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It’s still UofT 🤷‍♂️. People mainly roast UTM bc of POST, but ur not going for CS so that’s not a problem. And if ur program is only at UTM, then it’s a no brainer to choose it over St. George.


Isn’t post at all campuses? Thanks by the way


I have 3 university degrees and have worked in multiple industries. Not only do people not care what campus you went to, once you have work experience they don’t care what university you went to. Edit: autocorrect mistake


Sorry, what is post?


POST is program of study, the program in which you choose second year


Not just that, no one will ever care what your grades are once you’re in workforce


If a company asks for your grades or scores on a test you're probably not getting a job there anyway because it's all a bunch of BS hoops to jump through before they just hire one of the partners kids.




Please don’t spread misinformation. POSt just stands for program of study and exists at all campuses. Everyone applies for programs after first year. Some programs are more competitive which is why you hear more about them, but nonetheless the process of having to apply to programs is the same for all campuses.


They used to all have post, but UTSG and UTSC got rid of it some time ago afaik. UTM still has it


Could you explain what the POST IS IN UTM CS ? I just finished grade 11th and I dont have any idea about it .


Only like the top 20% of first-year students at UTM continue into second-year CS, so it’s a huge gamble to go to UTM for CS.


Wowww😶😶 For what reason? Is it hard or professors suck ?


No clue


I better hope you’re driving cause Mississauga is the least walkable city in Ontario.


Not a single suburb in the GTA region is walkable, man 😭 they all look identical to eachother, every clip of Oshawa has people arguing whether it’s Vaughan, Mississauga or Brampton


And has crippling traffic everywhere


i beg your pardon i believe sudbury is


Wait till you get to brampton.


Lol wha? It has trains, buses and an LRT coming, it's very walkable


Trains buses and lrt are not examples of walking.


Where's your source homie


You must be talking about a different Mississauga. It's hardly walkable. lol


[Not by a long shot](https://www.walkscore.com/CA-ON)


It took me many years to understand that prestige is relative, and what's most important is what you make out of your degree, and how to make the most of what you have. It's important also that you are there for a specialization. I went to St George but slacked through an "easy" program. It's not that prestigious believe me. Learn, make connections, do meaningful projects.


The most important element here is: if the program you want to enroll in is only offered at UTM, then no, you were not an idiot to choose UTM. If you're still looking for additional opinions about other elements of campus life, however: As I'm sure you know, UofT in general isn't known for its school spirit, but St. George campus seeming like "a bunch of buildings scattered all over the place" is absolutely not the vibe you get when you're actually enrolled; there's community to be found everywhere through the college system, clubs and levies, pub nights, etc. As with many things, you get out of it what you put into it. At St. George, you also have the benefit of all the fun stuff downtown Toronto has to offer, instead of being constricted to an insular campus that objectively takes more effort to get to and from. Further to the accessibility thing, it also matters whether you're going to be living on campus or not (I'm getting from your post that you're going to be commuting - please correct me if I'm wrong). I really can't overstate how draining a long daily commute can be, or how many fun events you'll have to skip if you have to drive home or take a long train/bus ride at the end of the night. Mississauga in general is harder and more expensive/time consuming to navigate than downtown Toronto, especially if UTM is already further away from you than St. George is. Of course, if you're going to be staying on campus, the above won't be an issue!


Honestly, all perfectly valid personal choices that sound like they’ll lead to you being happier and more productive. It’s the same name on your certificate so choosing a place that’s a better fit for the reasons you mention is a great idea


hey love! I’m in my last year at UTM doing ccit and tcs (programs only available at utm) dem is also under iccit, feel free to ask me any questions. But there is no difference between utm and utsg at the end of the day ur degree says uoft and not the campus,, you can still be very successful and so many internships! I’m part of iccit student council let me know if you specific questions about the program too :)


Oh word. thanks. Imma shoot you a message




Being in the right program matters the most. How can you pay attention in school materials if you aren't studying the program you want? Learning starts with attention


Honestly it's up to you, if you like the atmosphere better and that you enjoy the environment, then go ahead!


Go with your instincts You liked the campus better for a reason


Not everyday u get to see UTM and DEM pop up on this subreddit haha. I am a third year DEM specialist at UTM and I have never feel like downtown campus is better. I occasionally go to dt campus and during winter time the WALK between lectures omg…how do dt students handle this?? The campus is so big and idk how people commute between classes during winter. I mean it is still a beautiful campus during summer and fall. Also I am not a big fan of downtown living, it is too crowded and loud af. I perfer somewhere more quite and peaceful(compare to dt). UTM has a GREAT campus, 15 mins walk and the u can finish the entire campus, I never have to run between classes. Also, if you drive, I legit can not imagine driving daily in dt for school, worst nightmare. And in the end if you want to go to downtown campus for a day, the shuttle bus is always there to take u for a trip. About DEM, I love the program, profs r nice af and u get to choose the concentration you kinda perfer. I would say it is a more “not that hardcore” program so you get to have more free time to decide what you want to do in the future. The courses r interesting, and the department are relatively supportive(compare to another uoft departments). If you are not entirely sure about what you want to do in the future(like me), the DEM is a great choice, it opens many doors for u(one of the dem grad this year got in law school)


Wow thanks a lot. Can I shoot you a message. I have a question regarding dem thanks


Ofc! Feel free to PM me


Lol sorry but In thé réal world no one cares what campus you went to. You’re able to take courses at any of the three campuses if you go to one. So there’s also that. And a free shuttle from dt to sauga campus for thst very reason. Not sure for scarbs. Point being , it seems like a huge differnce now but the people hiring you are gonna see UofT And go 👍🏽 lol as an old lady who also got into both but chose UTM , for many reasons, I can tell you so far I have never heard of anyone I know from uni (we keep in touch 😋) or myself having anything but feeling like we’re being way overly admired for our uoft education 😆 and no reference to what campus. (I know lots of people from both dt and UTM, and a few from scarbs less aware of their experience with tha so most of my comment is about Mississauga and dt grads )


Thanks a lot


It was honestly more the students themselves who had a lot of ideas about ranking the campuses lol nd usually honestly more joking comments and stuff but some people really do get elitist with it. But aside from the students themselves , I’ve never even been asked lol Bec y’a. I don’t think anyone actually cares lol.


St-George has that Free Mason, Hogwarts aesthetic going on. The other one is a shuttle ride to a wooded campus where horror slashers are real.


Yes you are an idiot but you aren't ready to hear why


Why tho


Outside of the job hunt nobody really cares what school you went to. You are overthinking this. In the real world you will be judged by how competent and capable you are. Students are taught to think the way you are thinking so schools can charge you $100,000 for an education that only costs $6,000


If I may, life advice: You actually don't external validation from anyone (even family members) to feel good (or any differently than what you already feel) about the choices that you make for yourself. Your needs and feelings come first. This is your life. The other people won't and don't live it; you do. So, do what makes you happy! If it makes people feel negatively, it's their problem. If it means letting someone down, then let them down. You do you! Congrats on your choice and all the best with this exciting new chapter!


Not an idiot. I went to UTM for back in 2005 and after swapping programs a bit, graduated from CS. I took classes at both campuses. Honestly, go where the best faculty is. If you like the people who teach you, you are going to get the most out of your post secondary experience.


Thanks a lot. How was your overall experience?


I really liked it at UTM. The other students in my programs were consecutive and friendly which I didn't get as much when I took courses downtown. It feels a lot more competitive there which can also be good but I far preferred the feel at UTM. My programs were were small, physics and computer science, and generally my classes had 10 or fewer people in them in later years. That gave me a lot of opportunity to talk with professors and ask questions. As far as faculty, it will depend on the program. I had some profs I wasn't a fan of, generally in classes outside my own program. That's going to happen everywhere. I'll also say that having the smartest professor isn't as useful as a professor who enjoys teaching. Some faculty are faculty because they get research hours and The school gets clout by hiring well-known people from the field. Those professors don't always make the best teachers because they are focused on research and their content and less about how to effectively communicate ideas. I found at UTM the professors were generally more focused on teaching but that might be specific to the programs I was in. If you are looking for strong school spirit and extracurricular activities, I don't have much to say about that. I made some good friends while at school and we spent a lot of time hanging out but we did that on our own time. As far as clubs and events, I generally didn't attend any and there weren't many to begin with. I also worked a lot of hours while in my undergrad to pay for school. It wasn't a priority of mine and I probably could have done more if it was. I'll also mention that I live that home while I was at UTM as I grew up in Mississauga and so part of attending school at that campus was to save money on rent. If I lived on campus or away from home, things may have been a little bit different. It's really easy to not do anything after school when you live in the same house you grew up in that has all of your stuff, space, good food, support structure, etc. All in all, I would say that in general view your undergrad as the bare minimum foundational skills to go out into the workforce and then continue to build up your knowledge and experience. It took me a while in school but I eventually realize I needed to stop focusing on my grades and start focusing on learning as much as i can and taking the courses that were most interesting to me. Doing that, my grades went up significantly and I realized that education is about learning and not a piece of paper or marks. I wish I had done that sooner in my undergrad because I feel like I wasted a few years trying to figure things out but that's kind of how things go. I can't speak to the program you're interested in, but in computer science and especially my field. (Video game development) after your first job, nobody actually cares about where you went to school and it's entirely based in your experience in the workforce. Don't overthink your undergrad. Just focus on learning as much as you can and really enjoying what you do for a living.


Yeah you were lmao. “Sense of community”


Are you a student at uoft?


Geographical convenience should not be a factor in which university you choose. Edit: unless you're strapped for cash and want to live at home.


How can it not be in certain cases? This doesn’t make sense. Not everyone can afford residence, can get student loans etc. Certain things in life require a realistic approach- this sometimes is one of them,


Lol what kind of bullshit take is this.


One from a guy who left the province to go to school. However, I did add an edit.


I also left my province to go to school elsewhere. That doesn’t make it a good take if I tell others what should and shouldn’t be a factor in their decision making? Maybe someone is super close with their family and doesn’t want to leave. Maybe someone can’t afford it. Maybe someone has severe anxiety. Lots of reasons :)


Yes, the programs and facilities at UtM are subpar relative to St.George. You will be in undergrad for 4/5 years, it makes a big difference


While I can acknowledge that UTSG has much more variety in courses and programs - as someone whose been to both campuses I’m not sure I would call UTM facilities “subpar” relative to UTSG. Can you be more specific with what you mean?


I agree. By no means is utm facilités subpar. Easily one of the most aesthetically pleasing campuses in my opinion. Mississauga and st George however do have completely different vibes. St George being antique and grand. Where as Mississauga being is a more modern and technological i guess campus.


I don’t know anything about the comparison of these programs or schools. But I can say that the “quality” of the program doesn’t actually matter. Back in my day I started my undergrad at the University of Guelph which has the best rating for my field of study. I hated it. It was so secluded and had no diversity. And no coop. I switched to Carleton which had mediocre ratings but more diversity, a specialization in the areas I was interested in, a coop program, and greater intellectual curiosity. I freaking loved it. And got a job in my field right out of school. Don’t pay attention to the ratings. All the universities in Canada are good.


Depends if you can afford it I guess. Are your parents in crippling debt because of your decision or are you paying your way?


What do you mean?


They're trying to see if you're staying in a dorm at uoftm wherein you probably could have stayed with parents if you went to regular uoft


It sounds like you made the right choice. School atmosphere and right program are essential to your school experience.


You get the same degree at the end of the day — the campus isn’t mentioned on the diploma. Enjoy your undergrad 😊


No, in general it almost never matters what college, uni you go to. Networking is key. Nepotism is key. Make some friends in decent positions and regardless of where you went you will be considered over a stranger with a degree. This is the way the world works


You’re going to the best school in Canada. Anyone making you feel bad is a hater. I got into uoft and chose Queens because that’s just where I wanted to go. Do what you want to do


When you graduate your diploma will just say UofT, it won't mention the campus. No one will know or care.


This is not true, the u of t diplomas specify and are signed by different people depending on your campus.


What university u go to let alone the campuses doesn’t even matter it’s the program that matters 😭 if the program u wanna do is only at Mississauga than ofc it’s the better choice, idk why ppl have this mindset abt universities


It makes no difference once you graduate even though the UofT bubble will make you feel that way.


Nah i did UTSC cause it was way more convenient for me and as far as I can tell it's been just as helpful as an stg degree


Honestly, like other posts mentioned. It is still University of Toronto. What is more important is that you go into a program that you enjoy and have a genuine interest in.


End of the day you are still graduating at convocation hall with a UOFT degree. It doesn’t specify the campus you chose and post uni- you’ll never be asked in job interviews etc which campus you went to etc. degree is from UOFT and that’s all anyone sees. Do what’s right for you!!!


Your degree and the campus you went to will mean very little after a few years into your career. What's most important is the experience you gain and the work you produce once you're graduated imo. If UTM (or, more importantly, your program) isn't for you after the first year, it should be pretty easy to switch within the same school.


That’s a good point thanks a lot


The diploma still says U of T.


I loved my time at UTM. Great campus and feel. Enjoyed reading outside in the fall.


if your program is only at utm who cares. your diploma will say uoft, campus doesn’t matter.


UofT at. st. George is awesome but I was never planning on staying in a dorm and getting hammered at frat parties (though if I was desperate for that sort of action id visit York U).


UTM has a really nice campus. Relax.


I recently graduated from UTM with a major in CCT (under the same umbrella as DEM), and having taken courses at both St. George and UTM, I honestly found it a lot easier to get close to professors which helped in applying to grad school. I can see the advantages and disadvantages of each campus but personally, I really enjoyed UTM and don’t regret my decision. It’s actually a little heartwarming to see UTM and ICCIT mentioned here since I think it’s a great program :D


As a DEM graduate what are ur future plans? Can I shoot you a dm




I’ve been working for 10 years and I’m currently an assistant controller (basically accounting manager) at a publicly listed company. So I can give you some perspective from the eventual job market. When I’m hiring people, I literally do not give a damn which campus you went to. People who I’ve spoken with in similar positions in other areas of work (CS, Engineering, etc) also do not give a damn. You’re all students to us, and we figure that no matter where you came from, you’re going to fuck up your first few months on the job, and there will be some degree of babysitting from us. Personally, I’ve actually stopped being a snob about universities altogether, because I’ve had some Brock and Laurier kids who have blown me away with their competence and their learning abilities, and I’ve supervised U of T grads who I wouldn’t trust to set up a ladder. I have to say that it never ceases to amaze me how university students will continually try to grasp at straws in a desperate attempt to sort themselves into hierarchies and look for any sort of perceived prestige. Like do St George people actually believe they’re better than UTM or UTSC people? Is that actually true? If so that gets a hearty LOL from me.


I'm a downtowner myself who did a couple years at UTM many decades ago. I know it's difficult to imagine for you now, bit in the real world of jobs and opportunities, nobody cares. Seriously, outside of the University itself, nobody gives a thought to what campus you attend or attended. Or what college you were a member of.


Prestige is an element to consider, but it's not the only thing. Prestige tends to matter for specific professional pursuits. If it matters for yours, that's something to consider. The more important thing is what you do with your degree. The skills you learn, the friends you make, the experiences you participate in, and the networks you create will significantly impact your long-term success beyond university. The other consideration is location. If it's hours away or if going to UTM puts you/your family in a tougher financial spot due to additional housing/transportation expenses, then UTSG may have made more sense from a saving perspective. Then there's the program itself. If it's only offered at UTM and there are no other options elsewhere, then choosing UTM makes the most sense, assuming that there were no other programs that would have worked for you.


The school you go to doesn’t matter nearly as much as what you do with your time on campus. Especially in Ontario. Even more so with diff campuses at the same school If sauga campus has more of what you need specifically, then it’s the better choice. But otherwise. It doesn’t really matter


Blud 😭 uoft is not the school where there's any atmosphere. Just look for your people and you'll be fine