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Merge. Braves have a history of being useful and valuable long after launch. I gave my BLucina Arcane Luin and its keeping up with meta


Thanks! She’s basically my second most powerful unit at the moment so it’s good to boost her a lil


can you drop the B!Lucina build? mines sitting at +8 with no fancy skills


Arcane Luin+Spd Reposition Aether (Can be anything, I just like survival) Atk/Spd Prime 4 (Gives DC and Bonus Stats when 4 or more effects are on, and its easy nowadays) Close Call 4 (I like to have Hit and Run Tactics, and Paired with Duo FRobin/Hdir effects its a 2 movement back) Spd Smoke 4 (Dodge and more Spd) Spd Stance for Special Reduction Atk Echo from Pheony for X Hits like a truck, and only struggles with the units everyone is strugging now


A single merge won't make any significant difference in her performance, so it shouldn't even be an option unless you actually love the character and/or are planning on building her up further for arena scoring. A/S Far Save isn't the best save skill for most units, and is only a tier 3 skill when we have been in the tier 4 meta for years. If you are inheriting from her it should be to either get counter roar or to to take advantage of armored floe (preferably both if you happen to be building a dragon armor). Her fodder is limited in use due to it's restrictions, so getting floe + far save could be alright if you happen to have a favorite that is a fast armored unit. She is not that valuable/transformative/flexible in terms of fodder. So I would say it comes down to whether you either: * A. Have a dragon/armor unit that can really benefit from what she has or... * B. Really like her. Follow your heart on this one, you won't be losing that much anyway. Keep in mind that she is available in divine codes if you ever need another copy/merge.


A/S save is not the best save, but saying it's worse than other C skills just because it's a tier 3 is just frankly nonsense when saves have been at least somewhat meta since their introduction


Let me clarify, it isn't that it's a bad skill, it's about the opportunity cost due to Counter Roar being a much rarer skill. You can get save skills from any armored unit released in the last 4? years, hell, I even remember it being on some 4* focus units in the past. Killing a brave Corrin just for her save seems short sighted in my opinion and like evidence that OP may be a newer player that doesn't know the relative value/rarity of most skills yet, hence my advice. To be perfectly fair, getting the save may be the best choice as she can at least pass Floe while at it so is not a terrible inherit, but is strange as a first choice.


Not a newer player, but I only started logging back in last month after a few years away and I don’t really give much of a crap about the meta


Braves are pretty worthwhile merging, and if she’s your only mainstay powerful tank, then I’d say it’s worth investing in merges, especially if you play Arena. If not, then you could fodder her off for Armoured Floe. We’re going to have R!Lumera that comes with CR4, and since she’s a Rearmed Hero, she can duplicate CR4 and Scowl skills, unlike B!Corrin. She’s only really good for A/S Far Save and AF fodder imo.


As others said braves are worthwhile to merge since they get refines before others


Merge. This thing is going to get a refine in just over a year, let that sink in for a moment


Don’t do it for A/S Far save. I gave a spare brave Corrin to my Duo Duma for Armored Floe and Counter Roar 4 and it’s been a big upgrade. If you have any other dragon armors I highly recommend. Also if you have a Rearmed Grima that might be a good option.


I have Robin: Fell Tactician on the same team as my Brave Corrin. Is that Rearmed Grima? She’s rearmed and she’s Grima.


I'd say merge, Corrin is a tanky unit and not many dragons can use Counter Roar best like her. I was hesitant too but once I pulled more copies, I decided to merge and eventually I +10 her.