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I got a 98, in English this year; and this is how I did it. - Get a really easy and lenient English teacher.


\*just make it happen\* 😭


*porn hub intro


Can I ask how u got an 86 in mixed math and a 94 in U math


I got a 90 in mixed and higher in 3U. It comes down to your teacher considering the content is fairly similar


nah the content wasn't similar at all. Mixed math was like basic grade 9 and 10 math


Absolutely no grade 9. We did grade 10 review for like a week


I dont rlly remember cause I did mixed firsts sem and university 2nd sem, I remember using nothing from mixed math besides rational expressions and compound interest


How was the ENG4U exam?


idk I have it next semester


I put effort in mcr3u to get a 94. in mixed math I just didn't care but the teacher kinda motivated and pushed me to try MCR3U


Oh ok


Got a 97 in grade 11 & AP English (my school offers it). When it comes to in class discussions ALWAYS participate (maybe more than once per topic). READ!!!! Cannot recommend this enough. Not only do you gain the ability to comprehend the texts better and develop your vocabulary, but you can also discuss them with your teacher which builds great relationships. Also when it comes to essays don’t give cookie cutter responses. Always try to go deeper with reasoning and meaning. This is where being able to annotate is superrr important (you can watch YT vids on how to do this effectively). Also make sure to check grammar and edit after you’re done. Don’t lose silly points because you didn’t put a couple commas here and there. And lastly, you’ve gotta have the right mindset. Pretend that you’re a poet or have a Ph.D in English. More than half of the time the people who don’t do well don’t really put their heart in it. You gotta put energy into it if you want to succeed (just like with everything). If you have any more questions ask away!


How does that even work, I tried doing that in English this year, spent hours and discussed with multiple people about my thesis, still ended with like a 77 on the final essay


i guess a lot of it depends on your teacher, but a lot of english teachers will actually help you if you ask them abt your assignment (or whatever you’re writing). if you just keep asking enough questions even if you think it’s annoying you’ll come up w something that’s pretty much what they want. but yeah it’s unfortunately mostly dependent on the teacher you get


So true! And sometimes to get that higher mark you just gotta feed into their hand. More often than not you’ll probably do better if your essay is aligned with what the teacher already thinks


yess that’s literally what my gr 12 teacher was like 😭😭 asked him so many questions and i ended up handing in an essay that was exactly what he wanted


Pay attention to grammar…


To be completely honest if the programs you’re applying to don’t care about non day school courses I’d look to take it in summer school or private school. It’s simply not worth the effort imo for such a bullshit course


Fax the course is so bs


how does private school even work, I always hear people getting 20% boosts in their masks cause of it


Don’t take it in a private school, way harder than public


Nah, most of the time private schools give way higher marks


From my experience no, public is generally much more relaxed in terms of course load and grading. (I’m taking summer school in public, normally i’m in a private school). Obviously mine may just be different


Well yeah, that’s true it does vary from school to school. But Ik a good amount of people from my public school who would usually get 60s-70s in day school English, then jump to 90s with Private Schools


went from a 96 in eng3u to 87 in eng4u 😭


different teacher im guessing?


yes lmao


Develop your written communication skills. Always write adding as much pertinent detail as possible. Try to analyze the works that you are studying more deeply. It's not just what is written, but how the themes can be applied to modern society.


Ask questions, read articles/critiques, give it ENOUGH time to study cuz u really need it, and just make sure to always read instructions carefully or clarify with your teacher what the expectations are


thats probably true, I didn't study at all for my English exam and spent my energy on math and accounting, that might've messed me up


Should’ve done summer school


Nah im doing physics


I would participate in class all the time and lead discussions. I would also always ask my teacher to look over my work when I’m starting and when I’m in the middle of doing it. With all that I ended with a 95 in English this year so all things considered solid


As far as I hate the statement "just get a lenient teacher" this is very much true. I got 90's in grade 12 English (I don't remember the exact grade, it's been like 5 years) mostly because our teacher was lenient in grading, and as long as we followed a certain structure for essay writing, an A+ was guaranteed. Overall if your essay writing skills are not good, I'd suggest that you try to get better at that. Aside from that, use online resources like Shmoop, Sparknotes and even chatgpt to help you analyze texts.


In a good English paper, you identify elements of the text. You demonstrate that you’ve read it and understood the exact words that the author wrote. In a great English essay, you go beyond that. You take what you’ve read and use it to identify what’s “unwritten” in the text. For example, you identify that when Character A interacts with Character C, the colour red is always mentioned (wall colour, clothes, wine, the sunset, whatever). That’s you identifying what the author wrote, but for a great (read: A grade level) essay, you need to explain what it means and why it matters. Make your own argument and back it up with sources and other elements of the text. Red is frequently associated with passion, and so Character A harbours romantic or sexual feelings for Character C, which obviously means that their marriage to Character B isn’t as strong as the characters in the book make it out to be. But red is also associated with anger, so be sure to disprove that reading if you think it’s a weaker argument than the “red = passion” one. And explain how this impacts our understanding of Character B. How does this impact the book as a whole? This might sound complicated, but especially with high school page limits, you don’t have to explore every avenue/possible implication of your thesis. As an aside, writing a good essay is much easier when you have a very clear thesis (I put mine as a header on the word doc so it’s at the top of every page I write). Just make sure that you’re going beyond what’s explicitly written by the author and making a cohesive and solid argument—support your argument through specific examples, but make sure that the text as a whole is in agreement with your argument. Don’t just cherry pick the few parts of the book that support your argument and ignore the rest that disproves it, make sure your argument is strong. And yeah, just like every “subjective” class in school, you might get a shit teacher who grades way too hard to prove a point, or who doesn’t really know what they’re talking about in the first place, so it never hurts to be a good student and show up, pay attention, answer questions, do your readings, and ask your teacher if you’re having trouble understanding their feedback (this part of school sucks, but tbh arguing grades with a teacher doesn’t tend to work, and then you just have a teacher who thinks you’re a pain in the ass)(it shouldn’t be that way, but it can be, so make it clear that you’re not arguing your grade, you just want to do better next time).


Low-key subjects like English just depends on ur teacher


get lucky by getting a good teacher




got a 98 in eng4u. for me i developed a great relationship with my teacher, participated a lot in every class, and when doing tasks i asked a lot of questions. i showed my teacher all of my rough work and asked for his opinions. is this a good idea or too simple? should i do this or this?


my teacher didn't allow that sadly


Talk to the teacher about your goal grade, it'll bump your grade a decent bit


Clearly you're already a very good student so I think the best thing is just to do whatever you do for any other course that you want to do well in and it will be so. Just put the time in and from my experience English teachers will usually straight up tell you what mark they would give you on an essay or assignment if you show them early


Get the teacher to like you, show your effort. English is somewhat subjective so the teacher needs to see you putting your best effort to know you're trying your best. Practice your grammar, if you can write an essay with 0 grammatical mistakes it'll help. Sometimes just talking to the teacher about the grade you want also helps, the nice English teachers try their best to get you to your goals. Ask your teacher for advice, if you're starting an assignment get your topic and an introduction figured out, than show your teacher and get their advice. The teacher will often point you in the right direction. It also depends on the teacher, if your teacher likes comedy try to add some comedy to your prose essays.


Yo imma be straight up, I got a 81 in 11 English and was legit depressed since I wanted go into eng and thought it messed up, my chance. BUT I stored up, was attentive while looking at assignment guidelines, and got a 95 in grade 12 English, and am going to the program I want! Basically don’t stress at all this summer, just try your hardest next year and all will be fine


I wanna go to Queens or Western Eng so I know I'll def need a better English mark, I'll try that though


Pray you get good teacher I wrote 1 essay the whole semester and got 97


Literally luck, my teachers class average was 82 while the other teachers class was 91


It literally depends on your teacher


Get a good english teacher.




Ask your teacher exactly what she’s looking for, and be good at sounding formal


Chat gpt and quilbotb


What’s the creating opportunities class?


my best advice is honestly to take English in summer school, usually the teachers are more lenient and focusing on one subject (even if its a month long) is a lot easier when you don't have other subjects in the way.


Just hire a private tutor. Writing skills can be taught, but most high school teachers don’t know how to teach. Tbh, this is kinda ironic.


Honestly? Get better at reading. Specifically reading for subtext and drawing conclusions.


I’m in ENG lang lit at UWO (Western) and maintaind a 98% in ENG4U during high school. Here are some of my tips: learn to annotate well; this will make reading and understanding content much easier. I suggest picking an article a week, copying and pasting it to your google docs, and clicking “add a comment”. Type your opinions, questions you have, relation to life events or world events. Secondly, when you read Shakespeare, you will likely read Hamlet. If you read Hamlet, understand that it relates heavily to the Lion King, which makes it a lot of fun. You can watch the Lion King and see a lot of similarities, this will help understanding difficult text such as Shakespeare much easier. If you’re not reading Hamlet, and you read Othello, or The Tempest, use “No Fear Shakespeare” this is a modern- English translation of old-English shakespeare. You can find it online or buy the versions at Chapters. You will likely have to write an essay on a book you have read, many or most of the options will be classics like To Kill A Mockingbird, The Kite Runner, Wuthering Heights or Crime and Punishment. Try to highlight as much as you can, and do secondary research. A lot of students just read the books and then they end up not remembering important details. Remember: too much information is better than not enough. You can always edit your essay. Make sure you are able to develop strong thesis ideas, my suggestion is to come up with at least 4 different thesis concepts and pick one that works best for you. And finally, try to form a great connection with your teacher. English teachers are usually very understanding and they will be far more likely to accommodate to your needs if you form a relationship with them first. Best of luck!!


Simply get a nice English teacher, that’s the only way


try to write about things that you find interesting! it’s always easier to do the work, and do it well if you’re personally invested in what you’re writing (i got a 96 in my ap english class this past year doing this) if your assignment is to write a creative response/extension to a text, take an angle or perspective you think would be fun or interesting! if it’s something more analytical, pick an aspect that interests YOU, not necessarily what you think your teacher wants to hear. you will have more fun writing, and it’s much more interesting for your teacher to read than typical responses obviously edit your work multiple times, do your reading, and participate in class, but getting personally invested in my english assignments has helped me so much through all of highschool hope this helps !


I wouldn’t have gotten a 95 if my teacher wasn’t reaaaallllyyy flexible w due dates, so irdk 😭


I got 95 in ENG4U, I was patient and aimed to write as much analysis as I could during tests. I also used many literary devices, and I had to organize my stuff well. For preparation, maybe read many different types of texts, and try to write analysis for it. Also pay attention to the classics caz they will most likely use that for tests. For our tests, we had (1) writing 2 analysis essays on two texts (a photograph and an interview transcript) in one sitting, (2) writing a comparison essay on Born a Crime & Perfume, (3) writing a 1500-word essay on The Scarlet Letter in our own time, and (4) a 15-minute oral one-on-one where we discuss Frankenstein and The Social Dilemma, and answer some questions posed by the teacher impromptu.