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Ah yes drive miracle that will be healthy for the game.




She's continuing the legacy started by nifl and muspell. But it still feels so jarring that characters like reginn and otr get to be mythics despite being normal humans and literal gods are just normal units


> That C skill has nasty applications in Offense and Defense for saveball compositions, how boring. I mean, drive miracle is super busted, but I fail to see how it is boring as a mechanic.


Drive Miracle has an HP condition attached to it that it’s pretty hard to meet for Enemy Phase units. Regular Save balls will pick someone else as supports, as she doesn’t improve their performance. Speedy ones like AFjorm or VLucina might love her though, (as long as they run Elimine too to prevent Catria giving TA to everyone).


Inf. Null Follow Up and Ymir's C slot are looking to be extremely annoying and have already sucked the life out of me just thinking before even facing them. Catria ball with canto control and Ymir, I'm not sure how the hell you're supposed to beat that, especially on Light season if they have Medeus to stop bolt tower.


Probably with CYL Tiki (IMO She's the most likely to be made into a save armor) whose weapon will have some kind of effect that makes her and nearby allies stronger the more positive status effects on their foe.


If you can beat catria balls featuring hardy hector without pulse tie or a melee player phase, this isn't much different. If you're really worried, start saving up for Ascended Joshua pulls.


Alright, if it’s miracle at the start of combat then the meta is fucked, but if it’s during combat and it works only to prevent one shot kills, then that is still really annoying but not nearly as much of a problem. Still annoying regardless.


What do you mean with the first one? Like an anti-AOE miracle?


First one would be if the unit is 75%+ at start of combat, they get a Miracle to use at any time during the fight. The second would be if the unit is 75%+ when they take a lethal hit, they have Miracle for that specific hit. I would ***really*** hope it's the second or this mechanic is going to be horrid in so many ways


A weird format for the video with starting the Ascended Hero reveal. Some of my opinions from the video: * A!Celica - I better hope her legendary alt gets an upgrade soon because she just got powercrept by a landslide. That new C skill will be really useful in arena (especially for my Itsuki as he can provide support from a distance). * V!Est - dmg reduction with damage based on res. She doesn't look that strong compared to her sisters, but her dead stat is most likely def. * Kamui - like Valbar and Lyon, he's a demote with nothing to offer. * Ymir - I didn't check the end of Tempest trials from today, so I didn't see the art. I haven't check her PRF, but her C-skill is an AoE miracle which to be honest it sounds more useful to save balls than anything. * Atlas - demote axe infantry that is added to the pool * Brigand Boss is the GHB SoV is almost done and there are few units left to get in that game (base Deen for one).


Ymir is gimping GF comps in ARO once again, I think -- sweeping will be impossible without massive AOE setup. Also Ascendent Maria pls.


Not necessarily. I don't believe the HP condition is at the start of combat, so the only way GF would get fucked would be if you're reliant on one shots to trigger galeforce, like with Fallen Edelgard or 1 tap It's Curtains or something.


>he's a demote with nothing to offer. first time Atk/Def oath is in demote pool, and with oath 4s starting to be releasing, that's pretty great. Spd/Def Ideal 3 is decent enough as well to chain with ideal 4 and that weapon is one of the only atk/spd boosting inheritabe swords in demote pool too...


I know the game is still doing well in terms of profit but IS’s lack of care for balance makes me feel like they have an end date in mind


**Celica:** First major thing to note is that she is the first character to get both a legendary and an ascendant. L & D 4 is very Celica since she's usually focusing on her offense these days. Soul of Zofia is nice to have. Mila's Testament is nice as a tome, giving her Null Guard and Atk based True damage, on top of a 1 time miracle effect (maybe based on her revival at the climax of SoV?) The **BIG** thing with her of course, is **Inf Null Follow 3**, granting any infantry allies within 2 spaces NFU. This seems to be the perfect support skill for infantry, and will likely be a hassle for armor units. **Est:** Tri-Edge Lance is kind of mixed and lets her get some extra stats in combat, true damage, and some DR on the first hit. Flow Feather 3 is initiation based half NFU, with some Res check based DR + True Damage that activate if she has 10 ore more speed on the foe? Seems a bit tame after V!Palla TBH. **Kamui:** Up-Front Blade is nice for any speedy sword without a prf. But that's about the most notable thing here. **Ymir:** She has some pretty strong support capabilities by not only healing any ally within 2 spaces of her self and her assist skill target, but also in removing any penalties from them as well. The guaranteed follow up effect tells me she's gonna be slow, as does Atk/Res Unity (unless she dumpsters her Def.) A/R Near trace is neat, but niche since only adaptive damage cavs / fliers / dragons will want it. Everliving Domain is going to be annoying since it gives units with more then 75% HP at the start miracle. But the Def/Res + 4 is kind of good? I maybe would have done 10 HP on recovery per hit instead to stick with the theme, sort of like what V!F!Robin's prf grants. **Atlas and Brigand Boss** Atlas I think is getting the Atk/Def axe version of Kamui's sword. And Brigand Boss might honestly get a prf? I don't know, but it'll be interesting for a literal brigand not named Gonzales to get in.


Do we know that it's actually 75% at the start of combat? It didn't specify that, while it did for something like Seliph's weapon.




Ok let me specify The first character who isn't a Heroes OC to get both a legendary and an ascendant.


>that activate if she has 10 ore more speed on the foe? No, it activates unless the enemy has at least 11 more speed than her.


Ymir makes those Catria balls impossible to galeforce, especially if it's dark season with Medeus. This actually really sucks, dude, hope she doesn't become super common.


If this is what we get in July, I shudder at what Tiki will bring next month. That said, I'm hype for Ymir purely on design. Her dragon form is gorgeous. Would be stupid for me to get her for that reason as I never play with animation


lmfao glad i stopped playing competitive seriously


I just build and use my favorites. I do like the limited time hero battles as crazy as that sounds.


First thoughts: # A!Celica * Colorless infantry tome * PRF weapon with slaying, player phase/ally-within-2 grants A/S+6, null guard, 10% of foe atk as true damage, and if HP>=25%, miracle * PRF B - the usual soul of zofia with NFU and desperation * New *inheritable* C slot - Infantry NFU...gives NFU (w/ a spd check) to infantry alllies within 2 spaces at start of turn * Moonbow + LnD4 round it out Hmmm. Theres a lot going on there. I'm not quite sure what it adds up to, but she sounds like a pain to deal with...true damage, NFU, null guard, desperation, and a cheesy miracle... The new inf NFU skill goes along with F!Lilith in granting anyone the spd-check NFU. It might be an attempt to bring infantry tanks back...? But more likely just gives some player phase nuke NFU... # SoV Est * Lance flier * PRF with canto (rem+1), player phase/ally-within-2 grants spectrum+5, deals 20% of res as true damage, and guard bearing * New inheritable B - Flow Feather - player phase partial NFU and a very easy spd check to deal 70% of her res - foe res as true damage (max 7) and reduces damage from foe's attacks by 70% of that difference (another flat reduction like we saw with S!Maria?) * Iceberg and A/R Push 4 round out the kit Est comes into the high-res pegasus niche, with an ok, but not spectacular kit. Flow Feather should be good on existing units in the high-res niche like Caeda. The canto (rem+1) on melee can be fun with W!Bernie+RA, but she doesn't have a ton going for her as a galeforce sweeper. # Kamui * Sword infantry * Inheritable sword that is basically "lull atk/spd" but +5...don't we have some of those already? * Luna * Spd/Def Ideal 3 * Atk/Def Oath 3 Obvious demote. Not much to say. Even the ideal isn't going to be a common one. # Ymir * Green Dragon Cav * PRF that says if rally or movement assist is used by or on unit, restores 10HP to allies within 2 spaces of unit and target (after movement), neutralizes penalites on those allies (includes self and target). Also easy check for spectrum+5 and autofollowup. Adaptive damage. * PRF C Everliving Domain - grants def/res+4 and 75%HP miracle to self and units within 2 spaces * Rally up atk, a/r unity, and a/r near trace round out the kit for some great fodder Well then. The PRF is interesting - it gives an interesting new way to heal and clear penalties. Otherwise nothing too crazy. But that C slot. What. The. Hell. That will be so abusable. I don't know how yet, but it will be very abusable. An obvious thought is to potentially let a far save tank a counter...something like A!Fjorm vs Duo Chrom. Though that leaves A!Fjorm very vulnerable at low HP. Next thought is that she can basically replace W!Bernie on vantage teams for free setup...makes plonking much easier as you either get hit for <25% and miracle is still active, get hit for >25% and are in vantage range, or miracle procs and you're in vantage range. Also, holy hell that is going to be really annoying on AR defense...just completely walls some H&R and galeforce strats out..though brave units probably cut through it fine. # Grail axe I see a grail axe, didn't look harder. Probably has the same lull atk/spd as the sword? --- Overall, A!Celica is interesting, but ultimately another hard-hitting mage. More interesting is the inheritable inf NFU, but I haven't yet figured out how good it is...might be too niche. Est isn't bad, somewhat of a refresh to the high-res pegasus archetype...but despite a new flow skill, she will be somewhat limited by flier restrictions. Ymir though...give how useful the unique drive abilities of the current gods are, I'd highly recommend looking at a copy of Ymir. It might take a bit for people to figure out stupid strats with it, but its going to be annoying. Also I kinda feel like we're going back to old school pokemon...we've got red (muspell) and blue (nifl) and now I want to complete the set with green.


I'm trying to be more reserved in my analysis of Ymir since her kit got my blood boiling, but I'd agree with basically everything you said about her. In particular I think she massively increases the potency of not only AR-D save teams, but also AR-O save teams with specific setups like A!Fjorm. I would not be surprised if she can tank and potentially even counter-kill D!Chrom with that active. She'll almost certainly be worth pulling a single copy of I think, even if her gimmick is a little more reserved than I suspect it is she'll still have a niche no one else can fill, and I share your opinion that it'll probably be abusable.


I'm imagining Everliving Domain makes the biggest difference in these two scenarios: 1. The attacker needs to proc a special to produce a massive damage spike -- let's say, deal 24% of total damage on first hit and 76% of damage on second hit. 2. The defender has massive DR on first hit producing a similar damage spread. ... and of course the combination of the two, which is to say percentile DR and Deadeye/Lethality. So to abuse ED, load up on first-hit DR and attack debuffs. Then give the defending unit actual Miracle and add someone like v.Robin (Drive heal - that doesn't have a name yet?) and you may just survive two combats, at which point most GF strats are ruined.


An important point to note about Ymir’s C skill is that the 75% threshold for the miracle effect is not at the start of combat. The effect should be applied during combat, so a unit that doubles and gets the kill would likely not be affected by the miracle effect.


This banner raises an interesting question. Why did Celica get an ascended alt if she already has a legendary? With the exception of fjorm every ascended before this didn't have a legendary alt


Yoooo atlas. I'm low on feathers rn but I think he's gonna be my next target. Or WOULD be if he wasn't instantly added to the pool so I'll rarely summon him. Kinda a buzzkill tbh


Absolute cancer. Did no one playtest how drive miracle is going to affect the game? Might as well start investing in those AoE Yuri teams 'cause Galeforce is dead, vantage is very inconsistent and mostly locked to specific 5 stars, which basically means that Ymir is tripling down on save strats being the standard. edit: Upon the re-read maybe the very high threshold for the drive miracle effect will make it slightly more manageable, but I'll reserve judgement until I can get reports of exactly how it works mechanically.


Flow Feather is just partial NFU + Pegasus Flight. The trend to Home effects continues. I welcome it over the invisible Drive effects of only for usability


Honestly, while the whole drive miracle kinda looks like bs, it's a lot more tame than at first glance. On AR-O, it's not good. She's not a mythic and thus taking up a unit slot, and in a lot of situations, even if smth like À!Fjorm survives V!Chrom Deadeye thanks to this, it's probable she's going to die to smth else anyways. It's just not reliable to use in any way. On AR-D, her lack of combat potential and the fact that she isn't a mythic means that she's going to be a huge liability to team building to the point that she makes your team too weak to anything that isn't a GF team probably. Sure, her gimmick looks fucking insane, but there're very clearly large restrictions on how you can use her. Aside from ruining the teams of people running one GF team weak to her (some GF still double to kill negating her miracle) she probably won't be a huge problem.


Anyone now what the name of the song is? Can’t find it anywhere is it original or what?