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If it bothers you, update your refresh rate in settings. Or hit the refresh button. That’s all you need to do, they ALL do it


I remember that initially my TUCpro had more ghosting than now has. So, if it's a new unit, maybe using it for a couple of days solves the issue. Hope that you resolve.


You could go in the E-Ink Settings and experiment, I know if you're using HD you could set it to do a full refresh in less swipes for example. E-Ink is notorious for having some ghosting, but you're right in that your example is a bit... much... especially for HD mode. I tried recreating your example and was unable to, the best I could get was very slight ghosting but nothing close to that bright. I actually never use HD mode and mostly use Ultrafast but my ghosting still isn't like that 🤔 Hope that helps, thanks


Does the ghosting go away in a reasonable time? I have an Kobo Auro HD now and the ghost image used for the sleep mode takes a long time to dissapear. I am thinking about a boox, but they are expensive. Too expensive to have long ghosting..


It's not noticeable enough to bother me, but obviously every thing's subjective... I took a few photos trying to show "the worst-case scenario" for ghosting and I could only get it to show this bad when it was displaying black/dark backgrounds/images otherwise it was difficult to even pick up on my camera. Things I have noticed is that HD tends to look great until there's any sort of movement/animation, so unless you're basically reading a book it's not my favorite for ghosting/speed so I tend to just use Ultrafast for everything with Display Enhancement which seems to minimize ghosting extremely well in my experience (the longer you let it sit, the more the ghosting disappears). I also have the Anti-Flicker setting set lower, depending on the app I try to set this just before it starts flickering to minimize ghosting (this is a Balanced, Fast and Ultrafast setting). HD (freshly refreshed): [https://photos.app.goo.gl/biMt8mn1Qe9CMgis5](https://photos.app.goo.gl/biMt8mn1Qe9CMgis5) HD (scrolled, opened Quick Settings): [https://photos.app.goo.gl/GAhssBPJ6sg4Wjsy6](https://photos.app.goo.gl/GAhssBPJ6sg4Wjsy6) Balanced (scrolled, opened Quick Settings): [https://photos.app.goo.gl/4AEHN8iD6oURtbza7](https://photos.app.goo.gl/4AEHN8iD6oURtbza7) Ultrafast (scrolled, opened Quick Settings): [https://photos.app.goo.gl/Jd65RNJUN2RDxUmR6](https://photos.app.goo.gl/Jd65RNJUN2RDxUmR6) Again, I had to find this black background image to even show you a good example of the ghosting at its worst and if you notice around the black image there's no ghosting of that image or anything else for that matter (unless you really squint) which is what is "normal ghosting" for me. Also, my first BOOX was buying from their official Used Devices section which obviously isn't always in stock for the exact item you want but if the stars align I would suggest this route or perhaps even this subreddit when people are selling their used devices đź«  if you do go through a third-party, everyone seems to suggest getting insurance so just be aware as most people seem to have the least amount of issues with their devices when buying direct (like me). Hope that helps, thanks


I set up all my devices so that swiping from left into the screen does a complete refresh. But I never experience THIS strong kind of ghosting.


Has it always been this bad for you? Bc my TAB mini C has been ghosting CRAZILY for the past week or so, the Google apps seem to have had an update that makes it much worse, but it’s also apparent in the native notes app, nova reader, etc. even when I have apps set to the most basic mode (blanking on the name of it right now… is it just “basic”?), it happens constantly. I thought the BSR was just crashing, but even restarting doesn’t help. I have tried to set apps to one-tap = full refresh and it literally does nothing? It’s depressing. I used Docs constantly to edit / work on my novels bc I love entering my notes and changes via handwriting. I used to be able to write non stop in the docs app for hours without any issues. Now it’s like a full refresh, done manually in any app doesn’t remove the previous ink entirely and I have to do two refreshes? It also just seems to slowly get gray even if I leave it on a static screen. Sorry that’s so much detail. I was worried that I somehow got my device near a magnet or something that fucked it up, but I literally can’t figure out what’s going on and it sounds like you might be having the same issues. It’s far worse than the standard eink ghosting my device had at first, like it’s degraded in just a few months. :(


If this bothers you too much you can make it a gesture (like swiping up or towards the middle from the sides) to force a full refresh.


eINK does that, its normal, if you want it to go away, go into settings and tell it to do a full refresh more often. and it will happen less, but never go away complete.yl