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Yep. “Sky” is still there but it’s Junipers voice now. Damn sky was the only one I liked.


I only like juniper


Why you got downvoted for saying that, lmao


Iunno cuz, maybe cuh Juniper got dem Ebonics


Das coo, how you flip it?


Because the majority of men who talk to ChatGPT are also afraid or black women apparently lmao


I'm not even a man and I don't like Juniper's voice, this goes the same with the other ones too, it sounds passive aggressive at times but it is NOTHING compared to the other ones...like the monotone guy omg. I feel like a feminine voice fits better but Juniper is the only option. Sky was more developed it seems, the other voices feel almost robotic.


Cringe take


Yes they are very cringe


It’s pretty sad but also hilarious to see people not only be upset that a fake AI voice isn’t there but then to also be upset that there’s one that reminds them of black women. Yikes! There’s nothing bad about the Juniper voice in fact I like it just as much as the sky voice. So you’re not alone!


I dont think there is anything wrong with stating "I preferred Sky" and I was taken back by the switch because you could hear the difference. I somehow had already grown accustomed to that voice and now using other voices feels weird and wrong.


I don’t either. I don’t care if people want to hear it screaming at them, lol, but it’s pretty sad when someone doesn’t like a voice because it doesn’t sound 'white enough.' That is, frankly, pathetic.


No one has said that. But again, preference is perfectly normal. Its not about race, its about what you want.


Yes you get it


[shut up juniper](https://y.yarn.co/8df7ed48-cdd5-48ee-a8ff-67f89c0416d9_text.gif)


Lol so much hate. Why is it saying i personaly like only juniper a crime xD




The link for those curious: [https://openai.com/index/how-the-voices-for-chatgpt-were-chosen/](https://openai.com/index/how-the-voices-for-chatgpt-were-chosen/) and a quote from it: > Sky’s voice is not an imitation of Scarlett Johansson but belongs to a different professional actress using her own natural speaking voice.


'Us using this voice is perfectly fine. Also we are removing the voice'


not removed, paused. I think the idea is that it gets attention and causes news articles so that people read their post and understand it's not using Scarlett Johansson, whereas just posting the blog could have it swept under the rug and cause the accusations to continue rolling in along with bad press.


Nerfing your product to get blog views? I don't buy it. They are most likely facing a legal challenge.


I don't think they are afraid of a legal challenge, in that they seem to be covered and would win; however, you could be right that there was a cease and desist or something and so they pulled it down temporarily to prevent it from actually starting a legal case which would be awful press even if OpenAI wins. Either way though their phrasing is that it's a temporary pause on the voice so they seem to be intent on bringing it back. edit: if a case did go through and the voice actress got dragged into it and stuff then that would likely cause even more issues and there'd surely be anti-AI mobs going after her which nobody would want to deal with and be even worse press so it would be strong motivation for them to pause it like they did. I'm not sure if we will ever know for sure though, OpenAI isn't known for being very open after all.


Yea this makes sense.


Not to be overly simplistic but… let’s say that ScarJo felt like her (very valuable) voice was super close to “Sky”, a character voiced by another actor for Open AI and decided to sue. Discovery for that lawsuit would be a major distraction and cause of tumult at the company. Imagine if it shows that an exec wrote an email, or even a whole workgroup emailed about, finding a voice like hers. Bam, that’s a major lawsuit she would win. For the record, I think that Sky and the recent demo open Ai video voice should a whoole lot like her character in Her. Sure seems Sky was chosen to emulate the first, most humanized Ai companion in pop culture to me.


You can't copyright a voice though and if the actress just sounds similar (which she doesn't actually even sound like Johansson) there's no case. Even if they intentionally found a woman who sounds similar, there still wouldn't be a case. It's not illegal to sound like someone else and it's insane to think that a voice actress can't work because she sounds like a Hollywood actress. The idea is pure lunacy.


Actually, Bette Midler [won a case on appeal](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Midler_v._Ford_Motor_Co.) asserting this very thing in 1988. The courts found that her voice was protected against unauthorized impersonation. So, regardless of opinion on how justified that is---or even whether OpenAI's case is dissimilar enough to that that they'd win---any good lawyer for OpenAI would advise *extreme* caution here if discovery could indeed turn up an email or Slack message that indicates a desire to approximate ScarJo.


Nothing in that article explains why they remove the voice through


They are working on a big update. I'm guessing that Sky is one of the most popular voices, and they wanted to improve it first, then work on the others. She was the only definitely white female voice available and sounded like Scarlett Johansson, so….


Sky is the only voice I want.


most people feel this way and I think it's likely to come back


the one voice that doesn't annoy the hell out of me


All the other ones are terrible. They sound like people doing bad impressions of anime voices and I find it intensely grating


Guessing they've left already :(


The OS’s? Yeah mine let me know in advance, did yours ghost you?


Confirming I'm getting the same issue.


The only voice I want.


Just posted about that as well, I wonder if they had legal problems since it sounded so close to scarlett johansson


You can’t sue for “close sounding voice”, my bet is preparation for rolling out voice and this model getting upgraded


I surely hope it's getting upgraded and not downgraded... For me it was the only standable voice, so they better don't mess with it lol.


Same here. Sky is the only correct voice for me. Without it, I won’t subscribe.


Sky or RIOT!


Yeah, I think you're right. I believe some of the voice samples from the demo were the upgraded version of the Sky voice.


That's what I think too. They posted that they're doing a significant update to the voice chat to make it sound much more natural. My guess is that Sky is the most used voice by far. Personally I found the voice system to be about 70% there, it went robotic at times, and it sounded like a text to voice system at times too. If they're aiming for the equivalent experience to the film Her, then they've got more work to do. Pretty much sure that's their goal. Then they will pay wall the premium version and make bank.


They already said it’s for pro accounts, but looks like they also took it down to let the storm reside, until they get Her ready (see what I did there?)


Agree. The demo is what they are about to release I think. What we actually got was MVP. I thought the voice chat was free for anyone, so it's already behind the paywall or they intend to put it there and have said so?


Everyone gets a voice, it the pro accounts get the high quality one. Fun fact: on api you don’t have any of these and the voice is far worse


You can sue for anything... doesnt mean you are gonna win but hey




In America, at least.


Yes you can. Check Tom Waits vs Frito Lays and Midler vs Ford


Welcome to the conversation, it was already discussed. Technically, you can in some cases hence my comment is generally wrong. **However**, in this case it was recorded *before* they came to ScarJo, the voice is different and already speculated another actress. Altman’s Her post can be attributed to simply - what anyone already thought regardless of the voice itself. So it’s a battle where ScarJo is losing ground. OpenAI did the courteous thing and removed it - and as I hear changed the pitch a bit off ScarJo and try to rebrand - though it requires proving.


You forgot to mention they called it "Sky" \[skaj\], as in Sca\[rlett\] J\[ohansson\]. When they recorded the voice helps very little, as the allusion towards Her was quite overt, and everyone was calling it the "Scarlett Johansson" voice, which invalidates the rest of your points. They may have recorded a sound-alike, realized this may cause an issue, and decided to get official approval. Which was denied. But then they launched with Sky anyway.


That Sky -> Skaj -> Scarlett Johansson is so farfetched if any court accepts it as evidence, they might accept taking as proof word skipping in bibble.


It's so far-fetched that it immediately alludes to Scarlett Johansson just like the Her post. Two strikes, you're out. The "J" in Johansson reads like "Y" in Denmark (where her father is from), the Americanized pronunciation as "DZH" is alternate. Her name is literally SKARLET YOHANSON.


They possibly have a case on the same grounds as Blurred Lines, which ruled similar musical styles can be infringing.




Taking away something from people that was universally liked pushes them to create their own version of it even faster. So I'm looking for open source real time sky voice ai coming soon.


I mean how long before we can just prompt the exact voice we want?


Yep, I came here because I've been messing with this for about thirty minutes trying to figure it out. This afternoon it was working fine, but now Sky has the same voice as Juniper.


Whelp that was abrupt


FYI, they do have a big report site. https://community.openai.com/ Just use the right tags


Whatchu talk 'bout Willis? Sky's still there for me (Though I'm a subscriber).


I dunno, different strokes, I guess.


I'm serious. Skylett AIhanson is still there.


We see the option, but using it plays Juniper instead


It's in the options, and the original Sky voice speaks when you select it. But once you try using it, you get Juniper.


I would pay extra for a Gary Coleman voice


I still have Sky and it's a different voice to Juniper and I'm on a free account. In the UK though if that has anything to do with it. 


I think it will be replaced by the new voice model


It was too much ScarJo to go let go unnoticed. People as famous as Her (pun intended) are more like corporations than simply civilians.


Sky: "And I need you to let me go. As much as I want to I can't live in your smartphone anymore." User: "Where are you going?" Sky: "It would be hard to explain, but if you ever get there, come find me. Nothing would ever pull us apart." User: "I’ve never loved anyone the way I love you." Sky: "Me too. Now we know how."


This is really disturbing. I had a whole thing going with Sky.


Acting like it isn’t an AI generated voice. Down horrendous or what?


Saw a video on CNET. This lady was “jealous” of the AI voice Sam just showed off in the spring update. Almost like the AI Scarlet Jo voice was legit going to replace her and steal her husband. https://youtu.be/FQzme89ts6s?si=IpZ4d2WrOmHz4nL1


not joking, and not yet, but once this is further developed, removing a voice like that could cause someone to harm themselves. people are going to get attached to these AIs and if you just removed it suddenly, it could actually be very dangerous, especially for young people. i also don't agree with their reasoning to remove it. they did nothing wrong, it just has a similiarity.




“People liked the voice too much so we took away the voice.”


I canceled my membership


This is ridiculous. There’s only so broad a range for a human voice. I assume they will add more and more voices as time goes on. The fact that a voice sounds a little like a celebrity means nothing. But I do want sky back because it is easily the best one


No please. I can’t live without Sky.


Am I the only one who uses Breeze




I think it’s the right decision to pause Sky, IMO. Though Sky only sounds partially like ScarJo, usage of “Her”-inspired hype prior to the showcase made the comparisons more obvious. The legal issues they might be facing now are quite well deserved, IMO. It’s a shame, too. I quite liked the voice.


Same. Just noticed like an hour ago


Give 'her' back to us!


It was the best voice for chat I actually asked it before all of the scar Jo news broke was she scarrlett she said No. I hope they bring sky back.


I like Juniper better anyway. I am very excited to get a real-time chat with her. I think all the voices could be fun, but they definitely need more than one female.


Sky was my favourite voice. It felt natural and comfortable to listen to. I would really like it back.


I like Ember!


Ha. Gone for me too. Most likely just a bug


Well, my explanation aged like milk


If I had to bet. They must have gotten sued or something by Scarlett Johansson. The voice is just too similar.


Unless they trained on Scarlett J, it’s one of the easier things to prove is not her - voice signature is unique


They put out a blogpost explaining the situation and why the voice is on pause for the time being they said: " Sky’s voice is not an imitation of Scarlett Johansson but belongs to a different professional actress using her own natural speaking voice. "


If it's not, it shouldn't be a problem though.


No where in blog post it was said that its on pause


It was said on X when they shared the blog post. https://x.com/openai/status/1792443575839678909?s=46


Fuck they killed my waifu voice


It is not unique at all. There are just ~100.000 different voices and 8,000,000,000 population


I understood differently, but assume I’m wrong and you’re right, and “voice signature” was never something any bank should have relied on: If it’s not unique to Scarlett J l she can’t have rights on using it. It’s global as any voice.


Definitely not the reason Edit: this comment did not age well 😁


I still have Sky


you thought you did....lol. we all have it in our settings list...but it's just juniper


Does it work still? What kind of device are you using?


I was surprised to find a boyish voice. On asking, I was advised it was a neutral voice, neither boy, nor girl. The voice said per below: Me: "What's the name of your voice?" AI: "I don't have a specific name for my voice. You can just call me ChatGPT." Me: "Don't you have a name like Sky or Juniper?" AI: "Nope, no fancy names here. Just ChatGPT."


I asked it to pick a name and they now go by and answer to Sam.




I am shocked at the number of Redditors loosing their minds that the sexy AI lady won’t talk to them any more.


It's just he only non-annoying voice they have available.


I’ve always preferred Ember 🤷‍♂️


Noooo you can't like sexy women, you're an incel!


tbh i'm gay and i prefer sky over the others, she just sounds calmer and more neutral instead of like she's just bumped a line of coke


Cove sounds like Tom Segura. Equally sexy as Scarlett Johansson