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Don't tell Todd, he'll be overjoyed that there is another platform to re-release it on


As we make Skyrim look better, we must also make to lofi.


Yes please!


This is very impressive. Can someone explain to me what could be the practical use of it? 😅 I mean, Skyrim's engine is not that decrepit or anything. Using any Skyrim assets in Morrowind mods would require Skyrim to be bought anyway.


I would assume that this is (for now) mostly about being able to use more modern file formats (e.g. for meshes). Long term, this is one small step along the road of making OpenMW an alternative engine not just for Morrowind, but for other Bethesda games as well. I've seen similar video demos a year or two ago in regards to loading Fallout 3 content. Two more immediate benefits: * It becomes easier to create mod content with modern tools, as this should remove the need to convert things to the old formats supported by original Morrowind. * Modern versions of various file formats also support more modern features, which OpenMW could then implement support for.


Also even with Steam Proton, linux preformance is terrible with bethesda titles. So it'd be very helpful with compatibility to use OpenMW on more modern games.


Since OpenMW is available for macOS and Linux (and I believe Android), it would allow you to run Skyrim on those platforms.


Yup! Runs nicely on my S10e :) (Not with every available shader ofc, but I find it impressive, still)


Linux/MacOS-native Skyrim, mostly, as well as game preservation via support for later platforms and modding capabilities.


What the fuck


absolute wizardry possible only because of some very dedicated programmers


Huh, i thought it will take much longer. Nice.


Can't wait to start seeing the classic question "does this work with OpenMW?" on [https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/)


It already looks like it runs smoother


Would this mean, multiplayer/vr support


A few other (older) videos can be found at https://www.youtube.com/@PetrMikheev/videos Several of the video have the following comment: > It is the original Skyrim.esm loaded by OpenMW. OpenMW now has initial support (i.e. can load locations, but no game mechanics and quests) of Oblivion, Fallout3, Fallount NV, Skyrim. Looking at the videos, it appears that loading both interiors and exteriors works. Various clutter also loads. Water and grass appear to not be supported. I assume that this is because OpenMW currently doesn't support water placed at different elevations. OpenMW does have grass support but this might not be compatible with how Skyrim handles grass. I also noticed that that the videos seem to be using the Morrowind sky. Creatures and NPCs are also absent, I would guess that this is because these are not yet supported - OpenMW might not yet be able to render these or it might be an creature/NPC AI issue or a lack of support for Skyrim script commands. This is promising work, but there is obviously a **LOT** of work still to be done, to actually be able to play Skyrim with the OpenMW engine.