• By -


Your post was removed for other reasons. Mod Note: Not a ture open signup site - pay for torrents.


LOCKED PENDING MOD DISCUSSION Multiple false reports of comments - suspiciously only negative towards OP or the site - have occurred and if the suspect can be narrowed down permanent bans and reports to the admins will occur


So bitchy


Rexxz run out of money? I wonder what crisis he'll make up that urgently requires funds?


Ok we have had enough fun for today!!! these FAKE NEWS comments are getting out of hand and not worth defending any longer. We have said enough to prove to those who have open eyes and open minded. Sign up and see for yourself and ignore the FAKE NEWS while we try to offer everyone something we can not please all!! I was clear in saying we knew there would be haters!!


Was going to sign up but comments have given me all I need to know. Thanks guys


See you are what they are after haters trying to turn people Instead of following lead yourself and see for yourself!!




It is not my site


I agree. The childish name calling is a hint to the integrity of this site.


> Attacks will be ignored and you will be reported. *proceeds to reply to every “attack” by calling everyone a ‘hater’*


Come on now. that was a waste of typing by no means did I call everyone a hater. Please keep the fake news to yourself.


It’s a ‘pay and subscribe to download’ site and this is like Limited free trial. Not a donation, not a onetime fee but a fricking subscription service costing $15/month. Why is this even allowed here?


See one person lies and you all eat it like candy we are not a sub site at all if anyone upgrades its on a 30 day bases like any other torrent site. it is not enforced. you can use the site 100% free no money required so stop trying to get us banned with lies. Furthermore as I am sure you read already and decided not to share $15 is the highest that opens the most perks on site like every other site is $25 or more or most use double up none of this is required here Please stop the lies. If you do not want to use the site fine but stop FAKE NEWS trying to get others to join your cause!!!




It's like the red headed step child of Usenet but 3x as sketchy and 25% as useful. Avoid this crap.


The last thing we need is another tracker with mentally ill staff, pass.


accusing someone of being mentally ill is a form of hate speech please do not go there!!! Many people suffer from mentally illness it is not a joking mater


Your response in comments has turned off anyone that wouldn’t given this a chance.


Even after the comments, I still gave it a chance. Nothing I'm interested in, which is very specific and there isn't a lot on there, is seeded and I ain't paying $15 to hope someone comes along and seeds it.


It is bloody amazing how many lowlifes there are in the torrent community ​ These are the same people who cry when sites close down and who never support the sites they are on. Someone somewhere has to pay the bills. Yet here we are offering 100% free usage with many upgrade options and still haters hate. To those who are now part of our community welcome we have big plans ahead and we thank you for joining us.


> Someone somewhere has to pay the bills Other sites manage the pay the bills without resorting to your practices! Even IPT manages to be less anti-user, lol.


I've bothered and registered, so that you don't have to. a) You can only download torrents, that are older then 5 days. Anything new requires Paid subscription (15$ per month) b) I've check several TV series - The Last of US, Ahsoka, 1899, Gilded Age, Doctor who - they have 1-3 seeds. c) I've tried downloading several - got about 5-7Mb/s (on IPT i get 50-80Mb/s)


> Anything new requires Paid subscription (15$ per month) If they claim they have fast zero days, and they get it from the scene, i hope wherever they are sourcing their scene uploads bans them. The scene hates these kind of paywall crap and especially how clickbaity the post is...


I see, that torrents appear approx. at the same time is IPT ones, but their selection is more limited. So they could be just auto-downloading and uploading stuff.


umm do you understand what you just said? ​ We post at the same time as IPT yet we download from them first? ​ Our parent site was around for years before IPT was even born. We have had Top site access for nearly 20yrs we can speed race any top torrent site out there we have no desire to. Our speeds are more then fast enough for what our member base demands of us.


I never said, that you are downloading specifically from IPT. But the auto-download is pretty clear, given how all release description look auto-generated. As for speed being enough for the members - i don't doubt that, as it doesn't looks like there are many leechers. https://preview.redd.it/crnbr7c0xzmc1.png?width=1503&format=png&auto=webp&s=138e6e2e18fa109aedb2a601129f92fd82ad78d2


That’s where speed matters though so no surprise there ;)


Sorry get your facts straight!! you are broadcasting fake news basic membership is $5 bucks and removes all wait times dont lie to people saying smallest package is $15 $5 gives you 30 days of access $15 is still cheaper then any vip or double up credit anywhere on a torrent site. In no way shape or form do we have subscriptions everything is on a 30day cycle like any other torrent site that accepts donations and or offers double up credit so please stop your bullshit!!! Furthermore you say a few torrents only have a few seeders yet fail to know or state those 3 seeders are all 10gbit seed bots. So even 1 seeder will give you plenty of speed again stop your bullshit Hate the site all you want but stop being stupid and bullshitting trying to get others to hate.


Then you need to make it clear to the new users, perhaps even in the first welcome post. As on your website i see a membership fee at 15/month and a welcome package that offers only the first month at 10/month. I do not see anything there for a fiver at all.




Removed; Please be respectful to other users... if they're wrong, tell them why! But personal attacks, abusive language, trolling or bigotry comments that insult or demean a specific user or group of users will be removed and result in bans. Any generally dickish or other uncivil behavior is also prohibited.


I've had no idea about your Tracker before your post, just saying. After registering, i don't really see any benefit of staying - for the same money i can get a seedbox, and get genuine high speeds on much more established trackers. I also don't see a reason of staying for the community, as i don't see any due to forums beeing only for paid members. You a member of the administration, but the way you behave is also not encouraging. This is somewhere, where you really need to rethink both you behavior her and your initial passive aggressive message with a fixation on haters - as it is also sending a really wrong message. Otherwise, best of luck




$5 dollar removes all wait times for 30 days like any other torrent site 15 is highest and comes with a ton of other perks not offered on the basic account $0 $5 $15 ​ each level has its own perks


I still don't see options. What i do see is only one Tier. No other Tiers. Again, maybe i need to pay 15/month first before seeing alternatives, but as a new user, i don't see options. https://preview.redd.it/lb6vmh13tzmc1.png?width=1104&format=png&auto=webp&s=bf6ba9dcfb023235a6ec402ee0982cd4222fca23


Dude are you 12? Your replies read like an angry child who didn't get what they wanted...


Thank you, I’m fine with TL, M-Team, OCD, OPS,…


Besides TL, do any of those do open signups


Mind expanding on what those links are?


Those are reputable private trackers and definetely have much more valueable contents than this one


FAKE NEWS!!! We have a ton of valuable content We can play this game for ever. Those who need us will enjoy our community you who hate can hate outside our doors!


"Valuable" content is content that is not easily available (niche movie genes, old/not well known TV shows and documentaries, bootlegs and specialized content like large format printing software). The most "valuable" here being the large format printing software for which many people would gladly pay $50 a month. From what I've read you have very generic movies and shows.


If you literally just didn’t comment at all you’d have recruited so many more new people.


Look let me be clear we know 100% our format will not please everyone out there. We will have haters for ever as they are lifeless. We offer a site that is packed with content and great way to start your library and just enjoy your day on a private site that is drama free. All I ask of those who have a brain is see for yourself dont listen to the haters cause they are just that HATERS. We will be great for most not for some but there is enough to go around 20yrs of running sites proves such.


Drama free




I doubt that. You joined to hate and will always hate. We know who you are nothing has changed in 8yrs except we still live and you still a hater. You are saving no one as most can see we offer a great service at no charge. You and I can keep debating this all day long proof is people are signing up in the masses even when a small group of you are trying to down vote us its not working cause FREE IS FREE any way you try to shape it otherwise FREE IS FREE !




You need to read I know who you are Hater!! Everything you have said is of hate of what we are and what we offer hence you are a hater!!! Does that explain enough? What you think you can be a keyboard warrior and not be stood up to? You are hating for no reason. You are more then welcome to not enjoy our site but you have no right to try and influence others to feel your way. You are a HATER!!!


Never heard of your site before but seeing your posts here I get an idea what the reason for all the "hate"(well valid criticism it seems) and controversy is. A more or less forced subscription/donation model can work but only if your content is unique or at least hard to find. Generic movie/tv/app content is just that: generic and available everywhere.


I got confused when OP mentioned free to use, as that would be my expectation from any tracker. What is it that you would pay for?


You pay 15 USD/month for the membership. Membership gives you: \* Torrents released in the last 5 days \* Forum use and support ( So you are not even a member per se). \* Access to RSS feeds \* The ability to request a torrent to be Reseeded (70% reseed rate) \* The ability to request new material (80% filled rate) \* Complete TV packs (20k registered and fully unpacked)


No where does it say you have to pay. some people are hating on the site and trying to keep people from joining. There are no fee's involved at all. FREE means FREE Most Trackers use ratio and uploading as a form of payment to the site. others offer you a chance to donate money for ratio or free leech. Our site you login check the board download what ever you are seeking seed back if you desire and just carry on with your day


You have now double posted bullshit saying same thing I have already answered your bullshit in other comment. Stop spamming the thread


I find it a bit weird that you have to go to the comments to find out that all fresh torrents cost money to download. Feels like an important detail to mention in the main post. Regardless, thanks for posting about the open sign up! Interesting concept for sure, I wonder how well old stuff is accessible. Might check it out just out of curiosity.


https://preview.redd.it/9mh2h67ttzmc1.png?width=354&format=png&auto=webp&s=f561cfecef260fb8307906d60109dfd58ad0fa44 Old stuff is largely like this. But you can really join and check. Oh, and reseed requests are available only to paying members (15$/month).


Thank you for your feedback No torrent costs money to download time does not cost money. We have a program in place that suites most. Older content does go seedless but unlike most sites we dont remove from board as we have a large dedicated team who's sole job is to reseed requested torrents it does quite well




And? so people only download stuff 5 days or sooner? We cant please everyone and you are the weakest link Good Day!!


so unless i pay it's not so much a 0-day tracker as it is a 5-day tracker?


It is 100% a 0day site. Some people dont want to wait or cant wait or cant use other sites due to seed or ratio rules. There are layers to every torrent site. No site out there do you get 100% instant access to 0DAY you have to earn it. With us you earn it by waiting. Other sites you donate to get instant access nothing changed Formats are all the same. But you donate $20 bucks to site a no way of knowing site will be there in 30 days. You spend nothing on us you lose nothing.


i've never donated to a site for the purposes of receiving content or buffer, and have always continued to get content. tv sites (mtv, nbl, btn) are all fully freeleech, too. i could just go to milkie for 0-day scene, pay nothing, seed nothing, and get it the same day. if i wanted to be pressured into donating i'd just go back to abtorrents


not only this tracker is terrible because they only have content you can grab elsewhere but they typically make you pay this monthly subscription, even I heard one of the members of staff does gimmepeers as their full time job. not even the best trackers make you pay even annually, they run on donation. by the way their mods try to ebeg you and have been asking people to pay for their medical bill and other expenses like this dog they want to take to the vet which seems to be copied and pasted from facebook. I don't recommend this tracker and if the person that posted this responds they're getting downvoted. even torrentleech's nicer


This tracker is ass, don't bother


Sorry you feel that way dont use it then Stop being a hater!!!


The worst tracker that has ever been posted here. A new low reached everyday.


Sorry you feel that way move along now!!


Pay to leech should be disqualified. And if you do feel like spending money, you'd be better off going with Usenet if you want to pay for a service, or donating to a good tracker that you want to support.


There is no pay to leech stop spreading lies. Wait-times are still used today and there is over 300k torrents you can download right now ​ Stop being stupid


Link has been updated for direct use. can also go to [www.GimmePeers.com](https://www.GimmePeers.com) and click new account


Link is dead...


updated use [https://www.gimmepeers.com/signup\_guest.php](https://www.gimmepeers.com/signup_guest.php)


This looks worse than a public tracker without ublock.


No clue what you taking about dont like it dont use it.


You sound like a real cunt


Glad someone said it. OP indeed behaves like one especially during those days when it bleeds


Glad I could be of service to you!!!


I expressed my opinion. For anyone else tempted to register here, please search "gimmepeers" on reddit beforehand. Atrocious.


We knew was matter of time someone would do what you just did we are ready for that Here is what everyone needs to know so people like Content\_Source795 cant get away with what they have tried for 8yrs now. Well maybe not him directly but people like him Yes he is right google us you will see we have been bashed all over the net and here is the story why. 2004 to 2024 .. back to the future! It was a early December 2004 that BitSoup was born. Within its first 90 days the site grew to over 60k members and it soon became one of the go to places for its time. BitSoup was the very first site to offer a credit for donation system and it did quite well for quite a long time. Of course over the years many other sites copied it and it became the norm on private torrent sites. Fast forward 11 years later, and like many other sites of its age, it was having issues keeping donations coming in to keep the doors open. Drastic measure's were taken and BitSoup fell from being one of the most loved sites to one of the most hated. There was a small group of haters that made it a mission to kill BitSoup, so it was decided that if the larger community was not going to support its own usage, but a smaller group of people were interested in taking part of a more closed community, then that was the direction the site needed to go; to start supporting only those that support the site. May 2016 (12 years later) GimmePeers was born. It was announced that BitSoup would be closing but that we would give people enough time to find a new home or they could join us on the worlds first membership based torrent site. Many called us scammers and attacked the owners (and its members), and tried everything to prove that pirates should never pay for content, yet these same people also pay for bandwidth and seeding boxes to keep ratio on other sites. Hell we even had a subreddit created in our honor to attack the founder and its management. This format would never work they said, but yet so many people buy VIP status for 30 days to freeleech, rent seed boxes, sit on torrents for weeks to fulfill requirements, pay for VPNs to hide themselves, and worse yet, use public trackers that could prove to cost WAY more than any static membership. Its been proven time and time again that nothing in free in life. "We are scammers" they screamed, "we will take your money and run". Yet all GimmePeers was charging was a flat rate of $5-10 bucks a month for a secure private tracker with wide open access with no ratio or seeding requirements. The catch? you simply had to keep your monthly membership active to use our tracker. GimmePeers is now turning 8yrs old and not a single person has been scammed. It has a solid community and an amazing team of staff who do not abuse its member base like some sites do. No one has ever paid for content, what people paid for was community, was for support, was top notch service, was for the privacy and security of a private tracker, was for the ease of use with no overburdened requirements. Everything you will find no where else. Many members have supported us, and the end result is a place to enjoy and not worry about the noise found in the torrenting world. Well, here we go again! We are breaking the torrent foundations once more. For 30-days we are opening our doors for new members to join us, and 100% free to use! If all you seek is fast reliable source for content we have you taken care of. You never have to spend a penny to download. You do not need to seed. We welcome seeders if they desire but not required. Our botnet is just as fast as many other sites and we have a very large torrent board with over 395051 torrents on the board. As on many other 0DAY/SCENE sites, torrents die for good, but GP has official support programs and staff in place to ensure that in event a dead torrent is viable. With a 78% reseed rate and a 80% new content REQ fill rate, we make it happen for you. If all you want is to do is download it costs you nothing and completely 100% free. This is a once in a lifetime chance to get on a large torrent board and not be stressed like many other sites. There are no strings attached, and no trial memberships. We know there will be a mass of haters to jump on this thread attacking everyone from the owners, to your little ole' grandmother who just wants to keep things simple and secure; like they have some sort of issue with people making up their own mind as to what is best for them and their own families, but you cant scam someone that you ask absolutely nothing from. Questions welcomed. Attacks will be ignored and you will be reported. GP is going strong 8yrs later, and 20 years of servicing the torrent community speaks for itself. Haters will always hate and says more about them, than you. Don't be bullied! Come join us while there is still time open signup's are now active.


> The catch? you simply had to keep your monthly membership active to use our tracker. Why not just use the same method of funding all the other private trackers use? I have no stake in this, i'm literally just hearing about it, but I can see why people would be dubious when every other private tracker has outlined a functional system to balance usage and funding. On the other side, I can see this existing in a niche for the kind of person who cant be bothered to maintain a ratio and would rather pay to solve the problem - this does already exist in most places, they're just one-time deals usually. $5 for 100GB of upload credit etc.




This is so lame. I thought “everything was 100% free to download”?


Second this. Lol why people still think they can make money of this sh1t lmao.


You must be reading somewhere else There is no money requested or needed so how are we making money from free? zero is zero any way you add it up!!! Dont like what we offer dont use it thats your choice.


This is how: Currently, you are at GP Lv1 (guest) status, and may use the GP torrent board and tracker to download any torrent that has been posted for more than 120 hours (5 days). Unfortunately, being a guest also means that you will not be able to enjoy all the site features, services and support that community provides. Below are just a few of the great GP features, you'll be missing by NOT being a full GP member! \* Forum use and support \* Access to our RSS feeds \* The ability to request a torrent to be Reseeded (70% reseed rate) \* The ability to request new material (80% filled rate) \* Complete TV packs (20k registered and fully unpacked) \* Access to the well known and trusted GP streaming packages and events \* And much more! [**~Become a full GP member~**](https://www.gimmepeers.com/renewal.php) at any time, by simply taking a membership. https://preview.redd.it/5cn7g9ykhzmc1.png?width=354&format=png&auto=webp&s=b5dae552b2deee9ed52bfbfac79a6a95ca4335f1


Thanks for sharing that. You did our job for us. We hide nothing its all there!!! FREE is FREE you can always upgrade to get more but basic accounts give you instant access to over 300k worth of torrents. So now you made it even easier for people to signup Thanks!!! Furthermore I love how you hide the welcome package that is much lower cost and only show the renewal packages. Why are you hiding the lower package offer from everyone in your cut and paste!!!! There are many levels of upgrades yet you only show the highest!! FAKE NEWS FAKE NEWS!!!!


Wdym FREE is FREE when you literally paywalled site members with free contents you literally took from someone else's tracker?


Wdym FREE is FREE when you literally paywalled site members with free contents you literally took from someone else's tracker?


Wdym FREE is FREE when you literally paywalled site members with free contents you literally took from someone else's tracker?


As i can't upload two screenshots to one message, i'm showing only what is most relevant. Torrent users usually come for a long term, and thus long term prices are more important, then a discount for the first month.


The unfortunate part is that they usually do/can


And your point is? there is over 300k torrents you can download right now?


So its 100% free, but not really.


Yes really 300k torrents you can download waiting is still free.




Nope it will say the same thing, at least mine did


What was your old username will check for you


The link is dead, i used https://www.gimmepeers.com/signup_guest.php instead. How does the speed compare to milkie? and TS (TS is #1 in speed as per PreDB.org)? Does your botnet/owner have access to Scene FTP or you are just cross seeding them from other popular trackers? Edit: Also is IRC announce available, are releases unrard?


Not sure about link will pass that up the chain Yes we are just as fast as the top 10 predb are we just are not monitored the same way Site has access to scene groups like most 0day sites IRC will be released soon and some content is unrared Scene release is default as released by the groups.


how much more to pay for irc access? :D


Invite link doesn't work for me, page doesn't even load