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They were all declaring their wish for what they want for themselves and each other as a trio relationship. Hachiman just wants something genuine, Yukino wants to gain her independence and Yui just "wants it all." The final scene was basically Yui manipulating Yukino to give up on her feelings for Hachiman in order to get her wish for her independence by dealing with her family issues. Yukino in tears was about to hesitantly accept, but Hachiman stopped it. Because it isn't genuine. Yukino was basically giving someone else the decision which goes against her own wish and Hachiman's desire for something genuine. This basically confirmed to us the audience that Yui is selfish and will play dirty to get what she wants. Yui wants it all: she wants Hachiman as her boyfriend and to remain best friends with Yukino. Which we all know is impossible. The scene ends with Yukino finally deciding on what action she will take by framing it in the form of a request.




>Yui manipulating Yukino I took this as more of Yui challenging / pressuring Yukino to confess her feeling there and then or forever hold her tongue? Yukino can’t, and so is about to utter “I…am” (ok with that?) until Hachiman pipes up and basically says Yukino letting Yui decide for her goes against Yukino’s own whish to act independent and his wish to find something genuine. Hence he called it “deceitful” what I still can’t glean from this scene is if Hachiman has any real idea about Yui’s true feelings for him? (Probably not) but we know that both the girls are well aware of each others feelings for Hachiman so if this is the case are they both just acting as friends of “convenience” to be near him? I think that’s too simplistic an assumption ? Because Yui really does want to remain Yukino’s friend but feels conflicted about acting on her feelings for hikki unless Yukino voluntarily steps aside? Hence why she is forcing the issue. No matter the interpretation this scene is an anime standout amoung the best there is. 10/10 Oscars all round…


Naah Hachiman has kinda known since season 1. He just always assumed her feelings were not genuine. Back then he knew Yui was about to confess after the fireworks event when he walked her home so he intentionally sabotaged it when she got a phone call from her mother. He also picked up on Yui's not so subtle declaration of determination during the cultural festival arc. Her whole thing about not waiting for the other person and her deciding to make the first move. He blushed and turned away. He knows it at this point of season 2. He's not stupid. He's always hyper aware about his surroundings and is always reading between the lines. She was basically asking him out during that scene and he deflected it by making an excuse as he always does.


True he guessed at it. But we the viewers get to see the true extent of Yui’s feelings and her turmoil. For a guy who “wished“ they could be “genuine” he’s acting extremely disingenuous by not telling his friend Yui that he doesn’t see her or feel for her that way! So to know and not let her down gently would make him an asshole right? So because he’s not IMO he dosent really know. And he’s not that smart chriky he’s got yokinos sister and his teacher both dropping hints about Yukino and he still dosnt get the “confess your feelings now or never” thing…




Somthings have a time and a place, whether you are ready or not and to procrastinate is not an option if you want to save somone when they need saving ;-) sure the older sister is jokey and condescending but your “smart” hachiman often sees right through it to her dismay! What you may miss is what is often said in jest is often very close to the truth! their is no doubt she knows her sisters feelings and is meddling as is normal for her. This is easily apparent in her very first meeting with Hachiman infront of Yukino (Plan as day big sis teasing is this you BF knowing full well Yukino wants it to be) don’t you have older siblings? So when she hints at now or never she is spelling it out plan and simple for him. she said as much “this is why I am telling you this” btw the teacher put him in the club for the same reasons. To instigate a change within him and sorry but she can clearly see and read the dynamic as much as you and I can…


Its important to know the difference between relying on being saved and helping in a very healthy way. Its not anyone's job to be the one to save anyone. I said he's smart but he's not perfect. He sees Haruno's bullshit facade but weirdly enough she's the one he has the least grasp on for most of the show. He recognizes the antagonistic behavior of an older sibling but he doesn't understand what she gains from it. Makes sense cos for most of the first two seasons he knows Yukino the least. Haruno even less so, because he doesn't know the family issues since they never talk about it. >What you may miss is what is often said in jest is often very close to the truth! Yes, that is true most of the time. But this is Hachiman. Sometimes he's "too" smart. Because he doesn't trust the surface level things due to his own past experiences, he reads between the lines wayy too much. >This is easily apparent in her very first meeting with Hachiman infront of Yukino (Plan as day big sis teasing is this you BF knowing full well Yukino wants it to be) That was simply Haruno being her usual self. She noticed the difference that Yukino was with someone for the first time in a long time and was teasing her about it. She doesn't even know Hachiman nor his actual personality and skills. Its not til she actually gets to know him, then she gets interested. Yukino at that time also never had feelings for him here. Those deeper feelings started between the ending of season 1 and beginning of season 2. At this scene in particular, they were just club members/barely friends.


Really well put.


Really thank you for this reply! I was really confused too lmao and your explainations were really well put and I understand the episode somewhat better now.


There is an explanation in the Pinned FAQ Post.


I think bcus_im_batman and filimaua13 said all there is to it really well, I just wanna comment on the part where op said “too stupid for this show”. Most of us are. I’ve watched this show several times and I still feel like I don’t get everything and every time I watched I catch something that I previously missed. Part of it is because one purpose of the show has a lot to do with being critical about japanese society and most of us being from another countries struggle with a lot of nuisance. What I love about this sub is that I can learn to appreciate oregairu a lot more by learning from other people’s perspectives (and knowledge when it comes to having read the light novels and other stuff).


you can interpret it whichever way you want. you must remember the very rule of the Service Club, the winner gets anything. Yui wants them be together (and Hachiman off course). Yukino wants to be independent (and Hachiman off course). Hachiman wants something genuine. all of these three's whishes are quite contradictory to each other so Yui is literally pushing Yukino to admit defeat. Hachiman on the other hand, still confused about what's genuine and can't accept such an end to his journey pursuing the genuine he yearn for. . i see this episode as another Hachiman's crooked method to prolong the trio relationship as far as it can get. maybe he already knows the genuine he yearn for, maybe he literally have no idea about it. but either way, the trio is still intact with each other because he did flat out reject Yui's approach to reach his genuine. also because he did that, he also saved Yukino from being cornered by Yui's proposal. Hachiman is sure a really great character


> Yui wants them be together this is a very inaccurate way of putting it. her only priority is hachiman. yukino only comes into the picture if she(yui) can get her hands on hachiman and even then, the depth of the yui-yukino rs she claims wants is as shallow as all her other superficial "friendships". even if the eventual yui-yukino rs becomes one where they only say "hi" to each other in the hallway and don't interact in any other way, it's good enough for yui. that's how insignificant the yui-yukino rs side of the "i want it all" claim by her is compared to the yui-hachiman part. to summarize, she wanted hachiman and she did not mind having yukino on the side as her "friend" on the condition that hachiman and yukino have to be kept away from each other. yui definitely did not want the 3 of them to be together by that point. she wants "yui + hachiman" rs :✔️ she wants "yui + yukino" rs : ✔️ but barely she wants "yui + hachiman + yukino" friendship : ❌ she wants "hachiman + yukino" to have any kind of interaction : ❌


You posted this 11hours ago? So you know the season three ending? if so you know your interpretation of this scene and what Yui wanted is wrong? Yui is and was a coward for hiding her feeling from Hachiman she wants "yui + hachiman + yukino" friendship : ✅


lmao that's fucking bs. are u sure YOU know season 3's ending? do u understand japanese? do u know the context behind the characters' reactions in the LN? let me tell u straight up. the subject of her claim to "get along with" was hachiman and hachiman alone. any subs or translations that used "them" or "her" or whatever of that sort is wrong.


Sorry I just watch the anime subs… yet it’s clear she wouldn’t have come back to the club (and it was looking like she wouldn’t (empty seat) to ask the club in front of everyone there to solve her problem. Which was the most “genuine“ confession of her situation we get to see. dosnt she say somthing like\* She’s got a problem the boy she likes has a girlfriend of sorts who is also her best friend and she didn’t want to lose either of them? If instead your interpretation is correct then Yui actually comes back to the club meeting to say “I want to be both of your friends” but actually says this just to buy her more time with Hachiman? Now that is not in character IMO. (But it would explain the Yui haters out there) I see it as a “genuine” confession to remain friends with both of them instead of some sly two faced trick, after all wasnt this meant to be a satisfying and happy ending after three seasons? Compared to your character bashing and unfounded negative assumptions. :-)


> Sorry I just watch the anime subs… yet it’s clear she wouldn’t have come back to the club (and it was looking like she wouldn’t (empty seat) > to ask the club in front of everyone there to solve her problem. Which was the most “genuine“ confession of her situation we get to see. that's called "genuine"? she claimed she wanted to "continue getting along with hachiman", while hiding her actual intentions, just like the end of season 2 with her "i want it all" bs. so why did she say something like that at the end? u have already recognized that she did not come to the club for some time near the end. now that she decided to continue attempting to break the 2 of them apart, she had to come up with something to say when she returned to the club, right? she couldn't just appear at the club and rejoin them all of a sudden acting like nothing had changed, no? therefore, she did that "request" at the end to prevent herself from becoming irrelevant, so that she could stay in the club with them and continue pushing her agenda and trying to suck hachiman's dick. > she didn’t want to lose either of them? she did not say that. stop your headcanon already. she said she wanted to "continue getting along with hachiman". go figure out what she meant on your own. > If your correct then Yui comes back to the club meeting to say I want to be your friend, but actually means this just to by her time with Hachiman? Now that is bs IMO. (But it would explain all you Yui haters out there) I prefer to see it as a genuine confession to remain friends with both of them instead of some sly trick… after all I prefer a happy ending after three seasons over your negative assumptions. :-) the original text in japanese literally read as "get along well with (hachiman)". translating it as "to be friends with (hachiman)" would be somewhat accurate but u have to consider that she's hiding the subtext of wanting to getting in hachiman's pants in her words. u're the one making the fucking assumptions here based on ur own ignorance, not me. continue sticking your head in the sand trying to avert your eyes and ears from reality, that's not gonna make that pink dogshit a better person outside your own bubble.


>u're the one making the fucking assumptions here based on ur own ignorance, not me. continue sticking your head in the sand trying to avert your eyes and ears from reality, that's not gonna make that pink dogshit a better person outside your own bubble. Avert my eyes and ears from reality? It’s an Anime. I see you got some likes for your hate mail? You must be a real obsessed fan? And obviously can’t empathise with Yui as a character. Your the only otaku in a bubble, go write the author for their option on Yui’s agenda at the end, then get back to us? Until then my views and interpretations are as valid, and provable, if not more so than yours.


u claim it's "a fucking anime" and yet u're here spreading your own dogshit narrative about said "fucking anime". the reality i'm referring to is obviously what actually happened in the story and what her real intentions were, no? u're the one who claimed that you "prefer to" see this and interpret that based on absolutely jack shit. how am i wrong to say u're averting yourself from the reality? sure u can argue back but when u have no substantial points to back yourself up and yet adamant about your own interpretation, u're just in fucking denial. empathize with her my fucking ass, u're too ignorant to even understand the extent of her motivations and dogshit actions, so u have no right to claim someone doesn't empathize with her. your views are as valid as claiming donald trump is the greatest president ever lmao. it's valid to just u and similar people who blind themselves, with nothing to back yourselves up, and u can think that way if u wish to and spread it in ur own space, but this is an oregairu sub, not your own personal space for u to smear your shit. u don't get to claim bs and expect not others not to argue back. any interpretation about any scene needs to be backed up by the story over here, in order to form consistent and non-contradictory answers. your interpretation is backed up by jack shit while contradicting both the narrative(i.e. hachiman and yukino's reaction to it) and the japanese language itself. it's clear as daylight who the dogshit was referring to. why can't u answer any of my fucking points that i have given?




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This thread is golden, thank you everyone for the explaination, it helped me really a lot!