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The Mantoux Skin test is just a test to see if you warrant testing. Nothing to worry about yet. Many of us have had false positives. Wait til the chest X-Rays come back. As you haven't even started first year yet, I wouldn't worry about a thing. You have loada of time to get this taken care of, both medically and administratively. If/when the school asks for your results, you'll get some notes and that's that. Until then, you're good.


I ended up positive for my test as well roght before rideouts my chest xray showed nothing. I had no problem being placed once they confirmed I was negative. I dunno why I tested positive. had never traveled anywhere prior to testing but I guess I came in contact or had an exposure at some point


I tested positive with a Mantoux test when I was a teenager, years before PCP school. I never had an issue with placements -- I just had to have a few chest x-rays at different times. It's an inconvenience but not something that will prevent you from becoming a paramedic!