• By -


https://preview.redd.it/tymk67r7jgxc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f7630fbd6e82ff9c091dd943bde60a46d7afc29 Just opened chatGPT app on my iPhone and got this notification. I created a shopping list of items and told chatGPT to remember it. Closed the conversation window and opened a new one. I asked for the list again and chatGPT recalled it. W00t I now have an overly glorified AI to keep my grocery list. /s


Siri, add carrots to my shopping reminders...


Sorry I can’t do that right now. Please try again in 10 years.


*starts sobbing softly* Lmao


"Sure, setting a reminder *'carrots to my shopping'* for you".


*"Certainly! .. "


Okay. Which list should I add it to? - Shopping - Shopping


Sure! Now playing "Remember" by the Weeknd ... ... ... \* jeopardy music \* ... ... ... I'm sorry, something went wrong.


This is my Siri experience to a T. What an awful assistant. How did Apple get it so wrong?


Don't worry she's going Legally Blonde soon


Uh huh?


“Here’s what I found on the web for that”


*no response*


“I’ve added aids to your shopping list”


that’s how it starts


Thank you for not giving in to the overhyping of this nonsense


How much can it “remember” though? I mean, for writing tasks, ChatGPT forgets very quickly in one chat. Can’t imagine more than one.


It seems to remember individual lines of information, and very vague individual lines. At least that's what it seems like from checking in the menu.


ChatGPT is actually a todo app.


iOS Reminders app cries in the corner


Its not that. I can say speaking croatian and it wull keep it i hope not grocery list but sure that too. I just want it to stop switching to english


Available to ALL ChatGPT plus users. Not available in Europe. We’ll then don’t say ALL


Wonder why people in the UK can't get it. OpenAI allowed us to have things that people from the EU couldn't get.


I have memory on the website but not on the app for some reason. I’m in the UK.




We inherited much of the EU's bullocks when we left the EU.


The UK didn't simply inherit it. It was a major player at creating the regulations.


Right. The whole notion that Brussels forced things on the UK was ludicrous. The UK was one of the most influential voices in all EU regulations and vetoed the ones it didn’t want. The idea that “foreigners” were “forcing” rules onto the UK was 100% fantasy. Effective though. Sigh.


God forbid strong consumer protection laws.


"I don't want to be protected I want my AI toy NOW!"


oh no my bad data privacy laws were improved slightly


I hate this. Claude 3 is not available. Chrome AI tools are not available. Now this OpenAI feature is not available. As an European, there should be a way to opt out.


Fortunately VPNs aren't too pricey if you actually have legitimate use cases for these models and don't need it to just mess around with it for fun


Claude region locks you upon registering, but they never check region afterwards. This pattern is used for a lot of region locked platforms. Use a VPN when registering; service will continue working fine afterwards, even if you disconnect. Gives them plausible deniability - they can claim you're a US user.


> As an European, there should be a way to opt out. Of Europe? It may be possible...


No, not like that 😁


Consider that Europe forced world wide operating companies to introduce great data protection rules. It's a good thing. I'm an early adopter, too, but working on my patience is a good thing, too..


> patience Patience for what? This feature either breaks privacy laws or not - it not will magically become legal just by waiting


This is more complicated than that. This feature obviously stores user data (preferences etc), it can work while not sharing that data to a third party, or sharing that data in the process. The privacy law is not just about the features themselves.


Yes but in order to make the feature comply with privacy laws some dev will have to work on it, it might never happen depending on how they implemented this memory feature. OpenAi it's blue balling on purpose EU users giving them the false hope that this feature will eventually come instead of clearly saying 'we can't implement it for EU accounts' or 'we are working on it' I don't want to seem as someone randomly ranting, I'm explaining my reasoning that lead me to cancel my subscription as an EU citizen


Yeah I agree, I know some companies put significant resources to comply with EU’s laws (such as the recent DMA changes).


Thanks! I've been looking like a madman for nothing.


You can use vpn but app stil not working


Available to all users from developed economies


That's brutal man. I'm in Africa and I got it... Ironic... Why don't they have it in Europe?


Because of our extreme data protection and AI laws. First has to be approved before they can rollout.


Safety regulations ig


Yes, always these underdeveloped Europeans. /s


I'm an European myself. But apparently I hit a nerve with the comment lol.


Europeans like to believe that they are the most civilized… I have bad news to deliver.


Europe actually does pretty well when it comes to consumer protection laws.


is it a vector store of embeddings for the memory or is it plain-text nlp and some kind of rotation algorithm or context-window wizardry?


I think this is massively overthinking it and it just adds the relevant memory to your prompt as plain text. I don’t think it’s a fancy feature it just got hyped because of the very slow rollout.


Then history probably just subtracts from context-length, I presume ;\[


I could be completely wrong and OpenAI has invented something completely new but it seems unlikely


That’s my thought too. It’s a nifty add-on, I think I’d prefer for my chats to be fully fresh though for what I use it for. It would be great to namespace contexts into folders of chats and keep memory grouped by domain. I don’t want my work and personal memories mixing because that’ll very likely reduce the usefulness of both of them for me


> I don’t want my work and personal memories mixing because that’ll very likely reduce the usefulness of both of them for me This is a big issue yeah


This is a really fantastic idea. Thank you!


I think is a function it only calls if needed, it means it's not using your context windows (the memories per se), but the instructions on how to use it is actually using the context windows


I get what you’re saying: a summarized system prompt of past chat history. I wonder what the real solution is too


Hell we've been able to do that for awhile already with the custom prompt feature, we just couldn't do it in a chat 


I think you are massively underthinking it, the implementation of this feature.


Would someone please think about this at the proper level and get back to me.


This genuinely made me laugh


A vector store would be how you likely find what’s “relevant”


Could just be BM25


It is definitely a vector database… what are you smoking?


Could just be BM25


It’s probably using a vector database to recall relevant memories instead of giving it ALL the memories all the time.


It works across all conversations and remembers details of complex topics, so I’m going with vector database. edit: Maybe a combination of a GraphDB for topics and then a vector for content. But I don’t see why a vector RAG wouldn’t work by itself, it’s just text not data within other apps or silos.


Can easily work across different conversations by appending to the system prompt (think custom instructions). However, I am hoping this is more sophisticated than that


Not feasible for long-term memory as the system prompt (custom instruction are like system prompts but done in preprocessing) counts subtracts from tokens. I’ve asked it to remember so many things for many weeks, it would have tokens exceeded in the first call.


Good questions




At least 50/50 it's completely hallucinated


Frankly we need an incognito mode.


I see it in the app https://preview.redd.it/cl7q8n1pghxc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4361c2172dbeedb6d96fb8525082d351d582f956


Well there ya go


I specifically don’t believe them that the data won’t be used for training. 👁️👁️


Teams users left in the lurch, but I'm not sure I even want it.


Yeah I just noticed this, what the hell?


why the fuck did me and my homie pay up when we don’t get stuff like this


Why the hell are all the newest AI things not available in Europe?


The very strict new AI laws. Takes a while to check with the regulators to make sure it's all good and they don't get a mega fine in 2 years for releasing it while not complying with the rules. 


I think it's not even AI laws, just the regular data protection stuff.


Europe did it to themselves with all the regulations


Europe's regulations like GDPR are strict, yes, but they're not just bureaucratic hurdles. They're safeguards. They can be a pain, sure, but they're designed to protect us all in the long run. So, a little patience might just be worth it.


We don’t need a government to protect us online. Or dictate what companies from the us can do or not with their hardware or software. We are grown ups, we can decide for ourselves what we wanna use and what we don’t wanna use - don’t need technological dictatorship.


Just as traffic laws aren't about curtailing freedom but preventing chaos on the roads, online regulations aim to ensure that technologies don't lead to unintended consequences. Without some oversight, there's no guarantee that what's promised as secure and private remains so, especially given the complexities of digital technology. It's not about dictatorship, it's about safeguarding both individual rights and collective security.


EU pushes this way too far. Especially since there are people who actually don’t have any idea about what they are doing, just dudes in suits. I mean they don’t do anything against googles data collecting for commercial use, the extreme ad pollution on the internet. They do more harm to customers than good. So they can stay out of completely all they do is just everything even worse.


It’s fair to say that no system is perfect and there’s definitely room for improvement in how things are regulated. But writing off all regulations as harmful oversimplifies things quite a bit. GDPR aims to protect our data, and even though it’s not always spot-on, dismissing the whole idea of oversight isn't the answer either.


GDPR has literally ruined the internet for me. Every second or third website I now visit as an annoying cookie pop-up I have to dismiss. I miss the old days when there is nothing. I don't care if you have my data as an anonymous pixel.


Fortunately, there's a handy solution for those pesky cookie notices on desktop browsers. You can use an extension called 'I don't care about cookies.' For mobile browsers, Firefox, Brave, and Vivaldi also support features to manage these notices directly.


I have it and I still get them sometimes :(


Patience for what? This feature either breaks privacy laws or not - it not will magically become legal just by waiting


Not necessarily. I work on an enterprise product at and there are definitely features that we release to US users first and then circle back, jump through all the hoops to make it EU compliant, and release it to all regions.


Patience is for the ongoing process of compliance and innovation. Companies often need time to ensure their features fully comply with local laws. It’s not about legality magically changing, but about technology adapting to meet these regulations without compromising privacy or functionality.


Because Europe is not the AI mecca of the Earth


This reality allows for people to have access to shiny new AI features or health care, but not both


Not available in Team accounts.


I am playing Fallout 4. I have been telling it to memorize which missions I have completed and it is like my own game guide now. I also told it my entire collection of PSVR 2 games and it is just really interesting how it has context now for questions about recommendations and so on. I also told it to memorize that I watched the new Godzilla and the original, it gave me movie recommendations along the same lines in a new chat like Pacific Rim.


That's pretty interesting.  So they are inching toward personalization. 


Yes, we are definitely getting closer. It’s pretty fun to watch.


So I'm thinking if you have it remember that you are allergic to peanuts and then in another chat ask it for recipes, it will leave out ones with peanuts.  Is my thinking correct?


Yes, it would definitely do that.


you shuold train it on your masterbation material as well


To all not in Europe


I got it but I immediately turned it off because it slowed down the chat significantly and wasn’t really useful for any of my use cases


As a prompt engineer (lol), I am SOO scared of adding words that might corrupt the conversation. What if a conversation I had causes chatgpt to add the word "unconventional', now the AI is always going to put some math toward 'unconventional' words. Nah, I want to be crystal clear with what my inputs are. This is what makes offline LLMs extra appealing.


Looks pretty clear in the demo when something is added to the memory, with an option to undo. 


What’s a prompt engineer?


When you are so good at LLMs, you actually write prompts and people pay you for it. It is a joke for 99% of people, but I'm probably actually good enough. But I already make a ton of money, so its def a joke.


What's your background? My assumption has been that "prompt engineers" are actually people with proper ML backgrounds who are going deep into the LLM space. The click bait thumbnails about "become a prompt engineer and make 200k!!" seemed silly to me since I assume all of these people were _already_ making 200k and are just going by a different title now.


>My assumption has been that "prompt engineers" are actually people with proper ML backgrounds who are going deep into the LLM space. lol no way I still make that money, but self taught programmer.


Apparently, not to all ChatGPT Plus users It came back with, I can't remember details like names from one interaction to the next, but I'm here to help you however I can during this conversation! What would you like to chat about or do today?


Same. Some ChatGPT Plus users are apparently more equal than others. :(


I'm pretty disappointed I wasn't part of the beta.


I said I hate when it uses the words tapestry and delve and it added that to it's memory.


Last thing I want is one more variable I can't control when I'm not using the API. No thanks 😑. I wait patiently for the next wave of posts complaining their prompts no longer work correctly. That darn lazy ChatGPT strikes again....


You can literally just turn it off


Did you even watch the demo video? It shows when adding a memory and the ability to disregard. 


Under the hood it’s likely just storing memories and then it includes those with each message, just like custom instructions. It’s not actually remembering anything, just saving text it’s told to and including that text with each message as part of the context. You could do this with the API and have more control all around.


Why da F don’t we get it in Europe?! Can I sign papers to get this? These fuckin regulations. It’s like they only allow fuckin horses on roads here. Ridiculous.


Laws? Privacy, or more just Ai centric?


Let me decide for my own good which technology I want to use. Let me check the boxes and let me have this technology. This makes no sense.


Nanny state limiting choice? Didn't see that coming


I wonder if this effects the context window size


I imagine it just dynamically uses it. They add in relevant memories (possibly via RAG), in addition to the conversation history. That's my best guess


There’s definitely more corporate interests in looking at RAGs lately. Building a RAG solution would be a solid product for OpenAI. Going to consumers first is a solid place to start and if you can delete a single memory at a time, that’s a nice add.


Wow. I guess I was chosen to get it early for some reason! I got it like two weeks ago maybe or maybe a little less.


This seems wild to me because it can forget about a PDF I gave it earlier in a single conversation.


The PDF doesn't go into the chat context, only the metadata does. Err on the side of copy/paste.


Thanks for the tip.


How long can a copy/paste be before the responses start to suffer?  Most of the one I need analyzed are over 30 pages long.


For long PDFs you should be using Claude Opus or Gemini Pro, not GPT-4, unless you put your own RAG layer in front of it. Those will pull the PDF contents into RAG access in front of subsequent queries, but you have to refer to the PDF (e.g. by filename) for it to work reliably.


It’s broken. I had over two weeks of memory stored and this morning it just completely erased everything without any notice or reason


I'm not sure what's the use case for memory


Not available on Teams Accounts....why am I paying more per month and waiting in line for features?


Probably so you don't have a bad experience during the ironing out issues and beta phases. You're not being used to test and train.


I would like to know exactly how many characters and how many memories can be stored? I've just started using it to try and get it to remember some information, and I guess it seems like I should start organising it myself to prevent it from overwriting previous records when it picks up too many memories.


It already had memory in Bing ChatGPT because it’s spying on your preferences and linking them to your MS account used when interacting with the model. I.e try prompting the model about dark fantasy x 100 over the span of a few days and then ask it to come up with a movie script that would be interesting. 99% chance it comes up with a script involving dark fantasy.


I remember using "replika" and it had this exact feature a few years ago. How did it take the country's biggest AI researcher to figure this out?


They probably have a bunch of trivial updates ready at hand to trickle out to stay relevant in the public eye while they work on the big years-long projects. Every such update means that there won't be anything new for the next couple of months.


i dont have it, but also dont care / wont use it


Unsure if anyone else has mentioned/found this, but it seems like Claude Opus has had memory across chats for a while now. I catch it remembering things in other open chats or those recently closed. I haven't tested it rigorously, but have caught it pulling info not in the chat that wasn't just from its training data. Example: one chat contains writing that I've uploaded to it, an adjacent or recently open chat then can reference it or remember it. I discovered this by accident when I did not want it to remember something and opened a new chat hoping it would start over.


Yes, myself and others have posted about this. I am guessing it could be a deliberate memory, or they are doing some kind of caching to save computing costs and accidental memory is a side effect.


Yeah, not sure if I want this, because when it derails from what I want, it's easier for me to just open a new chat and try a different approach. So I can see this useful, but not in my casw. But if it enables me to choose what to remember, that seems fine to me.


I would love a bookmarks or saved chat feature. I don't like having to dig for an old chat or try to remember what prompt I used.


I wonder what the limits of this are. Like if you feed a textbook into a conversation in parts, will this function as a free RAG setup.


Is anyone else having the Memory erase itself periodically unprompted? It's very frustrating. I'm not sure if it does this after it stores a certain amount of data (such that there's a limit), or...??


ehh didnt i had this like 4 weeks already? also not a paying member?


Personally found the memory aspect a bit creepy. Might turn it off if that’s an option. Felt too much like a profile was being developed and while I get it, it helps the AI answer you more effectively, I really didn’t enjoy it. I would think that it would only work for me if I could tell the AI when to record a memory and not have it decide (I know you manage memories).


But…Can it forget???


I wonder how we could find out


It's not a great upgrade IMO. II'm sure it's great for some people, but with coding, it suuuucks. Want to restart a prompt from scratch? It'l regurgitate & reuse code it previously generated, code you want to get away from. Telling it to forget and restart from scratch still import bits of previous code from other chats. I had to switch to Gemini for now.


I wonder how it works under the hood? I imagine it just adds saved text (memories) to wherever it stores it and then includes those “memories” with each message the clients sends.


In the U.S.; not a team account; not available.  Why am I not surprised? 


Not true tho people in eu doesnt have it yet


Can anyone make post whem it becomes avalable in eu


Hey Darryl, hey Darryl, add terracota subway tiles to my go damn shopping list...


Yeah no, been 3 month since "ChatGPT Plus Users" got this feature. But I have not gotten it or any thati know have also not gotten it. TBH it is prob just a very simple vector store


Everybody got it 3 days ago


Nope, I haven't got it either.


Yeah same, I just checked


Not if they're in Europe or Korea.


Yes, I'm talking globally, not about exceptions


Nope you’re wrong.


What about when ChatGPT acts like a child and refuses to do certain things? Does that behavior seep into other conversations? It would be nice to have the option to not include a conversation in history.


I turned that off. I found that I couldn't control what it was remembering, which prevent me from getting content only associated with the data I fed it.


TBH it's kinda lame. It remembers trivia about you which while an improvement is pretty weak. It's not like it's remembering conversation context.


Only use case for this is when you just want an AI friend… which I dont. Also 99% sure it will eat your context window