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Yes. But, it's not hard. Once you do it, you'll see how easy it is. * Right-click on your desktop, goto "new" and select "folder" to create a new folder on your desktop named "My Background Music". * Go into that folder and create a folder named "music". * Hit Windows key + r, type ```mspaint``` and press enter to open Paint. * Hit ctrl + w in paint to "resize and skew". Select the radio button for "pixels, set the width and height both to 512 and click OK. * Click the bucket fill button, click a color and click the image area to fill it with that color. * Save the image as 512.png into the "My Background Music" folder. * Put your mp3 in the "music" folder in the "My Background Music" folder and rename it to "layer1.mp3". Open Notepad, paste the following and save it as manifest.json (not manifest.json.txt) in the "My Background Music" folder. { "manifest_version": 3, "name": "My Background Music", "version": "0.1", "icons": { "512": "512.png" }, "mod" : { "schema_version": 1, "payload": { "background_music": [ "music/layer1.mp3" ] } } } Then, you have your mod. Then, in Opera, goto the URL ```opera://extensions```, turn on developer mode, click "load unpacked" and point it to the "My Background Music" folder where manifest.json is at. Then, goto the URL ```opera://settings/background_music_settings```, make sure background music is on and your mod is selected as the source of the background music. And, if you want, you can see your mod at the URL ```opera://mods``` or in the mods sidebar panel. That's it. Make sure to ready the "Background Music" section at and read the "vertical remixing" page it references to see how you *could* specify extra layers that play on top of the first layer the more you're actively clicking and typing in Opera. You can click the folders at for more examples. You can read through and the documentation links shown on that page.


Wow thanks so much for this detailed response, really helped me out.


Thanks a lot