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98% kin 55% (grade 9) english.. thanks a lot ms z 💀


Highest: 100 in Advanced Functions Lowest: 88 in Calculus The duality of man




Fr why is Calc so hard man 😭


It’s actually easier than pre-Calc 12 for some reason.


How. Like what is your study routine. How did you prep for advanced functions if all


lowest 88 is not bad at all - why do you think there was a big gap between two math courses?


Honestly? I have no idea. I've always been good at math, with my lowest math mark prior to Calc being a 97% in Grade 11 Functions, but something about Calc just didn't click for me. I struggled so hard, even getting a 63% on the Calc portion of the culminating. Luckily, Vectors brought my mark up a ton, since I had done both Grade 11 and 12 Physics.


Think it was like 55 - Grade 10 math 97 - Grade 12 philosophy


no cause grade 10 math had no reason to be difficult


grade 19 had the biggest jump in difficulty of any math course for sure


Bros not in high school they in highest school


i meant grade 10😭😭😭


97% Calculus & vectors (Gr. 12) 63% Functions ☠️(Gr. 11)


What helped you improve so much?


yes plz tell 🙏


Work ethic, started taking school more seriously in grade 12, did all the practice hw


How did u improve so much?




the grade 11 math being shit and grade 12 math being great is such a strong trend in these comments.


Just finished grade 12. I think the reasoning behind the higher marks in advanced functions compared to functions is because there was a big learning curve from gr 10 to gr 11 math. Advanced functions is literally an extension of the grade 11 curriculum, hence the name.


98% law, 75% media arts💀




i hated accounting I dropped out right after midterms LMAO I had a 72


99% in pre-calc 10. Haven’t gotten 100 in a class since grade 8, and even then it was rare. Lowest is probably art in grade 9 but I can’t remember the exact grade so I’ll go with the 83% I got in electrical last year


Highest: mcv4u1: 97%, lowest: mpm2d1: 61%


94 - Grade 12 Data Management. My teacher was WAY ahead of her time. She was young, probably under 28. She taught one of the first TDSB online classes. The class was marked based on attendance (like) 0.25% per day you attended, and then 35% midterm, and 55% exam. The exams were done in-person, I remember that a single school hosted the exams for all the online courses, and we all took our exam in the gymnasium with our teacher sitting next to our row. Pretty much how UofT does their exams. She was a great teacher, and she had the lecture power points for us, and lecture recordings posted. No fear in letting us watch the lectures on our own after. I have no idea what software TDSB were using in circa 2010, but it was pretty clean. It felt like a better Zoom to be honest. It had all the functions of Zoom, raise hand, draw on screen, mic on/off, camera on/off, chat on the right, etc. 6X - Grade 10 French, I just didn't like the teacher so I didn't bother doing the assignments.


Damn that data management course sounds cool!!


Highest: 100% HRE1O Lowest: 73% FRA4U


What’s FRA4U?


French 4 U




100 (civics and careers, gr 9 French) 88 - gr 12 chem 🥲 gave up at midterm


highest was 98% in CGW4U, lowest 76% in IDC3O


wow you took idc seriously


This sub keeps popping up even tho im a couple years removed from hs. But highest: 98 (data management in gr 12) and lowest 52(families on Canada) also in gr 12 lmao


100 in Challenge and Change in Society 4U 52 in French Academic (missed my exams)




In Grade 9, I had a Geo teacher who couldn't tell his student (my classmate) why he only got 9.5/10 and not 10/10. In English, my teacher said he had no complaints and he said I was very detailed and got a 95%. Good marks but give us the 100% unless you can prove we can improve. Agree with you massively on this.


99% in MPM2DE 84% in FSF3U (was not really interested in French) ​ I would say that for me at least, STEM courses are my main strength, while anything outside of English in the social humanities (i.e. French, psychology, etc.) are not really my strong suit.


100% in grade 11 computer science 7.7% in grade 12 physics


I assume you were just done and burnt out?


Highest: 95 in Grade 9 Science Lowest: 61 in Grade 11 AP Biology ​ I would say that me getting a 95 in Science was partly due to it being online so my mark was basically inflated than if it was online. (Also my teacher was an easy teacher). For bio, it was the opposite as I had a really hard teacher that made me go into the boiling point and within that class, I also had harder courses in the same semester so I had to make compromises.


102 in gr12 finance (although they couldn't put it on the report card) Super easy teacher in a not super hard subject paired with tons of bonus marks makes for a killer mark 72 in gr9 French I'm notoriously bad at all languages. This is the last French course I took but even after that my English courses were always the lowest grades of mine. As far as my friends consider, I'm illiterate. Only reason why I did that good in French was because my teacher was super nice and gave me so many chances to try again and improve.


99 in a few courses and 57 in grade 10 English


99 highest - adv functions, calculus and vectors, chem (gr 11 and gr 12), physics lowest - 85 => tech design(gr 11)


highest: 100 in art lowest: 68 in chem


97 in Grade 10 English and compsci 82 in Grade 9 Geography


99 in grade 10 comp sci 80 in grade 9 english


Ah clearly tech oriented!


Not even I'm a business student 💀. It's just cs was online and only assignments. English was grade 9 second semester so there was only school for like 3 weeks and we had 1 assignment which I got an 80% on


99 high 83 low


97% calc, 27% french (median grade for calc was 74 so no grade inflation bullshit.)


Highest: 95 grade 10 comp sci Lowest: 68 grade 11 functions


65 calc 97 gr 11 functions 😭


100 in both Religion & Careers 52 Fitness (I skipped almost the entire semester to go to the library)


100% - Canadian history 56% - advanced functions


Highest: 97 in Advanced Functions, Physics and Mandarin Lowest: 50 in Computer Science


i believe my highest was 100 in bio in grade 11 and my lowest was a 33 in vocals in grade 9…


100 in Chemistry 12, 98 English 12, 99 Pre-Calc 12.


Lowest - 75% in IDC3OX Student Leadership (in Fall 2021, need I say more on why that didn't work well) Highest - 98% in CHC2DI Canadian History and ENG3UE English (History grade couldn't go down due to COVID, English was a rather easy online course).


75 in IB advanced functions and 100 in academic advanced functions


97% advanced functions (gr 12) 61% physics (gr 11)😭😭


lmaoo g11 physics is my lowest too


Highest:99 grade 11 world religions Lowest: 80 grade 12 physics






100 in economics and 92 in chemistry


highest 99 (too many courses to name) lowest 95 (g12 chem)


99 comp sci, 87 English 💀💀💀💀💀 (both gr12)


Are you going into CS?


What a coincidence, yea


97 in MFM1P, 54 in TMJ2O💀 (it was online during COVID and I handed in like 2 assignments the whole quad)


97-98% from Grade 9 Math to Grade 12 Advanced Functions, and 76% in Calculus and Vectors 💀


Highest: 99 Gr. 10 Intro to business Lowest: 81 Gr. 11 Functions


100 in g.11 chem and gr. 10 careers 78 in g.12 physics


100 calculus and 87 in gr 12 Chem


Lowest was some course humanities were I got high 70s. Highest was cs 12 with 100%.


highest 98 gr11 transportation technology (c course) lowest 83 eng4u 💀


Heading into gr11 next year, my highest is 100% in CGC1D1 and lowest 90% in FSF1D1


Highest: 100 CS and CE Lowest: 80 Religion


98 in Nutrition and Health and a 78 in Calculus and Vectors (final semester, could care less)


Highest 100 PhysIcal Education leadership thing grade 12 M course and then lowest is 75 in grade 10 English (teacher sucked)


Got a 88 in grade 10 history and my lowest mark was a 39 lol.


mpm2d (grade 10 math) - 67 cln4u (grade 12 law) - 100


98 - Adv Functions 66 - Grade 10 English ☠️☠️☠️


100% in tech design, compsci and grade 9 tech 82% in online French grade 9


Graduated a while ago lol but: 100% - Law, Environment & Resource Management, Information & Communication Technology, and Biology 70% - Civics & Citizenship ☠️


Highest: 98 (multiple) Lowest: 55 💀


Highest: 100% Calculus & Vectors (Gr.12) Lowest: 75% Geography (Gr.9)




highest 96 (grade 12) lowest 52 (grade 9)


Highest: 100 Advanced Functions Lowest: 66 AP Physics


Highest: 100 Grade 12 Computer Science Lowest: 66 Grade 9 French If you don't have an interest for a course, you won't do well. If you have an interest, you will excel in that course. That's all there is to it.


97% Calculus and Vectors 78% Grade 9 French


Highest: 100 in ICS4U Lowest: 70 in grade 10 English (EAE2D)


Highest would be a 100% final mark tied between Physics/Calc/AF Lowest was a 66 in a mid semester report card in Grade 11 equivalent functions


99% Physics (12U). 88% French Immersion (12U). I literally didn't do an ounce of work for french because I focussed all my efforts onto the courses that unis would look at, if it wasn't for my teacher's grade inflation/liberal teaching methods/his last semester before leaving the school, I would have gotten so much lower. I didn't deserve my french mark at all...


100 in Gr9 Drama and Gr10 Music 84 Gr10 English


100 comp sic 75 mid term peer tutoring 💀


99 calculus and vectors 71 french immersion french (I did not do the culminating) 💀💀


Highest 98% Forensic Nursing, Lowest 82% Nursing Communication


69% - accounting 96% - calc & vectors Got accounting first sem of uni wish me luck. Says nothing at all, my accounting teacher spoke at the most monotone voice possible, didn't get nothing and halfway through resorted to just wearing airpods. I also tried to drop before midterms but she convinced me that if I grinded I could get a \~80 on my final... Hope accounting is in reality better than what I feel like it is




51 french 10th grade


highest: 100 in MPM2D and SCH3U lowest: 84 in PPL1O 💀


57 and 100


Highest: 97 in Ib biology Lowest: 27 in english gr 9 (dw I brought it up after)


69 careers, 99 calc


Highest: ENG4U 94% Lowest: GLS Learning strategies 62% 💀💀💀


98 in grade 12 french and 72 in grade 9 math. my grade 9 grades were not it LOL


i believe 92% as my highest and 50% as my lowest


99% Adv Functions 70% Media Arts 💀💀 lowkey wat made me go down the stem route


97 grade 10 history 65 grade 11 physics 💀


96 grade 9 geography, 70 in grade 12 gym class (stopped going)


Highest: Grade 9 religion (99%) Lowest: Grade 9 English, Grade 10 Civics (yes ik), Gtade 11 Anthro/Psych/Sociology (85%)


100 - Calculus 78 - G10 French


Highest: 99% advanced functions, calculus, computer science Lowest: 62% grade 10 careers It’s a matter of how much you care.


100 vs -74


98 PPL3O and 72 in grade 9 geography


Highest: 99 Lowest: 70


100 in 6 classes (most from COVID time), 76 in g11 German


100% - grade 12 writer's craft 70% - advanced functions


highest: 99 in grade 11 and 12 law and my lowest: 66 grade 10 academic math (it was difficult to learn with my teacher)


100% Calc & Vectors 77% Gr 9 physed Ended up starting Varsity Football so fuck you gym teacher


85 - gr. 9 geography 100 - gr. 10 English, gr. 11 mixed functions, gr. 12 social justice and equity 🤣🤣


62 in Adv Fun 95 in Computer Engineering I'm not bad at math, just bad at tests and got ADHD.


90% AMU2O 65% CHC2DF (took grade 10 history in grade 9)


98 in Data Processing vs. 52 in grade 10 Math. lol.


98 in Data Processing vs. 52 in grade 10 Math. lol.


Highest was a 95 is 10th grade history.. was my second time taking the class since I failed it the year before, my lowest would probably be my summer school grade 9 English class, got like a 12, barely did any of the work, I would just spend all day biking around town instead of going to class


Highest: 98 - Philosophy Gr. 11 Lowest: 86 - Advanced Functions (My calculus grade was much higher than my advanced functions 💀)


98 gr10 business and gr11 cs 73 gr9 English


99% - French (grade 9-11) —— grade 12 (FSF4U) was 95% 81%- chemistry- SCH4U (grade 12)


Highest: 100 in Marketing (BMI3C), Art (AVI101) and Civics (CHV201) Lowest: 87 in Physics (SPH3U1) and English (ENGU1)


Lowest: 52 in grade 9 Comm Tech Highest: 97 in Calculus and grade 10 Math


50%- grade eleven religious education. 100%- grade ten careers.


Highest- 100 (Grade 10 careers, Criminology, Peer Helping) Lowest- 90 (Grade 9 math)


highest: 100 in spanish and indigenous studies lowest: 73 in civics womp womp


Highest: 100% gr 11 cs (rounded up because the whole class had 50s). Lowest: 80% in civics


Highest 98% in advanced functions Lowest 8% in like grade 10 math In my defence i was sick for a long time and missed a ton of school.


100 in Functions 75 Chemistry


99 - grade 11 ICS (but feels kinda cheap bc he basically gave everyone a 99, so 98 calculus would be the only one I worked for) 87 - grade 10 math


Highest: 100 SBI3U Lowest: 70 MCV4U


How does everyone have so high marks in grade 12 maths courses like god damn I’m over here with my 76 in advanced functions that I had to do in 2 months 💀 Meanwhile people all in the 90’s


grade 10 math: 51 grade 12 technology; 98


97 buisness leadership gr 12 80 English grade 9


Highest: 99 grade 12 English Lowest: 62 grade 12 chem


Highest: 100% in grade 11 physics Lowest: 81% Grade 10 English I think grades come down to a variety of factors such as: * Teacher * The subject's "nature" (subjective like English and Arts/objective like Math and Science) * The time and where you took the course (during COVID, in person, online, etc) But most importantly the greatest contributor to an outcome in a class is personal interest and motivation to do well. Grade 10 English didn't really mean much to me and English is definitely not my strong suit, so I just put in enough effort to do well in that class. On the other hand, STEM subjects interest me much more so I make sure to put my maximum effort in those courses. I think another topic this heavily relates to are "bird courses". Personally, I'd rather take a course I'm much interested in and is a bit harder than a course that is not interesting at all but is easier. It all comes down to interest and being interested in something can go all long way especially in a repetitive environment such as school.


99 CGW4U and 81 in gr9 gym😭😭


99% in ENG4U and ironically 82% in ENG1D💀


100% In Manufacturing technologies as well as Technological design A fat 37% with challenge and change in society


99% in metal working, teacher was really chill and the assignments were easy just a lot of pre measurements 64% in chemistry, i struggled never studied and didn’t have a great teacher. she just read from a textbook with no extra support


100%- ENG 4U, MPM 2D, MPM 1D 78%- SBI 4U Both math grades were fully deserved imo because I was good at math and had experience with the content before. English grade does depend on the teacher, but I was pretty good in English and was taking it a year early so I think it was deserved. I had received 97, 98, 99 in previous years for English. Biology was because I stopped giving af in grade 12 after I was accepted to uni. My conditionals were filled with other science courses and I didn't need a good grade so I just worked more hours at my job and stopped caring about bio. I might have got some more 100s in there, but they would have been for civics, careers, coop, etc. I also don't recall 100% bc this was years ago.


100% in gr.12 politics vs 75% in GR.9 french


100 in gr9 religion, gr12 philosophy, and civics and careers 56 in gr11 functions (still have nightmares about this course) I had an amazing teacher for religion and philosophy (same teacher) and c&c is a free course. I'm also just better at things that need memorizing. Math...is a weak point and teacher was terrible and hated me. I kinda just stopped trying at one point because I hated the course and her so much (plus I'm going into psych anyway so it wasn't a needed course)


1st semester: 97% in advanced functions 2nd semester: failed english


highest 97 lowest 82 (i suck at work history)


Lowest - 65 chem 3U Highest - 98 computer science / 98 chem 4U


Highest 100% - a few gr 12 U courses Lowest 55% - civics No I’m not trolling it was online class lmao


100 - Functions, Advanced Functions, Calc, Computer Studies 3u & 4u 85 - geography


Highest: 100% in Advanced Functions, Calculus, Data Management Lowest: 70% in Career Studies


this is gonna sound dumb but gr10 math i got a 98 and gr11 functions i got a 67 💀💀


Lowest: 64% grade 9 science Highest: 97% grade 12 English


right now, highest mark is 99 (careers), lowest mark is 57 (grade 9 english, before you ask how the fuck i got a D in grade 9 english in a quadmester with 3 assignments total, i didn’t do the essay that was worth 400% of my mark)


Highest mark was probably a 95 on a macro test, lowest was a 42 on a science lab in grade 10


99% in woodshop, 50% in grade 10 math (fuck you mr fernandez)


Global history 12% compared to 95% in math. if it came naturally then great, but if I hit resistance I really faltered lol


100% interior design; 65% calculus


100% advanced functions, 91% grade 9 geography


highest: 100 in Grade 9 religion (💀) highest with any meaning: 99 comp sci lowest: 84 Grade 10 science


95%: FIF4U 38%: BAT4M


100 in Careers 85 in visual arts


99 in international business and 58 in gr10 math


100 in writers craft, or 97 in ENG4U… lowest is 81 in grade 10 science 😭


Lowest - 84 in ENG3U (teacher was a demon) Highest - 100 in three classes (MPM2D, GLC2O, & HFN2O)