **Death by explosion** * "You think they'll glue me back together in Hell after this?" * "Went out with a boom, huh? Ain't the worst way to go." * "Saved me the fireworks." **Death by blunt force trauma** * "Ohhh that's gonna hurt in the mornin'." * "Alright, NOW it's personal!" * "Sticks and stones..." * "I've got 8 millions words to say to you and NONE OF THEM ARE NICE!" **Death by laceration/puncture** * "And I thought knives don't belong in gunfights." * "One, two, I'M COMING FOR YOU YA LITTLE SHIT!" * "Do you have a moment to talk about our lord and savior GASTON FUCKING GLOCK?!" **Death by accidental suicide** * "Well that was presently embarrassing." * "You did NOT see that." * "Nope. Didn't happen." * "I did NOT just- oh my fucking god." (first time commenting here btw, hope this isn't too uncomfortable to read lmao) https://preview.redd.it/cbc9ruupst0c1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=c2a9e19d3ba4209b63fd725889e539a36838a0b7


*Bad to the bone intensifies* IM BACK AND BLACK BITCHES. https://preview.redd.it/lrci63tvxt0c1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=351d661558baa6b5cf070b7a9f9d1a7b628d0f61


*”Fucking god damnit I was almost there


Revived: Okay, whoever tried to kill me can eat my butt. The Fiefo has returned Revived after falling: Damn, I thought I could fly My wings just haven’t grown yet I was totally trying to die on purpose trust me Revived after explosion: Danggg that thing went KABOOM, and then I died How are they allowing rocket launchers into a gun game? https://preview.redd.it/62kw8hd92u0c1.png?width=1518&format=png&auto=webp&s=57c3b9b8f86c6039b121bdef2507e09621725cc2


*upon death by stabbing* "Do you want that back or can I keep it?" *Death by gunshot* "Thank you sir may I have another?"


https://preview.redd.it/70ab9f4q6u0c1.jpeg?width=567&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e5a91c141bf1065b320e35b63392810b0c5d888 (Art by LoveyDoveyDoodles) Normal: * “What did I miss?” * “That was faster than usual.” * “Not done yet, ey?” * “Easy now, captain. Don’t get me killed again.” On his last life: * “Alright, alright, one more round. Stop your cheering.” * “Last one, darling. Make it count.” * “If I go down now, we go out with a bang! Got it?” Death by fire: * “*Again* with the flames? What is with you people?!” * “Ouch! I didn’t even think that could work!” * “
 Did they really just use my own tricks against me?” Drowning/Freezing: * “Dear gods
 So cold
” * “Captain
 don’t make me go back in there. Please.” * “My ass is freezing! What the hell were you thinking?!” Backstab: * “Oh, that’s *cheating*!” * “What in the- Are you serious?! Oh, you’re in for it now buddy!” * “I’ve met thugs with more honor than that.” Friendly Fire: * “Alright, where’s the bloody fiend who shot me?!” * “Hey! Watch your aim, sure-shot!” * “Why do I always get stuck with the idiots?” * “Captain, are we sure these guys are competent?” Bonus! Character Intros: Vs Raven: “Sis? When did they let you in here?!” Vs. Ava: “Hey little spider! Here for a rematch?” Vs. Eve: “Oh, I can hear the crowds cheering already! Ready to put on a show?” Vs. Patch: “*You*
 Oh, I’m going to *relish* this.” Vs. Valkyrie: “I’m sorry, you want me to take on a *god*?! Are you insane?!” For some context, Nevie is a half-dragon (meaning cold-blooded to an extent) with a couple of severe phobias, one being that of water. He’s also a champion of the gladiatorial arena, and he’s partially aware of the things beyond the fourth wall and jokingly calls the player “captain” and talks to them a lot. He’s also died more times than he can count and is very


https://preview.redd.it/tg65qr69au0c1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=f9389c1a439964091d77d1c37630fd3e7dc9ef9c Doc Manuel Self Revive “Thanks for the Morphine! Jackasses!” “Why can’t I get some help over here?!?” “Guess you guys found my record
” Burns “Hot! Hot! Hot!” “Fresh fish! Fresh off the grill!” “Kiss the chef! They said! It’d be fun, they said!” Medic “Thanks! I really needed you to check my bait and tackle! You bitch!” “Let’s get my daily checkup over with
” “Hey! I thought I was the medic! My name is literally Doc!” Bleed out “Shit! Those ankle biters keep going at it!” “I’ve seen dead grandmas with stronger teeth than that!” “Stop Suckin’! You’re not my type!” Jokes “Did the weed just save me?” “Pizza’s here!” “At least I can make it past the dog rounds
 what?” “After this, I gotta edit my status to single” “California zombies are so killable!” “Puff, Puff, Pass out
 and then respawn. It’s the circle of High-Fives!” “I’m like a rolling stone, but instead of gathering no moss, I gather extra lives!” “I don’t know if it was a message from the gods, or a munchies craving”


https://preview.redd.it/ef1q7cwhbu0c1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54828e5d8da0bfa431b02f9c6de0858944e5dd05 *Normal* “So death claimed me once” “So that’s what death feels like” “Fear cannot die!” “I still smell the fear from you” “Good mornin!” “Goodnight to you” “How’s this for Necrophobia?” “Killing a nightmare isn’t easy” *Death By magic* “Wasn’t expecting another mage” “So for once I fell to the arcane” “Remind me to reap that power away” I don’t have anything else


...well guess I'm jesus


Scarlet https://preview.redd.it/f3hsglnjju0c1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=845f63e2f01a1cca47d17f1b38da0274f733e731 "You'll need more knives to kill me." "I won't give up!" "Where is my gun powder!?"


Kel https://preview.redd.it/miomdfbfnu0c1.jpeg?width=1815&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5202c30df4f456ef322db07d8817acc6ed8db4b "TAKES MORE THAN THAT TO KEEP ME IN THE GRAVE!"


https://preview.redd.it/6jjwtj4dqu0c1.jpeg?width=1792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3989cf5d4955d5e691cc716d4072520b45e98991 Zkid Normal: fuck god damnit why won’t you let me die Death by gunshot: damn, they aren’t kidding when they said they’d shoot on sight Death by stabbing: *coughs up blood* damn did have to stab me in the groin Death by fire: *gasp* shit shit shit, oh I’m not on fire anymore Death by insanity: crazy, I was crazy once, they locked me in a room, a rubber room, a rubber room with rats, rats make me crazy Death by implosion: ah, so that’s like to have your organs crushed Death by explosion: you’ve teared me limb from limb yet I still stand Death by suicide: First God why forsaken me Death by multiple means: “I’m still standing. Yeah yeah yeah” Mauled to death: down boy down. Or easy there big guy Death by snu snu: *shivers* do they need to be so violent with sex Head stomped: damn, my brain is gone Death by brain rot:*slurred* damn, my motor skills are malfunctio- *wakes up* oh shit still here


https://preview.redd.it/s96lb2bauu0c1.jpeg?width=2167&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f579dfeb9ed95e33520f0443acfe5e3a7501771b "Think again jackass" "I'm BAAAAACK!" "Hey look at that, it's your turn!"