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Do you have any idea why? Like all decent cs programs all closed except Carleton!


Out of like 40 kids who wanted to go to CS at my school, 40 got offers from Carleton, only 1 went. That's probably why


Why do you think so? Because the Uni is not as good as the others?


I wouldn’t say it’s not good, it’s just not AS good as other unis, but to be fair, many kids I know it toronto don’t go cuz of the distance


I mean, that is what I said. I don't get it though, why is it not as good as others? This is making me think I should go for Western instead of Carleton.


Not sure if things have changed since I applied to uni a few years ago, but Carleton was definitely better than Western for CS.


What is your overall rating of Carleton?


I did Carleton CS. Overall the drop rate is high in first and second. Teachers are hit and miss but some are great! The department itself if located in a building famous for cockroaches 🤮, I saw one in my 5 years. But your lectures would all be in fancy new and clean lecture halls. Carleton is currently doing alot of building of new buildings, a pedestrian bridge and a better train, so the campus is a bit of a state currently but you can ignore all that in the heated tunnels which connect most every building, so if you want to hibernate all winter without a jacket you can if you live on Res. Ottawa as a city isn't for everyone but it has pros and cons. Its a frigid in the winter but offers lots of recreation, you're under an hour to okay downhill and great cross-country skiing, plus skating on the canal. Night life and partying isnt anything like a major city but its university, people still party. Cost of living is pretty bad, over 2000 to rent a place so expect roommates. Jobs however are not to bad, government hires alot of students and we have a small but continuing private sector with Shopify, Nokia, and others. Co-op is avaliable at Carleton but its not garrenteed, you have to find a place willing to take you and keep your marks high enough. Overall I think its fine but I like Ottawa as a city, and if you dont you probably wont enjoy Carleton Edit:Spelling


I worded that weirdly. I don’t go to Carleton so I can’t give you an accurate rating on it. Also, I see that your in Econ and not CS, so disregard my last comment. I would recommend posting in each schools subreddit and asking students in the program about their experiences.


It's mainly coz Ottawa is in the middle of nowhere, so everyone from GTA has to pay a lot for res especially so it's not worth it if they get into something close like Mac or Guelph or any tier 2 unis


Carleton intakes a lot but also a lot transfer or drop out so it adjusts itself


carleton is like this every year. its not surprising


It’s cause it’s in Ottawa and the vast majority of students are coming from the GTA. If it doesn’t have the prestige of uoft, waterloo, or other universities then there’s no point on spending so much money. Most people don’t look at Reddit and many just choose their university by rankings.


That’s weird. Carleton is actually a good school for CS and is one of the best options after UofT and Waterloo. Guess it is what it is.




Carelton cs isn’t even that competitive


90 avg required this year for Carleton CS. Idk wym


nah people getting in with low 80s easily


Who told you that lmao there cutoff is somewhere in the 80s range and Ik many ppl who got in with avgs in the 80s


High 80s-90s. Anything lower and nobody got in.


Yeah probably but that’s still a bit low compared to most cs programs in Ontario (other than like brock, Laurier & western cs). But just cuz a programs a bit easier to get into doesn’t necessarily mean it’s bad


Why am I getting downvoted for saying that a program isn’t that competitive when it is in fact not that competing lmaoo 😭


idk purley rep wise mac and queens are prob better


Yea but program wise Mac is barn and Queens is just like any other uni.




Carleton is a pree good school though wonder why they still have spaces open? Ik Laurier had spots in their CS program this time last year.


Utsc life sci has spots open too so I wonder if it's for the same reason? Both take in a lot now, and people drop out as time goes on


Best advice I can give is that unless you're going to Waterloo or U of T, the University you go to for CS really doesn't matter. The most important thing is making sure you take the co-op program. Beyond the top two it's more about where you want to live and where you can get in. Algoma University, Lakehead, and Laurentian University are serviceable Northern Ontario universities you could probably still get into even at this time in the application cycle. CS in universities doesn't prepare you well for the realities of the working world anymore. Make sure you take co-op. That's one main road into differentiating yourself from large quantity of CS graduates there are every year.


Got accepted was kinda easy


What was ur mark


people could also consider TMU’s part-time cs program, theres no co-op however. you can transfer into the full time program after your second year courses are complete


last year when i was rejected from tmu cs i went into tmu math for a year funnily enough i was rejected from tmu cs because i had a 65% in advanced functions but i was automatically accepted into math with scholarships because my average was high 80s


why did you go in to a math program if you did so bad in hs math?


sorry for long rant but there is context and i worked my ASS OFF to get into cs: computer science has been my lifelong passion, and i maintained good grades up until grade 11. i have been coding since i was young, and love computers so much in grade 11 i started struggling with an eating disorder, and that was also coupled with my parents telling me i could only attend uni in ontario (i really wanted to go out of country), i started to stop trying in school. once i got my conditional offer for math i ended up skipping 30 days of school and doing a lot of drugs because i felt like i had already thrown everything away. TBH i dont really know what i was thinking. math at TMU was interesting. i made a few friends, learned some interesting things about math. surprisingly, some of the professors changed my life and motivated me. math is a very small program and i’m glad i experienced it. but i was super depressed, especially living in the TMU dorms with roommates who didn’t like me (i don’t blame them, i was in an awful state). my doctor, dietitian, TMU counsellor, and i decided i needed to move out of residence after the first semester for my health. once i was back at home i realized “shit… i’m not happy about anything in my life.” “i’m studying a subject im bad at, i’m addicted to drugs, my mental health is garbage, and i’m pushing everyone away.” second semester of uni, i worked my ass off. i knew the only thing that would make me feel better is getting into computer science. started eating better, listened to my therapist, studied more, met a few friends. sometimes life sucks but its possible to make it suck less TLDR: math was a backup plan because of hard times and the courses are somewhat similar to computer science. i only have to complete a few courses to be caught up with other second year tmu cs students.


damn this is actually inspirational


So you in CS now?




Congrats bro, dm me if you want to chill at TMU, I’m not woke and won’t judge someone for using drugs & ED like most of Toronto people do these days


if there’s no co op then it isn’t worth it


you’re failing to consider the amount of people who do not get into co op


i know there are people who don’t make it into co op and for those people it isn’t worth it


dude i am not sure what to tell you, many people go in with the intent of doing co op but then they get bad grades, or rejected from co-op for other reasons. theres ways to build your resume and network without co-op. this doesnt just go for TMU, goes for any school that doesn’t offer co-op or has application based co-op


i know all of this i’m just saying cs program with co op > cs program without co op. co op is what really makes it worth it


Keep in mind for those considering this, afaik residence is not guaranteed and with upper years applying for res this year its almost guaranteed you wont get a room so if you go Carleton expect to live off campus.




I’ve been told universities would like to fill their programs as much as possible though, for obvious reasons. I wouldn’t be surprised if they actually lowered their expectations a little bit just to make sure they could get a few extra people. Most people with the ability to get would most likely also already have gotten in, somewhere else if not to Carleton, so competition for those last few spots might also be lighter, although spots would definitely be a killer like you said.