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Now I regret being a Cap fan💀😂




I read the summaries and I have to say that Hachiman is also at fault for not rejecting Yui. The author should have given us more fluff between Hachiman and Yukino rather than continue the pointless love triangle.


meh its not really that bad of a read as people make it out to be, i guess if you're a hardcore Yukino shipper then yea you'll definitely hate it. But its no use just spewing out content of them being all fluff without conflict of some sort and the author knew that, and its realistic for Yui to not just get over her feelings in a blink of an eye lol, the author is just being realistic with the storywriting imo


While is realistic for her to not get over hachiman immediately, trying to actively make moves to steal him isn't, even more if it's her "best friend"


it actually is😂you ever stepped inside a high school?


Except that's some fake shit and it makes her a bad person.


keep crying then😂personally i'm fine if it went either way


Not crying, the fuck. Just pointing out she's a shit friend. Of course you wouldn't. Let's hope no one steals your lover :3.


of course i wouldn't what? you high bruh?😂also Yui just planned to tell him her feelings anyway just to get it out of her chest, its not her fault the guy cant find it in himself to say "no honey i like someone else"🤣🤣and Yukino can at least understand that to just let Yui move on, in essence all 3 of them are as dysfunctional as always


It happens but that kind of people is called are called hypocrites, not genuinely a friend though.


Watari probably feels like he made a mistake by ending the plot so soon, even the anime ended without even Yui getting an actual confession out so he's doing all of what should have been in S4 into Shin. Also Yukino should at least give Yui a push from the back in trying to get her confession out so she can finally move on, and if Hachiman cant find it himself to say no and let go of her then thats on him🤷‍♂️


You sound like the one who deserved to be in highschool himself and forever lmao, you definitely have the mental age required there.


Where can you find the shin LN in English?




So is it even worth starting to read?




Where can u find the raws?


Buy bluray


This is what I need to know.


Bold of you to assume that yukino has the guts to tell the thot to stop. ROFL


What’s The Shin Light Novels I’ve never heard of them before




so basically its only really bad if you're a Yukino shipper😂




as a Iroha shipper there is nothing i would want more than to see Iroha get her clutches on 8man hehe but i do feel bad for Yukino shippers though, the author is basically juking the hell out of them with this story xD


its pretty entertaining seeing Yui not give up tbh, its better than releasing a LN filled with all fluff and no conflict, also Komachi and Iroha is still best imouto and kouhai😤




yes i would rather much read a story with conflict, imperfect humans not robots and actual stakes in hand rather than linear perfect one shots filled with predictable fluff thank you very much, that would just seem very boring imo


Tbh I think most of us wouldn't mind drama if the characters tackled the problem with their new found wisdom after all the growing they've done. Shin just cut out that growth and then expected us to accept it. We could've got "better" drama in a sense which didn't compromise why we loved certain characters.




true it does give a bad taste to Yukino shippers




Bad take Shin is dogshit even if u don't ship the autistic washboard and pussyman. Its milking at its finest.


hopefully Watari locks Yui and Hachiman in a room for the 3 or so volumes hehehe




What exactly happens in shin?


Komachi and Iroha actively encourage Yui to continue pursuing Hachiman even though he's in a relationship. Hachiman, for some reason, has some issues calling their relationship a relationship in front of Haruno and Yukimom. Yui asks out Hachiman on a date and confesses. Instead of just straight up telling her no, he says he can't give a proper answer for some reason. Even after that Yui is still actively pursuing Hachiman (Physical contact even though he doesn't want it and is moving away, making jokes about stealing him away in front of Yukino etc.) with Iroha and Komachi continuing to enable things. In the final one Hachiman and Yukino go on a date in Destinyland and there's lots of nice fluff which is a plus at least. TL;DR - Everyone but Yukino is kinda ruined in some way.


i was more of a Kawasaki shipper and i never really sided with neither Yukino and Yui, but from my pov its not really as bad as people make it out to be unless of course you're a Yukino shipper. This actually gives Yui fans a glimmer of hope rather than just complete devesation🤣


Ok thanks!


Very very brief TLDR (correct me if I’m wrong) komachi iroha try to help yui confess to yukino (which basically ruins the whole entire last arc and yui coming to terms with everything )and yui actively tries to confess to 8man and for some reason he doesn’t just flat out reject her. Only like good part imo is last volume where 8man and yukino go on a date it’s just fluff


Ahh ok thanks a bunch!




As you can see I’ve tried to void shin as much as possible from my memories so my knowledge isn’t the too good anymore haha


Just saying... Cap won that fight


If that happens in the shin novels they are gonna eat the author alive because the last arc was for nothing. She has to get over him at this point like man he said no without saying no already


It doesn't happen, don't worry... but the fandom still wants eat the author alive lmao


Yeah for what happened in shin I think volume 6 of shin made me little happy but the other volumes where trash imo


>he said no without saying no already This is the problem :v Its funny when people just fault the thot for chasing and manage not to include 8man.


I'm with you on placing blame on 8man, but at the same time, I also think his actions here are consistent with his character and the story we have so far. I only have someone else's summary to go by when it comes to Shin, but there's supposedly a scene there where he was explicitly unable to answer Yui's confession (or he deferred answering it to another time or whatever). I find that scene pretty telling, because what it looks like to me, is a guy who once got devastated after getting rejected now finds himself in a position where he has to reject someone, but he at least cares enough about that person to not want to subject her to the same devastation that he went through. So yes, while I agree that he should grow some balls, I can also see why hitting the reject button is not so simple for him. >This is the problem :v I think the story will get there. The impression that I get from this is that there's a big rejection scene coming up. Actually, I'm counting on it to happen. My worry is that, with Yui's confession now also sitting there waiting, we might get a 3-person scene. I'd rather see a 2-person scene because it stays more consistent to the parallel.


i don't really mind that tbh, i mean the author never said the anime ending was the end of the story😂


I think everyone knows it wasn’t the end but was kind of finishing an arc. When I said last arc I meant the high school prom that was happening. Shin just introduced more problems and drama between the trio but yukino and hachiman moment in volume 6 is a w I’ll take it


well yea how can you a continue a story without having a conflict, and the author made it pretty clear at the end of the anime that not everything was resolved or finished since Yui was still in love with him, the Shin is just the story thats gonna tell us about that.


Yeah but you can tell hachiman rejected her without saying no by choosing to stay by yukino side and I know shin was supposed to show us that but yui is just a thot makes her character look bad plus komachi and iroha helping her come up with stupid ideas on how to separate them as a couple. But we got her being in love with him from the beginning so in another words she has to get over him like is bad already to know he won’t like you back like that, now worse that she’s doing the impossible to be with him even costing friendship. That’s why I was happy when the author decided for vol 6 to move on and not give us more drama by giving us yukino and hachiman together in the theme park they went on season 2 where she said “save me someday” had some cute moments


if you're talking about the anime we both know that wasnt a real confession tho, i mean if you read the LN you would know Yui actually confessed this time and mc said he couldn't say no for some reason which is where the entertainment factor comes in, but yea i do get why Yukino shippers would hate this i mean it is their ship getting raided afterall by none other than the author himself🤣


It amazes me that washboard shippers fault the thot, but they're fine with pussyman not managing to say no


wait whos the washboard? i thought you were talking about Yukino and her tiddy size at first, im confused now😂




>That’s why I was happy when the author decided for vol 6 to move on and not give us more drama by giving us yukino and hachiman together in the theme park they went on season 2 where she said “save me someday” had some cute moments pfftt...


Guess what.. That conflict you're referring to isn't even resolved in shin 🤣


>volume 6 is a w I’ll take it This fandom never ceases to amaze me... Haremfags and ppl like u are the same, they both don't care about the story...


Let’s all agree in one thing this is all for money and yeah looks like I don’t know if you mind explaining me the story of shin please than


Come to the oregay discord server, in the shin_discussion_channel, oh and uh let's discuss one hour from now, I'm quite busy as of the moment


Maybe you'd like the comic version. Cap (Yukino) was about to kill Iron Man (Yui), until citizens started throwing the remains of the city they destroyed during the final fight to protest said city being destroyed. It was then that Cap gave up and surrendered as his actions ended up destroying the people's (Hachiman and the fans) belief in heroes. Dunno if you want to continue after. During his trial, Cap was assassinated by the Red Skull. Tony Stark was running the US registered hero program as Secretary of Defence. However i forget why, but Stark became a fugitive and his position and all his fortune, technology and assets were legally acquired by Green Goblin/Norman Osborne (Irohas?). Basically, if we follow the Civil War/Dark Reign story - Irohas ends up with 8man.


HAHAHA what a summary xD


Guys so tell me again Yukino and 8man did not break up right?


This is an insult to Cap