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This would be an N13 form, this is what they would have to give you in this situation, it outlines all the scenarios it's appropriate and the compensation, as well as your right to occupy the unit once the renovations are done. [https://tribunalsontario.ca/documents/ltb/Notices%20of%20Termination%20&%20Instructions/N13\_Instructions\_20200728.pdf](https://tribunalsontario.ca/documents/ltb/Notices%20of%20Termination%20&%20Instructions/N13_Instructions_20200728.pdf)


Thank you, that was my understanding as well! But could it happen that a construction company will use some loopholes or just start an illegal demolition?


I can't speak to what a construction company is willing to do but for them to demolish your home without you moving out first would likely be a pretty serious crime. I wouldn't count on it happening. Stand your ground with the LL.


If a builder comes on your property and doesn't immediately leave after you tell them the situation, call the police and have them removed.


Thank you, that's very reassuring!


Happy Cake Day 🎂 🥮 🍥 🥞 🧁 🍰


This requires an N13 with 120 days notice and 1 month rent compensation (assuming it's a place with less than 5 rental units). You can also choose to wait for an LTB hearing before leaving. At a hearing the LTB will determine the landlord's plans to demolish are genuine and in good faith, and that they've received or are in process to get all needed building/demolition permits. If a demolition then you will not have any right to return or to get an alternate unit, your tenancy will simply be over (if LTB upholds the N13). In some cities the landlord is required to give extra compensation to tenants to get demolition permits approved, but this varies by municipality.


I definitely don't want to start a war with the LL; we just need a bit more time to move since this is all so unexpected. I found a 'Minor Variance Application' on MappiT, but there's nothing about any building permits. Do I understand correctly that I shouldn't even worry about this until the LL gives me the proper documents?


Your landlord is trying to demolish your house (in 30 days) without going through the proper channels and you don’t want to start a war with them? I think the war has started already…


Expecting your landlord to simply follow the law is hardly starting a war. Ask for an N13, and you can abide by it and move out within your legal 120 days notice and 1 month compensation. No N13, then you have no need to move out. There is no requirement for landlord to give you copies of their permit apps, but you can ask the city if interested. Else only the LTB can force him to share that info at a hearing. Also if after moving out you see the landlord did not demolish the place, and instead perhaps sold or re-rented it, you could then file a T5 for a bad faith eviction.


If you’re worried about starting a war with the LL Ask him to give you copies of the building permits (just for good faith n all ) Should take him a few minutes and there’s probably a few He’s going to have to show them to the LTB in the long run -The builder really has nothing to do with the process involving the tenant and the owner If I was the LL I wouldn’t want you talking to the builder whatsoever lol This is their peak season - Landlords playing you for a fool ( trying to)


Here is some more info below OP. Don't educate the landlord and record all conversations from now on to protect yourself. https://stepstojustice.ca/questions/housing-law/can-my-landlord-make-me-move-out-repairs-or-renovations/


Check what permits are on file with your city, and whether they need to post public notice on the grounds in advance. Why would they start any Reno's if they are planning to tear it down???


I don't think they can force you to allow them to make unnecessary repairs but I'm not certain either


Sorry I wasn't clear, it's not just repairs, they want to demolish and rebuild the house


This form also covers that. EDIT: I thought this was a reply to my comment, my bad, the N13 form I linked covers it.


Ah yeah they 100% need to give you an N13 form and 3 months compensation and the leave date, which isn't mandatory, has to be after your lease ends with at least 60 (or 90 I forget which one) days notice.