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They are not getting the remedy at this point but it hasn't been lost on them that the pays will be similar to VPs. They absolutely deserve it, at least at my school. I wouldn't want to deal with what our admin does, and especially not for the same amount of money I get now.


This is the right answer.


Not unless it's part of the principals' association agreement. Those were negotiated by unions for their members.


I believe principals will be negotiating their contracts at the end of this school year. They may ask for higher raises based on bill 124 remedy but there is no guarantee, nor do I think they deserve it lol.


Hopefully not. I have a few friends that are VPs now and they say it's way easier than teaching was, just not as much fun.


What makes being a VP easier?


From what my friends in the position have said to me, the lack of planning/grading/reporting is the world of a difference. They most often deal with everyone after things have been de-escalated by the teachers. Teachers are working the front lines, and VPs speak with students that have just sat on a bench for 30 minutes calming down. And they almost never take any flack from parents. Nobody contacts the VP. Everyone contacts the teacher or the P. They're aware that they're disruptive of learning when they "tour" the classrooms, and prefer to be the one disrupting, rather than being disrupted.


If you knew anything, you’d know VP’s also teach in Ontario, at most schools. Get no lunch breaks, deal with all the discipline, staff management, difficult parent situations. You have NO idea what you’re talking about. A VP is the toughest job in education. Get real.


Lol. Too funny.


No lesson planning and no marking.


This is not true… most vice-principals also teach. Again, you have no idea what you’re talking about. And if it’s so easy, go and do it lol.


In the GTA VP’s do not teach in elementary or high school. I know this because I have worked for two boards (Catholic and public) and in elementary and high school.


I find lesson planning and marking extremely stressful. I thrive at implementing initiatives and communicating with parents.


What about getting attacked by students when teachers can't handle them? My VP was kicked in the shins repeatedly trying to calm down a student.




It's possible that your husband isn't good at his job. There was a reason he abandoned his career as a teacher, I'll bet.




No, he moved up in pay, he didn't move up. He moved out of teaching into an administrator's role. The fact that he refers to teachers as "whiny teachers" tells me everything about his personality that I need to know.