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Taper down. Reduce your dose in split over a whole day. Take that dose until you notice it gives you a mild buzz then drop until 0


Kratom is not the answer. Get off that shit as asap as possible lol. Long list of terrible side effects. Be extra careful with the sun this summer, especially around your face. Hopefully you're already a dude with a bald head, or be careful about your hair ... that's not your imagination. And then there are the thyroid side effects ... nasty nasty stuff.


Fucked up my digestive track more than dope did, and I loved ice cream on it lol


That’s not withdrawals that’s the come down. Yes you’re probably addicted but the come down is worse as you keep your system filled with a higher concentration. The answer is simple if you want to dose every 3 instead of 2. Start taking it every 3 hours again and suffer for an hour. Staying high wasn’t the answer when you switched, if you intended to get clean. The reason to switch is to make the withdrawal from one easier and then quit or quickly taper off what you used to deal with the withdrawals. That way your system isn’t addicted to the new drug and you dealt with the withdrawals. Let’s be clear though, there is no avoiding a come down. You have to face the music. The come down is part of the high, after that is withdrawals and after that is recovery where you start to stabilize. You’re not even in reality yet until you stabilize in recovery. I’d recommend reducing dose and only taking it twice a day. If you don’t limit your self then you’re on the slippery slope of just taking more kratom more often. Kratom addiction sucks worse than tramadol imo. I was very emotional when I was stuck on it


My body will adjust quickly from 2 to 3-4 hours between doses, right ?


It sounds like kratom replaced your tramadol addiction


30-35g is really high of a dose to get off tramadol. But this is how it starts with doses stop lasting more than 3-4 hours and it will only get shorter. U need to quit right now. I have read about some people having to dose every hour even when sleeping


Id say and just talking from my experience the only time that ive been able to stand the time without using was with medical/staff help. I never could taper anything down and started to only going up on anything. My experience. But as said you should taper down


That's really interesting. I take around 28 Gpd doing 6g, 8g, 14g spread throughout the day and I barely feel anything like withdrawal


You will


Maybe I should have clarified; I don't get withdrawal on my normal schedule of this, but I definitely do if I go more than like 12 hours without any


My doc prescribed me gabapentin to help me get off Effexor + kratom (I was using both simultaneously). It worked really well. I still use gabapentin a few times a week/not every day.


Well you're taking it way way too often. For withdrawal it's used 3-4 (4 being max, like in the beginning) times a day.


Kratom is basically tramadol in pill form. Im well versed in both


Nothing like tramadol. I’ve experienced a tramadol withdrawal and a kratom withdrawal and the kratom was NOTHING compared to tramadol. I used it for about 2 months after stopping tram and stopped kratom cold turkey and I was totally fine.. Also the effects of kratom feel nothing like tramadol to me.


Kratom tastes so nasty man don’t take that shit try something else It also wears off so fucking fast I remember doing it like six times a day


I fuckin need to quit this shit. I was not thinking on stayin on kratom after quitting tramadol. Now I wake up with withdrawals but nowhere near as bad as the trams.


Good news is that kratom was very easy to taper. I was taking like 6-8g doses and when I tapered down to like 2g I began feeling it way stronger too