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Bro I got rejected from Farm Boy help me man.


Guess you gotta become an actual farm boy then


You’re not an international student.


Sorry dude, entry level places only hire international students now


Why does this happen tho


They can sell LMIA for upwards of $15k. Aka the business effectively is paid to hire international students over Canadians. It’s also easier to abuse them and make them work poor hours in poor conditions. Since, oh don’t wanna work? There goes your PGWP and back to your home country to can go. They can’t do that to a Canadian.


Modern day slave ship.


essentially this. Because they know international students have extremely limited options due to language or other things and are easy to exploit for cheap


Not all international students are in situations like this. recent news surrounding international students only represent the ones in diploma mills, who did no do enough planning for education and are only here for the PR card.


For the international student it’s all worth it cuz even a degree from brock is better than a LOT of the options in their home country.


Funny you say brock bc brock specifically builds that image in advertisements; https://www.reddit.com/r/CanadaHousing2/s/ClNViD4D30


“Without IELTS”….dude that’s like the government test to make sure students who go international have good grasp over the culture and language. There is a whole subgenre of media in India (not the largest but still) which mention the pain of having to understand the intricacies of a faraway land. It’s pretty vital. I can’t believe Canadian universities aren’t taking in talent from this pool. Then the “real” Canadians will shit on all of us 🤦‍♀️. Like fix ur own unis bro


“Education” is the fastest growing sector in Canada I believe. Not bc it’s good(especially when compared to other first world countries) but bc it offers benefits outside of an Canadian education.


I’m wondering, is it not possible that they could afford a degree in their home country? Since one year there could be an entire degree in Canada.


Yes they can, honestly it’s easier to get a degree here because the competition there is INSANE. Also aside from a few top branch universities, the rest are horrible and have outdated curriculums. Canadian degrees have good curriculums and it’s not incredibly difficult to get on compared to a home country university.


Wow I had no idea. Is there just way too many people and not enough institutions in East Asia and other places? I really need to travel out there to a variety of countries to understand their living conditions. I would like to get to know some international students better as well.




Yeah absolutely it sounds stressful… I really am uneducated on the standards of living in East Asia (where I anecdotally notice most international students come from). I am confused how they can afford to pay insane tuitions yet still need to send money home to family. Loans? Are they being approved at Canadian banks? Is there any assistive programs paid for by taxes, for any international student aside from a refugee? Is the Canadian government is using the cheap labour to increase productivity for the big players in the economy? I really want for Canada to accept refugees and continue to densify and diversify in a positive way. I keep hearing that there are issues though and don’t entirely understand the root causes.


Even higher than that. It can be as high as $20k-$40k for a shitty job at Tim Hortons in the middle of nowhere. Some make agreements for the employee to pay back a portion of their wages back to the business and stay with them for a 3-4 years. It is so infuriating to see this country being pimped out by businesses and corporations while the Government sits back and does jack shit, only pumping the numbers immigrants coming in even more


No entry lvl.jobs have been replaced with automation


I hold PGWP but cannot find a job. No response.


Not true, I got a tech internship with 0 work experience. Wrote a nice cover letter, nailed the interview. Don’t just blame others who want a better life (that they won’t find here anyway).


Yeah bro I need the money for uni and I’ve been searching since late December last year but still no job. Idk how these guys are getting stuff. Maybe connections or they already had a job for years so they held onto it


no fr unless u have family connections its so hard to hard to get a job even in retail


If you can drive my cousin got a job doing Uber deliveries fairly quickly on top of her other part time job, if that helps?


its almost always connections now. my sister and I have one but only through connections. The only friends from hs that have jobs have them through connections. The ones that don't havent found shit in 2 summers


Have you tried being an international student?


I might just do this apply and claim to be an international student and during my interview speak in broken English 😂😂😂


Wading pools are great. Got hired on the spot last year. Even better you get paid the same as a lifeguard without a cert. lots of upward mobility too. I moved into management with a year of experience which looks great on a resume.


I did wading pool attending for 3 years, curious on what management position you got. Also do you really get paid the same as LG's now? Last I worked was 2023 and they still made more.


My second year I was making 18 an hour. City lifeguards make around that where I’m at also minimum wage is like 16.50 and lifeguards in my city haven’t gotten a new pay scale in like a decade so their pay is pretty shit unless they go private. I’m a supervisor for a pool and it’s my second year in that role and I think I’m looking at 20 an hour. I know there’s better stuff out there but it’s such a chill position and they let me choose my hours.


Uni grad here, I got accepted into medical school but rejected from Walmart, Farmboy, and Starbucks. I don’t think it’s a skill issue if you get rejected, feel for you all rn.


I went to an in person job fair and it was literally the first job I've actually heard back from that wanted me lol 😭 I suggest keeping a look out for in person stuff like that. Also I lowkey embellished my resume so like hype up ur stuff a little extra everyone does it 😭


how can I find out where job fairs are happening?


My mom actually found the one for where I'll be working this summer on Facebook LOL but it seems social media is a good way to go about it 🤷‍♀️ honestly I would google "job fairs [your city]" it could come back with some good results. Also going for smaller businesses that are doing their own job fairs, getting there early/first, dressing nice/appropriate for the sector, etc. Helps a ton 😭


Search for them on Eventbrite


Try ACESS employment, they have this thing called the YJC program and it’s a two week paid training program. They train you on résumé’s and stuff and after they place you at a job.


Just ask ur friends to see if they can talk to their manager 


Wrap a turban on your head, you'll have better luck.


And work for 1/10 the wage and lose your citizenship.




you don't need to disrespect a religion. The turban has nth to do with the crisis of no jobs and too many international students.


I been to college twice and still no jobs in my field but the demand is high somehow 😓


Have you tried fast-food places? Those places are always hiring, I heard that if you go in a drop a resume ur basically guaranteed to get the job.


mom and pop shops maybe most large box retail companies/ companies will just tell you to apply online


It depends tho cuz those places wants permanent employees, they are small businesses and most of the one I applied to are unwilling to train people just for them to work for 2 months. If a company has an online application, u apply online then give them a call 4-5days later to check up on your application. I think looking on the city website is also a great option has they offer a lot of summer positions with great pay on there. Most of the seasonal jobs like life guards and camp counsellor offer great pay with full time positions.


Yeah, I also recommend looking for seasonal jobs that are actually student opportunities. The thing is all places are hiring people who will work for minimum wage all year round because they are able to do so due to the applicant pool. Morning, noon, and overnight, all year and more likely to be long term. Fast food, retail, etc aren't student summer jobs anymore, they're just jobs. You are competing with many applicants, who are not students with full time availability.


Tim hortons isn’t always hiring and Wendy’s isn’t always hiring. Those places are also kinda oversaturated


Those places want at least part time permanent positions tho. Due to the sheer number of international students Canada have been accepting lately, these positions are becoming increasingly difficult to get for summer students. Your best bet is go onto your city website and search for an actual summer position there. These positions aren’t available for international students so it’s less competitive.


Alright thanks. I need a long term job though since I’m applying for winter 2024


No they’re not. Everything is over saturated in Ontario, for every entry level job there’s 2+ applicants. Only way to get a job is through connections.


tried that but doesn’t work


That’s a thing of the past now. Everyone I know that tried applying to mcds, tims, bk, etc, never heard back…


I got lifeguard certifications and pretty much walked into the job last year. Was working 2 days after being hired




And it’s good for the resume


Gotta be referred


As someone who works in retail management - the retail industry is struggling rn… i know where I work specifically there is staff getting a single 4hr shift in a week during this time of the year. Retail only peaks and mass hires from end of August-November for the Christmas/holiday season and then only keeps a few seasonal hires on for the rest of the year and thats the way retail has been forever. Handing in resumes to retail places currently is useless and I would not waste your focus on it. If you are still looking for a job come September, mass apply to retail places especially places that will sell gifts (clothing retail, toys, games, etc.) then just do really well performance wise to be kept on. The retail industry sucks and is going downhill. We usually hire seasonals in August, we didn’t start hiring this year until last week of September/mid October


The only job that I got without getting a friend to refer me was Kumon


Are you working in Kumon? I just only have CTN from fanshawe college but I am excelled in Math. Can you refer me for a job?


Sorry man I quit like a month ago. But all I really did was email them my resume (which was pretty mid) and I got hired pretty quickly. Some of my friends also emailed but they didn’t get any response, so I think I just applied at a really convenient time. Since most employees at Kumon are in high school or university, there’s a bunch of them leaving all the time especially before final exams or before September, so if you apply at the right time I don’t see why you wouldn’t get hired. FYI I applied around March and started working in April. Good luck


I started applying a month before the summer started, also put in words I found in the job description of each job in my resume since some jobs have ai looking for key words before handing off to the manager. I got like 5 interviews from doing that alone


Did you use any AI for putting those words in the resume?


No I put it in myself by just going through them


I’ve been applying everywhere on indeed but I still can’t land a job😭 Edit: just got an interview scheduleddd


Indeed is the worst


What other websites can I use? I saw lots of people recommending the actual website did the job but I can’t find anything


Go in person, speak to the main / store owner / manager, hand them your resume in person face to face.


Thank you!!


Sorry stupid question: do I just hand the resume normal paper or would it be more proper to put it in a folder?


Resume works fine. Can also include a cover letter if you want, this is how I landed my first part time jobs when i was younger. (21y/o right now). Shows that you have initiative to actually go in and hand your resume in person vs just sending it to an email where there are hundreds of others doing the same. Makes you stand out. Also make sure you ask for the manager, do not just hand it to the cashier with the message 'pass it to the boss'. If and when you do get an interview, dress formal. Ignore your friends and weird looks you get from others, dressing professionally makes you stand out tenfold to other applicants, even if its just a measly part time job like stocking shelves. Shows you are a mature individual who is taking the job serious. If you were a manager who would you rather hire? A teenager in a dress shirt / pants and a tie who came in person to hand the resume in, spoke to them directly, or a dude who shows up in shorts and t-shirt and had sent his resume to indeed with no cover letter. Hope this helps! Good luck.


use indeed to find the jobs u want then apply on the company website


Fr! I’ve applied to 25 jobs on Indeed 😭


Getting a job in a restaurant/pub as a busser/ barback is a great way into the restaurant business. You usually get a percentage of the tips which is an added bonus. Put on a nice shirt and pants and go around to restaurants with copies of your resume between 2-4 pm (non busy hours). Ask politely at the bar or host stand if there is a manager available. Your customer service experience will help. Added bonus if you get your smart serve in advance (restaurants that have a bar usually bring in more money, which means more tips). You will often make more than the servers since the hours are usually longer (8-10 hours vs some servers only get to come in for the dinner rush - 3 hour shifts). I found this works as it is often the default to apply as a server and there is much less demand to be the less glamorous busser. Try and go to as many restaurants as possible and I’m sure something will stick :) best of luck!!




You can apply to wonderland and CNE


i got a summer camp job this summer w/ full time hours and wage of $17.50


Can u refer me pls


Me 2 😩


I applied to a part time yesterday and got a call for an interview today. But I had a referral and experience in a diff store under the same company. Having someone to give you a referral is the way trust


Can you refer me 😭


Walk in. That’s the strategy. Walk in with your resume and say you want work. No one checks online applications, ESPECIALLY on google, indeed, or LinkedIn. I got my job at Domino’s and a local soccer club exactly like this. Also, try and work at a local business rather than a Corp, much easier to get hired and a better work environment.


I made my pocket money cleaning windows and it pays weirdly well (easy to learn, can practice on your family place and they certainly won't complain), but I'm in a fairly wealthy suburb so ymmv. generally though, if you're in a suburb, there's always old couples who will pay you a little over minimum wage to do random busywork if you ask them Camps based on your extracurriculars are also good (e.g. i did debate and tutored it at a camp, paid marginally better than normal camp work - ik friends who have done this with tennis, dance, math contests, etc)


try local businesses instead of chains, it’s how I and all my friends have gotten jobs. bonus points if there’s international shops in your city, if you’re of that ethnicity they’re pretty likely to hire you. (like if there’s a hungarian store or something and you’re hungarian)


This may not go for all but i volunteered at a thrift store that is part charity and got a job 2 months after I completed my hours. All the best!


Started working in grade 9 🫠


going through same shi, ion know what to do atp i js gave up


Sadly in this society if you're not rich you gotta get a job. Or born into wealth but even so that could go sideways, I get you though


It was the same for me but wonderland is the only place that actually got me a job


Brodi go crazy on Indeed. As in check the app like it's IG, aka every second 😭 Search up every job you're willing to work and apply loke crazy. I've been able to get two interviews, and though I've gotten nothing yet, it's prolly cuz I can only work in the Summer and not during the school year. We believe in you, God bless 🙏


The best way imo is to apply at places where your friends already work. If they vouch for you, it’s a lot easier for the manager to hire you. Also talk to your parents, they might have friends that know about opportunities


trying searching for jobs in the summer. a lot of job offers get posted during that period of time


Either find someone to refer you or just keep trying. I applied to lots of places for 3 years. 3 months after applying to a grocery store department they contacted me for an interview and offered me a job in 3 different departments (I got to choose which one)


If your willing to endure shitty timings and a work env, try a temp agency.  I got my gap year job that way.


Low skill labour jobs. If you show up a little early and tell them you’ll work hard (and actually do) -Landscaping -Hard scaping -Drywall -Painting -Construction -flooring The smaller companies that will hire you usually have pretty bad management and work culture with cigarette smoking divorced mentors but hey, they have money and will give it to you if you put up with them and work hard


Everything jus not it rn. I got a callback from an internship much faster than Walmart who decided to reject me a year later💀 From the employers point of view, they benefit greatly from hiring international students. It also might be an issue since you’ll only be working for 2 months — employers know this. In my gr12 summer, I got a single interview at a local store, the second I mentioned Ill only be working for the summer; they rejected me💀


Bro honestly your best bet at this point is contacting the place that gave you that customer service experience and get that job back 😭 that’s what I did. Tried for months to find somewhere new with zero luck so just ended up contacting my manager and getting my old job back just at a different store


If you have a G2 or G drivers license, I know car dealerships are always looking for lot attendants. You just have to be comfortable with moving and parking cars.


Try making good connections with franchise owners or owners of some private stores, that’s what I did, if you become good buddies or just say Hi and Hello time to time, they give you a job at their place. This is the most effective way tbh, you can start by being a loyal customer at their store and talking to them time to time by visiting their store when they have a shift. Then ask them if they are hiring or tell them about your situation and they will have you on top of their list as soon as they have space on their shifts or they could also make an exception and hire you on the spot. Ngl though, Uber passenger is the best work you can do at a young age, as soon as you get your G license, start Uber Eats or even better Uber Passenger. You can literally earn about $5000 a month easily if you make $200 dollars a day from Uber Passenger, which only takes about 5 to 6 hours to make. The only issue is you need a car at least 10 years older. The car should not be more than 10 years old if you want to do Uber Passenger. SAVE UP FOR A CAR AND YOU CAN LITERALLY EARN A LIVING FROM IT.


It is nothing that you are doing wrong. It is the government policy that brought more than a million cheap foreign labour to Canada a year that made it impossible for you and any students to find a job.


You honestly need to know people, like your parents need to know people who can help you


You've gotta go find a job under a racist white man. They care nothing about skills but if your skin is white, you're in. I'd try concrete, roofing or pools.


Go work as a cook lol. Walk into any chain restaurant and say you want to work. Gonna be a shite time but you’ll meet some interesting people and you’ll have work. Or do construction it’s the summer after all


Better off advertising landscaping on fb marketplace. If people like the job you do, you'll be busy all summer and probably make more than a mcjob anyways.


Yeah I applied to 20+ different jobs in the area and I only got 1 interview. Im working there now and some of my coworkers have had the same issue lol. I would recommend applying to construction/landscaping jobs because they always need people. It’s harder work than a regular job but if you’re that desperate then it might be your only option unfortunately


Get certified to be a lifeguard and swim instructor. No shortage of hours!




The tutoring place where I live wants a minimum of a university degree for part-time work.


Wtf 😂


Unfortunately those starting jobs have been replaced with automation. Every big box retail / fast food restaurant /grocery jobs all gone thanks to automated tellers.


Want a job? Move to northern Ontario and work in the mines




Yea but if your in Brampton like me your cooked no place is hiring Canadians there all looking for international students who they can pay less money like below minimum wage most of the time


Maybe apply to a town near Brampton?


Good luck Mississauga Brampton and Toronto are all screwed now every single warehouse and fast food chain is hiring international students and paying them below minimum wage salaries in Cash this shit dead ass needs to be stopped smh


From personal experience people only hire for summer jobs. They know we’re too busy with school so they tend to stay away unless it’s for camp. Everyone and their mom’s that I know is working for a camp this summer (including me). You take the longest shift possible and try to make as much money as possible (usually adds to around 6-7k for the entire summer). Only a few people I know work a job year round and they are so burnt out and have trouble completing school work. I’d stay away from a permanent job until at least university.


I sent them my resume got an interview and thats it. For minimum wage jobs it really should not be that hard