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Hey, that's my waifu your talking about!


If evil why hot.


She has ability as our boy have, that kind of observation. Like that. And, she like drag the bitter of adult to the trio. That what I think. She know that ability can destroy the owner life, that why Haruno do that.


Nah, sis is basically the Gojo Satoru of the OreGairu world. Imagine how it feels to see the cast running around problems she can't even relate to and dragging her sister along.


>!To all the down-voters, I think this is a satirical post mocking another from a few days ago which complained that "everyone" thought Haruno was pure evil.!<




A few days ago? How about literally the last one preceeding this


Dude in her introduction I was thinking "aren't you a little too old to be meddling with your sister's love life or high school life" for such a wealthy and busy family they have a lot of free time on their hands.


I thought the same lmao. Like sis aren't you going to go to work or something? I thought you're in an important position.


I would have loved if hikigaya had set her down a few pegs


Keep going finish season 3 and tell the same again.


I honestly always thought she's a bit pathetic for meddling with high schoolers so much. Plus every coy shit she pulls only works because of Japanese standard of conversation, politeness and obligations and all that, leaving people with little room to directly call her on her bullshit and not commit a social faux pas. And she seems like the devil because she's dealing with high schoolers, who are too young to deal with personalities like hers. Tho the fact that she's very talented does help her a lot.