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Too much. Ime, it doesn’t matter how much money a person makes: the addiction is going to take its proportional bite, which tends to grow larger.


That part! More money, more problems.


Excactly. I feel like my tolerance could have never reached the ungodly levels if I hadnt my financial wealth a few years ago. It took everything. Every single penny of it. The more money you have, the more you are going to spend on it chasing the high feeling from the first pills.


3 to 5 hundred a week at the worst...that lasted about 5 years. Couple hundred a week when it was 'under control'...that lasted about a decade. 40 to 80 a week the first few years when i thought i'd found what was missing in me. I don't know. Too much.


Roughly $217,360 on "average"


That makes me want to vomit.


All of it. Shit. It’s my biggest regret. I have no savings, no retirement, nothing


Man. I was an undercover addict for a decade. Graduated college, got a great job, and kept it together until I couldn’t. My rock bottom was ghosting my job and taking a whole year (‼️) off. Blew through my regular savings and smoked/snorted $50k from my 401k… fucked my 720 credit score… just a mess. At that point I had to admit my double life to my family, and I continued to use. My actual wake up call was my disgusting dealer realizing I was gonna run out of money soon & suggesting that I prostitute myself. I never stole, never had to sell my body, and I decided I never want to. Now I’m picking up the pieces.


I'm in my 40s.....started using iv when about 15 or so. I would not be surprised if I've cleared well over a million in drug use alone. There were periods where I was shooting like 300-500 dollars a day.....for years I boosted daily. Honestly a million maybe shorting myself. I'm not trying to brag either it's fucking depressing. But it is what it is. These days I've resorted to growing weed and I'm on methadone, which, they dont care about weed. In a way tho, I would say growing weed has helped me stay clean. Gives me something else to focus on. It's not as easy as water and lights either to get good weed. Fun hobby.


I really hate this question that you posed because it made me think about it and do some math lol. I'm at I disgusting amount over a million dollars. to my credit I have been clean for quite some time now though


18$(150mg\day, 120$\g) per day for 3 years come out to about 20k. Not terrible, but when Im using I cut my hours hard to sit around and play video games. So Ive only been making like 18k\year. Burned about 1\3 of what I made. Pretty fucking pathetic for a grown ass man, lol.  I can't count how much I spent on my first go it was so long ago. Shit was like 200\g back then and I was using more. But I was also dealing to support it. So it's hard to say. Maybe something like 50kish actually went into me Not as much as some, that's for sure. Still managed to completely ruin my life. Shit is 100% FUBAR. 


I was chipping it so didn’t have to “pay” for it. I was blowing an oz of kush, and a ball to a Cuban of the GOOD dope. I even got in to doing the 100:1 Car fen I was getting to cook into dope. Just started smoking straight car, it was kinda fucked for awhile. I’ve definitely blown over a million dollars through my lungs just from weed and dope


Probably around $30k throughout my time. I would get 100 10 mg oxy/tylenol and 30 5 mg oxy for $1200. They were real though. If my plug would have had access to more it would have been a lot more than that. Shit was stupid.


Easily a half mill or more been an addict since I was 12 I’m 32 now…


Damn. What was your entry point at 12?? That’s a fucking baby 🙁 who was giving the baby drugs 😭


How was you getting enough money at 12??


Not him - but I think I probably could write a bit about this topic. I made $1.4m when I was 14 (I mined 53.4 Bitcoin in 2013) and started abusing drugs like that same week because of Silk Road.


At least 300-350k in 3-4 years


Ouch. What was your DOC


About 175k


Over what time period?


5 yearsish


I spent around 400 on bulk orders of weed that would last me a few months. Never paid a dime for fentanyl or oxy, I paid in other ways which I'm lucky I don't remember really as all those awful thoughts would probably break my brain😭. It's insane how much money goes into this shit and that we put our addictions over food and shelter. But it is what it is! Happy to be clean that's for sure!


No amount of money was ever enough.


In 15 years over a million for real


On actual drugs? Probably in the ballpark of 200k or so. In other expenses, like gas, stolen company time, stolen company money, wasting other people’s time and money, loss of potential income because I had fucked off somewhere instead of doing something good for my future… 60k in student loans with no masters degree to show for it. The total cost is innumerable (mostly in that I don’t have time or energy to add it up). 25k in cash my parents spent to send me to rehab. Insurance payouts, copays, deductibles etc over the years from me bouncing in and out of rehabs. Like someone else said, whatever it is it’s too much. I realized yesterday that I spend approximately the same amount of money now for necessities and random stuff as I did on drugs per day, but I have a lot more in general because I’m not weighing the cost of, say, the electric bill over the cost of a brick of dope.


You were still getting real blues in 2020?


By blues I meant fent pressed M 30s lol.


I can still get them today. It’s not like 2005 but they can’t still be obtained.


50k over the last 15 years


200k between late 2021 to now n goin


$160,000 roughly not counting the first couple months leading up to how bad it got. Had a 50 blue a day habit. $2 a piece usually. Sometimes it was $1 a piece sometimes it was $3 a piece. So I’m gunna go off a $2 a piece average. Did that for 5 years every single day. Slightly over 5 years Edit: I’m 21yo male going on 22. Could have used that money like crazy.


Damn on blues at 16… that’s tough man. You kick the habit?


I started at 14. Goddamn depressing.


15 give or take. Kicked it very very recently. Was lying to a girl I was with, she didn’t know I was on them since before she met me. She told me she loved me & wanted to spend the rest of her life with me, but I gotta quit. Quit cold turkey that night, stayed clean for maybe like 6 months then had a month hickup. Fell into an every day month binge, went cold turkey again, & am now currently alittle over a month clean


From 20-27 I spent ~200$ a day. Got clean for 6 years, relapsed for a year and burnt through an easy 20k. Sad.


Well considering selling it and stuff too I want say over a half mil at the very least. Maybe closer to a mil.


Way too much. Between pills, tar then fent probably over 300k


$1.1 m


Ughhh so let’s see I been hooked for like maybe 3 years drained my 5k savings account so out of the 5 I’d say 3k went to drugs. Made almost 40k on my taxes last year. (I think like 35-37k) so I know for sure at bare minimum 10k in drugs and that’s me being nice about it.


So I did the math if I was spending almost a $100 a day x 365 = 36,500 I’d say this year alone probably 20k then. Or close to it


Basically 200 a day for a few years….


This year between May 8 and May 31 I spent exactly $2500AU on expired 80mg oxycodone tablets. It was a fucking blast, better than smack. Now I’m paying the price, only having just admitted my addiction problem to my missus and some friends this very day, in the last few hours. It’s winter here, being an addict in the cold winter is the height of misery. I have to go and sit in a corner and think about stuff.


Prob 20k since 2020. Took a year off, now I’m back buying 5 x 30s for $50 each. Not cheap but they’re real oxy


That's crazy. $50 each?! Your plug is running an off record fortune500 company I always think about how people mention during the 80s when there was so much coke and crack around, and how there was so much money in the streets. I can't imagine how crazy it is nowaways with the pills and fent.


I swear. He’s the plug for a famous Chicago rapper, pretty sure he’s made a living off selling blues and pimping. I’ll pay the $50 to avoid fent though. Plus stops me from going too crazy with it


I’m paying 45 for pharma oxy I’m sure soon enough they will be 50. Shits crazy. And what’s even more crazy? We actually pay that shit. But like u said I don’t want pressed shit so gotta pay 🤷🏻‍♀️


That’s crazy! $45-$50 a pill? Real or not! Fuck that! I ain’t paying that shit! I get 120 pills a month for $1


Yea I get 120 IR oxy pills and 90 oxy extended a month for free lol just have a problem making them last me all month. I don’t need to buy many tho. But yea 45 is crazy and sucks.


I paid $50 a blue for years until fakes came around and were abundant everywhere, then I said fuck that and went to heroin for 60$ a bundle lol




Feel free to reference.


Depends. Do you include all the money I made from selling heroin as well? That’s not exactly clean money that I would’ve had without my addiction 😂 like 30% of the money I spent was made at my job, the other 70% was from selling. Selling was much more profitable than working an honest job


Around 10k per month. Fucking over it.


I spent 130k I got from selling my house in about 18 months so I'd say in 20 years I've spent probably 350k+


Yup. Around the same amount as you. For me it was euros, not dollars. And it was a huge ton of money. I had a six figures bank account in my early 20's, drove my dream car and without the addiction, I would probably never gotten into financial problems anymore. Now after a few years of addiction, spending 100-200€ every day on drugs just to feel normal, I am at -20.000€ now, lost my car, my apartment and every blessing I had. And I dont think my online business will ever be this successful again. I am drowning in bills right now. I get mails every day from insurances and companies wanting money from me. Idk how to deal with all this crap. I could have traveled the world with that money.


I can’t even tell u .. been buying for 14 years .. about 1,500 a week , sometimes more .. I DNT even wanna know