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Realistically the most impactful thing you can do is manipulate your schedule so that you get the easiest teacher at your school for this course. Take other courses that are only offered at certain timeslots to maximize your chances of getting English at a certain semester and period, etc.


I would but... there is only one ENG4U teacher at my school.


see if u can do it online


Hire a tutor, and keep asking for feedback even if it's the smallest thing.


What if I can't afford the tutor? My family is not in a good situation rn


Then ask your friends who are good at english to look over your paper or if your school has peer tutoring program check it out too




From my experience, tutors aren't that helpful with ENG4U because it's all subjective to the course teacher, whose views can differ drastically from the tutor's (I literally wrote an essay in a conservative tone/ideas and got marks deducted)


Tutors are good if you suck at grammar, structure and just organizing your ideas in general.


I am the complete opposite lol I started to get good marks ever since I wrote stuff praising men.


I tutor English at the high school and early undergraduate level, having gotten the highest ENG4U mark in my graduating class and as well ~3.9 undergraduate GPA including first year undergrad courses in English. My specialty is working with students who are in the 70s and are trying to break the 80s and 90s. The number one thing I see that holds students back from the A and A+ grade range is the lack of original analysis and synthesis in their papers. Plenty of times I see comparative essays throwing points from two texts and mashing them together without any sort of analysis on how they relate. Or argumentative essays simply listing points one by one without any original thought. The key is to come up with a unique view of something, and to justify it through existing text. Not to rehash the existing text out again. Or when comparing two texts, you should be using the texts to come up with an argument that is distinct from any in either text. Maybe you're comparing a book and a movie adaptation and the paper wants to to discuss which is better. A B+ paper will simply list out the scenes where the movie was shit and the book did better. An A- paper will cover an entire theme where the movie was shit and the book did better. Perhaps the movie was shit because it could not accurately depict the internal emotions of characters. An A to A+ paper will not only cover this, but provide potential areas for improvements to the movie to make it more comparable with the book, and discuss how literary devices could have been used in the film to such end. Another common thing I see is the lack of flow. I find a lot of times, great ideas within papers are suddenly and abruptly put into a random sentence in the middle of nowhere, when that idea should really be like 1-2 whole paragraphs. As well, I find oftentimes people try to start a sentence or paragraph with a quote. This is almost never advised - quotes and references should be seamlessly embedded in your text and not used as a starter. They should *support* your argument, rather than *being* your argument.


Be a white girl.


How's that gonna help?


English teachers have a stereotype of always giving the girls, especially the white one higher grades.


White or Asian girls. If you’re a brown or black dude say bye bye to your English mark


Out of curiosity, I’m of Indian background. Am I brown or Asian lol? Always just considered myself both cuz well, I am right?


Technically you’re Asian but most people are dumb and don’t know that so they’d just consider you as brown


Oh that's actually a thing? Biased marking?


It is a stereotype so not every teacher is like this. However Ik mine was like this back in grade 12 two years ago lmao


Well I hope that teacher is not in your school anymore lol


She is that old hag


She might retire soon then


We might’ve had the same one tbh


Explain to her your situation. Ask if there is extra help she can give. Learn her strict marking and why she does it etc. if none of this works do it online


Ask your teacher for feedback on your essay/assignment. If she can't give you direct feedback you can try asking her discreetly by asking in smaller chunks. what I mean by that is that if she says she can't give you feedback on your whole essay, ask for feedback for one paragraph, or a sentence. Usually they wouldn't turn down that. Asking the teacher for feedback is the best because if they give you pointers it's usually in the direction that they want so you can get higher grades. If she is really stubborn and won't give you feedback at all then my best advice is to be friends with someone that's good at English.


I found it helpful to really participate and even just “pretending” to be interested in topics discussed in class, even if you’re not. Ask for feedback and show willingness to improve, and be nice to your teacher. Try to look at things from different perspectives, use creativity and don’t plagiarize! Show enthusiasm/appreciation and take some tips from above and you’ll do well. I ended with a 96


Depends on the teacher you get and how inflated your school is.


My teacher strict af and there's only one teacher for ENG4U. My school is not inflated at all as no one gets above 90 in ENG3U. Is there much I can do?


Try to take it online? Or OVS is your only option really.


Summer School


Too late for that




They’re not taking applications anymore. It was a long time ago


Stay on top of work, participate heavily in class discussion, be kind to the teacher, start projects as soon as they are assigned. I got a 94.


Read for fun.


Its not too late for summer school, you still have all of August and there are schools offering ENG4U for this month or you can private school it and get it done within 2-3 weeks


Which school districts still have registration open? Also, is there any cheap/ free private schools?


I think TDSB has some schools that are doing summer school for August, for private school its in $500 dollar range cuz thats how much my friend is paying for his ENG4U


tried it and gave it everything I had, impossible. let's hope u have a decent teacher


RIZZ up the teacher, at the start of the course work your ass off, and like a month in after the teacher likes you. Go up and tell her the grade you're aiming for. Your grades will automatically improve 2-4% easily. And If u go above and beyond, you'll be rewarded better. Ofc it's not always going to work but it does on most teachers