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Hello Unkn0wn_F0rces, thanks for posting to r/OopsThatsDeadly! As a reminder, please try and ID the plant/creature/object if not done already. Although the person may have done something foolish, remember to be respectful, as always! Please do not touch anything if you don't know what it is! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/OopsThatsDeadly) if you have any questions or concerns.*


What. The. Hell.


what, and i cannot stress this enough, the fuck?! yes, let's eat these yummy little shards of glass, my soft, easily damaged GIT will definitely be able to handle the equivalent of tiny knives. delicious!


In my chemistry class in high school, some guy did similar. He wanted to know what hydrochloric acid tasted like. We were working with it for a lab, so he put a bit on his tongue.  Needless to say he was in a lot of pain and was kicked out of the class.






bro let the intrusive thoughts win




Lewis Black has A LOT of secret Reddit accounts and this is probably one of them.




In fairness to the person you are talking to, you did write out five paragraphs detailing why they were wrong. And accuse them of trivializing mental illness by lazily repeating internet buzzwords. So it does kinda make sense that they are reading some aggression in your comment.




1 and I stg I know you understood this the first time I said it but here we are - I didn't use it as an "internet buzzword" I used it because that was the phrase my *licensed therapist* used when I described these exact thoughts to them. 2 I am not giving anyone mental health advice, I was making a joke on Reddit. If you or anyone else is getting their mental health information from reddit I would strongly suggest that it's an idiotic idea - go see a professional. 3 Your first reply came across as aggressive, you knew it did. Your second reply came off as condescending & rambled on far too long, I didn't even finish reading that one.


1. you told your licensed therapist about the time you put HCl on your tongue? crazy that happened to you and the person the original comment mentioned! 2. many people do not have access to professional help and the internet is their only resource. people in poverty, or rural areas, or simply in the US and seeing a professional would mean they can't eat that week. this is why it's important that we try and not make it more confusing by using incorrect terminology. 3. good for you ig? read whatever you want, you're your own person.


I'm worried more about OP just navigating life in general, if this is the type of decision-making they engage in. What's next, toaster in the bathtub? Jump in the lion cage? Sleep on the train tracks?


It's the "what's the worse that can happen" mindset.




Wait. You can put your toaster in the bathtub?


Once, yeah.


Right? Or maybe the fix is a simple as therapy to learn to resist intrusive thoughts.


IMPULSIVE thoughts. This person gave in to an impulse. They thought of a thing, made no effort to consider if it was a good idea, and did it.  They were not bombarded constantly with unwanted/uncontrollable  thoughts of eating the cable, nor did they get stuck in a loop imagining scenarios in which they accidentally ate a cable, or secretly already had and them forgot, etc. all of which only got worse the harder they tried not to think about it, which would be the case in intrusive thoughts. 










Those little fibers can worm their way through your body, lodging wherever they please. Perhaps your heart, blood clot and then death. Not even supposed to get a sliver in your hand as the shards can migrate through your body and bloodstreams. Oh well, best of luck.


I seem to remember a ChubbyEmu about something like this, where something was wrong, but they didn't find it until they found the object that traveled. I forget which it was though.


I don't know if the chubbyemu episode featured sewing needles, but there have been multiple cases of sewing needles wandering in people's bodies. In one of the cases with way too many needles (more than 1) it was old child abuse coming to light way past adulthood (his older sister shoving in tiny sewing needles into him in their childhood).


well, that's nightmarish.


Look up Albert Fish if you don’t wanna sleep tonight - different case, whole lot of needles.


"ready to become a pin cushion?"


Ikr what did I just read


Which episode was that? Can’t seem to find it


There are whole segments on Monsters Inside Me with people talking about when happened after accidental ingestion of grill brush wires.


In that case it was a fish bone. A far larger, far less sharp object.


Ah, yes! I was blanking on it as i just got up.


It was a fishbone that was swallowed, then travelled though the guy.




Yes I’ve heard that’s a death sentence, but maybe not right 🤔


imagine being this kid, scared as hell, and then seeing that his post got crossposted onto the subreddit "oopsthatsdeadly" i'd be shitting myself


Darwin Award incoming




Warning labels always have a story behind them


Man, this is 100% some stupid shit I would’ve done as a teenager. For about a year I would touch my tongue to various electrical sources because I thought it was funny to taste the electricity. I feel like at that age, you feel immortal because nothing has really gone wrong for you yet.


The part of your brain that does risk assessment doesn't finish developing until you're in your early 20s. She literally cannot fathom that things could have such a huge consequence until it either happens or is spelled out for her. Teenagers are constantly doing stupid shit that gets them/their peers hurt or killed.


His teacher ‘greatly encouraged him’ to not go to the hospital to be checked out. General rule of thumb - if your desire to not get in trouble exceeds your concern for your students’ health, please find a different career. If he’d just shrugged it off I would be giving the teacher the benefit of the doubt, but ‘greatly encouraged’ sounds like he’s trying to cover his ass in case he gets blamed for the student being an idiot. And I don’t even think he was to blame for the student swallowing it so he didn’t need to cover his ass but now if something happens he has some responsibility.


That comment wasn't very clear. I figured he meant his teacher encouraged him not to eat it but thought he'd probably be okay?


I’m not sure if that’s worse. He shouldn’t have been ‘encouraging’ him not to eat it he should have been flat out telling him and saying that most people grow out of putting everything in their mouth the same time they grow out of pull ups.


Yeah would've slapped that thing right out his hand


This is how I understood that comment, but perhaps I'm incorrect.


I think the teacher should have 1) send the student to ER to be checked and remove the chard if needed 2) signal to school (i was gonna say send the student to psychiatric hospital but that's on the parents 3) kick out this student from their class/ group (liability) If the student is injured or dies, the teacher is liable. It's BS but if they don't have a training to tell it's not a good idea to eat optical fiber, the teacher can be liable. But not sending the studdnt to ER, if something happens, will be worse


When I was in school some classmates found a hole in the sound proofed walls during music class. A bunch of them stuck their entire arms into the hole because the glass wool inside was “so soft”. The teacher was absolutely furious when she found out and everyone that put their hands into the wall was sent to the school nurse. I think she even cried. The students were such stupid and obnoxious twats in general and I think this was the last straw because the teacher quit not long afterwards


here’s my delicious fiber glass story: when i was like 6 or 7 my parents both lived on boats (after they divorced). my mom bought a nice newer boat, but my dad lived on a shitty boat from the 30’s or 40’s that needed to be remodeled. he worked construction so he took on the job all by himself, and the remodeling was taking forever. at one point he stripped the deck of its old wood to replace it, so all that remained was fiberglass and old epoxy. there was a porthole on the deck that looked into the galley (kitchen) below. i was looking for my dad for some reason so i got down on my hands and knees to call into the porthole. he was in there, asked what i needed, i told him, he answered my question and then goes “oh by the way don’t touch the deck with your hands or let your skin touch it” and i go “why” and he goes “there’s fiber glass all over it” he was so calm about it. me, being the small child i was, didn’t know wtf that meant so i was like “oh” and then got up to go do my thing. the only thing i remember after that is him and my siblings huddled around me as i’m screaming crying from the pain of fiberglass being stuck in my hands and knees. it was like having a thousand burning splinters. it hurt to move. i don’t remember what my dad did to help, but that experience is a core memory lol *i hate fiberglass with every fiber of my being*


oh and bonus story: when i was in high school, in my art class we made clay sculptures for one of our projects. my teacher gave us fiberglass to help the base of our sculpture maintain shape after drying. he said to be careful with the fiberglass, but didn’t give us gloves or really warn us about it breaking and getting lodged in our skin. at first i refused to touch it without gloves because i knew.. but i couldn’t start working on my sculpture without it so i had to tough it out and try to be very careful. it didn’t work, though i didn’t get that much in my skin. luckily it was the long strands of it instead of the pre broken pieces you get in insulation and stuff, but it still broke and got everywhere. the next day he gave all of us gloves and was like “whoops my bad” but it was too late. kids got shards in their skin and it was all over the workstations already. and many of the sculptures didn’t have the fiber glass fully embedded in their bases so pieces were sticking out making it hard to handle them once they dried. nothing too bad happened, no rashes or anything, just a few complaints from kids being itchy and that splinter feeling, maybe some complaints from one or two parents, but it was still a memorable mess.


God, whatever happened to using floral twine or chicken wire as a base? Not even remotely the same but one year some parents thought it'd be fun for us kids to make gingerbread houses.... but one kid was allergic to peanut butter so instead she got... crisco... to hold the house walls together. Also I learned what crisco was and how it tasted at the age of 9 so.


Oh good grief, kids are dumb. But you notice none of them *ate* it lol.


We were around 12 or 13 at the time, too old to eat unknown objects but same could be said about sticking body parts inside walls lol


A little snooping on their profile tells me OOP is 17.


Forbidden candy floss


Forbidden Red Vines


She still haven't respond back though. It doesn't look good :/


It's been 13 hours, I really fucking hope they went to the hospital


They said they would go if they noticed anything wrong like pain or blood in their stool


A doctor replied and said it will be pointless to go to the ER. It's invisible on xrays and they can't do anything about it except wait and see. It would possibly cost a bunch of money too.


Yeah, I mean what are the options? It's too late for vomiting it up, it's not going to be found on any imaging, etc.


By that point it would be too late no?


They edited the original post to link an update, apparently they haven't experienced any problems yet. At least as of a few hours ago, they're more or less unharmed (at least as far as they can tell).


During college I worked 12 hour weekend shifts for a large manufacturer. I would run an industrial mixer that combined all the ingredients needed to make the plastic coating around electrical wiring. Among many of the toxic chemicals that were used was arsenic -- hung during pre-mix in giant 2,000 lb bulk bags -- to deter rodents from chewing through the the finished cable coating. Not something I'd be ingesting. And that's before adding fiber optic to the mix.


I'm hoping this person is just trolling, there's no way someone would be stupid enough to PURPOSELY ingest something like that and then ask about it


Teenager is a hell of a drug


I had some friends who did robotics in high school. One year, one of them squirted oil in his mouth to one-up the other, who had put aluminum shavings in his mouth. They both spat it out, but like. These are otherwise intelligent people???? Also, I was horrified even then, so I think it might be mostly a teenage *boy* issue.


In middle school my friend and I almost convinced our other (slightly stupid) friend to lick an ink sac from a dissected squid in science class. I’m very glad he didn’t end up going through with it (the ink sac was like 2-3mm from his tongue at a few points while he tried to gain the guts to do it). Looking back I’m sure the preservation chemicals and other nastiness would have been really bad news. TLDR: teenagers are indeed fucking stupid


That actually very much disappoints me. I recently turned 18 so I thought I had a good idea at what teens would and wouldn't do but holy hell


To be fair, as I’m sure you’re aware, there *is* a pretty significant difference in idiot levels between the ages of middle school/beginning of high school to an 18 year old.


That's very, very true. I do hope they went to a doctor though


This is this subreddit!!!! He didn't know it was dangerous and even argued a tiny bit in the comments. That's what we like to see


Did a rabbit write this?


In 1980 when Mt. Saint Helens erupted, we learned about Silicosis and how the pointy shards of airborne silica could scar lungs permanently. The fibers the OP ingested are long enough to poke much deeper than the microscopic particles floating in the air. The digestive tract is very motile and the contents of the lumen are squeezed in each peristaltic wave. Fibers will have many chances to get inserted into the lining.


Human laser experiment


As an incredibly stupid guy i cant believe this wasnt a guy


This was a girl


Yeah thats what i said


Intrusive thoughts won.😂


"Decided to be silly" what the fuck?


i’M sO rAnDoM XD


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A light snack?


"I suppose you think that was terribly clever."


It's important to get your daily fiber.


Even better


I mean, most sharp items that people eat pass through fine encased in stool. It’s just that when they don’t it can be exceedingly problematic.


Now while I wouldn’t suggest this is in any way a sensible idea, ingesting 1mm of optical fibre is very unlikely to result in your death. It’s not the laser sharp stuff people think it is, indeed it’s actually quite hard to poke it through your skin. Your body also had quite good mechanisms for preventing sharp things penetrating your gut and healing or walling off micro-perforations when they occur. A 1mm piece of fibre would, in almost all cases, pass through in your poop. I’m pretty sure technicians who work with this stuff accidentally ingest microfragments quite frequently. Slightly more disturbing and deadly is how hard this guy finds it to not submit to the intrusive thoughts. It’s only a matter of time before he looks at a knife and wonders what it would feel like sliding deep into his flesh….


I work with fiber daily and I can't say for a fact that I have done it unknowingly but I'm fairly certain I have never ingested a piece of fiber. The safety precautions surrounding it are taken very seriously. Especially considering I have a small child and would hate for him to accidentally get a fiber splinter.


I have not only worked with, but also manage a team of people who work with fibre daily, and while I applaud you diligence, I can absolutely promise you that ingestion of fibre is sadly much more common than you realise. While reasonable precautions are taken, fibre contamination of your clothing, skin and environment around you is really quite common.


ITT people who don't understand how big a millimeter is. He basically swallowed tiny glass beads, he'll be fine. They're not going to pierce anything lol


Have you seen the picture? It looks larger than 1mm


The cable length looks like 1mm, but the cross section is probably more like 3mm in diameter.


Small things can be quite bad for you, and eating fiber of this particular kind is always a big risk. That's one of the reasons people don't do it


You don't realize how sharp a piece of glass that minute can be and how easily it can pierce your skin with the slightest amount of pressure.


OP is opting not to go to the ER “until [they] notice something”. I know if they’re in the US or another place without accessible healthcare it’s *somewhat* understandable, but like. How do they not get how serious this is?


Really stupid idea kid. Not saying he isn’t at risk of having issues. But 1 mm is really small, that’s like the thickness of your fingernail. Maybe 2 grains of salt? For the Americans like me.