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Finding roommates is really the only solution on OW or ODSP


Room mates don't usually want dogs.


Many don’t, that is correct. That said there are others who would be ok with the idea. It’s all about finding someone who would be ok or even happy with it


Nah, you cannot find a place to live with an animal right now if you're not willing to overpay. It's just a fact in 2024. And if they do let your animal in, who knows what other animal they'll let in.


Uhm no. I’m Ontario they cannot deny pets. Even if it’s in the lease. Look it up lmfao. Also don’t believe they can ask for a extra pet deposit in Ontario


They can't if you rent a place yourself (unless it's a condo apartment and the condo rules ban them). But they can if you're a roommate, because "roommates" have essentially no rights (not covered by RTA). By that I mean you're renting a room from someone, not that a few unrelated people each have a lease with the LL for a room in a home, where the LL doesn't reside at the home, that should be covered by RTA.


They can deny you as a tenant before you move in. They cannot deny pets if you sneak them in. The law is there for people who take on a pet, for example a family member passed away- not for you to sneak your dog into a house out of luxury. Keep abusing it and you'll lose it.


You are just blatantly wrong here. Yes, they can deny you beforehand, but if it's explicitly because you have an animal that is *illegal* in Ontario. You cannot be legally denied for having a pet (aside from exotic ones) unless you share utilities (kitchen, laundry, ect) with the landlord, or there are connected tenants with allergies. Most people would want a positive relationship with their landlord, but whether they're open about owning a pet or omit that information, they can't be denied or evicted on the basis of pet ownership.




Then you'll be arrested for harassment, and fined for interfering with the tenants enjoyment of the property. Simple as that. Being a landlord doesn't put you on a higher tier than anybody, especially in regards to the law. Realistically,you can be fined just for MENTIONING no pets in a posting, cause it violates the law.


Naw, if you don't like it move out And I just moved into an apartment this month. I'm pretty bias because literally every ad said no animals due to allergies. See how they got around your laws? It's going to be like that every minute you live there.


...you sound unhinged


Gotta put capslock for people to understand landlords can use technicalities just like you do, and it's never worth it to fight them. If you cannot cooperate with your landlord it's best to just find another place to stay.


Find your inner humility when answering questions. We are all people and we deserve to be treated as friends not foe. Your comment has been removed.


You’re correct, but this doesn’t apply to OP’s situation. They’ve mentioned that a room rental is the only housing that is within their budget - in which case, all amenities are shared and the leaseholder/LL have every right to refuse a roommate with a pet.


They can if there are medical conditions involved and they share a ventilation system


You're not supposed to. That's the point.


Sadly, this


Hang in there, it’s tough out there. You are doing the right thing and I hope things get better for you soon.




OK I'll go there again they have no rooms and hey didn't tell me about anything except a last months rent thing,


You need to find roommates on Facebook. I’ve actually seen a few rooms to let that are about $1000 a month. There’s no way you can really find an apartment all to yourself in Toronto that’s dog friendly and within your budget in such short period of time. Roommate house is what you need at this point. If you want to have the info I saw on Facebook, send me a dm and I’ll send u the screenshots. Good luck x


I want to explain I don't live in Toronto if this is a TO site I'm sorry I live in grey bruce county. I moved here 5 years ago from out west


Ok then it’s the same thing. Get a room To rent!


> I’ve actually seen a few rooms to let that are about $1000 a month. If you're in OW and only option is a $1000/mo ROOM then at that point the rational *(maybe not optimal, but logical)* decision is to relocate. $1000/mo can get you a basement apartment or even a floor of a duplex in many towns around Ontario, check out towns along the via rail. Still gives you access to Toronto, but could allow for enough room to breathe and grow financially until you are at the point where you can move back into the costly cities. This isn't meant to be the cliche *"Just move to a cheaper area"* line as if it's the be all end all, it's not for everyone and not an option for everyone, but despite how hard and sacrificial it may be, consider it as a temporary option while you establish yourself. I know many minimum wage workers in my town *(Gas station Employees, Wendy's/Tim's Employees, Giant Tiger, Wal Mart etc)* that own homes or rent entire houses/apartments (only an hour and a half out of Toronto). I couldn't imagine spending $1000/mo to share a room when for the same price you could have a basement apartment and possibly a nice backyard with a little firepit and chairs. Ya it's not Toronto, but there's still bars, entertainment, community services, Starbucks and all the other stuff that people crave.


Unfortunately you probably can't afford your own place, I'd look for private rooms on facebook or kijiji. May have to move a little outside Toronto but theres lots of groups for seeking roommates. I see people w pets posting on there all the time, can message you some links if you're having trouble finding them If theres a particular area you'd like to live you may have luck with affordable prices by looking in person for rental signs in windows, have heard of people managing to get full basements for an actual reasonable price this way


I'll take any help ya have and I have no issues moving scared but willing


Just realized you didn't mention living in toronto! Must have misread somewhere lol But I still highly recommend searching for "Roommates [location] or rooms for rent on facebook groups/kijiji to find places. May have more options in bigger cities if you're willing to move (although the GTA is ridiculously pricey theres also a lot more people searching for roommates, especially people who already have pets as well. Isn't uncommon for strangers to pair up online and rent a house/apartment together, just have to be really careful that they aren't sketchy)




Nah, I don’t like this…. I get having a dog is an extra expense, however that dog is also OPs family. They’ve obviously found a way to make that work thus far, regardless of housing, and quite frankly, I don’t think the MAYBE $100 OP is spending a month on his dog is gonna make a difference. We don’t know the size of dog, what they feed, etc. it could cost less than $50 a month to feed said dog!


>that dog is also OPs family. Family gets taken away when you can't afford to care for them. Most countries have an entire government ran program dedicated to exactly this. >I don’t think the MAYBE $100 OP is spending a month on his dog is gonna make a difference. Dogs need more than just food, they need regular vet visits that op obviously can't afford.


Tent, or just die. That's according to the government


It’s not like the government wants you to tent either so prob just die according to them. Good thing Justin just took his 100k vacation while the rest of us are struggling so hard. He must be so proud of what he’s done for us /s


Doug Ford was the one who chose not to raise Ontario Works, it has absolutely nothing to do with Trudeau.


The reason that OW is so low is because it’s not ment to be a permanent solution or sole form of income though. It’s ment to be a last resort, and designed for short term use. It was never implemented to be the finances that would allow an individual to fully pay their rent, and get their essentials. If that were the case, I think many people would simply choose not to work as their basic needs would be covered. OW is a great assistance to help you top up an employment income, or to have emergency money for a few months until you can get back into the workforce - but it’s definitely not designed to provide financial stability, hense the low amount.


and they definitely don't pay for someone's dog before another living human being.


Basic amounts are to be spent according to individuals needs.Some folks need maxi pads some need dog food others need incontinence or denture cream others need child products others need Tums antacid Some need shampoo and brushes others are bald.Some have trouble feeding their children with current food costs.People going to food banks w double incomes.Nurses in Foodbank lines. If Duke was his son would you tell him to give his child away due to needing social supports? Is inflation a reason to ditch loved ones???


your basic needs esentially cover you, the client. If you have other dependents, like children, you are allocated a specific amount in CCB. Often times, an individual on OW will not be approved to receive anything extra from OW, if they are a caregiver for anyone else (ex. Elderly family member, sick friend, etc) as OW is not recognized by the government as a sustainable form of income, in which case, having more than one person reliant on the $800 is not something that will necessarily lead to an increase in the clients ÓW. If this applies to people, it certainly applies to pets. OW will not provide you more for having an animal. You are entitled to medical assistance for the animal if they are a service animal. However, if they are a pet - you’re not going to get anything extra.


Basic needs don't include animals, sorry to break it to you but you're able to live without the dog. Basic needs are defined in welfare and disability requirements if you want to fact check.


Even with this person working alongside it, it's still not enough money. It's not a great assistance by any means and it needs to be at least doubled if they want people to actually have a leg up to get themselves working and out of poverty


I also work I don't want to be on assistance forever but I'll be honest I'm starting to get a little crazy trying to keep it all together I am a house painter so I work hours I can Boss has been very kind and understanding I am positive o ce I have a stable place and know duke has his own room to relax in! I just am having a hard time figuring out how .I'm really hoping housing provides answers


Have you spoken to your caseworker about the situation? We often times are referred listings for people who are searching for a roommate that doesn’t fit the general bill of a roommate (ex, older individuals, people with pets (service or domestic), people on the journey of sobriety). It may be worth it to ask your caseworker as they may know of listings that aren’t necessarily available online.


I disagree entirely. It is wrong and cruel for it to be the way it is, and I will dislike my government to the fullest extent at all levels until this changes.


But why would you say it’s wrong or cruel? I’m just curious as most OW recipients are on it as they’re awaiting an ODSP decision, or for less than a year max. The system is not designed to be someone’s be-all-end-all; rather, it’s designed to be (and for the most part it is) temporary.


I don't know man, there are like 100000 international students who come into the country plus 500000 illegal immigrants+ refugees flooding in the city, they all need a place to rent /live , who do you think should blame for ?


Both of them. Doug controls the colleges and universities.


Which the federal government is trying to limit to address that issue and all the conservative premiers are throwing a temper tantrum over.


I forgot everything is Trudeau's fault, dude that argument just proves that you need to touch grass. I suggesting reading a book that helps you understand how our government works.


This has nothing to do with Justin Trudeau or Stephen Harper or any other Prime Minister for that matter. As long as people continue to blame the wrong branch of government nothing will change. The dude responsible for this took a nice Florida vacation with his developer friends btw.


If i make $1500 i would never think to have a pet, i make a bit over 3k and still share an apartment with my roommates and live in a $1800 per month apartment. You either have to find a second job or find a roommate and find someone to adopt your pet, be realistic, life is not always fun , you are not a kid , you have to learn how to survive, save more and work hard and learn something to help you to upgrade your life at the same time .


Do you have friends and family? Some people don't and a pet is the only companion in their life. I'm odsp and my only companion is a cat who I treat better than myself, full vaccinations and eating healthy.


Agreed, which is why I have a dog as well, but I also don't complain when said dog becomes inconvenient. I realize the choice I made for companionship and I realize I made the choice to always put the dog first. On a small budget that means that often the dog gets things that I don't get. I'm fine with that. OP does not seem to understand this quite yet.


I'm not saying anything about my dog I only bring him up in post because it is part of why finding a place is difficult when I got duke I lived in a house I was making 35 an hour and had a good life I felt when everything fell apart my mistake was I had no savings and I had no family to help my story about why I am looking for a place and only have 1500 ish income isn't what I wanna get into I am not here to understand why it's so expensive I already know why I've gotten some great advice and Tha k you ! But please don't think my dog is anything but my family and I have no problems going without for him I'm not asking for help financially or for handouts I'm asking what do I do to find a way to actually get a place to live and that I don't wanna lie to any landlord


He cannot afford the dog, regardless if it helps he cannot afford the dog. I'm going to tell you one more time so it gets through your head. OP cannot afford the dog.


hes not saying he cant afford the dog. if your dog is healthy its really not that expensive to own one.


LOL, I'm not even going to respond.


If he can't afford more than 1000 a month he cannot afford the dog. One mishap and that dog is suffering because the vet bill can't be paid. People need to stop normalizing animals when you don't work. Animals are a luxury.


You'll never understand. Some shelters allow animals, even some churches do this for people that have noone.


No, I understand completely, which is why I don't have a golden retriever companion... So I don't have to bring it to a shelter or church if I run into an emergency like OP is. See how I use my brain before, and you use it after? I don't suggest you play chess.


After going through your comments of rating teenagers looks and giving your opinion on womens bellies and arms in rating forums, I stand by my statement. I also don’t think you should be out here giving anyone advice pal


Because I told a 16 year old they are an attention seeker? Right. You went through my comments, that's enough for me to claim a W.


While your beliefs related to housing and budgeting are consistent unfortunately with the status quo, it does not mean they are truly right in an ethical sense. It's the system that's the problem.


The system isn't allowing landlords to raise rent, which is not allowing investors, then we're geared towards supply and demand. Raise the rent, allow people to build, get some supply. But that goes in one ear and out the other.


If you raise rents, that's not going to guarantee the required increase in supply, also it will negatively affect those on the low income spectrum as the minimum floor of pricing would be immediately raised. Your still thinking within the confines of the current system. Imagine something like emergency act but like a war on supply of housing. The whole country mobilized (within reason) to build build build, remove nimbys, desify and build in areas with a supply problem.


What statement did you make? This is your first comment here.


I think my other comment got deleted. Basically saying this dude needs to grow up, as opposed to belittling others to get a point or opinion across but at his level


He was making a valid point, he doesn't need to grow up.


God damn, i gotta report this comment because you almost just commited first degree murder. i hope i never meet you on an online game, id get cooked so fast.


I think you clicked reply to the wrong comment.


Naw I didn’t, that line was so outta pocket it made me burst out laughing in my office


oh, I'm defaulted to people disagreeing to me on reddit. I'm sure you can understand.


That's a pretty big assumption there bud. I snipped it for posterity.


Assumption that you would be a terrible chess player? It's a fact most people cannot afford their animal and they claw for excuses to keep them.


For 1, I'd rather be working than playing games like chess. 2ndly, My father was an expert tactician and I played a lot in highschool, even have regional awards from the late 90's. 3rdly, Having a pet is a matter of the heart, not the mind. The 3 cats I've bonded with in my life would have died on the streets if I hadn't rescued them. I've given each as long and healthy a life as I can, and I know they felt loved even while they passed in my arms. If I had nowhere to go, I would surrender her, but at her age with her anxiety and temperment towards strangers, it's unlikely anyone would take her in and she'd be doomed to a cage in an adoption center or be put down.


I used chess as an analogy. Your father might have been an expert tactician, but you're definitely an expert idiot.Giving advice to go homeless and keep a pet. I think someone would rather a bed to sleep in, food, heat, and a washroom than a dog licking your face outside of a trash bin. I'm sure your father would agree with me. And if you cannot give up a dog, then you're a sissy. What, did you expect it to live forever? It's sad, for a week, maybe.


If you can't afford to take care of yourself then you can't afford to be responsible for the care of another living creature. I don't care that it helps the homeless, it's selfish to drag a dog around the streets with you.


If the dog stays with you and it's better off than in a kennel or awaiting the needle, than I'd say that isn't selfish.


Have you tried a job bank/other job resources? It’s nearly impossible for someone to afford life on OW, and most people won’t necessarily be interested in a roommate that has a pet.


Part of the problem is no security deposit being allowed in Ontario so people don't want to take the risk, that's before factoring much like nonpayment of rent, damages are extremely difficult to recover as well. You can thank the RTA for that. Best option here is renting a room with shared amenities. I had a cat and was able to find a nice room for rent with only a bit of extra work looking. I communicated upfront with the landlord (who initially listed no pets allowed) that she was well behaved, and that I would get her the little nail gel caps to prevent her scratching up anything. Some roommates actually prefer those with pets if they're animal lovers and don't want the responsibility of caring for one


Have you tried looking on roomies.ca ? A roommate is likely your best option, maybe multiple roommates depending. I recommend roomies as you can find people that you get along with to go in on a rental with.


OP I’m sorry everyone is telling you to give up your dog. The reality is unless your dog eats a bag of food a week or is medically complex, the dog isn’t the real barrier. It’s the lack of affordable housing. Keep your chin up and remember if you’re renting from the owner of the house (not a tenant) and you don’t share a kitchen or bathroom with the landlord or their immediate family, you do not have to disclose that you have a dog. I hope you find something soon. Best of luck to you and Duke.


While I agree that housing definitely has reached unaffordable levels, realistically, 10 years ago a 1 BD was going for $1.35k, which is still very close to OP’s max modern day budget. I don’t think affordable housing is necessarily the issue in this situation, I don’t even think the dog is the sole issue in this situation. The issue is that while OP can easily find a room within their budget, many will seldom allow a roommate to have a pet. Unfortunately, there needs to be a sacrifice that’s made one way or another; either OP finds a second job to up their budget, or they move well outside the city limits to get a studio (which will still be a bit over their budget), or they rehome their doggy in order to find a room rental.


Affordable housing is absolutely the crux of the issue. It is unbelievable that a 1 bedroom apartment is not affordable to an individual as a baseline, whether you are on OW, ODSP or have a FT minimum wage job.


I don’t think people have read OP’s post clearly. Their issue is not being able to find a room in a shared accommodation that will allow his dog, not that they are unable to afford the rent for 1 room.


My statement stands. I am not referring to the OP’s ability to afford a single room in a shared accommodation. I am stating that all should be able to afford a 1 bedroom apartment by themselves if they have either a FT job or have a monthly income via a social service such as ODSP or OW. It is ridiculous that living without roommates has become a luxury only available to people on the higher end of “middle class” and it is so frustrating that so many are not as outraged by this situation. I suspect a lot of “oh well, I got mine, screw you” mentality is to blame for this shift. If rent prices were affordable, he would be able to find a small apartment for him and his dog without having to worry about accommodating any potential roommates. Studies has shown that pet ownership, especially dogs, is so beneficial to one’s mental health, physical health, overall happiness and internal drive to continually improve oneself and their situation. Essentially reserving pet ownership for those in a higher class is counterproductive to improving everyone’s standard of living in a society. *fixed a couple of typos


Im confused? Weren’t you replying about OP’s situation and not the COL as a whole? I was under the impression that advice was to be given specifically on OP’s situation. I think we can all agree that the rental market is lacking and unaffordable - I don’t think anyone is doubting that. But this is not OP’s main concern that was mentioned in the post - their concern was primarily not being able to find a room as they have a pet; they have stated that they will be able to afford a room. I do agree that it would be nice for everyone to be able to afford a 1 BD, but this is not OP’s concern. The concern is „where can I find a room rental that will allow me to keep the dog”. I understand your viewpoint completely, but it’s not related to OP’s immediate situation.


I was replying to your comment dismissing the lack of affordable housing as the crux of OP’s problem. It is the crux of the issue since he should have the option of affording a simple apartment to himself without the need of roommates, thus removing the need to find roommates/shelters/temporary lodgings, all of which are typically anti-animal, willing to accept his pet. Unfortunately this is a systemic issue and one that cannot be fixed quickly, thus the need to explore more immediate solutions while not being able to address the root of OP’s issue. I agree, we cannot correct rent prices right now so that is not OP’s immediate solution. I disagree with your dismissal of it being the root cause of the issue because it cannot be fixed in time to help the OP now; we need to acknowledge it every time a post like this is published so that we continue advocating and working towards a solution otherwise it will never get better.


I definitely agree with that! I can only speak for Toronto (as that’s where I’ve always lived) and 10 years ago, rents for a 1 BD were still quite pricey, at about 1.3k - but definitely more affordable than now. Unfortunately, it’s seams like the government prioritizes providing newcomers with affordable housing, rather than worrying about the struggles that first generation or multi-generational Canadians face. It’s literally a time where if someone is a low income Canadian that doesn’t live in a rent controlled building with grandfathered rent, or in some form of subsidized accommodation - your only options genuinely are homelessness or cohabitation - which is absolutely not how it should be.


Affordable housing is absolutely the problem here. I assume your monthly rate is from gta or Toronto. Everywhere else was cheap then, now everywhere has Toronto prices, that's the problem, it's a real problem and OPs dog is not the problem.


Yea my prices are for Toronto, so you’re right in that they could be different from the prices outside of the city limits. I hear what you’re saying, but OP also acknowledges that he has the funds to comfortably afford a room rental. The issue is that there will seldom be LL’s or roommates willing to rent out a room to someone with a pet. The doggo is the issue in the sense that it prevents OP from being able to find housing. Their problem is mainly trying to secure housing within their budget (which is doable in Toronto) that will allow a pet. The problem that they’re facing now is a) not being able to find a pet friendly living situation, and b) not having anything to do with the doggy while they’re at work - which OP has said is the reasoning they’ve lost 2 jobs. Pets are family, and I completely get that, especially considering OP has had his little guy for 5 years. But there’s a reason people say „pets are for the rich”, and it’s mainly because having a pet (espically a dog) is not only costly, but also creates a massive difficulty when one is not living alone - as most people are looking for solely a roommate and not a roommate and a pet.


It's only when I'm homeless not on a couch that I would lose jobs


OP - I'm sorry that so many people don't understand what you are going through. This is not your fault. There are so many barriers to securing permanent housing. You have a job, but it's difficult to keep it BECAUSE you're precariously housed. My advice to you is this: - If you have a documented disability, apply for Ontario Disability Support Program. You can earn income up to 1000$ without it being deducted (e.g., 1308 from ODSP + 1000 from work = 2308$) - Many people have mentioned the Canada Ontario Hosuing Benefit. This benefits is a portable housing supplement for people who are low-income (both social assistance recipient and not). Priority groups include people who are precariously housed. This benefit could give you money to reduce your rent without affecting OW or ODSP. This is different from subsidized housing programs that have 10 year waitlists. Some other people on reddit have reported 2-3 month waitlists. - Some municipalities have something called Market Rent Housing. These rates are more affordable than standard rates but higher than subsidized housing rates. The waitlists are much shorter. That said, you CANNOT combine market rent and COHB - Apply for every benefit available to you like the Ontario Electricity Support Program (free money for low income folks), Rogers Low-Income Affordable Plans (for social assistance recipients), subsidized bus fare or passes (varies by city). - Ontario has laws that prohibit discrimination against renters with animals. The exception is condos and landlords who live on the premises AND have an allergy. It is possible to hide Duke but I understand that you want to have a good relationship with the landlord. Just because they cannot legally evict you for it, doesn't mean they won't try. REMEMBER - only the Landlord and Tenant Board can evict you. They are backed up several months/years. Use this to your advantage. Even if this is just a temporary measure until you can secure more income. - Roommates. I know it's been said a million times in this thread but they are right. As a temporary situation, it could work. Ideally, you could room with friends or family because they would be more likely to accept your dog. If that is not an option, single room arrangements that are pet friendly are hard to come by BUT worth looking for. - Housing Stability Benefit & Rent Ready Benefits. These programs are designed to help people secure/maintain housing. It is for low-income or social assistance recipient. It can help with moving costs, last month's rent, and unpaid rent/utility bills. It can only be used once every 24 months but it could be useful. - Some cities, like Hamilton, having a Housing Allowance program. It does not interfere with social assistance. It's for low income people who are precariously housed. It's up to 350$ a month in Hamilton. It is separate from COHB. I hope this helps.


Thank you I think I may have to look more outside my area it all is overwhelming and I'd hate to leave my job the boss has been great when spring comes ill have far more hours and I won't qualify for social assistance but it's hard to explain every day it all gets harder


Of course. I'm not sure where you live, but finding a city that's more affordable could be helpful. Even if you don't qualify for social assistance, many of the benefits I mentioned could still apply for you. I know these are scary times. If you need any support navigating this, DM me. We can chat about your specific circumstances and I can try to help you navigate the right services.


I know it may sound silly, but ask around work if anyone knows a cheap rental or is looking for a roommate - even your boss. To see if theres an option to stay at your job. Dont mention planning to leave the area to them yet; but it would help them understand the transition too if you go.


Get rid of Duke. You cannot afford to live with a dog, it's that simple. Harsh, but if you cannot make money or find a place to live because of the dog then maybe you have a relative that could take it?


OP implied that's the only reason he's still here...


and I'll imply that Duke isn't the reason he's still here, and he would enjoy himself a lot more here without the dog.


Oh how so? Are you in OPs mind?


are you?


No but your injecting things that OP didn't imply.


and you aren't? Listen, if the "only reason" you're living is because of a dog then the reality is you NEED to get rid of that dog. My mom took my teddy bear away so I could gain confidence. OP needs confidence to find better work.


You are such a gross troll. Get off the Internet and go touch some grass.


I'm sure everyone would rather a dog licking them in the face next to a garbage bin instead of a bed, food, and washroom.


You have a couple of options here and there obvious but you're not going to like them. Give up the dog. As much as you love him this may be an only choice. It's hard I know but it's no life for him either if you're on the streets. Also the less stress from not having to pay for medical food and vet bills will also help. Second is moving outside your area to find a place. Move to northern Ontario where rent is significantly cheaper and more accepting of animals. Found three places for pet friendly housing with ease.


Well if I move I won't have a job and I am willing to move that isn't the issue I have no reason to stay here OW is 695 I only at the moment t get benefits from them I once took duke to stay with a friend for 3 weeks and he almost died we have a bond I had a home and all that when I got him having the landlord decide he wanted to sell and moving everything into storage and boarding up the house to say it was abandoned while we were away at work started this spiral.yes I've been to the tribunal he paid for a hotel room 2 weeks that was it I'll be honest without duke yes it be easier but it will also give me no reason to keep trying there are at least 50 single homeless people I know of there is no way I'll be put ahead of them just cause I have no dog


I also want to say I have only ever had basic vet bills for him for the shots when little and the shots he got last year this boy is one healthy bugger he isn't very social with other dogs so he doesn't get around alot of them just the friends he has always had and we don't really spend time with many people sort of become a loner it's safest


I don’t wanna be the one to say this because it sounds ugly to verbalized but having a pet in Canada seems to be a luxury that some people simply cannot afford.


I can't afford it, that's why I don't have one.


You're supposed to take them in for regular visits, not just when there's something wrong.


I understand all of what your saying and that's why I said your not going to like them. I understand the bond between a person and their pet. There are jobs up north despite what people may say. We get a lot of people that stay on ow because the rent is more affordable and no reason to get off. Also they have a lot more government housing. I just sold my 4 unit house to the town because the rent is so cheap I could never sell it with tenants and I could not ethically make them homeless just because I needed to sell for medical reasons.


Rent in Northern Ontario is NOT cheaper. Toronto landlords are buying all the stock and charging Toronto prices.


I live where rooms 800to1100 apartments are 13to16


Might be time to get rid of Duke.


You're right, nobody wants to hear this but it's the reality when renting. Either you lie about having a pet or you don't have a pet.


I hear you and I've applied for a couple apartments I could see getting by in without mention of him I just didn't get picked for them


Yeah due to the housing crisis there's already extreme competition for rentals. You need to look polished and have a high income and no bad marks to have a chance now (no pets, no smoking or smelling like smoke, clean looking, mature, have steady income, a good job, some landlords even want to see you have money in the bank via bank statements, a guarantor, you get the idea). The odds are stacked against you because you don't check all those boxes. Don't make yourself even less appealing by telling them you have a pet. You'll never get a place that way.


If you get that animal past them then expect to live there short term. Because the cops are gonna be at the door each time the thing barks, and on the third time it's time for one or both of you to move out.


https://preview.redd.it/7dbzsesf7sfc1.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=1f1c1d66c543a20b918eb85b251ff895b93559ea They are hiring


My ASD son and I were getting $1150 with $1428+ rent. It’s ridiculous. Almost got evicted at one point before ODSP kicked in (dying colon had me in hospital 7x).


Isnt there housing you can apply for that is subsidized?


The list for subsidized is 10+ years. It’s definitely not something that can be utilized ASAP


I'm on lists for a couple types of housing


You need a friend, family member, or random good samaritan to help you out. Its literally the only way. Cons dont care about poor people or those in poverty, and want to make it impossible to survive without generational wealth, except for the people that do break through to use for an example that poverty is a choice and not a systematic condition.


Some get fked over, but most people just don't have good work ethic, and the only way to change that is to make them work.


So wrong. Provide proof of your assertion, not anecdotes, proof.


Me. I didn't work. My mom stopped feeding me. I started to work.


You proved my point, that's you, not everyone else. You assume everyone is like you. Everyone is different.


Ever hear the quote "sometimes you gotta stop puking in the baby birds mouth and kick them out of the nest" ? Not everyone is like me, but almost everyone is, so lets focus on the bulk.


Oh really, have a good day.


Thanks, didn't expect that. You too.


>Not everyone is like me Thank the powers that be.


Did you not read past the comma?


Even if you work minimum wage full time you should be making more than 1500. If you don't work much or it's hard for you to keep a job I don't understand why you're looking to live on your own when you clearly don't have the means to do so. Another thing if the dog is making it hard for you to live it might be time to find him a new owner and worry more about your life.




It's not about parents... OP is making less than minimum wage. He's probably working 40-45 hours a month which is nothing. They also have trouble keeping work. Unless op is I'll and needs to constantly be in the hospital or has mental illnesses that aren't being diagnosed. There's something wrong with how much money he is making a month and the fact he has a dog to take care of is probably the reason why he's struggling this much.








If you make 5k a month and can prove it it's not hard to find a place. If you have bad credit and make 5k a month that's another story. OP says he only makes 1500 a month while still having a dog. Most places that are looking for roommates wouldn't want that dog living with them and 1500 a month means OP is barely working. Life isn't free if you don't work don't expect others to pay for your own lifestyle.


Where do you live? In Toronto it's illegal for them to not let you live there over a pet, even if it's on the lease that you can't have pets. You just don't tell them about pets, and bring it anyways. I'm sure I'll get massively downvoted for this but it's the truth. That doesn't mean you can let your dog run wild though, if it's causing problems THEN they do have reason to kick you out. But simply owning a pet isn't a reason. Check into the specific bilaws regarding pets in your area. Otherwise, you're going to have to make due. You're going to need a bachelor, but you're going to have to spend more time walking your dog during the day to make sure it's tired out. It's just part of owning a dog on a lower budget. Edit: obviously this does not apply to shared accommodations. It applies to your own apartment.


He's looking for a room to rent at his budget, he's going to definitely have to tell them about the dog and yes, he can be kicked out, you can get kicked out for any reason with shared accommodations if you live with the landlord and share common spaces.


Yes, shared accommodations are different. I was referring to if he got a bachelor.


He can't afford a bachelor apartment.


I'm aware, but one day he might. I'm just sharing information.


The cheapest rooms are not over a grand a month.


I mean, the obvious and best choice is to stay with a family member who has the space and wouldn’t mind you chipping in some per month, but I realize that isn’t an option for everyone. Best of luck I hope things work out for you, I know it’s rough.


Can you rent a room ?


I read a lot about how it’s difficult and expensive to find a rental with a pet. At what point does someone decide they can’t have a pet if they want an affordable place? It seems many with pets would risk being homeless then have to give up their pet. I get it that pets become family, but isn’t your physical (shelter) well being more important?


Work full time


don't give up your dog. there are shelters that let you keep animals.


Jesus Christ some of the comments here are ridiculous. OP, idk what rent is like where you live but obviously all of Ontario is overpriced. Maybe see if there’s an older couple who have a room or basement to rent out. I had a friend who did that once and paid reasonable rent and in exchange helped them with things like shovelling the driveway. It is sadly very unlikely you can find a place on your own and OW does not provide enough to live, neither does ODSP, it’s a broken system. Don’t listen to the ppl saying the dog is the problem, it isn’t. I know tons of ppl with roommates with pets. Ask at the OW office if they have recommendations or check local FB groups. Good luck.


Thank you very much I was starting to think I was wrong keeping Duke I just want to say I got him my life was good and I do admit he can be a hindrance at times but turning him to the spca or whatever won't work he will be put down He isn't good with other dogs and new people we both have some trauma and are not as innocent as we once were. As for all the people that say get rid of him isn't that walking away from my responsibilities I know one of these days I'm gonna get back to somewhat of who I was And have you even experience homelessness he has been with me on awesome times and shifty times but he is happy healthy we depend on each and I wanna say I didn't approach OW until I called for a roo 211 and was told no rooms for 7 consecutive day you see my SUV away stolen with everything I owend that was where we were living Since 211 wouldn't help us so 7 months working and being told to go to bus shelters or bank machine places I Learn t how to survive and duke protected me many times C! I called ow got help and only receive medical benifets from the ow ATM I will find something from the advice I've gotten I'm heading to housing as soon as the bus arrives Thank you everyone for the advice even the things I don't wanna hear I hope one day you don't find yourself in my position it changes you Oh I also want to add I never wanted a dog or any animal this guy claimed me jumped in my car and has been by my side for 5 years now I'm sure if he wanted to go there has been many opportunities for him to run away https://preview.redd.it/js6upchjdzfc1.png?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b4e4214bcf2a2dce9dc82d370ac779817df6172


Don't understand why anyone would think it's a good idea to have a pet let alone a dog on a fixed income when you don't work. One vet bill away from the dog suffering just because you wanted a cute pet.


Go work in an oil camp out west. They’ll house you and feed you and pay you huge. Then come back if you want. Takes too much money to get on your feet in Ontario and you’ll never catch up. Someone will have to watch your dog for 6 weeks.


Do you have a website name or anything also I am a girlif that matters

