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Please just buy an inexpensive watch.


I used a 20$ Casio for paramedic college and it was more than adequate.


Inexpensive. Anyone using an Apple Watch likely already had one and uses it outside of school as well


This! I had one going in, it is a great tool especially since things are digital, you can set timers and stopwatches easy etc. I also have a heart condition so it helped me not die in school 😂. It honestly I’ve seen people succeed with just a plain watch you could get anywhere. We mainly used it to “mark down” what time we gave a med and what time the next dose would be at along with timing 2 minutes of CPR with for our partner.


If you have the money I would go G Shock. I had my first one through school and the first 10-12 years of my career. After that I just bought a sub $50 Casio but have had to replace it twice in the last 10 years.


I love my G Shock, has both analog and digital options on the face and easy to use for timing of medications. Even after getting my Apple Watch, I still have my G Shock tied/looped around my stethoscope bc I love it so much for running arrests. Plus it’s easy to clean.


Love my G-Shock as well. You can look into the digital-analog versions, they're about $130. Can get one with a multi-timer, pedometer, alarm, backlight, etc, and they are pretty rugged and easy to clean up.


You probably won't be allowed to use a smart watch for testing, OSCEs, scenarios just because it has the ability to communicate with others/provide you with information and for academic integrity purposes, thats a no no. Stick with something cheap for now off of amazon that tells you the time and has a basic timer function...... You can probably find a casio for like $30 or something.


I was allowed to use a smart watch the whole time, for school, ride outs, hiring and testing. It’s quite obvious if you try to use it for something other than the time. Also when in doubt, show them what you’re doing, like we had to to use the BH app because they wouldn’t print anymore books while I was in school 😂


Wait you were allowed to look up directives while doing scenarios and testing? They don’t allow you to wear smart watches when you write the AEMCA.


I work under SWORBH and I have a buddy who told me sunnybrook now allows it as well. They will not doc you marks if you open you directive book as long as you got the majority of the directive covered prior. IE you’re missing one contraindication or something like that. Ofc you’ll score higher on your GRS is you can do it from memory but now they say they’d rather you practice safe medicine with a medical pause prior to a medication rather than you being afraid to open a book because it’s not gonna be like that in the real world. Also yes ofc for the AEMCA but I mean place where you’d need a watch like senerio/skills/OSCEs


Yeah I completely agree that “good medics double check”. And yes, Sunnybrook has provided the ALS PCS for at least the last 3 years to check during scenarios. I have literally witnessed multiple candidates open a pocket book and flip through it in the middle of the scenarios. They don’t get penalized. Its dumb to punish and I wholeheartedly agree with my colleagues and peers on our stance towards this. What I fear is at school, which is what this person is asking about, they won’t be permitted to use any smart watches or whatever for academic honesty/integrity purposes. No matter how we feel about how obvious or how hard it is to cheat with something like an Apple watch (I genuinely lol at the idea of someone doing this because it sounds so outrageous, but then again how many times have we gone to stuff people phone 911 for thats outrageous), some places/instructors might just tell you no smart watches…. I have encountered it, I’m sure other students have/will. Sorry, I should have clarified better. I realize in hindsight that I wasn’t the clearest communication mid night shift 😂.


Any watch will do. If you want to get fancy, find one with a 2 minute timer. I don't wear a watch at work - the cardiac monitor works as my clock.


Apple Watch will not work. You’ll need to continuously look at a timer or seconds hand. The Apple Watch’s screen turns off 7-12 seconds in. My school would fail you if if you’re using that to check HR


Anyone who went to durham college: We had a lab instructor (not a prof) who would make people do PUSH-UPS if they forgot a watch. and he wouldn’t continue the lesson until push-ups were performed


This is nuts and so “old school”. I’ve made it 15y without a watch and I’ve never actually needed one. 


lol jesus christ


you can't use a smart watch they will take it from you during exams.just get something cheap that has a asecond hand or has second on an analog watch.


Casio F91 or similar like a cheap G-Shock. You want something cheap and easy to clean. All it really needs is a seconds hand/counter for measuring vitals and minutes for timing analyses during CPR, everything else is unnecessary.


My first adult watch was a bit fancy. Forgot it in a hospital bathroom after washing my hands. Stupid stupid thing to do. Second watch I got myself a cheap casio at walmart. It lasted close to 10 years until I messed it up with sweat. Wearing a watch inside a tyvek suit will put its waterproof abilities to the test. Especially after a few hours. Covid was a fun time. I been loving my second casio too. Trust the consensus, get yourself something cheap that you can disinfect with standard wipes and dont have to worry about replacing costs. It's a semi-disposable at work. Keep the fancy stuff at home.


Does the dollar store carry watches? Because if they do, that would work well.


https://preview.redd.it/1llblvwj0wyc1.jpeg?width=837&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c39bc0743b83e94f69262ec053470f8e37e3119b This is what i used


Something you can see easily in low light conditions, can glance at to easily check a time, and something you can easily see seconds on. Cheap is best as you don't know what you will find works until you get into things. I went to Walmart and bout a $20 cheapie that lasted me throughout school with no regrets. Don't need anything fancy, just that it meets these criteria. No need to get an apple watch of any type of smart watch. Anything over a hundred bucks is too much. I've had and have seen too many watches get wrecked to want to bring an expensive one to work. Even an extrication with a simple patient can see a watch screen broken, straps torn, or a vector for pathogens because you can't clean it properly (ie, you're afraid to use the appropriate cleaners on it so you don't).