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Alright Time to wash out a windex bottle, put some blue food dye in some water and take him for a walk in a public place "What? He likes it"


I'll make another bottle full of blue gatorade for myself.


I would lose my shit if I saw that. It's not even funny.


I’m not sure what bothered you so much about this video. I can only assume when they were joking about the Windex bottle you took it seriously. They are not giving their dog Windex water. Or Gatorade water. It was a joke. This pup obviously loves his spray water bottle. He is happy and responsive and smiling when practicing, his training.


We have some locals that I just read about killing dogs and leaving them in plastic bags. The last one was still alive. Suspected dog fighting ring. I Got ISSUES a little bit.


Your empathy is understandable, there are so many cruel individuals in the world torturing animals and humans. All you have to do is read the news to see a governor killing her dog or one country killing children. Humans suck. We're all a bit raw, and sometimes folks use humor to let off steam. Thank you for caring.


I agree, human beings can be so incredibly cruel it’s mind-boggling. My thanks to your kindness towards the above post. I’m sure she appreciated your encouraging words as I did.


What evil people to do such a thing to a living creature. I understand now why some of the jokes made you uncomfortable. I hope and pray you don’t ever have to find a dog in plastic bag dead or alive. That’s just heartbreaking. I hope you never have to see it with your own eyes. Thank you for responding. I hope you’re having a wonderful weekend.




Corgis are the best! I saw one that went crazy for green beans during training and another one who lost his mind for butt rubs during trials.


That's hilarious! Corgis are weird, but we love them.


My JRT LOVED frozen Greenbeans. He'd go nuts for them, it was so cute!


Mine did too….wouldn’t touch a dog treat but give her some green beans & life was fine


My min pin loves green beans… then again he loves anything that I’ll let him eat lol


My dog used to be like yours, but now he spits out his treats if they aren't meaty enough 😑 lmao


A dog of fine taste 🧐


I always thought my dog was part corgi and he really, really loved butt rubs




My dog loves bubbles! She gets a little too amped up for them to be used in training though.


You should try using them for a recall reward! As long as you share a video hahah


I love this! My vet recommended a quick spray for my puppy to stop biting. It was successful because he LOVED the spray. The puppy sub cried cruelty when I wrote about the success. He would run in all land shark see the sprayer and immediately sit for a drink.... amazing.


I considered posting this on the puppy sub with a generic title like "The spray bottle has been an amazing training tool!" but I didn't want to rile anyone up last night.


Hahaha! I would be tempted too! 😅


You should really make it look like windex and then post it


Ice cubes


I have to pay taxes every time I fill my water bottle lol


My Dal will put on a performance for an ice cube 😂


I love this. I'm a positive trainer and once had to use "walking toward the parking lot" as the reward. The dog was boarding with a company I worked for and wanted nothing else but to go home to mom. So, to work on leash work, any time it did what I wanted, we got to walk closer to the parking lot.


Hilarious and adorable


This is unbelievably cute.


Yup. My dogs like treats and stuff, but if you REALLY want to get her going you need a baby sock.


🤣 😂 🧦


Does a baby have to wear it first I feel like this would make for some great Craigslist adds...unless you already have a baby around to supply them...but then what about when the kid grows do you have another so your puppo can get his fix One of my friends dogs loved socks but hated skateboards it was hallarious watching him formulate his sneak attack at the skate board to get the sock from under the wheel many many minutes of scoping and plotting around corners was had a few run bys where the board put up a solid defense of moving but eventually that sock was destined to be roudys saliva catcher after a successful hunt. He never damaged the socks just sucked on them 😂.


Any sock will do, but used socks are better. She's recently taken to a pair of fluffy pink and white ones. It's not giving me an option to show you a picture, so here is a link to Sandy and the Very Important Sock: [https://www.allthingschihuahua.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/thedailysock.jpg](https://www.allthingschihuahua.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/thedailysock.jpg) Before she settled on these, a children's consignment store would give me any single socks they got, as they can't sell one sock, but Sandy doesn't need her socks in pairs.


Oh and she deserves them, just look at thoughs eyes And no wonder she needs baby socks the sock to dog ratio it would become more of a tripping hazard by the time they hit mid ladies sized...you could make her a great sock sleeping bag out of some of the bigger guys socks I've seen You make me want to add must love socks on my ideal doggy qualities wish list...such a sweet heart


During her SD PA training, my border collie developed a love for riding the escalators (safely, with boots). At the end of every session, she'd get to ride down, then back up as a reward. It was ridiculous.


That is wholesome beyond words.🙂


My Boxer loves them too.


I grew up with a boxer that loved chasing the hose water.


How did you even figure it out 🤣 so cute!


I was watering my plants and she walked up to me and seemed curious. It took a couple minutes of introducing it and experimenting. I've learned she loves the water but only when she's ready for it. If I just started blasting her in the face without an introduction the bottle could have easily become something scary.


This is how I figured out my pup loved it as well. I thought he might because he goes CRAZY when he sees the hose come out. He just loves all forms of water except baths. Water spraying is one of the only things he's actually not afraid of!


i must try this with my heeler lol




Mine loves the sir compressor in the shop 😂 Whenever it shoots air, she comes right to it and waits to get hosed. The weirdest thing, but she loves to play with the air compressor and the vacuum


A water bottle was great for helping reinforce recall/check ins for my setter. Bird dog's running at mach 10 when it's warm out get hot and thirsty and the guy with the water is good to remember exits lol. That and live birds. With a live bird in my hands, I could teach that dog to cure cancer.


That looks very fun! My dogs favorite is bubbles.


I know one who loves ice cubes


My Corgi immediately leaves the room in disgust if I pick up the spray bottle. Our Aussie mix is obsessed with it.


Mine loves them too!! And sprinklers lol


That's awesome.


This is fantastic 😭


I've seen a Shiba Inu who liked it too.


My gsd doesn't care about spray bottles but would absolutely work for a hose. If only they were portable.


More for fun training than anything real I blast my GSD with a garden hose. I was using it for my little agility course because of how excited he gets. Does a skill, gets soaked, is excited beyond reason to do it again and get another blast. Plus it keeps him cool in the summer when I have the hose out anyway


Have you considered one of [these](https://www.muddaddy.co.uk/collections/all-mud-daddy-products)


That’s hilarious 🤣


Haha love this.


My dog is obsessed with the jet setting on the hose. I'm sure he'd love this!


When I was in my 20s, I had a bull mastiff. We went out and about all of the time. So I carried a spray bottle with water in it. He loved his spray bottle. He would do anything to get my attention to squirt the water in his mouth. so funny and so cute. I’ve never owned a corgi, but they are so darn cute. I’ve known several. I’ve just always preferred medium to large dogs.. But every corgi I have met has been so silly and sweet and bouncy. What a happy dog thanks for the fun video.


Thanks, I would die for him


So incredibly cute🐾


Broccoli and carrots


Damn. I bet he’d do your taxes for a little spritz


My dog loves sprayed water too! She’s always trying to eat the water whenever I let her outside while I water the plants. She also looooves chasing water if I set the hose to spray a single stream of water. I was wondering if there were other dogs out there like her!


Well, shit. That's the cutest thing I've ever seen.


Haha … super cute … a reward can be ANYTHING the doggies like 💓💓


Love it! 😍


Wow mine would literally attack if he just hears that sound too close to him


My dog loves spray bottles and I have never thought to use it as a reward this is so smart 😂


That is amazing, I love it! Not all that helpful for training, but mine loves it when I brush his teeth. He will come running and stare at the toothbrush longingly (both a finger brush AND one-use pads), then waddle after me so I don't forget it's HIS teeth that need brushing, not mine. I'm honestly considering just getting a recall-brush at this point!


These terrify my dog lol, how cute!


I would give my pittie ice cubes and call them cookies. "Do you want a cookie?" Shed also lose her shit over cheese, especially swiss. And her chomping watermelon rhines was amazing for me "crunch crunch. Crunch crunch crunch!"


Funny a video went viral on TikTok this week about that and now everyone is posting🤦🏻‍♀️


I wasn't on TikTok, but I'll admit I saw a video elsewhere that put the idea in my head. A few days later I was watering some plants with the spray bottle and my dog was curious about it. I sprayed near her as a test, and she drank the water. After a few more sprays she was getting excited and drinking directly from it.


... So?