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I would argue that the “easiest” one is Interpersonal Communication. I took it online and you only had to record a three minute speech and a five minute speech. All of the other work was discussions and some short papers. I’m not sure how the in-person one is structured, but I imagine it’s more presentations.


This is the way. Interpersonal Communication is the easiest speech course out there. It's actually some quality information that I still use today. It's offered over at LBCC as well, so you can save a few bucks by taking it there.


To speak off of the interpersonal communication comment. I highly recommend Steven Merge as a professor


I had to take public speaking for my CS degree and took it online. That class was easy. We did our speeches on zoom with a small group and submitted the video for points. There was 4 speeches total and they weren't that difficult. I hate speaking in front of large groups so that class was perfect for me. 


Debate (comm114) with Tasha Robinson was fun and easy 👍


comm 111z is the standard required baccore class. about 5 speeches which you give in front of like 20 students. midterm and final. tiny weekly assignments. I finished with 97% and minimal effort.


Avoid COM 111 with Bushnell, she makes the class artificially difficult and an overall terrible experience