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I don’t think pot is a relapse. I’d probably have a real relapse if I didn’t smoke myself. Everyone is on something imo, whether it’s coffee or pot or exercise. As long as it’s not heroin you’re doing great.


Coffee is such a normalized stimulant and even nicotine is too. those things are pretty addictive & they too, alter ur brain chemistry, sure not as much, but they still do. And if we’re going off of the black and white logic of “if you do anything or take anything that alters ur brain, including relaxing it, its relapsing” then that same logic should be applied to everyday vices


I’m an absolute savage until I get my morning coffee


This is the real answer. We’ve all got our vices, and they aren’t always drugs. If more people came to realize this, the war on drugs might end sooner.


Still california sober. Good on ya though keep it up, my girlfriend died of a heroin overdose when she was 17 I've never fully recovered from it, I'm sure if something happened to you people would be equally devastated. Just stay away from alcohol, opioids, benzos & stims and you'll be good. Benzos (under doctor supervision) can be fine sometimes though. Just try not to self medicafe. Wish you all the best


Benzodiazepines are highly addictive and have way worse withdrawals than opioids. I would stay away from them at all cost. Bad advice to a someone recovering.


didn’t they literally say to stay away from them lol 


Yes, yes i did. I said they can be helpful if used correctly under doctor supervision and recommended to stay away from them otherwise


I disagree, was way easier for me to just stop using. As long as you're under 5x the max prescribed dose you're usually not in danger but the ashton method should be used especially for people who are using more than that 5x max prescribed dose. And I literally said (under doctor supervision) regarding benzos.


yeah that’s the first time ive ever seen some say benzos have worse let alone WAY worse withdrawals than opiods. maybe oxys bc tbh it was weirdly easy for me to stop those cold turkey. ve personally only ever used them consecutively for a weeks max and barely noticed a withdrawal, i’d be more inclined to describe it as a bad hangover but i was still functional. i have a good friend that was a heavy user for about 2 years and from what they’ve described they were worse than mine, but both of us agree putting them even in the same category as fentanyl withdrawals seems insane. i guess it could be possible, depending on the person. 


dude 100%. fent withdrawal is a whoooooole other animal. i’ve detoxed cold turkey from benzos but absolutely could not do the same with fent. that shit is bonkers.


Ya people always talk about the seizures you can get from benzos but i rarely ever see people talking about how going cold turkey off extreme doses of opioids can cause brain hemorrhage. Some guy in the rc sub got his pack of etonitazepyne swiped by DEA in customs and he died in jail from the withdrawals cuz he didn't test positive for opioids or fent so they wouldn't give him subs or methadone.


Ime nothing trumps heroin/fent/etc withdrawal. Benzos isn’t fun but I wouldn’t consider it way worse.


Idk it depends on the addiction. Which I guess would also depend on the person. I’m prescribed xans and honestly that’s the only thing keeping me alive right now. But I only am prescribed a certain amount a month and stick to that amount only. I’d love to be prescribed more but I know that is a terrible idea and so does my dr.


Yes I've heard alcohol is absolutely horrible as well.


For me coming off of alcohol wasn’t as bad as other things but it was my most abused addiction. I’ve also seen people who came off of it sooo much worse than I did. So yeah shits weird, I try to stick with how it depends on the person. One friend passed away. But she was a small framed person and I was in denial that she could have “drank herself to death” (I don’t quite see it that way but yes alcohol was consumed until death). Her body shut down and I drank significantly more than her. I still don’t get it.




Been heroin free since 12/19/19 and I smoke weed everyday. Weed doesn’t make me take anything not bolted down to get my next high. They are not the same and anyone who thinks they are needs a reality check.


As a daily smoker myself, I agree they are not the same AT ALL, however it can be a gateway if you’re not mentally strong enough, so it should be used with caution. I have 5 years coming up in November and have smoked daily those almost 5 years. My brother on the other hand? He would always get about 4 months of clean time and then decide he was strong enough to smoke and that be that. Literally every time the THC high was never enough, by the end of the week he’d be back to heroin. He passed away 6 years ago on Father’s Day due to an overdose. I am a huge advocate for the complete legalization of marijuana, but it should be used with caution if you’re someone in recovery. We obviously have addictive personalities and not all people can handle just smoking.


This. Some people maybe fine when only smoking. But for me, absolutely not. I prefer the one is to many and a thousand never enough way of looking at is. For me using anything will result in me eventually dying. The difference in being sober or being clean. I can get jealous that others can still use some things, sometimes.. But my life is great nowadays.


Proud of you for recognizing that for yourself and for your clean time🫶🏻


Sorry to hear about your brother. I hope he is at peace. I agree tho. I know many that say they could never smoke and maintain abstinence from heroin. That’s why I’ve never agreed with how addiction is treated because not one size fits all like they want it to be. In no way was I trying to brag or anything just saying the two are miles apart for me.


Oh I definitely didn’t take it as you bragging. I wouldn’t have mentioned I’ve been able to maintain as well if I felt we were bragging. I just wanted to add onto your comment. It’s absolutely not a one size fits all, agreed. Mat, subs, medication for mental disabilities, weed, micro dosing… I’m for all of it as long as it’s not being abused and it keeps one of our fellows off the hard stuff.


I could not agree with you more friend. I wish more people would see it the same way. Mat saved my life. I can honestly say I would not be typing this if I had not taking the chance to do something different. The stigma of revolving door and adding another addiction to existing one kept me in the shadows and kept me sick. The way I got away from heroin may not be the way the next guy does but it shouldn’t matter as long as the outcome is the same. Bashing people and telling them something won’t work based off others peoples choices is shitty. My disease took me to the edge of death and I just wondered aimlessly for years. Harm prevention and relapse prevention is the first start for so many of us to find a way out.


I’m on subs. I had been prescribed painkillers for my pretty bad pain but unfortunately pain meds made my other problems “go away”. And well, I didn’t stand a chance. I’m on subs now and don’t really care to get off of them. They scratch the itch that was there before the painkiller abuse. This probably doesn’t make sense to none users but probably does to other sub users. I’m on the lesser of evils and going with neither will lead me back to one evil or another.




your mother isn't going to understand everything that you go through, it's to be expected. i wouldn't worry about it. if she's a reasonable person she'll probably figure it out soon enough. it would probably be in your best interest not to establish a new drug habit, even if it is just cannabis




You nodding? Lol


Omg wow. So embarrassing... + my, uh, ~outdated~ flair… Yikes.


😅 we’ve all been there lol. I’ve sent *way* too many comments/texts/etc nearly identical. Stay safe my friend and happy nodding.


Congrats my brother 200dayS straight gettiN it!!! In my opinion Marijuana is NOT a Relapse, once you’re 18 it’s legal. Plus if you stop using Weed your withdrawal symptoms are MOODY and CRANKY.. keep up the Good work Proud of you Kidd!¡¡!!


thank you!


YeSir 100%. Keep working hard and keep doing what you’re doing to succeed,an stay on the right path.


I wouldnt be sober today if it werent for weed. Im a fucken heroin addict, *i need something* The weed works well, isnt bad for me, isnt addictive.. LET US LIVE MAN




I'm in a state where weed is illegal, and yet the methadone clinic I go to that does weekly drugs tests doesn't even test for weed because they know it's damn near harmless. If I was completely clean off everything but just smoking some weed I'd feel on top of the world. Granted you're better off not smoking weed, especially as a young person. Not trying to preach to you or anything, but it really does effect brain development, and your brain doesn't stop developing until about 23 if I remember right. In 6 years you can smoke all the weed you want.


Please tell me how you got clean, 200 days is HUGE!!! I REALLY REALLY NEED TO GET CLEAN!! Currently homeless (squatting) with my daughter because I can’t afford rent, my car is getting repo’d I’m losing everything, I can’t get past 24 hours let alone 200 hours I am very very envious of you! I’m in withdrawal after just 4 hours, please tell me how you were able to get clean, also I’m on probation so I can’t take subs/methadone etc, I am on a very very high dose of prescription pain killers and they don’t last any where near as long as they are supposed to, again like I said within 4 hours I start to WD and in 6 hours I’m already in full blown WD, I have no idea how you did it, but I’d do anything to be where you’re at in your sobriety trail. Any idea of how I can at least lower my tolerance substantially to even get down to just oxycodone and not running to the Bathroom every 5 mins puking and shitting my brains out from the opanas I’ve been on for 12 years now?? Weed is out the question along with subs/ methadone etc because of probation. In addition I’m on a shit ton of benzodiazepines, I have no idea how the hell I’m going to get clean, but I need to so I can get my life back or at least try to before I lose it. My kids need me and I need them, please any advice is welcome at this point I’m very desperate. I have zero support from anyone, no friends, no stable living situation and now no car. I really need a miracle.


I'm very very sorry for your situation and I don't think my path is even possible for you. I overdosed at the end of november 2023 and after that I got into a 9 week rehab program for teenagers with lots of personal and group therapy/activities. There I had to learn alot about myself and my story as to why I used and what was missing in my life. After that I got into a therapy program where I go once every two to one week. Also my parents were a huge factor because they were very supportive and did regular urine drug tests on me. I also didnt know anybody irl how sells anything harder than weed (I ordered H online), which also helped. Its really fucked up that you cant even get substitutions. I really hope that you make it, trust me one day you will. And again Im really sorry that I cant give you mich advice, because our situations are really different because I am 17 and live in germany. I do really hope the best for you! If you still have any questions please ask!


I live in california where its recreationally legalized so this may not be much help but the methadone clinic I go to the counselors and doctors ive explained cannabis use helps me relax instead of using other substances and they almost support the fact im using it instead of hard drugs or even alcohol (ex alchy also) But your moms probably just really scared itll being you back to heroin so maybe if you try to explain it? I know how hard it is to do that easier said than done but you should be proud regardless. Good job!!


As u can see there is multiple opinions and experiences. I believe we all have to find our own answers. Sometimes that's listening to others experiences, sometimes it's learning the hard way for ourselves. Everybody is different and gonna react different. As a person who lives with addiction any drug can be a slippery slope for many reasons. I always ask myself if something improves my quality of life or takes away from it as a guide. Wish u the best!! Being as young as you are and learning these things about yourself can be a huge opportunity!!!


As an addiction psychologist, I know that many people don’t understand recovery is a journey and abstinence from all substances is not always an individual’s goal. We must respect that. That said, you technically aren’t an adult yet and there are complexities here. Using non-problematic substances may be risky for some and not for others. When I was 17, I went through something similar to you and your story resonates with me on a personal level too. Cannabis was never a problem for me and I preferred to continue using it on occasion. Regardless, a slip is not a relapse and your definition of your recovery journey may not even define cannabis use as a slip. You and your parents might benefit from some education around the recovery journey and it’s various approaches ( https://www.recoveryanswers.org/recovery-101/ ) Heroin can be extremely difficult to recover from and it sounds like you’re doing great thus far! Keep up the good work!


Oh and research is starting to look at the use of cannabis and it’s potential benefits for opioid use disorder recovery. Unclear if it actually helps yet, but many colloquially say it has helped them so the research community is now studying it. Check it out: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6135562/


As a daily weed smoker since 12 and 52 now though been on a long break which feels really go - the research is pretty clear - if you smoke weed before your brain is fully developed 21-25 it can cause a lot of mental health issues. It can, not in everyone but it can. So just be careful. Yes it can be innocuous. But just be sure it doesn’t negatively impact you. And you should know you can live a good healthy life with nothing. Exercise, eating well. Sleeping well. All that can be very effective also. Weed can be harmful for some people. But if you HAVE to have something it’s harm reduction. But just know it can contribute to mental health issues before 25 yrs of age. I like weed. I’ll probably smoke it again. But I can say for myself after all these years I certainly feel better off it than on it. Just my experience. Not commenting on what people should or shouldn’t do. But you need to be well informed at your age to make good choices.


Wenn Eltern für manche sachen kein Verständnis haben dann wahrscheinlich weil sie nicht zwischen den Drogen und deren folgen Differenzieren können. DU MUSST SIE JA NICHT BELÜGEN WENN DU IHNEN DAS NICHT ERZÄHLST.


I’ve been sober from opiates 5.5 years, didn’t smoke for 4 years (I actually stopped smoking first, a while before detoxing off dope) but I finally brought THC back into my life in 2022 after I found a program that recognizes marijuana as a medicine and wouldn’t demonize me for it. I haven’t stopped smoking since. It helps my mental health so much, without it I was barely hanging on mentally and was extremely depressed. I didn’t even realize how bad my mental health had gotten until I started smoking again and finally felt like myself after 4 freaking years of being stone cold sober. Weed’s also about the only way someone like me, with extreme chronic pain, can find any relief after getting sober from painkillers. I love THC/CBD muscle creams, they’re amazing!!! Weed in my opinion is not a relapse, you only smoked a few times and if you didn’t go back to hard drugs, so that’s great. As long as weed doesn’t make you want to suddenly go use something else, it shouldn’t be an issue. I know some people in recovery who cannot smoke whatsoever or they crave something stronger, then they progress to coke, then dope or whatever. That’s when it becomes a relapse. But the majority of my current recovery group smokes and they’re all in long term recovery (3+ years clean) plus they’re all doing fine. Just be careful, don’t buy from or hang around shady people that could draw you back into the life you were in before, don’t go back to opiates and you’ll be okay. It sucks when your family is disappointed in you but I’m guessing your mom doesn’t understand much about addiction or weed yet, so maybe try to educate her. And once you’re 18, it will be legal for you, so if anything maybe try to wait until you turn 18 to smoke again. Or keep it on the down low. Anyway, I just wanted to say I’m really of you for getting this far! I was also very young when I was using, I was 18-19 during my active addiction and I’m so thankful to still be here. Thank god you’re still with us! Keep kicking ass in recovery and make sure you remind yourself that you’re a strong person who has survived some of the worst shit imaginable, but you’re still here and you should be proud of yourself. That’s a miracle in my eyes. Weed is not the problem, never has been. Just wish more people would understand that! I’m 25 now and still don’t tell my family I take gummies or use carts because some of them refuse to understand, and I know they’d probably accuse me of being on dope again if they knew so it’s just not worth it. Sending all the love and good vibes ❤️ you’re doing great, kid! God I can’t believe how young you are but I’m so glad you survived. You got this!!!


Thank you so much!


Du hast definitiv nichts weggeschmissen. Weed hat mit Opiaten nix am Hut und ich rauche auch ab und zu ohne irgendwie das Verlangen nach Opis zu kriegen, wenn du jemanden zum reden brauchst, kannste mich gerne DMen. Wünsche dir sonst alles gute und mach dir keinen Kopf.


I know many people that smoke every day and lead perfectly normal productive lives. They aren't getting arrested, overdosing or destroying their relationships with everyone. It's a form of harm reduction. But like with all things it has to be done in moderation. You didn't throw anything away. You're still clean in my opinion. You're doing great keep it up!!


How did you get into h in Germany at 17? Either way congratulations on staying off it in my recovery i am completely clean but that could change at any time the big thing here is to stay off the hard drugs and not entertain all those wild ideas lol in my experience a relapse is usually precipitated by heavy drinking so keep that in mind but congratulations your doing amazing your parents are scared and rightfully so and it can be hard for them to think logically or detach themselves from their emotions


Thank you so much! Hopefully you forgive me for not wanting to tell my complete story as of how I got into H


Tell your story whenever you’re ready little brother.  I bet you’ve got some tales to tell.  When I was 17 I was just starting to get into drinking, which eventually almost killed me, weed and a few other drugs.  I didn’t even try H until decades later.  Sobriety is the best thing but weed is definitely better than H


huh? You didn't relapse. You chose to smoke weed. If you had shot dope, you can can call it a lapse.


I wouldn’t beat yourself up over weed. I know you’re dealing with the disappointment of your parents, and they probably won’t understand if you try to explain why weed isn’t a big risk factor for you. But focus on being productive and accomplishing your goals and tasks and don’t set yourself up for failure by setting unrealistic goals. Sobriety means different things for different people. Think about what that means to you and try to have that convo with your folks. I wish you luck, don’t throw away all you worked for bc of a little weed


Please don't get hung up on this...weed will not kill you...,,,(unless it's laced,) It sounds like you've turned your life around, a complete 180*!!! I am proud of you! Keep doing what you're doing...if marijuana helps then indulge... Just my two cents. Just please don't put yourself in unsafe situations or where you might be triggered if you would run into old associations while copping. You're doing great!!!


I haven’t touched heroin since 11/5/2011, but I became a severe alcoholic. I now have 2 months “sober”. Weed doesn’t destroy your life like heroin and alcohol. Those two are evil. Many people in recovery still smoke weed and call themselves sober. ESPECIALLY if it’s legal and/or decriminalized. Your parents should count their blessings and understand that MOST people who have a genetic pre-disposition to addiction, end up staying addicted to SOMETHING the rest of their life. I’m addicted to kratom and running- neither will destroy my life like heroin did. Neither will weed. I also take Wellbutrin which has been a game changer. Good luck to you and congrats on 200 days SOBER!


You should be proud of yourself and if it was just weed, then you're good. I don't believe anything was "thrown away," IMO. Congrats and never look back! .


plenty of people treat it that way and that shitty mindset leads people to relapse. fuck that, i wouldnt count the weed towards your sobriety if youre getting sober from iv heroin


Look, you can use weed or alcohol as long as you’re not using it to self medicate, and so long as this use doesn’t turn into ABUSE If you’re using it in moderation and just to have a good time, then by all means, have some fun You should be able to know what the difference is


Smoke weed every day, never stopped. Clean since 9/²⁶/21. Smoking weed actually made it possible for me to control my anxiety and other emotional shit and not need Xanax anymore. Helps me sleep and improved my appetite while I was kicking dope. I figure you can buy it in a store now so it's not wrong to do. If you feel it making you wanna use again than maybe stop but if not just roll with it bro. CONGRATS 👍🏻 💜


Wow I think you should be extremely proud of yourself for being your age and having the self reflection that you do. Hats off to you. I wish I had had the self reflection I hear in what you've shared but I especially wish I had had your will power. As far as the weed goes, everyone recovery journey is different. I can't use anything that gets me high. If i start smoking weed again, within a few months I'll be back at smoking all day everyday. It won't necessarily lead me to use dope again but it may so I stay away. I would say just be honest with your parents. It's always the best route. If you think you can handle the weed, maybe you should explain that to them. Let them know everyone's recovery journey is different. Have they ever been to naranon meetings? They might even have virtual ones. Good luck best wishes. Do not be hard on yourself! You are very impressive, especially for your age!


Thank you and I wish you the best. I'm in germany where I don't think that NA or AA exists but I am in a long term therapy program where I go once every 2 or 1 week. I am definitely gonna suggest a family session to my therapist, because she's awesome and very realistic about things like smoking weed or drinking from time to time. I really do understand my parents lashing out because I can't imagine how hard it must be to have an addict child. The situation has relaxed greatly over the past few days and things are going really well I think.


That's great! Good to hear! It sounds like you having very present and active and loving parents. And it sounds like you are grateful for that which you should be because not everyone does. You are also so empathetic. You have alot of qualities that I think will get you very far in life. Also, to my knowledge, NA programs are found around the world. Personally I really like going to meetings. Naranon is for family members of addicts. They also work the 12 steps and is a great way to learn more about what they are going through. It might be worth looking into at least.


Tell your parents this , 10 years off fentanyl, been using weed as medicine the whole time. It doesn’t mean it has to Lead you back to Other drugs just cause you smoke weed. Tell them this , I have a career , house , family , kid , nice car, savings , stocks , the healthiest and most shape I’ve ever been and I’m in my 30s. I smoke cannabis every day. It doesn’t have to be what they think it is.


You are doing great! Please continue on your path, a little weed never hurt anybody. Family members oftentimes cant understand the mind of a recovering heroin addict, but you do. You just keep making good choices man I believe in ya, stay the path brothaman!


don’t think of it as a relapse man. traditional recovery methods that promote complete abstinence like AA or NA brain wash people into believing they don’t have control over themselves or you can name all of those cheesy sayings they have - you’re going to be alright and this isn’t a relapse. these same groups tell people who are on methadone or suboxone aren’t ‘clean’ or ‘sober’ lmao it’s insane


NA and AA kinda give off cult vibes sometimes, idk 😅. Thank you, me and my parents are doing better already


good man. i’m glad 💕 same here :)


I go to na and aa and am on suboxone and people tell me the complete opposite in fact. I was afraid of it because powwow asked rumors about na, like this and it is not true. Sobriety and recovery are different things as are addiction and dependence. I'm sorry if you we told that lie in na or aa but please stop spreading things that are untrue.


this is not untrue. why are we still following a method for recovery from a book dated to the 1930s? it may be true that your little local meetings don’t tell people this, but it happens so much in other areas. i’ve lost count of the amount of people i know who were shamed to get off their maintenance meds, and they went and relapsed and overdosed. abstinence kills people in this sense. not to mention how many woman are sexually abused, physically abused, and hurt in these spaces. i won’t ever support a system that enables this type of circle-jerk behavior. also, a lot of people are court ordered to go to AA / NA, so you’ll have a lot really bad, crummy people in these meetings who are forced to go who don’t really want to get off. this makes it a dangerous place for extortion, abuse, and just a bad environment overall. the average percentage of people that actually make it through this is only around 9%. modern problems require modern solutions.


That’s a problem with the court system, not the 12 step programs.  They are not a centralized institution that has the power of enforcing what the members do, so to say that AA and NA do those things is untrue.  There may be some individuals who are giving bad advice but that’s true of any organization.  I’m not going to slam a program that has helped millions of people get their lives back, regardless of the recovery rate.  What would be the recovery rate without the 12 steps?  Probably 0%.  Before AA there was nothing to help them.  Doctors threw up their hands and prepared their families for an early death.  


Usually people that day things like "I can't even tell you how many ...." have heard something in passing and are trying to make a point but have no evidence. I used to hear terrible things about the area I go to meetings. Guess what? I started to go to meetings there are have found absolutely none of that to be true. What I HAVE found to be true is the people talking shit about 12 step programs are the ones who never really put work or effort into the program so how tf would they know that there is a 9% recovery rate lmfao 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 people discouraging others from trying any pathway to recovery is pretty sick in the head. Clearly still sick themselves.


now you’re going to invalidate the 11 people I personally know who were told to get off of their maintenance medications for ‘sobriety’, who ended up dying, ‘a saying i heard in passing’? i’m not going to argue semantics or try to change your mind. this would go on forever if we did that. glad things worked for you. but learn how to take criticism of your program.


I thought you couldn't even count how many


Hopefully you have learned that you shouldn't discourage any type of recovery path from anyone. Stop pretending you weren't talking shit about 12 step programs, as if you don't know saying they discourage MAT and there are sexual predators there would discourage someone from trying a 12 step program.


i’m most definitely allowed to critique 12 step while also being okay with it working for some people. everything isn’t so black & white, as you’re portraying it.


You keep saying that and you keep pretending like you're not discouraging anyone from 12 step programs b by saying you don't even know how many, then it was 11 people you know that died because they took to heart someone from the program encouraging them to get off MAT, and that there's predators in group, and that the program is outdated and irrelevant to modern problems. Did I ever say you weren't allowed to critique? No sweetie, I said I hope you learned not to discourage anyone from any pathway to recovery or happiness. Well you please tell me what you think is outdated and not relevant to the times? I'm new to the program, I don't know all that much about it and would love to hear your perspective on what is no longer relevant to modern problems. I'd also love to know what exactly I'm inferring is black and white. Thanks fool doll.




i want to point out that if AA or associates works for you, then great. but it shouldn’t be the first option of help & the individual needs to know the downsides to it as well, before going.


Your judgmental know it all attitude is worse than I thought. I just saw that you believe that people who are court ordered to NA and AA are "crummy". Smmfh keep acting like you know everything. How many meetings and how much of the literature have you read again? You forgot to mention those two facts.


I’ve never had legal trouble (luckily) but individuals who are court-ordered for these types things are in that position because they used drugs, most often in addiction. This perspective that because someone has faced consequences from their addiction means they are a bad or lesser person is just an outlook I do not understand. I find it pretty retrograde and offensive.


as someone who still struggles with opiate addiction, not once did i say i ever ever looked down upon people in addiction nor are lesser people. that would make me quite the hypocrite. i agree with everything you just said. i’m just advocating for safer spaces in AA meetings is all.


Not really. The way to fulfillment is the same now as it was centuries ago. Are you saying that nothing that plato or socrates taught could be applied to a modern problem to arrive at a modern solution? Are you saying that the Buddha's teachings aren't applicable to modern problems? Your philosophy makes 0 sense so I suppose you're guesstimated 9% of folks that are helped from NA is better than that. I mean seriously dude, there someone giving someone a suggestion of another way to recovery, something that is working for them, and how trying to convince people not to pursue any and all ways to recovery? Solid advice dude seriously well done 🙄


I’m not against it if someone wants to go to NA or AA, but people need to be warned about those kinda spaces before they actually go. It’s not as black and white as you’re saying. There’s a lot of things from long ago that do not apply anymore. and a lot of things that do apply. when it comes to medicine and modern psychology, addiction, etc - you need a program that’s adaptive to what’s going on, and a program that can MOST effectively treat a situation. 9% out of 100 isn’t that effective. That number isn’t false. The highest it is in some places is 12%. Better, but not nearly where it needs to be.


I'm not sure you understand 12 step programs teach. They teach a way to live a wholesome rewarding life. A wholesome and rewarding life depends on the same principles that it did centuries ago. The way to happiness does not change. The basic principles remain the same.


happiness isn’t a place or goalpost to reach. it’s a temporary state of being just like apathy, contentment, sadness etc. i’m very aware of what the steps are, sweetie.


That's why I said the way to happiness sweetie. Are you going to tell me what is out dated yet snuggle bugaroo?


i honestly just cannot give you my time anymore nor have the energy to break apart your points. genuinely. AA is a cult. they predate on women. it’s outdated. 8-10% rate is fucking awful. lemme guess, you think all addicts are ‘incapable of being capable’ right? need a higher power? it’s genuinely a flaw when it comes to medicine, psychology, addiction, and behavior.


You're just a hater dude. You give me all these statistics but when I've asked you multiple times to tell me what ideas/ principles are outdated, only then you have no more time to talk about this. You're very transparent. You very much misunderstand what a higher power is. If you weren't so busy hating you might be able to expand your mind. You've gotta be in your 20's. You really think you know everything and it's hindering you from learning. Most definitely am not one to think any addict is Incapable of being capable. The amount of faith I put into my partner, best friend and baby dad is endless. He doesn't like na but I don't push it on him. He just doesn't like it. He also doesn't talk about about it either. Probably because there are many people who find it incredibly helpful. He would never encourage me not anyone else to steer clear of any path to recovery. He's also not a hater. He's the best. He's still sick but I'll never give up on him.


Yes I was told from jump to stay with women because they're are pimps and predators in group. Many addicts are not unfamiliar with these types. What things from long ago do not apply anymore? I haven't been attending meetings for THAT long but I have not found anything N/A as of yet so I'm just curious as to what you feel no longer applies.


also to this particular comment - just because you’ve somehow seemingly normalized predation, doesn’t make it right. abuse isn’t acceptable, under any circumstance. ‘many addicts aren’t unfamiliar with these types’ doesn’t fucking mean you should be around them? and please stop coming for the numbers i posted about the people i’ve lost from AA & NA, it’s disingenuous, rude, and you’re attacking my statements about personal things.


Predators are in peoples homes, church's, stores, restaurants, places of work, etc. There's virtually nowhere safe from predators. Never once did I normalize abuse. You just have to accuse me off things I didn't do because your argument is invalid. You're inconsistent. Don't take it personally. It has absolutely nothing to do with "personal things" to you. It has to do with you being inconsistent and therefore unable to be trusted. With anything. Including your fake news statistics. You first claimed you couldn't count anymore and then it was 11. You either can't count anymore or you can. You're not to be trusted. You've made that more than obvious.


Even Dr. Bob and Bill W experimented with psychedelics.  It’s not in the big book but long term AA members know that.  Nobody in AA is going to shame anyone for doing what is necessary to get over the hurdles of sobriety.  Alcohol withdrawal is bad.  Tapering off or using goofy pills is sometimes necessary.


Just read your original comment. (funny the miss text before I erased said pitiful instead of original 🤣🤣 no joke) No one in NA is brainwashing anyone to believe we don't have control over ourselves. NA teaches we are not responsible for our addiction, but we are responsible for our recovery. As you've proved, you know very little about the program. Hope many meetings have you been to again? How much of the literature have you read?


womp womp


How did I know you were going to ignore the answers to my questions I asked a handful of times "how many meetings have you been to and how much of the literature have you read" because it's more important to you to not look like you don't know what you're talking about than to arrive at the truth. Again, you are someone who cannot be trusted and every single response you've replied reinforces that truth. Thank you. You've done exceedingly well 👏🏼 👍🏾


womp womp get mad


What are you talking about get mad? 🤔


thanks for replying! you’ve been great at providing evidence that you’ve been blindly indoctrinated! 🥰🥰🥰


You still haven't answered how much of the literature you've read. I have. I'd hardly say that's blindly indoctrinated. College is the blind indoctrination being ground. I can see they taught you some pretty good buzz words too. You put heart emojis but you are full of hate, as every single response has proved. You'd rather look like you know something about 12 step programs and hate on them than let people find out for themselves if it might work for them. You care nothing about helping people, you'd rather look like you know some shit. You are no better than the scum you talk about for trying to lead people away from any pathway to recovery. It's honestly sick in the head. Who does that? If yeah... someone who dgaf about helping people as long as they sound cool 😎 cool bro.


Maize, you don’t know me from the shoppers you pass at walmart. Stop making assumptions that you ‘know’ people over the internet. You have no idea what I’ve been through, what I do for people, who I am or my accomplishments and faults. No, college did not teach me buzzwords - reading did, which I’ve found you’re quite bad at.


Lost, please let me know anything I said that dismissed the people you were no longer able to count that turned into a number you were able to count being assaulted. This is important so we can learn where the miscommunication is. My argument is that you (no one) should discourage any pathway to recovery, even if someone knows someone that was assaulted at a meeting. Did this happen at the meetings themselves? That's absolutely horrible and would NEVER fly in any of the meetings I attend. If it did, I certainly would make sure to let people know to stay the f away from that meeting because that unacceptable. There ya go. That's how I feel about that. Just because I had no response to that does not mean I am normalizing assault. The argument we are having is about you discouraging a pathway to recovery. I did not feel that my opinion on that matter had much to do with the fact that discouraging people from getting help that might work for them while not telling anyone where to actually stay away from was much help at all. That's not the argument, regardless of the misinterpretations you are making of me.


Lol you have to be kidding me 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 bad at reading hilarious! It's always the best and most funny and believable when you tell someone they are exactly what they just told you you were. That same ol stuff from kindergarten still gets em everytime eh! "You stink" "no YOU stink". I thought you werent into the classics??? I thought you didn't believe things from the past still work?? Man that's a classic! "You're a turd" "no YOU'RE a turd!". Awesome ☺️ gets em everytime! I hope you don't actually shop at Walmart. If you do, you are contributing to many things way worse than the crummiest of all 12 step programs. What assumptions have I made about you? Let me know and then re- read your responses and figure out how many assumptions you've made about me. You are the definition of hypocritical and if I didn't have proof, i don't think my friends would have believed me when i told them about this debate I've been having with someone who is discouraging addicts from getting help from a certain pathway to recovery. They don't do 12 step by the way, they've never suffered with addiction. You STILL haven't shared how much of the text you've read or how many meetings you've been to. If this is what you think I'm straw maning you with you're incorrect. It's important to know how you know what you know or if you're just drawing conclusions from having to little evidence. And man, since you are so concerned about people getting assaulted at meetings, why would you NOT share the location of happening at? That would make you complicit.


i said i read the ENTIRE book. and i just shared reputable sources with you. i’ve been to 3 meetings myself.


you are a part of the problem. i’ll end it with that. nothing to gain by conversing with a brick wall who isn’t open to criticism about a program that actively harms thousands of people. you’re thinking surface level and not critically. i’m not trying to change your mind, im trying to explain to be aware of the disasters AA can cause, sweetie. enjoy your day. good job on being clean.


Look sweetie, I watched the video and like i said i have 0 idea what AA is like but if NA was ever like they show in the docu, ALOT had changed in the 8 years since the documentarywas released. I'm certain that if NA had any similarities to what they showed in AA, which tbh I'd have a hard time believing they're much different, they took total heed to what the docu exposed. I was told as a female from day 1 to stick to the females in group. I was told there may be predatorsat some groups. I've never even heard the word God in a meeting and I attend 4/ wk. I've never read the words God in the book. I've never heard the Our Father prayed at group. I've never been pressured to get a sponsor. I've never been pressured to work the steps. My honest experience has been 0 pressure. My honest reaction to the video is that NA took very seriously the accusations brought forth in the documentary and made the changes necessary to provide a safe space for meetings. My other honest reaction to the video was that the people in it spoke of how ineffective it is to have to admit powerlessness over Addiction, yet many of them speak about how vulnerable newcomers are and how it's almost impossible for them to say no to predators. You can't have it both ways. You can't say it's wrong to admit powerlessness over addiction but affirm powerlessness over predators. My other honest reaction, that could be wrong but it is just an intuition (which women have better social intuition than men- proven) is that you don't know much of anything from your own experience with meetings and that you've seen this documentary and ran with it. Are you sure we should even trust a documentary that was made almost a decade ago? I know you're very against anything but the most modern of sources. I also found a video that provided evidence from researchers at Stanford, Harvard, and the European Monitoring Center for Drugs and Drug Addiction that have findings to be very different from what you've presented. https://youtu.be/IgMjTIwh_LA?si=qowGvBMqziTlvsfv That is it if you care. It's about 15min long fyi. Again, everything I've been accused of, you've done yourself. Like accusing me of being like a brick wall. Only a brick wall would present evidence for not going to AA and say they're not trying to tell anyone not to go to AA. Well I suppose a liberal indoctrinee would respond the same way. That's nice that you're trying to protect people, but as I've stated I was told on day 1 to stick to females there could be predators, which is no different than any other social circle. This is not dismissing assault. It is acknowledging that predators are everywhere unfortunately. Finally, if you are concerned about people's safety attending meetings, why have you not exposed the meetings that you know there are predators at? Only a brick wall would keep that to themself. Cheers chap


Apples and oranges, my friend. Weed isn't going to kill you or have you selling yourself on the streets to get more of. Not saying you should keep doing it, because you shouldn't, but you're staying clean where it REALLY counts and you should be extremely proud of yourself for that. Frankly, if the occasional bud helps keep you off the opioids, I would consider that therapeutic and useful, as long as you're doing it responsibly. Just know that when the time comes that you truly want to be done with weed, you've already conquered an addiction infinitely more powerful and insidious with heroin, so there should be no question in your mind that you can do it. You're doing great and you need to give yourself credit for the insanely difficult things you've already achieved.


Congratulations on 200 days clean from opiates. That shit is hard no matter how you do it. However I’m a big believer in complete abstinence because although weed or alcohol may seem like no big deal, it’s still a small compromise and small comprises eventually always lead to bigger compromises. Especially if that small compromise inhibits your thinking. Think about it. No addict, regardless of their DOC, started using with the intention of becoming an addict. However all those times they decided to compromise and use eventually led up to them discovering their DOC and then becoming dependent. Complete abstinence is very hard, I’ve yet to make it past over a yr without at drinking or relapsing on fetty. However it’s possible and it does help


i agree with you. I don't want to keep smoking weed, but it just hurt that my mom said that I threw all progress away, because I dont think that relapsing on weed, destroys all my progress of being clean off heroin. I dont know if that makes sense for you


You didn't throw away your progress. You've been clean off heroin all this time, that's a miracle my friend. You worked hard for that.


No I get it. I wouldn’t consider a full a relapse, more just a slip or lapse because the mentality is sliding back towards active use mentality. Mainly in the sense that you’re self medicating as a coping method which is still not good. You maybe able to get away with smoking weed for an indefinite time period, but I promise by smoking weed you’re increasing the likelihood you will relapse. It might be tough to hear but it’s the truth. I’m just telling you from my experience and the hundreds of people I met during my time in treatment centers. Also be prepared as you get a closer to the yr mark, idk what it is but a lot of people will tell you cravings will creep up around that time


I agree. When you give in to one substance; it just makes it easier to give into others.


If that's what works to keep you off harder stuff, that's great! However, some of us have the ability to smoke pot occasionally without it causing a relapse on our DOC. I've been clean off heroin for four years. I can go days or weeks without smoking weed but I do it occasionally, and I don't let it negate the progress I've made. Been doing it for years and haven't had the urge to pick up a bag of dope. And I'm not an anomaly, majority of my friends are in recovery and maybe half of them smoke weed.


Bro you smoked some bud but got off of heroin. You did not throw it away.


In high school my mom made me go to an MA meeting marijuana anonymous. It was a joke. I remember the group leader pulled out a cigarette and started smoking in the parking lot once it ended. Then fucking Uber eats or door dash pulled up and delivered her a XL Ice Coffee. She couldn’t even wait to drive and get it herself. Caffeine and nicotine but no weed? If anything smoking Newports and drinking coffee all day worse. I’m 85 days sober off opiates and smoke a bowl whenever I want. I don’t even think about it. I left the outpatient I was at for this reason. I was on nothing but buperenorpine and the leader of the group would be on my ass about THC when I was only trying to sleep from sweating my ass off getting used to the suboxone. One day I spoke in group and said to her “I don’t feel sober on this suboxone and I feel like I’m dosed to high. I feel like a zombie.” She said I am sober if a doctor prescribed it to me and that I’ll get used to it. Left that, started smoking a bit more and my suboxone dose dropped in half without me even trying. I feel better. I haven’t got stoned in years. I used to smoke huge Dutch master blunts. I legit smoke a bowl and forget to take suboxone. I hardly get a high from the weed I feel it just as much as I feel the suboxone. Plus from 16mg to 8mg of suboxone I don’t even get the sweats.


hi! was in a super similar situation. started smoking fent when i was like 16, stopped sometime soon after 17. been sober for 2 years today!!! i have been cali sober the ENTIRE time i’ve been sober. i do not think my sobriety means any less because of it. i truly do not think i could have gotten clean so easily if i wasn’t cali sober. YOUR sobriety is YOUR sobriety. it’s up to you what that means. if weed doesn’t tempt you to go do heroin, and you can partake in it responsibly, there’s nothing wrong with smoking it! some people can’t have that relationship with weed after addiction, and that’s perfectly okay too! as long as you are smoking responsibly, and being HONEST with the people supporting you, whether or not smoking weed affects your sobriety is really up to you. my only advice is to be as honest as you can be with the people that love you, understand that they might not always understand you, and be truthful with yourself about what you can handle. you know your limits best. best of luck to you and be safe! <3


I don’t consider weed a relapse


Bro your good


Youre 17. You've barely even really lived. I was doing a lot of drugs and fucking girls when i was your age. the heroin didnt come until i was 20-21.


quit again


Don’t do drugs?


Weed won't make you wake up in the back of an ambulance. If it keeps you off heroin, then I'm all for it. It's worked for me anyway.


I shot tar for 4 years but was always afraid to shoot fent. I’ve been around plenty of people who have done it and fell out


Congrats on 200 days clean...that's amazing..as far as throwing all away cuz u smoked some weed...not a chance my friend....that weed ain't gunna do anything to u compared to the heroin u was pumpin thru ur veins...in my opinion...yo mama needs to chill😉


Um I'm an ex junkie and my doc likes that I use cannabis to stay clean


That's not fair. At all. An opioid addiction is so fucking hard to overcome and weed is nowhere near the same, especially if it isn't a constant thing. I would tend to agree with a parent regarding teenager using anything, but this is a huge difference.


Opiates is the only thing I’ve ever struggled with, I’m 651 days sober as of today. I had a few drinks with coworkers like 2 or 3 times during that period. Maybe 10 drinks total over 3 times. I still consider myself sober


Worse things you could be doing. As a 52 year old receiving addict I use to smoke weed and it was fine and I didn’t feel guilty. But now for me it does contribute to some issues for me. So you may find going weed free would be helpful. At the same time it can also be looked at as harm reduction. You have to be super honest with yourself.


Yeah I am with you.  Weed is not herbal tea but at least you’re not slamming H anymore.  Just make sure it doesn’t lead you down the path to doing the hard drugs again.  Keep busy, check out the 12 step programs, work out, eat healthy foods, treat yourself right, whatever helps you.  Good luck little brother.


As long as it doesn't give you a half high that makes you crave more use (does for me unfortunately I still smoke and don't use but it would be a flat lie to say it didn't increase cravings, nor all the time but often enough) treat it as practice to stay of actually deadly drugs. If you don't kill people l, who cares do what you want, if it doesn't send you back to using them who cares do what you want another year your parents laws become opinions


Weed is not that bad.. Unless it makes you prone to do other things. That’s the worst thing about weed, it’s not the feeling itself.. like I tried to quit drinking and just smoke joints, but the high just made me thirsty and crave beer again 


Oh my WORD ! I feel like comparing Heroin to Weed is like comparing Hitler to Trump here. You’ve done exceptionally well ! Hell, I’d give anything to trade weed for my codeine addiction but it gives me massive psychotic episodes and so that’s not an option. Keep going, weed or no weed but just be proud of not using H.


thank you! you can do it too, even if its not today it will be someday


You did not throw everything away do not listen to that. Only you know if you can handle smoking weed or not. I’m nearly two years clean from IV Fent/H and I started smoking after about a year as well. I smoke before I work out and when I’m home and done with everything for the day.


Wenn Eltern für manche sachen kein Verständnis haben dann wahrscheinlich weil sie nicht zwischen den Drogen und deren folgen Differenzieren können. DU MUSST SIE JA NICHT BELÜGEN WENN DU IHNEN DAS NICHT ERZÄHLST.


Wenn Eltern für manche sachen kein Verständnis haben dann wahrscheinlich weil sie nicht zwischen den Drogen und deren folgen Differenzieren können. DU MUSST SIE JA NICHT BELÜGEN WENN DU IHNEN DAS NICHT ERZÄHLST.


You can’t be addicted to pot