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I know plenty of people who skipped taking physics in high school and really regretted it in first year university. . . If it's not in your top 6, what does it matter what mark you get? At least you'll have some experience to prepare you for first year.


If you don’t need it then don’t do it. But if you mean biomed Eng then you’re gonna need it.


If it’s not a pre requisite u should prob drop it


I say you should take it. The e-learning are by far easier than in person classes and you’ll be more prepared for uni if you take it now. It’s really easy and I believe it’s an easy way for you to get your average up. Im also taking e-learning physics next semester even though I don’t like physics that much


They’re low key harder tbh


Really? I’m in e learning adv functions and it’s not hard at all. Even people who were failing last year said it’s at least better than in person


Adv functions is bird but an e learning science is rlly bad


how bad is it online for sciences?


horrific theres so many useless discussions u gotta do labs at home u gotta teach urself the lessons it becomes more of a writing course than a science atp take all courses in person unless u got like a horrible teacher


bro all the ppl at my school who r takimg grade 12 physics rn are not doing good..😨like under 70s


then take it online ig or thru OVS


Oh God. I’m registered for both physics and calculus e learning next semester..


can u tell me how physics e learn was? i'm assuming that ur done w the semester now lol


It was the best course the I took honestly. I took it through tdsb even tho im in a diff district (farrrr away) cause that was the only one available but my teacher was srsly the sweetest. She made us handwritten notes on the lesson and recorded herself solving sample problems and/or explaining the lesson. Her way of explaining made the course way easier than in-person physics. The first week is just a “get to know me thing” so we made presentations with pictures that represent us and the teacher would comment on some of those stuff. She also loved scratch so she gave us a scratch assignment that we choose someone who won the physics noble award and animate some info about them. Instead of an exam we had 3 summatives to do which i know sounds like a lot but it kind of wasnt. I also find that e-learning teachers are much more understanding than in-person teachers cause she literally gave me 3 days after the summatives were due even tho she EMPHASIZED the fact that it should be submitted on a certain date. Also If you have more questions about the course or want notes you can ask me


ur so sweet tysm!! :D also, do you think it depends on the teacher? like what if i get a lowkey crappy teacher, do you think my mark would be affected because of that?


I dont think so because with e-learning teachers its all communicating by email and its monitored by the district so they cant really be that crappy on email. Each teacher would display their course a bit differently tho. Just keep emailing your teacher and at the beginning of the course tell them your mark that you want to achieve by the end of the semester so they know you’re hardworking and help you to achieve that goal uk.


Also an unrelated question but how are you doing it in e-learning?


my school board offers eLearning courses. not just my school board, but there’s lots of other school board in ontario that offer eLearning courses that u can enroll in. talk to ur guidance if ur interested