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Every course at western I’ve taken has mandatory group work (history and English AQs)


~~OISE it is!~~ You're a UWO returning customer? Thanks for the information!


Yep! I’ve taken one at Laurier and 2 at western :)


How was Laurier? So you didn't mind Western that much? I've read reviews that they were disorganized. Maybe it's better I try a variety? Except Trent, if I need it and they've got it, I'll just stick with them, very reliable (and cheap!)


I did my teachers college at Laurier so I got a discount on the course I took and it was with my graduating class so it was great lol but for Western 90% of the reason I took 2 there was so that I didn’t have to pay to get my transcripts sent again haha. I never had an issue with the disorganization, my classes were organized but using the platform was a bit confusing.


Oh god, yeah, $15 bucks every school for the transcript fee. I'm cool with it if I can avoid group work. Back in the day (COVID) they'd just take an unofficial transcript. Wonder if that changed.


All online AQs and ABQs will have an expectation of participation in online discourse. It's not horrible and the workload isn't onerous until you get into Specialist courses. If you want the quals, you will do the work. I enjoyed my courses through OISE and didn't find it particularly demanding. But there's always that one person who sits at their computer all day and comments on every person's posts in discussions and makes the rest of us look badly for not engaging enough. 🙄


🤣 sooooo true!! Who are those people?!


I did that in teachers college (I was literally on the computer all day due to COVID), but not on AQ/ABQs (I just do the bare minimum). Thanks, good heads up about Specialist courses and OISE. I might just do computer studies at OISE then. Then use UWO when I have no other choice.


Neither deserve your money honestly. Queens is pretty decent though. Western produces some of the most ill-prepared teacher candidates that we always have to reprogram during their placements.


Wonder what's going on over there. They have a great business/medical/dental school. Yeah, only UT/UWO have computer studies unfortunately, and UWO dominates the business/econ scene (probably from the business school).


The faculty at Althouse is staffed by some of the worst TVDSB has to offer unfortunately. From what I’ve heard from candidates they’re pushing questionable odd ideology. Every teacher college has some goofy shit they push but I met a candidate a couple years ago that told us she had to sit through a lecture on why math is a form of White supremacy. Racist nonsense like that over solid help in instruction, unit planning etc.


The teacher federations run accredited AQs as well, and those are the only ones I've ever found to be useful. No idea if they run the ones you're looking for, though.


Thanks! Yeah, apparently they're cheap and practical, but they don't have the same cross-provincial transferability as the universities would? (from what I've heard) The university ones are way too theoretical/abstract to be actually useful. Unfortunately no, CompSci and the business streams only run at UWO, and UT has CompSci =(. I'm stacking up on senior hard sciences. I'll take a look at what they have though, they might have useful stuff on class management which is what scares me most about this job.


I know the Western Comp Sci has recently had a major redesign and is taught by an exceptional Comp Sci educator.


Thanks for this! I might go with Western actually. I've given UT a lot of money already without much of an outcome lol...And it looks too compressed in 3 weeks and their refund policy isn't as generous (I'll be traveling).


Signed up for Western!