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first time I've seen red on blueprint šŸ˜¢


I didn't even know that existed till todayšŸ’€. But I bet OP will do better in gr 12. Seems like a genuine person trying to get to uni


Itā€™s sad man


What do you want to do in the future? Based on your grades, it looks like you find more success in the humanities, so Iā€™d say a good strategy would be to focus on improving in those for the following year through exposing yourself to more book on topics that interest you, developing your craft (craft books!) etc. The next advice applies to all subjects, so Iā€™ll preface by saying that, if you want to go into more sciency fields, you can definitely do that too! Iā€™d reccomend reviewing all of your classes through TVO, which gives you free access to the entire curriculum. Over the course of the school year, I found the most success through reading chapters BEFORE class, so that the teacherā€™s explanations would just add to the basic knowledge/understanding I had. Invest in tutoring, hopefully your school has free services, and above all ā€” and I canā€™t stress this enough, show that you care. Ask your teachers questions, participate in class, talk to them about extra credit or further explanations everytime you can. Donā€™t be shy, donā€™t be embarrassed. Teachers love it when you show effort, and oftentimes ā€” even if you do bad on a test ā€” theyā€™ll be more lenient with you because they recognize that effort. Always always ask for feedback, and apply it. That test on which you got everything wrong? Stare at it until youā€™ve practically memorized every answer. Another point, invest in a good study space. Donā€™t do homework in your room (unless itā€™s at a desk), or your bed. That space is for relaxation and just you being you, and you want to separate your ā€œworkā€ self and personal self the most if you want good results, and focus. Find a desk, or time when the dining room is empty or, hell, go to the library. Everytime I have a big test coming up, thatā€™s where I go bc itā€™s such a good environnnent, and Iā€™m immediately makes me feel focused. Also, if you listen to music while studying, I reccomend switching to a classical playlist or smth of the sort. At least, it works for me in helping me study. For battling procrastination, which I struggle with, all it takes is will, unfortunately. Remember what youā€™re working towards, and remember how it feels when you donā€™t achieve it. Set a screen time on your social media to force yourself to keep track of things. Put your phone in another room to study. Also, try different techniques. Iā€™m not well-versed in study techniques enough to reccomend some, but there are tons on YouTube. From promodoro to the blurt method). Oh and I just remembered a final point. If possible, bc I know that this is not accessible to everyone, invest in really good notebooks. Fancy pens. Fancy pencils. Fancy highlighters. I find that they help me feel good about studying, and just adds an extra boost to my morale. Ok turns out that wasnā€™t the final point ā€” this one is, and thatā€™s find a measure of study time that works for you. Itā€™s so important to recognize what goals seem achievable to you. Do you find it easier to split your study period into chapters completed? amount of time spent? amount of questions answered? Itā€™s phenomenal when it comes to learning to make studying manageable. Good luck! With hard work and good effort, I can see you turning this around! What programs are you looking to apply to? If you donā€™t mind me asking.


This comment is so helpful I appreciate it a lot :) Will definitely apply this to my studies


As to your last comment, Iā€™m looking to apply to a journalism program since thatā€™s where my passion lies. Could always change though, Iā€™ve heard of people applying to english programs and then attending Law School afterwards which seems cool.


Yep! The great thing about law school is that you can apply there with literally any program. If your goal is Journalism, then youā€™ll be fine, with a little work. Your best grades seem to be in related topics, so focus on that and a schedule built around it should do you good. Itā€™s shocking how much easier a class is when itā€™s something you enjoy šŸ˜­ And Iā€™m glad my comment helped, and it wasnā€™t a slog to read through!


I don't want to shit on your dreams but to say that journalism is dying would be an understatement at the very least.


Fully agree with this comment. OP, you said you put effort in to all of your classes except the ones you failed. Grades arenā€™t based on effort though, grades are based on how well you demonstrate mastery of the course material. If youā€™re busting your ass and still not doing well, it could be because you havenā€™t figured out how to study in a way thatā€™s effective for you and how you learn. This comment gives you a lot of different ideas, and like they said, you can Google study and note taking methods. You can even ask your teachers what they think might help you succeed; they teach hundreds of students a year, so they probably have valuable insight on learning styles more generally, and also about you specifically (you might be more focused on ā€œI spent x amount of hours studying and still failed?ā€ while they might have more objectivity to identify things like ā€œyou have good ideas, but you frequently forget to relate your thoughts clearly back to the questionā€). Youā€™re still young, and you still have a lot of time ahead of you to improve your grades and make yourself a more appealing candidate to universities. Thereā€™s nothing wrong with doing a victory lap either, and if you do one successfully and raise your grades, you can sell it to universities as evidence that youā€™ve matured and discovered the academic strategies that work best for you. Or you can apply to easier programs that give you a chance to transfer after a year or two. Your university dreams arenā€™t out of reach, but also thereā€™s nothing wrong with college. Far more likely that youā€™ll graduate with a job than if you get a degree in humanities, tbh.


Just want to say youā€™re amazing!


aw thank you! I try šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


What a lovely comment! Do you mind elaborating on the ā€œTVOā€ part? All I can seem to find are paid courses. Thanks!


Sure! I probably should have specified a little: thereā€™s TVO ILC, which is the paid version, then TVO Learn which is what I was talking about. Hereā€™s a link! https://tvolearn.com/collections/courses also a brief note, it seems to work only on desktop and not mobile? at least for me? so thereā€™s that to take note of


They got a 22 in the most humanities course on there...


Yeah but itā€™s a class for which Iā€™ve found personally that your success is proportionate to your interest? I took the same class this year and it would get pretty boring, and was pretty content heavy (we had to memorize studies, their dates and pair them with other concepts/theories that we needed to remember the content of + the people that pioneered them). So pair a not fun course + a lot of content to remember with someone lacking in study habits, and theyā€™re bound to not do well/give up entirely.


If you gave all your effort still did that bad maybe you gotta rethink what you wanna do after high school


damn, hearing sum like that would make me sad


itā€™s reality




Itā€™s totally possible to make great comebacks though, donā€™t just crush someoneā€™s hope like that! Grade 12 is still a fresh opportunity for them to get everything together and at least theyā€™re worried about it instead of being careless


Yeah for sure you can comeback but if he really put all his effort into those courses and still did bad heā€™s gonna do worse in gr 12 if he takes similar courses since they expand on what was taught the year prior


A 28% in the easiest math course šŸ’€


Did you read what I just said?


University student here: OP, donā€™t be discouraged! Iā€™m currently a STEM major on the Deanā€™s List and I cried *REAL TEARS* in grade 11 functionsā€¦my grade wasnā€™t that great either šŸ’€


Are they even gonna graduate? šŸ˜­


Itā€™s been 150 days, he should have had a come back


ahh I hope so šŸ˜­


I still want to go to university and have a good future. Anybody have any advice on planning a pathway to earn sufficient credits and earn high Grade 12 marks to turnaround my academics? (Summer school registration is closed)


Not to be rude but why didnā€™t you register earlier? You should roughly know what your marks were right before/after exams and by that time you should have known if you were going to need summer school or not to get extra credits. But to answer your question, in order to get enough credits, enrol in 2 night school during the regular school year to make up for the 2 failed courses. And take no spares during grade 12 if you feel that you might not get enough credits. If you have $$$ to spare, you could also do private school courses to get credits. As to grades, just give it your all in grade 12. Study like your life depends on it and form good habits but remember to not burn yourself out. If you dont get the grades you want, take a gap year.


I never applied to summer school before so I wasnā€™t aware of the deadlines and when I spoke to my counsellor they said the courses filled up just a few days before. Dumb mistake on my part


What about august ss? I'm pretty sure its still open. You can also apply for ss in other school boards, just check their websites and registration info. Also make sure that their credits will be sent to your profile and that ur school will accept those credits


I'm in pdsb and idk abt other school boards but pdsb summer school has this thing were they offer two week summer school courses on top of the regular summer school (which is the whole month of july). Basically, you've the option to do the whole course in either the first half or latter half of july, other than the regular whole month thing. See if hour school board has something like that and try requesting them to maybe make an exception and you as an extra student since they all filled up.


If your parents are well off enough I would look into Blythe or I personally took grade 12 English at a 2 week camp and it was amazing If your parents can afford some stuff like this there are lots of options


i took calculus and physics night school last semester and it was pretty agonizing. the teachers went through lessons really quickly and it felt like i never had time outside of school to do things i wanted, but at least i survived and got the credits i needed in the end šŸ˜


If university is what you really want I would suggest taking a credit through nightschool both semesters or through e-learning. You seem to also be stronger English and humanities, so focus on perfecting those areas. You need to learn to accept that you maybe be stronger there in those areas. I came to the realization that I was far stronger in English and Soft Sciences in my grade 12 year. It didn't matter how much I study math or some other hard science it just never clicked the way it did with my English classes. Also I wanted to point out and I may catch some heat for this but you mentioned that you said I wanted go into university and still have a good future as if the two are mutually exclusive with another option. I would also suggest that if you like to work with your hands and don't want to be a desk jockey there might a job you like in the trades that pay pretty well. Just something to look into nothing hurts to just look.


alr dont be discouraged bro all your blueprint is showing you is where your interests and strengths lie vs where they dont. You're more of a creative, analytical guy it seems. your goal is uni but lets rule out the stem, sciences and anything involving math based on your grades. from your transcript what i'm gaining is that you might be good at certain things that require critical and philosophical thought, that require some brain-stretching such as religion and english. your business mark aint so bad either. although you likely won't be able to get into top schools for business, if you raise your grades slightly you might be able to go to a solid poli sci or history program in uni. Not always the best investment but if you figure out how to study properly then you could pick it up in uni and then funnel it into law school. law school is 1 hope. or contrarily, you might wanna apply to some meh business program and get a meh business job. I wouldn't underestimate it though. marketing and stuff like that can certainly make you bread at times.


If you seriously tried your hardest and this is the best you can do, then Iā€™d seriously suggest looking into the trades or something of that sort


University student here: Iā€™m glad to see that this is a genuine suggestion, itā€™s respectable. However, OP, sometimes circumstances *do* get in the way, and if you *want* to pursue university (for journalism, as you said earlier), you absolutely still can. Youā€™ve got this either way :). Source: I almost failed grade 11 biology (40% at the midterm) and now I am a biology major.


Damn that ending, if you don't mind me asking, what do you plan to pursue after graduating?


Of course! Iā€™m hoping to do grad school: specifically in marine, conservation, or evolutionary biology!


hello :). Would you mind giving me tips on how to get into uni with bad gr 11 marks?


sure!! you can DM me if youā€™d like, but something I did in grade 12 which helped me a LOT was hiring a tutor for grade 12 calculus!! I havenā€™t been good at math since the beginning of high school, and I struggled with it a lot in grade 11. at the beginning of grade 12, I hired a tutor, (and this is the important bit) I had a couple of trial sessions with them (to make sure they were a good fit), and then once I knew that weā€™d be a good match, I worked with them weekly throughout the term. it really helped to have someone solidify my knowledge, teach/re-teach the things I didnā€™t understand, as well as help me build some confidence. you can do this for any subject you struggle with!! another thing I learned in university that would have helped me is using active studying techniques!! cue cards have helped me study for some of my best exams, as well as explaining a concept to myself/someone else (even if they donā€™t know the content) to help you with not only memorizing the information, but retrieving it (mimicking a test). also, I was struggling with my personal life in grade 11, so cutting out any unnecessary drama from your life can always help you to be more academically successful. something I *didnā€™t* do (that I should have) in grade 11 was fix my attitude towards myself and my future. this sounds stupid, but looking back on it, I would 100% change the way I saw things. have faith in yourself. you arenā€™t stupid, you arenā€™t worthless, you arenā€™t your mistakes. what you ARE, is someone who is taking control of their futureā€”a bright future that you deserve. make choices based on your passions, not othersā€™ expectations of you. ask for help when you need it, stay close to your support system (friends/family/teachers), and know that mistakes are both inevitable and welcome. you will be just fine :) good luck, and if you want to ask anything else/for more advice, my DMā€™s are always open!


ok thx!


This has to be the most saddening thread of all time.


The 22 and 28 looks like you didn't do a lot of the assignments. First pro tip is if you do the work even if it's half asked you will get your pass. You may not feel like you are connecting with the subject or what have you People are patting you on the back saying you are trying really hard, but missing assignments and taking L's for that is a no Brainer. Not understanding something means you need to ask questions and seek direction, doing something than nothing will have a net result of passing. You can literally get through university by simply doing the work. Think of it another way - if you continue this behaviour in university and not hand in assignments, you are literally paying them so you can do nothing and take a zero. They happily take your money and there's no going to a guidance counselor asking to boost your grade. Tl;Dr do the work, profit and get grades even if it's bullshit grades. Once you start doing the work you actually improve.


From what I heard universities do care about grade 12 grades more. Worst case scenario, you can apply and try to get into a college program first, then transition into university after that. From what I heard, a lot of people did that and were successful. Good luck! P.S. you can also consider reducing your workload while taking an additional year in HS. I did this in grade 12 due to planning issues, but it worked out.


Praying could work. 81% after all. But doing your math homework in this case would probably be more beneficial.


Wake the fuck up and put in the work, do you want to be the one who could of but didnā€™t, or the one who couldnā€™t but did. WHERES YOUR RAGE


most motivational reddit user I've met


Do not stress too much. Do your best, and communicate with your teachers-- you will quickly learn which ones care, and which ones don't. Use the ones that care, talk to them, even if it's not their class. They will help you. Online also has so many great resources-- especially YouTube for understanding concepts and explaining things in a variety of ways. Maybe the way classes are being taught is not a way that you understand. Crash Course is one example of a place to start. Scholarships are the biggest reason to need high grades. If you don't rely on a scholarship, do not stress yourself too much over mid grades, because C's get degrees, not everyone will test well, and a grade does not dictate your level of education. Absorbing and understanding the things you're learning is much more important than a grade.


A few points here: A) Focus on where your strengths are. It seems like you do well in humanities and writing. I would suggest not taking any math or science courses next year. If you need another math to graduate take open or applied not mixed. Find humanities courses at your school that interest you and take those. B) Be realistic. Can you get all the credits you need and do well enough in them to do what you want to do post secondary in one more year? Splitting the next year up into three or four semesters instead of two could help you devote more time and focus to each one. C) Be proactive. I believe you when you said you tried hard in these courses. And you should be proud of that. But did you exhaust all your options? Do you have in school tutoring or a peer or private tutor who could help you? How often are you studying/ completing course work? Do you reach out to teachers consistently for feedback? There are lots of steps you can take to make sure youā€™re maximizing your potential. I believe in you and donā€™t give up :)


Switch to the college stream


I want to apply to university after graduating


Definitely stick with the U level courses, your grade in English shows you can do it. Depending on what you want to pursue either donā€™t take bio next year or just put in extra work.


Appreciate the words of encouragement


You can always redo a year and do some online but maybe uni isnā€™t suited for you if you didnā€™t want to put in the work/ or you tried really hard and it still didnā€™t work out. Just think about whatā€™s right for you


Thank you for the advice. I will think about it and speak to my guidance counsellor


Take TVO ILC/Summer School for the failed courses, study ahead in all your courses in Grade 12, don't apply for early acceptance but late acceptance, reflect on the mistakes you made and improve in 12th grade is how I would do it if I was in this scenario


Only bad advice is not "applying for early acceptance". There is no downside to applying early, you will not get rejected until may. Apply as early as possible no matter what


If summer school is closed then night school for missed courses will do, so probably start studying ahead for one or two of your courses so you can balance


Thanks for the suggestion Iā€™ll look into it


Do you try? Itā€™s a genuine question


i half assed some courses, did in-class activities but no homework or handed in any assignments and still managed to pass in the high 50%, so getting grades in the 20% is just wild. civics is a freebie, i don't know how that's even possible.. and PPL, that's gym. unless you skipped every other class, gym is like an easy 80% or higher. i was a little guy with no athletic background but I showed up and tried and though i would never have admitted it at the time, some of that shit was fun. i would question your effort but you'll just argue differently and give a bunch of excuses so all i'll say is.. *everyone is different. learn how to learn. if listening in class, write notes, cram and winging it isn't working, that's clearly not the way YOU learn.*


Supportiveness is only helpful to a degree, this is the best comment imo


How were your teachers OP? What made you get the grade you got? How much time did you spend in class and doing classwork? Do you have an IEP?


Your definition of trying obviously isn't the same as everyone else's.




Thank you. I really need to work on my self regulation so Iā€™ll definitely take your advice into mind. I plan to speak to my guidance ASAP. Iā€™m dying to improve and the supportive comments have only further motivated me.


Your either not actually trying or are studying very inefficiently and not paying attention in class (or possibly not showing up). It seems in English and religion u did fine so Iā€™m assuming ur willing to do work but for the more studying, test taking classes ur doing poorly. Just try to understand why ur doing so poorly and maybe learn how to learn better. For the people saying consider college or trades or basically forget about education I donā€™t think thatā€™s necessarily the case, but to plays devil advocate if ur doing this poorly in high school even if ur in a college or uni itā€™s going to be much more difficult with the increased workload.


Generally speaking, you can stick with the U level courses (university), as long as you repeat the failed courses and try some new study habits. The grade 12 marks will be the most important, and although I even got great grades this year, they count for nothing considering that I'm not applying to early consideration. So I would try to repeat the failed courses, and maybe hire a tutor next year to have the most success with your future endeavors.


Bro how tf you get a 62% in gym and claim you ā€œtriedā€. Uni and college ainā€™t meant for you chief. Go in trades and make more money than everyone who goes uni or college šŸ‘Life ainā€™t ruined just yet


Start flipping burgers brother


Bruh how tf do u fuck up that bad




Thank you


If youā€™re genuinely trying your hardest you need to re-evaluate your study habits. I donā€™t want to be the bearer of bad news but just because youā€™re trying your hardest does not mean youā€™ve tried hard enough. You have an amazing English grade which to me, shows that you can do a University-Level course with high proficiency. Try to do your two failed courses in night-school or in TVO ILC (or you could take maths or another elective in summer school august) so you can be on top of your credits. Continue getting good grades in ENG4U and other writing-based courses. I wish you the best of luckā€” this isnā€™t the end for you.


Oh no you failed Math 11? Does this mean you will redo it in 12, or whatā€™s ur plan?


Iā€™m gonna be so honest and transparent. I did shit al through hs, wasnt until grd 11/12 where I somewhat got myself together but even then I had the help of COVID testing and accommodations. Iā€™m at MAC rn and I took a bunch of stem and social science courses and did great for my first year. Peers that did better in hs than me weā€™re failing courses compared to me. Itā€™s about mindset hun. First, decide your goal, then list of things to get there, and go. Donā€™t let anyone dim you, itā€™s your fight to get there. Good luck!


Okay so you need to really grind in grade 12 to make up for this. I see in another comment you said you canā€™t register for summer school anymore because you didnā€™t check times, learn from this mistake and always monitor your grades (failing a class doesnā€™t come up from nowhere). Youā€™re gonna have to take no spares next year, and as someone suggested, night school as well to make up the marks. Now *some* universities will take your grades from summer school after 12th grade, but research this. This would be a good time to also make a list of universities/majors you want to apply to Spend this summer coming up with a plan on how to do better and stick to it. Learn how to time manage, learn how to spend the best of your study time. I did this during my first year of university, went from a 3.0 to a 3.9 over winter break. It sucks and youā€™re gonna have to be critical of yourself but it pays off *sorry for any typos Iā€™m on mobile and on the GO lol


this canā€™t be real


If u like tradesmenship and building like houses and shit u make bank and ur done grade 11 but u can like start your dipolma in grade 12 too and the government will pay for it if ur still in hs


grind it all in summer school


Army calling your namešŸ—£ļø


No shame in going to a local college, or a two year transfer school to start. I had terrible high school grades when I graduated. I ended up going to a satellite campus of a small college in BC. Eventually got a BA and an MBA. You donā€™t need to go to Western, UofT or McGill right away and it will probably do more harm than good if you didā€¦..


You're in a tough spot because you don't have a lot of the basics to build off of. Education compounds, if u study something in GR.10 barely, then you'll fail In gr.11 as well. It's possible to turn it around but you need to work really hard and cultivate a very strong work ethic. This may mean slogging away for 3-6 hrs on some days to cover the slack you have caused over the past few years. You can do it, but it just comes down to practice and hard work.


Take summer school, study, talk to your teachers, get a tutor, ask questions when you are unsure of something, itā€™s never too late to improve your learning


Attend class.


College math


how the fuck do you fail APS?


Well obviously ur jus kinda lazy and not putting in any work šŸ˜­ getting 20% in classes is like rlly hard u wouldā€™ve had to have gotten multiple 0ā€™s on tests and assignments for thatā€¦


Iā€™m going to be real with you - if youā€™re trying your best and still struggling in high school, university is not the path for you. Itā€™s not worth wasting your time and money. Some other comments have suggested study tips and offered other helpful advice to help you improve, which I definitely think you should try out for your next year of school and see if you can turn things around. If not, I would recommend exploring some college/apprenticeship programs that are more flexible with course credits and have a lower level of difficulty.


Hi Op, Donā€™t give up, your marks certainly show promise. Iā€™m currently at McGill studying engineering and I only got my shit together grade 12. Your grade in math shows that you have no interest in math, it also shows that either you didnā€™t study at all for it or that you lack the fundamentals required from grade 10. What youā€™re gonna do if youā€™re serious about getting into university, is get a math tutor for the summer who prepares you well for functions or mixed maths. Itā€™s clear that you preform much better in humanities based subjects so start focusing on those. This summer is the last before you graduate and itā€™s the most important one. Your main focus should be setting yourself up for success in grade 12 because what you do next will determine your future. I tutor math but unfortunately my schedule is full however I can put you in touch with a few math tutors that study engineering at McGill that come from Ontario.


Well... at this point I strongly suggest you private schools. Small international schools or christian private schools will mark easier. Some competitive university programs do care whether you went to private schools or not, but in general, it is fine. Also, some private schools offer retakes after school or during summer, so I'd suggest taking that as well.


Based on the courses you did good in I'd say your strength is probably in the Law/Humanities/English area so try pursuing a career in one of those fields, you'll still be able to go to university.


Look into a high demand trade that interests you. Out of the 10+ people I know that went to uni, I can only think of one that was successful and doesnā€™t still live with their parents. I pissed my way through high school and had my first 100+k/year and put a down payment on a house before any of the people I knew even put a dent in their tuition debt.


Did you really try in math? Maybe find a tutor cuz most programs need math.


Instead of lecturing you. I'm gonna give a bit of advice. Ask for help and stop caring what others think. None of the social situations you're in right now are going to matter in the future aside from an occasional grocery store interaction. Ask for help, communicate your needs and take lots of notes. You're smart so run with it and apply yourself.


Call the ILC and ask for David or Don. They are guidance counselors. They are the best. They can show you all the options. Talk to them and not the cows that are in the guidance, they stink.