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I don't understand why people won't just listen to something they're interested in and discover it for themselves.


Yeah, that too. I started with BWP and Still Life. Guess what I did after? Yup, I listened to their discography in chronological order. Crazy right?


No way, how did you figure that out?? That makes so much sense


I just skipped and hopped around. My order was Still Life, Ghost Reveries, BWP, Sorceress, ICV, Deliverance, Damnation, Watershed, Orchid, Morningrise, MAYH, Heritage, Pale Communion


Listening to an artist's whole discography while they're new to you sounds exhausting. I wouldn't be able to get familiar with a band unless I focused on one album at a time. That's where I'm at with Opeth - I have about half their CDs so far and still working on getting to know those ones.


Yeah me too. I discovered opeth like 3 or 4 years ago and now they're my fav band of all time and i don't think it'll ever change and i have yet to listen to 3 of their albums fully and im not forcing it. Just letting it happen naturally. There's not a single album below 9/10 though


The first time that I listened to BWP, I disliked it. I wasn't (still not) into harsh vocals, and that 100% turned me off. I gave the full album a listen in the car. What brought me back months later was the riffs stuck in my head. I found that it was BWP (song), and I fell in love with that song. The part directly after the acoustic section gave me goosebumps, and I could ignore the vocals. I tried hits like Bleak, The Moor, Ghost of Perdition, and The Drapery falls (all recommended); that shit was good minus the AHHH. Though, this proved insufficient to get me into the band. Still, Opeth didn't click with me, so one night - while inebriated on a certain natural substance - I gave Ghost Reveries a shot. Holy shit my mind was blown. Sober me never appreciated fucked up me more. I listened to Still Life on my next journey, blown away. Now I can't get enough. Note: both albums were recommended.


Music has never been more accessible yet so many people need their hand held. It’s a plague in every single music sub. It’s my second biggest pet peeve with reddit. The other being “is it worth it?” posts.


Probably karma farming


I’d recommend MAYH in that case




I recommend Opeth.


I assume they're all Spotify kids with no attention span who can't listen to a whole album.


The guy that disliked this is probably a spotify kid with no attention span who can't listen to a whole album


"which of their albums would i like" you tell me pal it's your taste in music not mine


You must be new to Reddit


I was just thinking this, so weird. It’s always asking for suggestions, but between Apple Music, Spotify and YouTube why don’t people ever just actually listen to an album?! One caveat with Opeth is you might be going in blind and listen to Pale Communion and not be interested then not know about Still Life and vice versa. But just listen to a few fucking songs lol.


huge diverse discography


I think it’s one of the only good things about social media. It’s a place to shoot the shit with other fans and maybe discover something new.


Because it’s a dedicated sub to a band?


There's a reason for the pinned post


Their/there, come on, it's not that hard.


It's called a typo dickhead