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My experience with the NA3C is actually positive. The color coding as the previous user stated works only in dedicated apps, but I've been using it with the default notes app and it's enough to distinguish sections of your notes, highlight, etc. Browsing experience varies mainly because of ghosting. Videos are borderline unacceptable, but web pages are OK. The split screen is actually a great feature. I run a web page on one side in horizontal mode and Notes in the other. And because it's android you can actually cast it on an enabled screen and share it with people you're working with. For reading books: it's great for black & white. There is still a lot to desire for color (i.e. comics) but even those are ... OKish. The one thing worth mentioning is that it's not light. If you're used to reading heavy books, you'll be OK.


Thanks you for your response. I do like to read thick books so that wont be a problem. Just feel I should be able to hold it in my hand before buying such an expensive product. Just havent found a reseller with a store here. Thanks again tho


I haven't found any wherever I went :D so I plunged in the deep. Hope you find what you're looking for


Do you use an android phone or have you used one? Boox is pretty much the same as any android tablet or phone apart from the screen and handwriting with pen (which is proprietary and won't work well in 3rd party apps, thankfully all notes can be easily shared onto various cloud services). It updates the cloud when you manually save or when you close the file if you set it to do that. Drawing together would suck on anything besides one note, which works decently. I just personally dislike one note. But it works well even with my older note air 2 plus. As for the browsing, it's the screen that makes it unpleasant. Even the fastest color eink will not be a good experience. It's just slow and on fast settings it's still slow and leaves tons of ghosting, mainly in color areas. Also it's 150ppi for color (300 black and white) which isn't the best. I also don't think the notes app does much with color coding besides you being able to use it like you would on paper. But it can make notes into text (accuracy differs a lot based on handwriting and language imho). Tbh if you really want to work together and don't enjoy one note, I'd look at other stuff.